academic load - Oakdale Middle School

Oakdale Middle School
Student Handbook
Academic Load
Accident Reports
APSB Policy Statement on Title IX
Assessment Fees
Attendance Rules and Procedures
Awards and Celebrations
Band Policy
Bus Regulations
Care of School Property
Change of Address and Telephone
Check-in/Late to School Policy and
Policy and Procedures
Classroom Materials
Closing of School
Code of Conduct for Activities
Compulsory School Attendance Law
Controlled Substance Policy
Discipline Procedures
Dress Code
Emergencies and Fire Drills
Extra-Curricular Activities
Equal Education Opportunities
Faculty Lounge and Bathrooms
Family Involvement Policy (District)
Federal Policy Compliances (Federal
Education Rights and Privacy Act)
Field Trips
Food, Candy, Gum, and Drinks
Grade Point Averages
Grading System
Guidelines for Meals in the
Hall Passes
Homework/Make-up Work
Infection Control
Limited English Proficiency
Lice Control
Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy as to
Parent Command Center
Parent Right to Know
Parent/Guardian Custody
Parent/Teacher Conference
Persons to Contact for Information
Concerning Special Programs in Allen
Physical Education Grading System
Positive Behavior Interventions and
Public Display of Affection
Safe and Drug Free Schools and
School Based Health Clinic/Vaccine
Sexual Harassment/Bullying
Telephone Use
Title I Program Description
 Parent Right to Know
Visitors on Campus
Six Weeks Grading Periods
Monthly Calendars
Allen Parish School Board 2013-2014
School Calendar
School Colors: Purple and White
Mascot: Brave
This handbook has been prepared to explain and clarify the procedures, policies and regulations at Oakdale Middle
School. You are urged to contact an administrator if you have any questions at (318) 335-1558.
The information contained within this handbook is subject to change based on federal, state, and parish directives or
laws, and also subject to administrative decisions deemed necessary and appropriate for the well-being of the
students at Oakdale Middle school.
The reader will find that the handbook contains valuable information concerning requirements for academic success,
the program of studies, general regulations, and other vital facts concerning Oakdale Middle School. In the event
the information needed is not contained in the handbook, students are encouraged to consult with the guidance
counselor or an administrator.
Students will come to class prepared every day. Students are responsible for attending class in regulation uniforms
and are expected to report to class on time and be prepared to work.
No assumption should be made by students, parents/guardians, or staff that publications or any other source of
communication or information constitutes a public forum.
On behalf of the faculty, we would like to welcome you to Oakdale Middle School for the coming year. We are
looking forward to assisting you in fulfilling your educational goals. We expect you to meet the goals which have
been set. We believe that you can benefit from everything Oakdale Middle School has to offer by being actively
involved in your core classes along with the programs and activities offered. If you encounter difficulties, seek out
any of our trained professionals, and we will do our best to help you. We are here to make your years at OKMS as
successful, yet educationally challenging as possible. We welcome the opportunity to help you as you proceed
through your middle school years.
Oakdale Middle School is dedicated to providing a safe environment in which our students can learn, be motivated,
inspired and encouraged to become life-long learners.
The maximum load in Oakdale Middle School shall consist of seven (7) classes per day.
Each Wednesday will be the designated day for make-ups.
The Allen Parish School Board requires that accident reports are completed by staff and students for any and all
accidents. Please see Mrs. Byrd for an accident report form. All forms must be signed by an administrator.
Students, their parents, and employees of the Allen Parish School Board are hereby notified that this school system
does not discriminate on the basis of sex and is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 not to
discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational activities and employment practices. Any person having inquiries
concerning compliance with Title IX by the Allen Parish School Board is directed to contact the School
Oakdale Middle School students must behave courteously at school assemblies. Students should give full attention
and show appreciation ONLY through the clapping of hands. Whistling, shouting, hitting on walls/seats and foot
stomping are not appropriate and will not be allowed.
An assessment fee of $15.00 charged for each student at Oakdale Middle School. Homeroom teachers will collect
this fee from students.
A. Absence from school will be excused for emergency family matters, death in the family, dental and medical
appointments, and/or a court appearance. Absences that require an extended amount of time, such as travel out
of the city or religious observance, must be granted and excused by the Allen Parish School Board. Absences
from school for any reason other than the above mentioned will not be excused by the school unless it is cleared
in advance by the school principal. If there is any doubt about the absence being excused, call the school office.
B. All excused absences must be verified by written note from the parent/guardian to the main office. The term
“excused” absences applies only to allowing the student to make up missed assignments. These days WILL
COUNT against the required attendance days. Written excuses must include student’s full name, the day(s) of
absence, the reason for student absence(s), parent/guardian signature and the current date of the request.
C. Unexcused absences: Credit may not be given for school work for an unexcused absence.
D. Excessive absences excused or unexcused: A student who, for any reason, is absent five times from school is
referred to the District Attorney’s office. A letter is mailed to the parents/guardians, attendance supervisor and
the District Attorney’s office.
