About rational use of energy

4/25/1997 г
N 412-I
The document
text see
In the Uzbek language
Changes are made to the present Law according to
Law РУз from 4/25/2003 N 482-II,
Law РУз from 9/26/2007 N ЗРУ-116
I. General provisions (Articles 1 - 9)
II. Bases of the government the rational
Energy use (Articles 10 - 16)
III. Economic mechanisms of the rational
Energy uses (Articles 17 - 21)
IV. Final provisions (Articles 22 - 24)
Article 1. The purpose of the present Law
Article 2. The legislation on the rational
Energy use
Article 3. Sphere of action of the present Law
Article 4. Standardization
Article 5. Objects of standardization
Article 6. The state control and supervision
Behind observance of indicators of power efficiency
And qualities of energy
Article 7. Power consumption specifications
Article 8. Certification
Article 9. Metrology
Article 1. The purpose of the present Law
The purpose of the present Law is formation of the general legal bases providing preservation
of national power resources, an effective utilisation of energy and industrial potential.
Article 2. The legislation
About rational use of energy
Relations in the field of rational use of energy are regulated by the present Law and other
certificates of the legislation of Republic Uzbekistan.
Relations in the field of rational use of energy in Republic Karakalpakstan it is regulated also
by the Republic Karakalpakstan legislation.
Article 3. Sphere of action of the present Law
Sphere of action of the present Law is activity legal and the physical persons, connected with
extraction, manufacture, processing, storage, transportation, distribution and consumption (further manufacture and consumption) fuel, thermal and electric energy (further - energy).
Legal regulation in the field of rational use of energy is directed on:
- Maintenance of effective and ecologically safe use of energy by its manufacture and
- Stimulation of working out and introduction of power effective technologies, extraction and
manufacture of cheaper oil products, natural gas, coal and other kinds of natural fuel (further - fuel);
- Maintenance of accuracy, reliability, unity of measurements and the account of quantity and
quality of manufacture and energy consumption;
- Realisation of the state control and supervision of effective manufacture and consumption of
energy and its quality, technical condition of the power equipment, power supply and power
consumption systems.
Article 4. Standardization
On power making both energy-requiring equipment and production power efficiency
indicators in an order provided by the legislation are established.
In the standard documentation indicators of an effective utilisation of energy are specified by
its manufacture and consumption, and also indicators of power consumption of productions, power
consumption in heating, air-conditioning, ventilation, warmly - vodo - gazo - and an electrical
supply, an electric lighting of territories, buildings and constructions.
Standard documents, technical rules and norms on rational use of energy are obligatory for all
manufacturers and energy consumers.
Quality of energy should correspond to the requirements established by corresponding
standard documents.
Article 5. Objects of standardization
(The name in edition of Law РУз
From 9/26/2007 N ЗРУ-116)
Objects of standardization in the field of rational use of energy are energy, the equipment and
production, making and consuming energy, or reformative its one kind in another, vehicles,
building, road and agricultural cars, lighting devices, systems of heating, air-conditioning and
ventilation, consumer goods, теплоизоляционные materials and building designs, technological
processes, and also the nomenclature and values of indicators of expenses of energy on energy and
production manufacture. (A part in edition of Law РУз from 9/26/2007 N ЗРУ-116) (See the
Previous edition)
The part
the second is excluded according to
Law РУз from 9/26/2007 N ЗРУ-116
Standardization subjects are the nomenclature and values of indicators of expenses of energy
on energy and production manufacture, technological processes and manufacture of works.
Article 6. The state control and supervision
Behind observance of indicators of power efficiency
And qualities of energy
The state
control and supervision of observance of indicators of power efficiency and quality of
the energy, established by standard documents, is assigned to the Uzbek agency of standardization,
metrology and certification (further - agency "Узстандарт") and on other bodies in an order
established by the legislation. (Article in edition of Law РУз from 4/25/2003 N 482-II)
Article 7. Power consumption specifications
Specifications of power consumption for the objects listed in article 5 of the present Law, are
established by the Government of Republic Uzbekistan or bodies, it representatives. (A part in
edition of Law РУз from 9/26/2007 N ЗРУ-116)
Power consumption specifications without fail join in characteristics sheets, repair and regime
cards, maintenance instructions of the equipment and production making and consuming energy.
