About AKA - University of Windsor

AGGARWAL, Akshai, K.,
The Faculty of Science, University of Windsor Teaching
Score Award for the highest weighted mean teaching
score, for classes of over 100 students, over all courses
taught in the Summer 2005, Fall 2005 and Winter 2006
University of Windsor Alumni Award for Distinguished
Contributions to University Teaching, 2006
OPUS Supporting Faculty Award 2006
The Faculty of Science, University of Windsor Teaching
Score Award for the highest weighted mean teaching
score, for classes of over 100 students, over all courses
taught in the Summer 2004, Fall 2004 and Winter 2005
OPUS Faculty Award 2005
The Faculty of Science, University of Windsor
Performance Award 2004 for outstanding contribution in
terms of overall performance in the areas of research,
teaching and service
The Faculty of Science, University of Windsor Teaching
Score Award for the highest weighted mean teaching
score, for classes of over 100 students, over all courses
taught in the Summer 2003, Fall 2003 and Winter 2004
The Faculty of Science, University of Windsor Teaching
Award for the highest weighted mean score for larger
classes, in 2002; consistently excellent grades for
I.E.E.E. Millenium Medal
His Excellency the Governor of Gujarat State’s Nominee
on the Senate of Gujarat University 1998 –2003.
IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor Award 1997.
Fellowship of I.E.T.E
National TTT (University teaching) Fellowship,
M.S.University (3 years)
National Merit Fellowship at PEC, Punjab University (4
Completed: 51 Master’s, 1 Doctorate
In progress: 5 Master’s and 4 doctorate students
NAMES OF Grad STUDENTS at Windsor, who have completed their thesis:
Arshad Shaikh, “User Authentication In Distributed Computing using Proactive
Two-Party Signatures” 2000-2003
Gan Xinyu,” A Hybrid Load Balancing Algorithm for Coarse Grained
Applications”, 2001-2003
Jun Wei, “Bottleneck Bandwidth Measurement Using PATH Algorithm”, 2001- 2003
Xiaoguang Wang,” Efficient Signature System using Optimized Elliptic Curve
Cryptosystem over GF(2n)”, 2002-2004
Zhiying Du,” LBSIM: A Simulation System for Dynamic Load-Balancing
Algorithms for Distributed Systems”, 2002-2004
Aniruddha Bharadwaj,” Active Congestion Control Using Available
Bandwidth-based Congestion Detection”, 2002-2004
Lu Xin,” PoissonProb: A New Rate-based Available Bandwidth Measurement
Algorithm”, 2003- 2005
Recent Invited Talks:
“Grid Computing: 2011-2020 – Beyond the Beginnings”, Plenary Lecture, WSEAS International
MultiConference, Buenos Aires, March 1, 2005
“ Computer Crimes: An Introduction”, An invited talk to the students of 57-201 Introduction to
Forensic Science, December 8, 2004
“From the Factory Floor towards Computational Grids: Progress of Schedulers”, Plenary
Lecture, WSEAS International MultiConference, September 13, 2004
“Computing in Mineral Technologies: the perspective of the High Performance and Grid
Computing Research Group, University of Windsor”, Regional Research Lab, Bhubaneshwar,
May 12, 2004
“Security Policies: Outsourcing Managed Security”, INFOSEC 2004, May 7, 2004
“Sender-end Exstimation of Bottleneck Bandwidth”, IEEE Gujarat Section, June 2003
“Performance Measurement on a Grid”, Sharcnet Seminar, Mar. 21, 2003
“Beowulf Class Supercomputers: Design Aspects”, Sharcnet Seminar,
“Beowulf Class Supercomputers: Part I”, Sharcnet Seminar, Nov.
