Running a Non-Recursive Model with the General SEM AMOS Files: ...\OUPSEM\General_SEM\BM1.amw ...\OUPSEM\General_SEM\BM2.amw ...\OUPSEM\General_SEM\BM3.amw Data Files: ...\OUPSEM\General_SEM\Bagozzi1980.xls Sources: Bagozzi, R.P. (1980), “Performance and satisfaction in an industrial sales force: An examination of their antecedents and simultaneity”, Journal of Marketing, 44: 65-77. Joreskog, K., & Sorbom, D. (1996), “LISREL 8: User’s Reference Guide”, Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International, Inc. Data: N=122 collected from an industrial sales force. Research questions: Controlling for exogenous factors (i.e., achievement motivation, task-specific self esteem, and verbal intelligence), is the relationship between performance and job satisfaction myth or reality? Controlling for exogenous factors (i.e., achievement motivation, task-specific self esteem, and verbal intelligence), does performance influence satisfaction, or does satisfaction influence performance? The general conceptual model can be expressed by the following path diagram: z2 1 1 d1 1 d2 1 d3 d4 1 x1 x2 x3 x4 1 Achivement Motiviation 1 Task-specific Self Esteem 1 ? 1 e2 e3 z1 1 1 1 1 ? Performance x5 y2 y3 Job Satisfaction y1 Verbal Intelligence The input data: Nonrecursive SEM for Bowen & Guo SEM page 1 rowtype_ n corr corr corr corr corr corr corr corr stddev mean varname_ y1 y1 y2 y3 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 y2 y3 122 1 0.418 0.394 0.129 0.189 0.544 0.507 -0.357 2.09 720.86 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 1 0.627 0.202 0.284 0.281 0.225 -0.156 3.43 15.54 1 0.266 0.208 0.324 0.314 -0.038 2.81 18.46 1 0.365 0.201 0.172 -0.199 1.95 14.9 1 0.161 0.174 -0.277 2.06 14.35 1 0.546 -0.294 2.16 19.57 1 -0.174 2.06 24.16 1 3.65 21.36 Notice that factors k3 (Verbal Intelligence) and n1 (Performance) are single-indicator latent variables. To make the model identified, we impose a known variance for the measurement errors x5 and y1, respectively. We assume a reliability of .85 for x5 and y1, then Var(d5)=1.998, and Var(e1)=.655. [Step 1, file “Job1.amw”]: To see whether or not we have a good measurement model. Chi-square = 10.309 (12 df), p=.589 RMSEA=.000 GFI=.978, CFI=1.000 2.51 1 d1 2.54 1 d2 1.87 1 d3 2.10 1 d4 2.00 1 d5 1.67 .87 x1 Achivement Motiviation 1.00 x2 1.15 x3 x4 1.00 Verbal Intelligence e3 .661 e1 1.00 y2 2.68 1 -1.87 11.22 -1.72 1.70 4.69 1 e2 .73 Task-specific Self Esteem 1.00 x5 2.10 .86 6.98 1.89 .72 -1.10 Job Satisfaction y3 2.14 -2.70 3.68 2.80 y1 1.00 Performance Job1: CFA Measurement model about job satisfaction and performance (Bagozzi, 1980) Nonrecursive SEM for Bowen & Guo SEM page 2 Comments: In general we have a good model, because all model-fit indices are excellent. All indicators have a loading greater than .8. Two R-squares are below .4, (i.e., R2 for x1=.335, and R2 for x2=.398), indicating that these indicators are not highly determined by their latent variables. Given that they are close to .4, we decided to keep them in the analysis. No problematic MIs that indicate the need to correlate measurement errors. The estimated correlation between n1 (performance) and n2 (job satisfaction) is .553. Given that the correlation is high and that the fundamental questions about the simultaneity of performance and job satisfaction, we can form the following four rival hypothesis: H1: the correlation is spurious; the two latent variables are correlated, because they are both determined by common causes of k1, k2, and k3. H2: n2 (job satisfaction) influences