Power consumption specifications on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning of buildings and
constructions are established in building norms and rules. Every five years power consumption
specifications are subject to revision and updating taking into account achievements of high
Article 8. Certification
To obligatory certification on conformity to indicators of the power efficiency specified in the
standard documentation, are subject: (the Paragraph in edition of Law РУз from 9/26/2007 N ЗРУ116) (See the Previous edition)
- Power resources;
- Manufacture of mass production, works and services;
- The power making both energy-requiring equipment and production.
Obligatory certification is carried out in an order established by the legislation.
The manufacturer carries out equipment marking, including household purpose devices,
regarding power efficiency indicators, according to the requirements specified in the standard
documentation. (A part in edition of Law РУз from 9/26/2007 N ЗРУ-116) (See the Previous
Article 9. Metrology
By manufacture and energy consumption obligatory state metrological control and supervision
is carried out. (A part in edition of Law РУз from 9/26/2007 N ЗРУ-116)
The state metrological maintenance of rational use of energy provides a series of measures and
the standard documents directed on maintenance of unity of measurements by its manufacture and
Objects of the state metrological control and supervision of manufacture and energy
consumption are:
- Measuring apparatuses;
- Information-measuring systems;
- Standard samples of structure and properties of substances and materials;
- Complexes and knots of the account of energy and energy carriers;
- Techniques of performance of measurements;
- Other objects provided by norms and rules of metrology.
The state metrological control and supervision of maintenance of system of rational use of
energy is assigned to agency "Узстандарт". (The Part in edition of Law РУз from 4/25/2003 N 482II)
Article 10. The basic directions of a state policy
In the field of rational use of energy
Article 11. Powers of the government of Republic Uzbekistan
In state policy realisation on the rational
To energy use
Article 12. The national, branch and regional target
Programs and projects
Article 13. Power inspections
Article 14. Power examination
Article 15. The energy account
Article 16. Statistical supervision over manufacture
And energy consumption
Article 10. The basic directions
State policy in area
Rational use of energy
The basic
directions of a state policy in the field of rational use of energy are:
- Realisation of national, branch and regional target programs and projects;
- Stabilisation of manufacture and consumption of the energy necessary for intensive
development of national economy;
- Optimisation of modes of manufacture and consumption of energy, the organisation of its
- Stimulation of manufacture of the power saving up equipment and production with minimum
power consumption;
- Introduction of indicators of power efficiency in standard documents on power making both
energy-requiring equipment and production;
- The organisation of the state control and supervision of quality of energy, power production
efficiency and power consumption of production;
- The organisation of inspections of power efficiency of the enterprises, establishments and the
- Carrying out of power examination of production, operating and reconstructed objects,
technologies and the equipment;
- Creation of power effective demonstration zones for realisation of projects of high power
- Stimulation of development of power effective and non-polluting technologies and
- The organisation of statistical supervision over manufacture and energy consumption.
Article 11. Powers of the government
Republics Uzbekistan in realisation
State policy on the rational
To energy use
With a view of state policy realisation on rational use of energy the Republic Uzbekistan
- Develops and realises programs and the projects directed on rational use of energy;
- Co-ordinates activity of the ministries, departments, the enterprises, establishments and the
organisations, and also the Governments of Republic Karakalpakstan, public authorities of areas and
Tashkent in working out and realisation of power saving up programs and projects;
- Promotes realisation of projects on introduction of power effective technics and production,
high technology, ways of management and scientific researches in this area, recycling of secondary
power resources and a waste, and also technologies with use of energy of the sun, a wind, natural
movement of water streams and other energy sources (further - renewed energy sources);
- Promotes development of industrial base on manufacture of devices of the account, control
and management of energy, power effective and ecologically safe power installations;
- Licences activity in the field of power inspections and examinations;
- Agrees to an establishment of a special mode of consumption of energy;
- Promotes creation of system of preparation and retraining of personnel concerning rational
use of energy and operation of the power equipment;
- Informs the public on efficiency of use of energy;
- Carries out other powers according to the legislation.