E. General: Any absence not specifically excused by the school will be considered as an unexcused absence.
Students participating in regularly sanctioned school activities under the supervision of a school staff member
shall not be considered absent from school on their permanent records.
F. Excuses must be brought within 3 days after returning from being absent.
Academic success, attendance, and positive behavior will be celebrated each six weeks.
HONOR ROLL – Students who maintain all A’s on their report cards will be placed on the Banner roll per each six
weeks. Students who maintain A’s and B’s will be placed on the Honor Roll per each six weeks. Students who
maintain “S” ratings for academic classes will be recognized per six weeks.
AWARDS CEREMONIES – Students who have maintained an average of 3.0 and above for the first five six
weeks will be invited to attend an awards ceremony. Students who have maintained “S” ratings with no more than
two N ratings for the first five six weeks will also be invited.
Rules, regulations and grading will be provided to students at the beginning of the course by the band instructor.
Regular Routes: Students shall be on time at the approved bus stop. Bus schedules will not permit waiting.
Students shall wait for the bus in their own driveway. Do not cross the road until the bus has completely stopped.
Students will board the bus one step at a time.
While Riding the Bus:
1. Students shall observe quiet conduct on the bus.(No profane language)
2. Students shall stay in their seats while the bus is in motion.
3. Students shall not throw waste paper on the floor of the bus.
4. No part of the body shall be extended through the bus window.
5. Students must be quiet while the bus is stopped for a railway crossing.
6. Students shall not leave the bus from the emergency door unless for emergency exits.
7. Students shall not leave the bus after boarding without permission from the bus driver.
Discipline and Penalties
1. The riding privilege of a student may be revoked for violation of the rules or for conduct, which is detrimental
to the safe operation of the school bus.
2. The driver is in full charge of the bus and the students.
3. Students shall comply promptly and cheerfully with the requests of the driver.
4. The driver may assign seats to an individual or the entire bus load as deemed necessary.
5. Students shall go directly to their seats and remain there until they arrive at their destination.
6. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited.
7. Students shall not run or push while boarding or leaving the bus; each step that is provided is to be used.
8. Students that live on the opposite side of the road from the exit door shall go approximately twelve feet in front
of the bus before crossing to their driveway.
9. The school bus driver has the authority and the responsibility to discipline students on the bus.
Activity Bus
The same rules and regulation should be followed as for the regular school day routes except:
1. The emergency door may be used to load and unload large equipment (e.g., band instruments, athletic gear, and
special projects).
2. If the bus driver observes that the sponsor cannot control a situation, he or she shall take command.
3. Any student who rides to an event on the bus or with a sponsor will also return home the same way unless the
sponsor has written permission from the parents/guardians for the student to return only with their
4. If anyone is picked up or unloaded at any point other than the regular location, the administration shall be
notified in writing immediately.
The Allen Parish School Board and the OKMS PTO have provided some of the best equipment and facilities found
anywhere. Students can best show their appreciation by taking care of the building, equipment and grounds so they
can be passed on to future students in good condition. Any student who defaces, damages, or destroys school
property will be required to repair or replace the damaged items and will also face further disciplinary action.
Except in cases of unavoidable accidents, students are liable for all damage they may cause to school property.
Changes in address or telephone number must be updated in the office immediately.
Any student caught cheating in any form will receive a “zero’ for a graded assignment. The student may be subject
to a minor referral whatever the teacher deems necessary.
A student that reports to school after 7:45 a.m. must sign in the main office and will be marked late to school.
Three times late to school will result in an unexcused absence.
Individuals checking out a student(s), must be listed on the check out form and physically come to the
main office. In extenuating circumstances, the checking out of a student may be handled through the
administration by telephone.
2. A parent/guardian should wait in the office to receive their student and then sign them out. No student should
leave the campus without being dismissed through the main office. A violation of this procedure will be
reported to the District Attorney’s office, Oakdale Police Department and the Child Welfare Supervisor. This
policy is for the safety and well being of the students.
***After a student comes on campus, she/he is not allowed to leave the campus at anytime during the school
day without permission from an administrator.*
3. Parents who pick up their child before school is dismissed must have a valid excuse to check him or her out. If
not, this will be counted as an unexcused absence and documented as is. Because of the long line of vehicles to
check them out in the evening for a Dr.’s appointment or some other excused circumstance please make
arrangements to pick them up sooner rather than later for the safety of everyone involved.
A teacher may require students to purchase necessary materials at the beginning of the school year. However, on a
daily basis every student is required to come to class with supplies needed for each particular period. A pencil, pen,
and paper, are daily standard requirements.
When it becomes necessary to dismiss school early during the regular school day, parents/guardians will be
contacted as soon as possible.
Guidelines and requirements for participating in a school related activity will be issued by each sponsor and
approved by the principal. Videos or snapshots may be taken for instructional, athletic and/or other educational
related purposes. Ex. Basketball, Football, Track, Cheerleading, etc.
