DNA content and distribution in ancient feathers and potential to reconstruct the plumage of extinct avian taxa Supplementary Information NICOLAS J. RAWLENCE1, JAMIE R. WOOD2, KYLE N. ARMSTRONG1 and ALAN COOPER1,* 1 Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD), School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 5005. 2 Landcare Research, PO Box 40, Lincoln, New Zealand. * Corresponding author Correspondence: alan.cooper@adelaide.edu.au Sequences have been deposited in Genbank (accession numbers GQ253937-GQ253945) or Table S3 if less than 50 bp in length. 1 Table S1 Moa and emu feather specimens included in this study. Sequence refers to the partial mtDNA control region fragment amplified using primers reported in Cooper et al. (2001); Bunce et al. (2003) and Wood et al. (2008) (Table S1). Genus Megalapteryx Megalapteryx Megalapteryx Megalapteryx Dinornis Euryapteryx Pachyornis ? ? ? Dinornis Pachyornis Euryapteryx ? ? ? Euryapteryx ? ? Dromaius Dromaius Dromaius Species didinus didinus didinus didinus robustus gravis elephantopus ? ? ? robustus elephantopus gravis ? ? ? gravis ? ? novaehollandiae novaehollandiae novaehollandiae Museum No.1 OM Av10793.1 OM Av10791.1 A A OM Av10793.2 A A 06.49.18 OM Av10797 OM Av10791.2 ACAD7148 ACAD7149 ACAD7150 ACAD7151 ACAD7152 ACAD7153 ACAD7154 ACAD7155 ACAD7158 ACAD7159 ACAD4885-893 ACAD4891-953 ACAD4897-49013 Rockshelter Roxburgh Gorge B Roxburgh Gorge C Sawers Sawers Roxburgh Gorge B Sawers Sawers Cainmuir Gully B Roxburgh Gorge C Sawers Sawers Sawers Sawers Sawers Sawers Sawers Sawers Sawers Sawers Adelaide Adelaide Adelaide Sequence CR262-294 CR262-419 CR262-419 CR262-419 CR262-419 CR185-419 CR262-294 n/a n/a n/a CR262-294 CR262-294 CR262-294 n/a n/a n/a CR262-419 n/a n/a 12SE-12SH2 12SE-12SH2 12SE-12SH2 Sub-sample Calamus Rachis, barbs Calamus, proximal rachis, distal rachis, barbs Genbank No.2 Table S3 GQ253937 GQ253938 GQ253939 GQ253940 GQ253941 Table S3 n/a n/a n/a Table S3 Table S3 Table S3 n/a n/a n/a GQ253942 n/a n/a GQ253943 GQ253944 GQ253945 OM: Otago Museum; A: Alexandra Museum; ACAD: Australian Centre for Ancient DNA. 2 Sequences less than 50 bp can be found in Table S3 (not accepted by Genbank). 3 ACAD number refers to DNA extracts from each feather. 1 Table S2 Primer sequences used in this study. Primer CR185F CR204F CR262F CR294R CR419R 12SE 12SH2 Sequences (5`-3`) GTACATTCCCTGCATTGGCTC AGATTTATARCTCGGACA GCGAAGACTGACTAGAAGC GCGAGATTTGAACAGTACG GGGTTGCTGATTTCTCGTGA CCCACCTAGAGGAGCCTGTTC CCTTGACCTGTCTTGTTAGC Reference Cooper et al. 2001; Bunce et al. 2003 Wood et al. 2008 Cooper et al. 2001; Bunce et al. 2003 Cooper et al. 2001; Bunce et al. 2003 Cooper et al. 2001; Bunce et al. 2003 Cooper et al. 2001 Cooper et al. 2001 2 Table S3 Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences less than 50 bp in length from sub-fossil moa feathers. Museum number OM Av10793.1 A 06.49.18 ACAD7149 ACAD7150 ACAD7151 Sequence CTATAACCCGGACATGCCCTTTACC TTATAGCTCGAACATAACTCTTACC ATAGATTTATAGCTCGGACATAATCTTAACC ATAGATTTATAGCTCGAACATAACTYTTACC ATAGATTTATAGCTCGGACATACACTCTACC Supplementary References Bunce, M., Worthy, T.H., Ford, T., Hoppitt, W., Willerslev, E., Drummond, A. & Cooper, A. 2003 Extreme reversed sexual size dimorphism in the extinct New Zealand moa Dinornis. Nature 425, 172-175. Cooper, A., Fox-Lalueza, C., Anderson, A., Rambaut, A., Austin, J. & Ward, R. 2001 Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two extinct moas clarify ratite evolution. Nature 409, 704-707. Wood, J.R., Rawlence, N.J., Rogers, G.M., Austin, J.J., Worthy, T.H. & Cooper, A. 2008 Coprolite deposits reveal the diet and ecology of the extinct New Zealand megaherbivore moa (Aves, Dinornithiformes). Quat. Sci. Rev. 27, 2593-2602. 3