Answers Study Guide 1-2.

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Ch. 1 & 2 Study Guide
Directions: Use complete sentences to answer the following questions.
Vocabulary: Draw a line from each word on the left to its definition on the
right. Then use the numbered words to fill in the blanks in the sentences
1. adherence
a. persuade by flattery wheedle
2. aptitude
b. make greater, augment enhance
3. enhance
c. capable of being felt or touched palpable
4. palpable
d. inherent ability, talent aptitude
5. transgression
e. faithful attachment, devotion adherence
6. wheedle
f. violation of law __transgression
1. Watching the fighter planes streak across the horizon, the civilians felt a
moment of _palpable
2. By smiling and offering to help, the little girl hoped to wheedle another
cookie from the baker.
3. _Transgression _ against the rules of the community could lead to
4. A quick blood transfusion will _enhance__ the injured soldier’s chance of
5. In most communities, the police are responsible for enforcing
_adherence _to the law.
6. It is important to choose a career based upon you own natural aptitude.
For each word below, provide a definition that fits the context and write a
sentence using the word. The page in the text where the word is found has
been placed in parentheses beside the word. Also write the part of speech
1. inconveniencing (pg. 3) verb
definition: to put to trouble.
sentence: I apologize for inconveniencing my learning community.
2. distraught (pg. 4) adjective
definition: deeply agitated/ emotional conflicted
sentence: I guess I just got distraught watching them.
3. tunic (pg. 4) noun
definition: a long plain jacket or coat worn as part of a uniform.
sentence: He smoothed his rumpled tunic and sat down.
4. apprehensive (pg. 4) adjective
definition: anxious or fearful about the future, uneasy.
sentence: Apprehensive, Jonas decided, that’s what I am.
5. fret (pg. 14) verb
definition: agitation resulting from active worrying.
sentence: They would simply fret and argue about it themselves for
Chapter 1, Pages 1-10
1. What is the point-of-view in the story? The story is told in 3rd person.
2. What do you learn about each of Jonas’s family members from his/her
sharing of feelings after dinner? We learn about their personalities and
jobs. Father is a Nurturer; Mother works for the dept. of justice,
Jonas is an eleven; lily is a seven.
3. What kinds of punishments are used in the book’s society? Punishments
include “Release” and “forced apology”.
4. What is the setting (time and place) of the book? The setting is in a
community near December, possibly in the future.
Chapter 2, Pages 11-19
1. What are some of the structural guidelines in the book’s society? There
are ceremonies for certain ages. People are assigned jobs, spouses
and children. The Committee of Elders decide everything.
2. What does it mean to be “politically correct” in the book’s society?
3. What is especially momentous about the Ceremony of Twelve?
Children get their assignment or job for life/ career. They are
separated from their “group” of friends. This is the last ceremony.
After this age doesn’t matter.
Answer the following questions using complete sentences.
1. Why might the arrival of a jet be a terrifying experience for the entire
community? This might be a terrifying experience because flying over the
community is against the rules and they are not used to seeing planes
at all.
2. What do you think might happen to someone who is released from the
community? They might get sent out of the community , lose their
rights/privileges or even get killed.
3. What is unique about the way children are born and infants are cared for
in the community? Why do you think they refer to the children by a number,
instead of a name, during their first year of life?
It is very unique that the nurturers take care of babies until they are 1
year old and that they are assigned to their families at the ceremony of
Ones. Nurturers refer to the babies by a number in order not to get
emotionally attached to them.
Literary Devices:
Hook – In literature, a hook is a compelling first sentence in a novel or chapter that entices
a reader into the story. Reread the first sentences of The Giver. How does this hook draw
you into the novel?
This hook makes you want to find out why Jonas is
afraid and why an airplane flying over the community can be a terrifying