Students are not allowed to miss more than twelve (12) days of school for the year. Students who miss more than 12
days of school may be retained.
Student use, possession, distribution, sale of or being under the influence of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, controlled
substances, “look-alike” drugs, steroids, or possessing drug paraphernalia on any school premise, school bus or at
any school function (home or away) is strictly prohibited. Minimum penalty for violation of this policy will be
suspension from school; as well as suspension from any extra curricular activity. Violation of this policy may result
in permanent expulsion from school. Law enforcement officials may be contacted upon initial investigation and
verification of the violation.
Electronic cigarettes are strictly prohibited.
The administration and faculty of Oakdale Middle School are proud to be associated with all the students in our
school. The ultimate responsibility for student behavior rests with the student and his/her parents; however, we who
are charged with the responsibility of educating the youth of our communities recognize that discipline is a part of
our daily responsibility. Although we are concerned with students as individuals, we must also be concerned with
the entire student body and insure that the proper atmosphere for teaching and learning is preserved.
Our broad objectives, in the area of discipline, are to have fair and impartial discipline in order to maintain the total
learning environment for all students concerned and to help each student develop self-discipline, which is necessary,
if learning is to occur. Self-discipline always mandates that a person will at all times keep in mind that his/her
conduct should not interfere with the rights of others, but rather that it should be an example to others. Please keep
in mind that fair is not always equal. When disciplinary action is taken we look at previous occurrence,
extenuating circumstances, and what is best for each individual situation.
In those cases where corrective action becomes necessary, disciplinary measures taken will be positive, constructive
and directed toward correcting future behavior and to teaching the student that education is a right qualified by
compliance with certain reasonable rules and regulations. Administrators, teachers, and guidance counselor will
strive to identify problems, secure parental understanding and cooperation, and help students modify or correct any
marked deviation from acceptable behavior. Our goal is not to change the child, but to help them be better today
than they were yesterday.
The school shares the responsibility with parents to educate, guide and discipline children. It is important that
discipline be handled in a fair, consistent, and impartial manner to insure that a proper climate for learning exists.
All student disciplinary decisions are confidential and are not shared with other students or parents of other students.
The state and parish guidelines hold the staff of our school responsible for the maintenance of discipline at the
school as well as any school function. It is also the daily responsibility of all school personnel to see that the
learning environment is free from disruptions that interrupt the learning process. However, learning is the
ultimate responsibility of the student and his/her parents.
Following are disciplinary infractions that may occur at Oakdale Middle School. NOTE: Results of investigation,
age. and grade level may be factors in determining the disciplinary actions for each student. If a student commits an
act of misconduct not listed, he or she shall be subjected to the discretionary authority of the classroom teacher
and/or the principal or their designee. The seriousness of the offense, the academic placement, the attitude, the age
of the student, the pattern of misconduct, the degree of cooperation, and any other aggravating or mitigating
circumstances should be considered in determining which action should be taken. The process is intended to be
instructional and corrective, not punitive. Disciplinary actions for misconduct may include a conference between the
teacher, administrator and the student. The policies and administrative procedures apply to action of students
during school hours, before and after school, while on school property, while traveling in vehicles funded by the
School Board, while traveling to or from or participating in school related activities, while at school sponsored
trips/events, and when the actions affect the goals or operations of the Allen Parish School Board and/or Oakdale
Middle School. In all cases of misconduct, the principal will have the authority to make the final decision. The
responsibility of the principal is to report serious, disruptive or criminal actions to the police.
The administration at Oakdale Middle is at all times during the school day in loco parentis, Latin for "in
the place of a parent" refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organization to take on some of the
functions and responsibilities of a parent.
First, it allows institutions such as colleges and schools to act in the best interests of the students as they
see fit, although not allowing what would be considered violations of the students' civil liberties.
Second, this doctrine can provide a non-biological parent to be given the legal rights and responsibilities
of a biological parent if they have held themselves out as the parent. Oakdale Middle School will always
do their best to communicate with the Parents/Guardians in decisions about their child.
The following offenses will result in an automatic Out of School Suspension. Any student who receives Out of
School Suspension MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian to attend a conference with an administrator prior
to returning to the classroom setting.
 Fighting – Punching with the intent to cause harm both involved will be disciplined accordingly.
 Cellphone/electronic devices– All cell phones/electronic devices may be turned into the office before 8:00 am
and picked up at 3:00 pm without consequences. However, if a cell phone/electronic device is discovered on a
student after 8:00 am the cell phone/electronic device will be taken and kept for one calendar week, or the
phone/electronic device will be returned at the end of the day after a payment fine of $10.00. The same
consequences apply for each subsequent offense, but in addition, student will also receive one day of ISS. If the
student refuses to relinquish a cell phone or electronic device, that student will receive more severe
 Threatening Staff or Students – A threat is when a student states that they are going to cause physical damage to
another person with the intent of following through or with the intent to cause the other person to be
intimidated. All students who are suspended for the offense of threatening staff or students must undergo and
provide evidence of a Crisis Risk Analysis by a trained professional before returning to the school/classroom
 Bullying – Bullying is defined by the state of Louisiana as any act that causes another person to feel intimidated
or threatened. The act may be repeated and identified as a pattern. All instances of bullying must be reported to
an adult for the proper action.