Article 12. National, branch and regional
Target programs and projects
National, branch both regional target programs and projects in the field of rational use of
energy are obligatory at state policy carrying out on rational use of energy.
As initiators of working out of national, branch, regional target programs and projects
accordingly act:
- The Republic Uzbekistan government;
- The ministries and departments;
- The Republic Karakalpakstan government, public authorities of areas and a city of Tashkent.
National, branch both regional target programs and projects are developed for five years and
longer period, affirm the Government of Republic Uzbekistan and are priority. Responsibility for
their realisation is assigned accordingly to the Government of Republic Uzbekistan, the ministry and
department, public authorities on places.
Article 13. Power inspections
Power inspections are spent with a view of an estimation of production efficiency and energy
The enterprises, establishments and the organisations with total amount of annual consumption
of power resources more than six thousand tons of conditional fuel or more than one thousand tons
of motor fuel are subject to obligatory power inspections.
The order and terms of carrying out of power inspections are defined by the Republic
Uzbekistan Government.
Article 14. Power examination
For an estimation of power efficiency and power consumption the equipment making and
consuming energy, and also production by which manufacture energy is used are subject to power
Power examination of the design documentation of new and reconstructed objects,
technologies and the equipment is obligatory.
Power examination is spent in an order defined by the Government of Republic Uzbekistan.
Article 15. The energy account
All volume of made and consumed energy is subject to the obligatory account.
Sequence and rules of equipment by devices of the account of energy, the instruction for use
electric and thermal energy, natural gas, oil refining products are established by the Republic
Uzbekistan Government.
The energy account is carried out according to the rules established by standard documents.
Responsibility for reliability of the account of energy is assigned to heads of the enterprises,
establishments and the organisations or other representatives on it of persons.
Article 16. Statistical supervision over manufacture
And energy consumption
Statistical supervision over volume and structure of manufacture and energy consumption, its
rational use will organise and spends the State committee on forecasting and statistics of the Cabinet
of Republic Uzbekistan in an order established by the Government of Republic Uzbekistan.
Article 17. Financing of the target
Programs and projects
Article 18. Interbranch fund of power savings
Article 19. Privileges to manufacturers and
To energy consumers
Article 20. Use of the renewed
Energy sources
Article 21. Responsibility for the irrational
Energy use
Article 17. Financing of target programs and projects
Financing of national, branch and regional target programs and projects in the field of rational
use of energy is carried out at the expense of incomes of industrial activity of the enterprises getting
profit on realisation of power effective programs and projects, target off-budget funds, own and
foreign investments, budgetary and other sources in an order established by the legislation.
Article 18. Interbranch fund of power savings
With a view of financial support of a state policy in the field of rational use of energy by the
Republic Uzbekistan Government the off-budget interbranch fund of power savings (further - power
savings fund) is created.
Sources of formation of fund of power savings can be:
- The profit received for granting of credits and from other financial and economic activity of
- Share of the profit received from realisation of national, branch and regional target programs
and projects in the field of rational use of energy;
- Voluntary target payments legal and physical persons, including foreign;
- Receipt of means from application of economic sanctions for irrational use of energy;
- Other receipts which are not contradicting the legislation.
Article 19. Privileges to manufacturers and energy consumers
With a view of rational use of energy the Republic Uzbekistan Government gives legal and to
physical persons of a privilege on:
- To financing at the expense of the state soft loan of national, branch and regional target
programs and projects in the field of rational use of energy;
- To financing interbranch research also it is skilled - design works, to manufacture of
experimental batches of energetically effective equipment;
- To the customs duties and taxes to import of the special equipment, devices and the materials
which use essentially raises efficiency of use of energy;
- To other questions according to the competence.
