J A PA N M E T E O R O L O G I C A L AG E N C Y =================================================== QUESTIONNAIRE ON METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITES OF THE JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY (JMA) The results of this questionnaire will be used to support consideration of Internet/commercial telecommunication satellite imagery distribution/dissemination services and their content in order to better comply with user needs and ensure a smooth shift from MTSAT-2 to Himawari-8/9 operation. Please complete the questionnaire with reference to Annex 1, Annex 2 and the details of Himawari-8/9 at http://mscweb.kishou.go.jp/himawari89/index.html. Please send the completed questionnaire to the Satellite Program Division of the Observations Department at JMA by fax or email no later than 1 May, 2013. Satellite Program Division, Observations Department, Japan Meteorological Agency Attention: Yasushi Izumikawa (Mr.) 1-3-4 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8122, Japan Email: metsat@met.kishou.go.jp Fax: +81-3-3217-1036 Title, name and affiliation of person in charge: Title: Mr Ms Dr Prof. (Check as appropriate) Name: ________________________________ Organization: _____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Email: ______________________________ Date: _____________ ________________________________ (Signature of Permanent Representative with WMO) 1 Part I. Status of Current MTSAT Imagery Utilization Q1. Do you use MTSAT imagery? a) Yes b) No (Skip to Q3.) □ □ Q2. For those who answered “a) Yes” to Q1: How do you receive MTSAT imagery? (Multiple answers OK) (See http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/jma-eng/satellite/nmhs.html.) a) Via a Medium-scale Data Utilization Station (MDUS) for HRIT imagery b) Via a Small-scale Data Utilization Station (SDUS) for LRIT imagery c) Via the Internet (JDDS) d) Via the Internet (GISC Tokyo Server) e) Via the Internet (Meteorological Satellite Center/JMA website) f) Other _________________________________________________________________ □ □ □ □ □ □ Q3. Would you be able to continue your meteorological services without imagery from Japanese meteorological satellites? a) Yes. We have an alternative source of imagery. b) No. We need imagery from Japanese meteorological satellites. □ □ Part II. Utilization Plans for Himawari-8/9 Imagery Q4. Do you plan to use Himawari-8/9 imagery? a) Yes b) No (Skip to Q19.) □ □ Q5. For those who answered “a) Yes” to Q4: How do you plan to receive Himawari-8/9 imagery? (Multiple answers OK) a) Via the Internet b) Via a commercial telecommunication satellite c) Not yet decided □ □ □ Q6. For those who did not answer “a) Via the Internet” to Q5: What are your reasons? (Multiple answers OK) a) Connection fees b) Connection reliability c) Other (Please specify): _________________________________________________________________ □ □ □ Part III. Plans for Imagery Acquisition via the Internet Q7. Higher spatial-resolution imagery (e.g., 2 km for the IR channel of Himawari-8/9) with 2 10-minute intervals will be accessible only via the Internet. An estimated bandwidth of around 35 Mbps will be necessary to download all imagery without delay. What line speed (in Mbps) can be secured for Himawari-8/9 imagery acquisition? Approx. Mbps □ Q8. How many imagery channels do you plan to use? a) All 16 (Skip to Q12.) b) Around 5 (the same as currently available from MTSAT-2: 1 visible and 4 infra-red) c) Other (Please specify): _________________________________________________________________ □ □ □ Q9. For those who answered “b)” to Q8: Imagery from these five channels will be distributed in the current formats (HRIT and LRIT) and in Advanced HRIT format. Which do you plan to use? (Multiple answers OK) a) HRIT b) LRIT c) Advanced HRIT (new format for Himawari-8/9 imagery) □ □ □ Q10. To facilitate rapid downloading of essential imagery for meteorological services, JMA plans to cut out certain regions and make the cut-out imagery available. What kind of imagery would you prefer to use? (Multiple answers OK) a) Full-disk b) Half-disk c) Cut-out □ □ □ Q11. For those who answered “c) Cut-out” to Q10: What regions would you like to see cut out? (e.g., Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands. Please specify with reference to the MSC/JMA web page at http://mscweb.kishou.go.jp/sat_dat/index.htm.) □ ____________________________________________________________________ Q12. Do you have any questions regarding distribution via the Internet? If so, please indicate them below. □ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Part IV. Plans for Imagery Acquisition via a Commercial Telecommunication Satellite Q13. Special equipment needs to be installed to receive Himawari-8/9 imagery via a commercial telecommunication satellite, as the data will be disseminated using a digital video broadcast standard called Digital Video Broadcasting – Satellite – Second 3 Generation (DVB-S2), which differs from current method of MTSAT-2 imagery dissemination. The estimated costs of this equipment are shown in Annex 2. In this regard, are any of the following factors a concern for you? a) Cost (e.g., equipment purchase, foundation construction) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Installation (e.g., dish antenna size, technical matters) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) Data processing system (e.g., data input, processing software) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ d) Other (Please specify) : ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ □ □ □ □ Q14. For those who answered “b) Via a commercial telecommunication satellite” to Q5: Which format of imagery do you plan to receive? a) HRIT b) LRIT c) Both □ □ □ Q15. Do you plan to receive imagery at multiple stations? a) Yes If so, how many? __________ b) No □ □ □ Q16. Besides the NMHS, do any organizations in your country plan to receive Himawari-8/9 imagery via a commercial telecommunication satellite? a) Yes If so, what kind of organizations and how many? (Please specify in detail.) _______________________________ (e.g., Prefectural Hydrological Service) Number: about __________ b) No c) Don’t know □ □ □ □ □ Q17. If it would be possible to obtain some new imagery or other data/products, what do you prefer to use? a) High-temporal-resolution data (e.g., 10-minute intervals as opposed to the current 30 minutes for half-disk imagery and 60 minutes for full-disk imagery) ________________________________________________________________ b) High-spatial-resolution imagery (e.g., IR1 type with doubled spatial resolution (2 km □ □ 4 as opposed to the current 4 km)) _______________________________________ □ c) Added channels (e.g., the current five plus a certain other channel) ______________________________________ □ d) Other (e.g., forecast charts, imagery for SATAID software) _______________________________________ Q18. Do you have any questions regarding distribution via a commercial telecommunication satellite? If so, please indicate them below. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ □ Part V. Others Q19. Do you have any questions on the plan for the transition of imagery dissemination from MTSAT-2 to Himawari-8/9? If so, please indicate them below. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ □ 5