All other infractions will be handled on a graduating scale that may include the following consequences:
 Mandatory Parent/Student/Administrator Conference
 Counseling
 After School Detention
 Trash Bash (Students are assigned to pick up trash on the school grounds using protecting gloves and a set of
grabbers to pick up the trash.
Corporal Punishment (Students may be subject to two/three licks from an administrator with a witness.
However, if you do not want your child paddled it is your responsibility to write a note to the administration
stating that you do not wish for your child to be paddled. Remember that corporal punishment may result in
surface marks.)
Loss of Privileges – Example: Students who break the Computer Use Policy of Allen Parish School Board may
have the privilege of computer use taken from them for the remainder of the school year. Teachers and
administrators may use loss of recess for a disciplinary consequence.
In-School Support – Students will be sent to an isolated area where they will be given their assignments by each
teacher to complete. Students will not be marked absent and will receive full credit for their completed
Students who are tardy for 1st period are considered late to school and will be deemed tardy by the 1 st hour teacher .
The consequences for excessive tardies will be as follows:
 3—Parental contact and/or conference with the student
 5—Lunch detention
 7—In- School Support
Additional tardies will result in more severe consequences. Tardy infractions will start over at the beginning of each
six-weeks. (Students are allowed to use PBIS Brave bucks to buy off up to three class exchange tardies each sixweeks. This does not include morning late arrivals.) It is the Parents/Guardians responsibility to get their children to
school on time.
The Allen Parish School Board believes that a school uniform policy will provide a more secure
environment, promote an atmosphere for greater discipline and increase learning opportunities
for students by removing many of the distractions associated with various types of clothing. The
principal will make the final decision as to what is considered proper or improper dress
according to the guidelines provided. Any substantial complaint concerning the dress code shall
be dealt with by the school administration. All Oakdale Middle students are required to adhere
to the following uniform policy:
5th grade-hunter green t-shirt
6th grade-gold t-shirt
7th grade-Maroon t-shirt/Khaki bottoms
8th grade- royal blue t-shirt
Khaki bottoms with belt loops
**Shirts or pants (No exposed logos or labels)
All T-shirts must have approved OKMS logo on the front left. The t-shirts that can be found at any t-shirt
shop in Oakdale.
 Pants must be worn on the waist with a belt. No oversized clothing will be allowed.
 Pants/bottoms must be hemmed. Slits, fray edges, cuts of the seams or holes in clothing of any sort are not
 Pockets on lower legs of the pants or exaggerated size pant bottoms will not be allowed.
 No cargo pants, painter’s pants, drawstring pants, leggings, elastic waistbands or sweatpants will be
 Jogging suits or sweat suits are allowed for physical education during the cold months, but will only be
permitted at the proper times by the physical education instructors.
 Full uniform must be worn under outerwear.
 Jackets with hoods and a zipper are permissible, but hoods cannot be worn inside of the building.
Jackets that do not distract from the learning experience may be worn on the grounds of OKMS as long as
they meet the following criteria:
The jacket must have a full and working zipper.
A hood may be part of the jacket, but may not be worn inside ANY building on the OKMS campus.
Purple pull-over hoodies that reflect the spirit of our Oakdale community may be worn on campus,
although the hood may not be worn inside ANY building on the OKMS campus.
In the event that a t-shirt be worn under the uniform shirt make sure that the T-shirt is one single color
preferably white or grey.
 Slippers, shoes/sandals without back straps, crocs, potato shoes and flip-flops are unacceptable. Shoes
must be tied and Velcro straps closed correctly.
 Steel toe boots are not acceptable at any time.
 Rubber boots may ONLY be worn on days when street flooding is present.
Hair- Male: (If in question, Administration will decide.)
 Hair length must of even distribution.
 The hair may not extend below the bottom of the collar, upon or beyond the eyebrows in front, nor down
below the earlobes. Afros may not exceed three inches from the scalp.
 Lines cut in the hair, Mohawk cuts, Spiked hair, distracting coloring/style of hair, tails, braids or any other
hairstyle that is determined as inappropriate or distracting will not be permitted.
 Hairstyles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, etc. will not be permitted.
 Sideburns may be worn to the base of the earlobe, but pork chop style is prohibited.
 Designs in eyebrows will not be permitted.
 Male students are prohibited from wearing beards or goatees.
Hair – Female: (If in question, Administration will decide.)
 Girls must wear their hair in a standard, acceptable style.
 Hair cannot be spiked.
 Hair cannot be of a distracting color.
 Hair in rollers or curlers, excessive teasing will be prohibited.