The Republic Uzbekistan government can establish reduced rates for energy legal and to
physical persons:
- Provided decrease in power consumptions against the established specifications;
- Letting out competitive production with power consumption below the established
- Using fuel as raw materials for manufacture of mass production.
With a view of the accelerated economic return and capital investments in power saving up
technologies to manufacturers of the equipment, devices, теплоизоляционных materials and
designs, power effective production of the mass production, corresponding works and services, and
also legal and to the physical persons providing their introduction and operation, the preferential
taxation according to the legislation is established.
Legal and to the physical persons who are carrying out works on perfection of power supply
and a heat supply, equipment of apartment houses, apartments, the enterprises, establishments and
the organisations devices of the account, control and the power consumption regulation, carrying out
additional теплоизоляционные and other actions directed on reduction of power consumption, use
of the secondary power resources, renewed energy sources, local kinds of fuel and production
wastes for heating, can be given to the grant from means of fund of power savings.
Article 20. Use of renewed energy sources
Manufacturers electric and thermal energy, not entering into power supplying organisations,
have the right to energy holiday in a network of these organisations in quantity and the modes
providing the most rational operating mode of networks and sources of centralised power supply,
co-ordinated with power supplying organisations. The power supplying organisations are obliged to
provide reception of energy from the specified manufacturers in the networks at the prices formed
when due hereunder.
For power installations which use renewed energy sources, recycling of secondary resources
and a waste constructed according to projects and programs in the field of rational use of energy, the
prices on electric and thermal energy should provide the accelerated recoupment of capital
investments in building of these installations in the terms co-ordinated with the Government of
Republic Uzbekistan.
With a view of stimulation of an effective utilisation of power resources in an order defined by
the Government of Republic Uzbekistan, the seasonal prices for oil products, kotelno-oven fuel and
seasonal tariffs on electric and thermal energy, and also the intradaily differentiated tariffs for
electric energy are established.
Article 21. Responsibility for the irrational
Energy use
Legal and the physical persons occupied in sphere of manufacture and consumption of energy,
are obliged to provide the established power production efficiency, production, works and the
services excluding a real loss of energy and release of energetically inefficient production. At
infringement of these requirements to legal bodies according to the legislation economic sanctions in
a case are applied:
- Infringements of indicators of quality of energy;
- The real loss of energy established by a tool or standard method;
- The output which indicators of power efficiency do not correspond to requirements of
standard documents;
- Infringements of the instrument account of consumption of energy;
- Uses of not certificated power equipment, elements of networks and power supply systems;
- необеспечения the established share of use of available secondary power resources.
Application of economic sanctions does not release legal and physical persons from
compensation of the damage caused by them.
Responsibility of physical persons for irrational use of energy is defined by the legislation.
The losses caused to power consumers by suppliers of energy as a result of not co-ordinated
terminations of power supply, are compensated in the order established by the legislation.
Article 22. The international cooperation in area
Rational use of energy
Article 23. The international contracts
Article 24. Liability of infringement of the legislation
About rational use of energy
Article 22. The international cooperation in area
Rational use of energy
The basic
directions of the international cooperation are:
- Mutually advantageous exchange of power effective technologies with the foreign and
international organisations;
- Realisation in republic of the joint interstate projects providing rational use of energy;
- Participation in the international projects in the field of rational use of energy;
- The coordination of indicators of power efficiency with requirements of the international
standards, and also mutual recognition of results of certification.
Article 23. The international contracts
If the international contract, which participant is the Republic Uzbekistan, other rules, than
provided by the present Law rules of the international contract are applied are established.
Article 24. Liability of infringement of the legislation
About rational use of energy
The persons who have broken the legislation on rational use of energy, bear responsibility
when due hereunder.
The president
Republics Uzbekistan I.Karimov
Sheets of Oly of Republic Uzbekistan Mazhlisa,
1997, N 4-5, item 118