Mar. 15, 2002
23, 2001
Scholarly and Professional Activities:
Member, Technical Program Committee, ICC 2007 Computer and Communications Network
Security Symposium
Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE Globecom – 2006 – Network Security Systems
Member of IEEE Technical Committee on Communication Security
Member, Program Committee, First International Symposium on Grid Computing, High Performance
and Distributed Applications, 29th Oct- 3 Nov 2006
Co-Chair, Publicity, 6th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applications
(ISDA-2006), Jinan, China
Member, Program Committee, Third Workshop on High Performance Grid Computing (HPGC '06:
http://www.cs.unb.ca/profs/aubanel/hpgc/) in conjunction with the 19th International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS '2006) to be held in Rhodes, Greece, April 25-29, 2006
Member, Scientific Committee 5th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems,
Electronics, Control and Signal Processing, Nov 1-3 2006
Member, Program Committee, 8th International Conference on Information Technology,
Bhubaneshwar, Dec 20-23, 2005
Invited to Microsoft Faculty Research Summit 2005, 17th July –19th July 2005
Presentation of Research Work in Grid Computing & Network Security at Research Exchange, IBM
Watson Research Lab, Hawthorne, NewYork, 23 June 2005
Participated in Microsoft Academic Days, May 2005, Mississuaga
Member, International Advisory Committee, AACC 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal
Member, Program Committee, The Second International Workshop on Grid Computing and its
Application to Data Analysis (GADA'05), Agia Napa, Cyprus, 31 Oct - 4 Nov 2005
Member, Program Committee, HPCS 2005, Guelph, 17-19 May 2005
Presentation of Research Work in Computing & Networking at Research Exchange, WestGrid
Summit, Banff, Alberta, 2005
Participation in Alcatel BOF on “Networks 2015: Beyond the Stone Age”, 25 Feb 2005
Chairman, WSEAS International Symposium on Grid Computing, Corfu, Greece, Aug 2005
Member, Scientific Committee, 4th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer
Science, April 2005, Brazil
Member, Program Committee, Workshop on Partitioning Applications for Computational Grids
(PACGRID-04), Santa Fe, USA in 2003 and 2004
Member, Program Committee, CIT-2000, 2003 and 2004
Member, International Advisory Committee, ITPC- 2003, Kathmandu, Nepal
Member, Program Committee, IWDC-2000, 2002 and 2003, Calcutta
Member, International Advisory Committee, HPC Asia Dec 2002, Bangalore
Member, Program Committee, INDOCRYPT, Dec 2002
Invited to Microsoft Faculty Research Summit 2002, 31st July –1st August 2002
Chairman Program Committee, WTCC-WDC 2001
Chaired the session on: ‘Software Challenges Ahead for Indian Industry’
Speakers: Dr. Bruce Eisenstein, President, IEEE and Professor of EE and
Computer Engineering, Drexel Univ, USA, Dr. D. B. Phatak, Professor and Head,
K. R. School of IT, IIT, Bombay on 17 December 2000 at ACE-2000, Mumbai, India.
Program Guide for 3-day AISC – 2000 conducted by IEEE Madras Section;
Worked as a Resource person for one day.
General Chairman for three Conferences, IEEE GS Int’l Conference on Networking India and the
World (CNIW 98), International Conference on Business through Internet (ICBI - 99), April 1999,
Calcutta and ACE-99 Conference on e-commerce, Thiruvanthapuram, Dec, 1999
Technical Advisor, Seminar on e-Commerce Security, organized by MDI and IDRBT(RBI), Delhi, Oct
Invited member EXECOM, South East Michigan Section of IEEE: 2001-2002
Member, Steering Committee, Sharcnet 2002 and 2003
Chair, IEEE India Council, 1998-99
Chair, IEEE Computer Society Chapter – India Council 1998-99
Principal Investigator for the IEEE Vidyarthi Project funded by IEEE Foundation for US $13,000.00
and by IEEE Computer Society Chapter, India.
1. Journal: Member Editorial Board, Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
2. WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education: Associate Editor
3. Journal: Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research
4. Guest Editor for WSEAS Journals for papers on Grid Computing, August 2005
5. Journal: Member Editorial Board, WSEAS Journal on Evolutionary Computing: acceptance given
in May 2005 (The journal is yet to start publication.)