 Sculptured hairstyles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, etc. will not be permitted.
 No extreme hair styles will be accepted.
 Designs in eyebrows will not be permitted.
Jewelry – Male:
 Earrings are not allowed.
 Body piercing is prohibited. (Ex. Nose, lip, tongue, eyebrow, etc.)
 Medallions and heavy chains are prohibited.
 No Duck calls.
Jewelry – Female:
 Moderate jewelry will be permitted.
 Body piercing is prohibited. (Ex. Nose, lip, tongue, eyebrow, etc.)
 A maximum of two pair of earring will be allowed.
 No Duck calls.
 No visible tattoos.
 All caps, hats, skullcaps, bandanas, etc. are banned No hair picks, brushes or combs are permitted.
 Only prescription eye glasses will be permitted. No sunglasses of any type shall be worn.
 Excessive necklaces, sweat bands, silly bands, and armbands are not allowed.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Students may be given an opportunity to not wear uniforms on specific days or at special
events as approved by the principal. Notice of dress-down days will be given to students. Students must be
dressed appropriately for the day. The administration will make the decision if a child needs to change their
EMERGENCIES AND FIRE DRILLS (Procedures posted in each classroom)
Fire drills, as required by law, will be held at regular intervals. Such practice is important and should be approached
seriously. Specific instructions for evacuation of the building will be given at the beginning of the school year and
again at the beginning of the second semester. Evacuation maps and procedures are posted in each classroom. All
staff members are required to assist and supervise during each drill.
The school activities Oakdale Middle School sponsors are Basketball, Football, 4 H, Track, Social Studies Fair,
Science Fair, BETA club, Student of the Month, Student of the Year, Band, and Cheerleading. Any student
participating in any organization or activity shall meet and keep the requirements thereof. If a student is absent from
school the day before or the day of an extracurricular activity, ONLY a doctor’s excuse will be accepted for
participation in the activity.
It shall be the policy of the Allen Parish School Board that the school district shall place an equal emphasis upon the
nondiscriminatory provision of educational opportunities for children and no person shall be excluded from
participation in or denied the benefits of any education service, program or activity on the basis of economic status,
intellectual ability, marital status, race, color, disability, religion, creed, national origin, age, or sex. Programs
offered by schools within the school district shall be open to students in compliance with statutory and judicial
requirements. The Superintendent or designee shall investigate any and all complaints which may be brought
against the district in regard to any alleged discriminatory action. Grievance procedures to provide for prompt and
equitable resolution of student complaints shall be the same as those used for employees.
The faculty lounge and bathrooms are “off limits” to students at all times.
Every district that receives Title I funds must have a Title I Plan (Section 1112) including a parent involvement
policy (Section 1118). Schools implementing Title I school wide programs (Section 1114) must develop or amend
their comprehensive plan for reforming the total instructional program in the school. School implementing targeted
assistance programs must develop plans to address the academic achievement needs to identified students (Section
Each local education agency plan shall be developed in consultation with teachers, principals, and administrators
(including administrators of programs described in other parts of Title I), and other appropriate school personnel,
and with parents of children in schools served under this part. Each LEA shall develop jointly with, agree on with,
and distribute to, parents of participating children a written parent involvement policy that is incorporated into the
LEA’s plan. As a component of the school level parental involvement policy, each Title I school shall jointly
develop with parents for all children served under this part a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the
entire school staff and students will share the responsibility for improved student achievement and the means by
which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve.
The Title I Director maintains a copy of this plan at the Title I Office and keeps it on hand for monitoring purposes.
The District Family Advisory Committee reviewed and revised the current plan on October 20, 2010. The new plan
was issued to each school to disseminate to parents after that date.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law designed to protect the privacy of a
student’s education records. The law applies to all schools, which receive funds under an applicable program of the
U. S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education
records. These rights transfer to the student, or former student, who has reached the age of 18 or is attending any
school beyond the high school level. Students and former students to whom the rights have transferred are called
eligible students.
 Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review all of the student’s education records
maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of materials in education records unless,
for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to inspect the records.
Schools may charge a fee for the copies.
 Parents and eligible students have the right to request that a school correct a record believed to be inaccurate or
 Schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student before releasing any information from
a student’s record. However, the law allows schools to disclose records, without consent, to the following
* School employees who have a need to know
* Other schools to which a student is transferring
* Certain government officials in order to carry out law enforcement
* Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid
* Organizations conducting certain studies for the school
* Accrediting organizations
* Individuals who have obtained court orders or subpoenas
* Health care officials in case of emergencies
* State and local authorities within a justice system
Complaints and Grievances
Complaints and grievances policies are available on the Allen Parish School Board website at under the
Resources link.
All field trips must be approved by the principal. Students who have been suspended (ISS/OSS) shall be
disqualified from participation. All school rules will be enforced during field trips. Permission slips must be signed
by a parent/guardian of student attenders for any off campus activity. Students must use the specific mode of
transportation provided by the field trip sponsor. If a student’s parent/guardian is providing alternate transportation
for his/her child only then a written notice must be approved by the principal prior to departure.
