Feedback on distinction essay - QMplus

School of Geography
Queen Mary University of London
IFC3806: Human Geography
2nd Semester 2015
Comments and Marks for Essay
Please write ONE essay. This essay should be about 1500-2000 words in length. A reference page is essential
and should list at least three module readings and, where applicable, screenings.
‘The British Empire was not just about conquest and government. It was also about money and profit’
(Paxman, 2012 ). Discuss this statement with reference to London in the eighteenth century.
To what extent is regeneration about remaking the image of the city? Discuss with reference to London
Whilst facilitating social cohesion, the London Living Wage campaign has enabled many of
London’s workers to escape from poverty. Discuss.
Eating is one way in which people come to respect difference, become less hostile about foreign foods
and even begin to realise how our own diets connect ‘our’ culture to others. Discuss with reference to
Brick Lane in East London.
Pete Fussey (2012:26) states that in the UK the regeneration of localities is broadly connected to the
installation of surveillance camera systems. Discuss with reference to the redevelopment of Stratford,
East London for the 2012 Olympic Games.
Student number: 140444186
Question answered: 3
Task Fulfilment:
 This essay is exemplary. It directly fulfils all the requirements of the question and delivers more in
terms of wider reading and research. It is impressive and would certainly match an equivalent essay on
the topic written by a second year undergraduate.
 You balance detail with argument and with each new point that you make you base this on published
Supporting an Argument:
 You manage to summarise each author’s contribution then connect it with the question which is exactly
what is required, but you do this in such a fluent and accessible way which is outstanding.
Organisation and Coherence:
 By far one of the most organised and coherent essays I have ever read on this topic. Each paragraph
addresses a new point yet seamlessly flows into the next point which is why the essay is so fluent.
Paraphrasing, Citation and Referencing:
 My only criticism of this essay relates to referencing power point lectures. You really do not need to
include in the body of the essay the entire reference. It is sufficient , for example, to write Fenton
(power point lecture, date).
Grammar, Syntax and Vocabulary:
 An eloquent essay without any grammatical errors.
General Comments:
 It is remarkable how you have understood so clearly all the critical material on this topic and then
articulated it in the essay. Your reading is beyond what is required which has enabled you to produce a
sophisticated essay, considerably beyond international foundation level.
Numerical Mark: Distinction