6. Monthly of IEEE GS: Editor, Krimakshak from 1991 -1999
7. Monthly Magazine: Editor, UTTARA from 1981 - 1995
Summary for the past seven (7) years:
- Books edited ……………………………………….. 3
- Foreword for a book
…………………………… 1
- Papers in refereed journals ……………………….. 15
- Papers in refereed conference proceedings …….. 30
- Technical Reports ………………………………….. 10
- Abstracts and/or papers read ……………………… 65
- Educational Innovation Reports …………………… 4
Course Design at University of Windsor
I designed the following new courses at Windsor:
1. The first graduate course in (Internet) Security and Privacy: I have been teaching it for the last
three years. Besides the grad students of Computer Science, it attracts students from other
places like EE. besides the grad students of Computer Science.
2. The first third year level full course on TCP/IP (Internet) Technologies
3. I initiated the idea of a 4-year honors program in Network and Security, so that we may be able to
attract better quality of students. This has been approved and is being implemented.
GRADUATE COURSES at University of Windsor
Course No.
Course Title
background reading
Fall 1999
Seminars and Computing Tools
Background Reading
Background Reading
Seminars and Computing Tools
Advanced Internet Technologies
Grid Computing
(Jointly with another Professor)
Winter 2000
Winter 2000
Fall 2000
Fall 2001
Winter 2002
Fall 2002
Advanced Internet Technologies
Security and Privacy on the Internet
Seminars and Computing Tools
Security and Privacy on the Internet
Seminars and Computing Tools
Seminars and Computing Tools
Seminars and Computing Tools
Seminars and Computing Tools
Security and Privacy on the Internet
Seminars and Computing Tools
Winter 2003
Winter 2004
Winter 2004
Fall 2004
Fall 2004
Winter 2005
Fall 2005
Winter 2006
Winter 2006
Fall 2006
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES taught at University of Windsor
Course No.
Course Title
Internet Technologies
Fall 1999
Computer System Organization
Fall 1999
(Four laboratories)
Computer System Organization
Winter 2000
(Two lecture Sections and four laboratories)
Internet Technologies
Fall 2000
Internet Technologies
Fall 2001
Computer System Organization
Winter 2002
(One lecture Section and four laboratories)
Computer System Organization
Fall 2002
(Two lecture Sections and four laboratories)
Internet Technologies
Fall 2002
Computer System Organization
Fall 2003
(Two lecture Sections and four laboratories)
Internet Technologies
Fall 2003
Internet Technologies
Computer System Organization
Winter 2005
(One lecture Section and four laboratories)
Internet Technologies
Fall 2005
Computer System Architecture I
: Digital Design
Computer System Architecture I
: Digital Design
Fall 2004
Fall 2005
Fall 2006
33 students (10 projects) completed, two students (1 project) in progress
4 completed
Service to the Department and the University:
Senate Member 2006-08
Member, WUFA Executive Committee 2006-07
Chair, Ontario Graduate Scholarship Panel for 2006-2007
Organized Graduate Admission Booth at the faculty of Science Graduate Admission Fair 11 th
January, 2006
Employment Equity/Procedures Assessor for History, Earth Science and MAME for 2005-06
Graduate Co-ordinator for 2005-06
Member, Appointments Committee for 2005
Participation in Review of co-operative students reports in 2003 and 2004
Internal Reader for 11 thesis and chaired 9 thesis committees
Helped prepare the Report for Undergraduate Program Review 2004
Site Leader, Sharcnet 2004
Member, PTR committee for 2004
Member, Faculty of Science Council 2003-2004
Member, University PDC 2003-2004 -2005
Member Sharcnet EDAC from 2002 -2003
Chair of School Web Committee in 2001-2003
Member of various school committees like grad and under grad program committees in 20012003
Regular participation in efforts to attract better students to the undergrad programs through
 telephone campaign
 Fall Show etc