Food, candy, gum and drinks are not to be brought to school by students for consumption during a regular class
period or recess, except for special projects that have been scheduled by the instructor and approved by the
principal. Packed lunches from home will be permissible in the cafeteria during lunch. Parents/guardians are
permitted to eat lunch with and/or bring lunch to students in the cafeteria.
Fundraising projects are necessary since school organizations need funds to operate. All fundraising projects must
be screened and approved by the principal.
All classes and accompanying grades will be used when calculating grade point averages.
The grading system to be used is the following;
Below 67 F
APPENDIX D- Grades 1-8 #6 – In order to derive each six weeks grade, numerical percentage grades will be
averaged. The lowest grade WILL NOT be dropped in grades 7 and 8. The lowest grade per subject will be
dropped in grades 5 and 6. This dropped grade is not one received as an District Common Assessment score,
cheating, suspension or refusal to do an assignment.
All students at Oakdale Middle will be able to eat free next year. Oakdale Middle School was selected to participate
in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). This program is offered only to 3 Schools in the Parish.
Students are not to be allowed out of the classroom without a pass. No exceptions.
The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and
adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter,
motel, vehicle, or campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then
he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act.
The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program is designed to address the problems
that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under this program,
state educational agencies must ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free,
appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youth.
Homeless children and youth must have access to the educational and other services that they need to enable them to
meet the same challenging State student academic achievement standards to which all students are held. In addition,
homeless students may not be separated from the mainstream school environment.
Homeless & Highly Mobile Students have the Right to:
 Immediate enrollment
 Continue at the same school if transportation is feasible
Attend special programs and services like all other students
Homework assignments given to students are an extension of daily classroom activities. Students should use these
activities as reinforcement for lessons taught. Homework affords parents the opportunity to know what students are
doing in the classroom and teachers can evaluate completed assigned work to determine which skills need
reinforcement in the classroom. Homework assignments not being completed may lead to negative effects on the
student’s participation in classroom activities as well as grades earned by the student. Make-up work must be made
up within three days after an excused absence. ONLINE RESOURCE: www.homework
Public health considerations require that students with contagious conditions be excluded from school until they are
treated. Some of these conditions are: lice, scabies, ringworm, impetigo, pinkeye, untreated tuberculosis chicken
pox, measles, mumps, hepatitis A.
Students with oral temperatures over 100, vomiting or diarrhea must also be kept home until the symptom(s)
subside, or until the school receives written clearance from his or her physician.
Upon registering in the Allen Parish Public School System, all students whose parents have indicated on the Home
Language Survey that a language other than English is spoken in the home will be assessed
using the Language Assessment Scale.
1. Based on assessment results, parents will be informed in a manner in which they can understand of their child’s
eligibility in a language instructional educational program. The methods of informing parents may include a written
letter in the parent’s native language, a phone conversation through an interpreter, or a home visit. This information
will include:
•student’s assessment information;
•status of academic achievement;
•methods of instruction to be used in the program;
•how the program will help the child learn English;
•how the program will meet academic achievement;
•standards for a grade promotion and graduation;
•specific exit requirements from the program;
•expected rate of graduation for LEP high school students; and
•parents right to decline such language services.
2. At the completion of each school year, parents of LEP students will be notified in one of the methods previously
noted of their child’s progress in the language educational program.
3. Take-home activities will be provided to parents of LEP students as a means of assisting parents in working with
their child to attain English proficiency and meet challenging state academic standards.
Any student found to have positive evidence of head lice (either live lice or lice eggs, called nits) shall be excluded
from school. The student shall be excluded until he/she has been treated with lice killing shampoo and until all nits
have been removed from the hair. His/her parent or a responsible adult must accompany any student who is
excluded from school because of lice infestation when he/she returns to school.
Oakdale Middle School provides students of any race, color, nationality and/or ethnic origin all the rights,
privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality and/or ethnic origin in the administration of its policies,
admission procedures, athletics, clubs or any other school administered program.
The Parent Command Center is an online web site that allows parents and guardians of students in our public system
to view their child’s attendance, grades, and progress reports. Each child in your family will have to have an
account. You will need the last five digits of your child’s social security number to set up their account. This wil be
the PSN number on the New Registration Form. The following is the web site to connect to the Parent Command
PARENT RIGHT TO KNOW [Section 1111(h), (2), (E), (6)]
Allen Parish School Board will provide parents with the following:
 Teacher/Para Qualifications: Parents will be notified at the beginning of each school year that they have
the right to request information regarding their child’s teacher’s /para’s qualification and certifications. The
Principal will notify parents or guardians of their child’s teacher’s/para’s qualifications and certification
upon receipt of a written request by the parent or guardian.
 Non-Certified Teachers: Parents of students who are being taught by a non-certified teacher for a period
of four consecutive weeks will be notified of that fact in writing through a letter sent by the school principal
after conferring with the Supervisor of Personnel.
 Student Achievement Level: State assessment scores for individual students will be forwarded to parents
or guardians either via student or mail once results are received from the Louisiana State Department of
If your child is not to leave school with a parent/guardian, the legal parent/guardian must provide the school with a
copy of a legal document showing that this person has been denied custody of the child. Anytime a child is to leave
school with anyone other than an immediate family member an administrator or his/her designee must have a signed
note from a parent/guardian granting permission for this person to pick up the child.
All conferences are scheduled through the office and held during teaming. The times for conferences are as follows:
Please call in advance to talk to teachers and administration.
5th Grade 11:15-11:45
7th Grade 1:18-2:08
6 Grade 12:26-1:16
8th Grade 2:10-2:50
Title I, Reap, Homeless Liason
Jennifer Manuel 337-639-4620, Ext. 31201
Title II, Title IV
Karen Reed
337-639-4311 Ext. 20258
Title III (LEP), Parent
Involvement Coordinator
Clarice Papillion 337-639-4311, Ext. 20254
Title IX, Child Welfare
and Attendance
Kent Reed
337-639-4311, Ext. 20228
Special Educaiton & 504
Paulette Perry
337-639-4311, Ext. 20246
Allen Parish School Board
1111 West 7th Avenue
PO Drawer C
Oberlin LA 70655
Phone: (337) 639-4311
Fax: (337) 639-2346
Allen Parish Physical Education Classes Grading Policy: 1 - 6
Student grades each six weeks will be determined by student interest in activities, participation, and class
N=Needs Improvement
Allen Parish Physical Education Classes Grading Policy: 7 – 12
Each student begins each six weeks with 100 points. Their grades will be determined by the
number of points that they gain or lose during the six weeks. Six weeks will conform with parish grading policy.
Grading Scale for Regular Courses
Quality Points
3.5 - 4.0
2.5 - 3.4
1.5 - 2.4
1.0 - 1.4
Below 1.0
Students may gain points by test scores, home assignments, and research.
At no time will a student lose points because of his/her physical inability. (Example: Skill tests)
Students may lose points for the following reasons:
A. Not dressing out properly (out of complete uniform as selected
by the school) but participating
B. Non-participation (without legitimate excuse)
C. Lack of participation (in the opinion of the instructor, the
student is not trying)
D. Disruption of class
E. Unsportsmanlike-like conduct
F. Tardy for class
G. Reporting to class without material(s) requested by Instructor
(Example: pencil and paper)
H. Use of vulgar or profane language
I. Poor personal hygiene
J. Horse play
K. Disrespect to authority
All special education students will receive grades in the same manner as regular education students with the
exception of students that participate in Alternate Assessment and are not pursuing a high school diploma.
Mainstreamed students in a regular education classroom setting that qualify for Alternate Assessment and are not
pursuing a high school diploma may receive S, N, or U’s on work modified to their functioning level. In the special
education classroom setting, the special education teacher must assign percentage grades relating to IEP objectives
PBIS is a state-wide mandated approach to addressing behavior and discipline in our school. The process focuses on
pro-active, educative, and reinforcement-based strategies used both in the classroom and school wide. It also targets
the use of meaningful, well thought-out consequences designed to change the behavior of the student. This process
is about positive role-modeling by adults, high expectations, having good incentives, rewards and recognition for
behavior, consequences that are timely, relevant, related, and teach alternative or replacement behaviors designed to
change students’ behavior. This process is evaluated on a weekly basis by administrators and teachers. Changes are
made to fit the needs of our school.
PBIS requires that expectations and rules be taught and practiced at the beginning of the year and throughout the
year as data indicates is necessary.
Oakdale Middle Schools expectations are O-Obey all rules, K-Keep a respectful attitude, M-Make responsible
choices, and S-Strive for excellence. Students who display the expectations in their actions and attitude will be
given Brave Bucks to use throughout the school year for various rewards such as:
1 Brave Buck for bathroom pass or pencil
3 Brave Bucks for a Braves home football or basketball game.
5 Brave Bucks to wear jeans with school uniform shirt. (This day will be decided by the administration)
10 Brave Bucks Students can buy back a minor infraction at any time during the school year.
Oakdale Middle School with be selling hoodies this school year to support our Pow - Wow Days and Behavior
Reward Trips throughout the year. These hoodies are the only ones that students will be allowed to wear on
campus. Students must wear a school uniform t-shirt under the hoodie at all times.
The Oakdale Middle School requires students to maintain the highest standards of affectionate behavior. Selfrespect demands that public displays of affection in any form be avoided on school premises. This includes necking,
petting and personal body contact.
The Allen Parish School Board is dedicated to providing a drug-free learning environment for the students attending
schools in the district. Each student shall be specifically prohibited from being under the influence of, bringing on,
consuming, or having in his/her possession on a school bus, on school premises, or at a school function away from
the school, any alcoholic beverages, intoxicating liquors, narcotic drugs, prescription medications, marijuana, nitrate
based inhalants, imitation or counterfeit controlled substances, or other controlled substances as defined by state
statutes, unless dispensed by a licensed physician as allowed by law. Any student found in violation of the above
shall be suspended and/or recommended for expulsion by the principal.
Any violations of criminal laws, state or federal, committed on school property shall be prosecuted as provided by
law. Any student who distributes sells or dispenses in any manner or form whatsoever a controlled dangerous
substance as defined by state law to another student or anyone else while on the school premises shall be expelled
pursuant to the provisions and guidelines as set forth in state law and Allen Parish School Board policy.
The Allen Parish School Board has designated an area within 1,000 feet of any property used for school purposes by
any school or on a school bus as DRUG-FREE and FIREARM-FREE ZONES. It is unlawful for anyone to use,
distribute, be under the influence of, manufacture or possess any controlled substances or possess a firearm as
defined by statute within these zones.
The Oakdale School Based Health Center (SBHC) is a medical clinic located on the campus of Oakdale Middle
School. It is staffed with a Director, a Nurse Practitioner, a Registered Nurse, a Licensed Professional Counselor
Intern and a Receptionist/Data Clerk. The center is open from 7:30 a. m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. All
medical needs are addressed at the SBHC. The SBHC is closed when schools are closed. At the time of school
registration, students must show proof of immunization of the following vaccines: Tetanus Diphtheria Acellular
Pertussis vaccine (TdaP); two (2) doses of Varicella vaccine; two (2) Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccines;
three (3) Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccines; and one (1) Meningococcal vaccine (MCV4). For additional information ,
please call (318( 215-1413 or 215-1414 . Students not signed up with the SBHC will not be seen.
Oakdale Middle School disapproves of and will not tolerate sexual harassment by employees to students, by
students to employees, or by one student to another. No employee or student, either male or female should be
subjected to unsolicited and/or unwelcomed sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical. Sexual
harassment/bullying is specifically prohibited, unlawful and against the policy of the Allen Parish School Board
(See discipline policy for a definition of bullying). Complaints of sexual harassment/bullying which take place at
school or at a school related function or arising out of the school setting should be reported to the principal of the
school. Should the claim of sexual harassment be made against the principal, the complaint should be brought
directly to the superintendent.
A student is permitted to use the school telephone for emergencies only. In such cases, the use of the telephone
must be approved by and used in the presence of office personnel. Students will be called from the classroom for an
emergency call ONLY. The telephone in the teaming room should be used for school business ONLY. Cell phone
usage is not allowed by students.
Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies (LEA) is a non-discriminatory,
federally funded program that provides supplemental funding to state and LEAs for resources to help schools with
high concentrations of students from low-income families provide a high-quality education that will enable all
children to meet the state's student performance standards. This program provides services for millions of our
nation’s children. Title I, Part A supports schools in implementing either a school-wide program or a targeted
assistance program. These programs must use effective methods and instructional strategies that are grounded in
scientifically based research. More recent changes in the law request added parent participation in both the planning
and evaluation of Title I, as well as the development of the District plans.
PARENTS RIGHT TO KNOW - Title I refers to programs aimed at
America’s most disadvantaged students. Title I Part A provides assistance to
improve the teaching and learning of children in high-poverty schools to
enable those children to meet challenging state academic content and
performance standards. Title I reaches about 12.5 million students enrolled in
both public and private schools. Parents of all children in all Title I schools have
the right to request and receive timely information on the professional
qualifications of their children’s classroom teachers; and, if the children are
provided services by paraprofessionals, parents have the right to request their
qualifications, also.
ALL VISITORS are required to check in at the office when arriving on campus. Visitors must have an Oakdale
Middle School or Allen Parish Employee pass to enter the campus. All others will be stopped and escorted from the
No grades will be forwarded to another school for a student unless all fees are clear and all the necessary release
documents have been signed by the enrolled guardian.
2015-2016 School Year (Six-Week Grading Period)
Six-Week Ending Dates
1. 1st six-weeks
2. 2nd six-weeks
3. 3rd six-weeks (end of 1st semester)
4. 4th six-weeks
5. 5th six-weeks
6. 6th six-weeks
September 21, 2015
November 2, 2015
December 18, 2015
February 18, 2016
April 8, 2016
May 20 2016
Progress Reports Issued
1. 1st six-weeks
2. 2nd six-weeks
3. 3rd six-weeks
4. 4th six-weeks
5. 5th six-weeks
6. 6th six-weeks
August 28, 2015
October 13, 2015
November 30, 2015
January 27, 2016
March 11, 2016
April 29, 2016
Report Cards Issued
1. 1st six-weeks
2. 2nd six-weeks
3. 3rd six-weeks
4. 4th six-weeks
5. 5th six-weeks
6. 6th six-weeks
September 26, 2015
November 6, 2015
January 7, 2016
February 24, 2016
April 14, 2016
May 20, 201