n1 (performance). H3: n1 (performance) influences n2 (job satisfaction). H4: n1 (performance) and n2 (job satisfaction) influence each other reciprocally. [Step 2, file “Job2.amw”]: Test H1. Chi-square = 10.309 (12 df), p=.589 RMSEA=.000 GFI=.978, CFI=1.000 4.29 z2 1 2.51 1 d1 2.54 1 d2 x11.00 x2 1.67 .87 Achivement Motiviation .88 1.00 Job Satisfaction .86 y2 y3 4.69 1 e2 2.68 1 1.05 e3 .73 .72 1.87 1 d3 2.10 1 d4 2.001 d5 x31.00 x4 x5 1.15 Task-specific Self Esteem 1.00 -.12 2.10 .16-1.87 .97 -1.72 -.11 11.22 1.39 1 1.00 Performance z1 y1 .66 1 e1 Verbal Intelligence Job 2: (Bagozzi, 1980) Test "H1: Spurious correlation of job satisfaction & performance" - They have the three exogenous factors as common causes Nonrecursive SEM for Bowen & Guo SEM page 3 Results show that the estimated correlation between z1 and z2 is significant, p=.026. That means that the three common causes cannot remove away all association between the two latent variables (n1 and n2). Therefore, we should reject H1, and conclude that the correlation between n1 and n2 is not spurious. We now go ahead to test H2. To do that, we need take out the correlation between z1 and z2, because we want explicitly to test the causal relation between the two endogenous variables. [Step 3, file “Job3.amw”]: Test H2. Chi-square = 10.309 (12 df), p=.589 RMSEA=.000 GFI=.978, CFI=1.000 4.29 z2 1 2.51 1 d1 2.54 1 d2 x11.00 x2 1.67 .87 Achivement Motiviation .88 1.00 Job Satisfaction .86 y2 y3 4.69 1 e2 2.68 1 e3 .73 .72 1.87 1 d3 2.10 1 d4 2.001 d5 -.34 x31.00 x4 x5 1.15 Task-specific Self Esteem 1.00 .25 2.10 .16-1.87 .79 -1.72 -.15 11.22 1.13 1 1.00 Performance z1 y1 .66 1 e1 Verbal Intelligence Job 3: (Bagozzi, 1980) Test "H2: job satisfaction influences performance" Nonrecursive SEM for Bowen & Guo SEM page 4 Results show that the structural path of n2 on n1 is significant, p=.017. We cannot reject H2. [Step 4, file “Job4.amw”]: Test H3. Chi-square = 10.309 (12 df), p=.589 RMSEA=.000 GFI=.978, CFI=1.000 3.49 z2 1 2.51 1 d1 2.54 1 d2 x11.00 x2 1.67 .87 Achivement Motiviation .97 1.00 Job Satisfaction .86 y2 y3 4.69 1 e2 2.68 1 e3 .73 -.01 1.87 1 d3 2.10 1 d4 2.001 d5 -.12 x31.00 x4 x5 1.15 Task-specific Self Esteem 1.00 .76 2.10 .24-1.87 .97 -1.72 -.11 11.22 1.39 1 1.00 Performance z1 y1 .66 1 e1 Verbal Intelligence Job 4: (Bagozzi, 1980) Test "H3 performance influences job satisfaction" Results show that the structural path of n1 on n2 is significant, p=.016. We cannot reject H3. The two variables affect each other individually. Now it seems important to know whether or not a reciprocal relation between the two variables exists. Nonrecursive SEM for Bowen & Guo SEM page 5 [Step 5, file “Job5.amw”]: Test H4. z2 1 1 d1 1 d2 1 d3 1 d4 x1 x2 x3 x4 1 Achivement Motiviation 1 1 Task-specific Self Esteem 1 1.998 1 x5 1 1 e2 1 e3 z1 1 Performance d5 y2 y3 Job Satisfaction y1 0.655 1 e1 Verbal Intelligence Job 5: (Bagozzi, 1980) Test "H4: nonrecursive relation" The model is underidentified. To solve the problem, we consider deleting the structural paths that are not significant in Step 4. There are two of them: k1 on n1 (p=.564), and k2 on n2 (p=.975). All other structural paths are significant. Nonrecursive SEM for Bowen & Guo SEM page 6 [Step 6, file “Job6.amw”]: Test H4, delete two structural paths that are not significant from Step 5. Chi-square = 10.474 (13 df), p=.655 RMSEA=.000 GFI=.978, CFI=1.000 3.53 z2 1 2.53 1 d1 2.50 1 d2 x11.00 x2 1.71 .85 Achivement Motiviation .92 1.00 Job Satisfaction .86 y2 y3 4.73 1 e2 2.66 1 e3 .70 1.84 1 d3 2.11 1 d4 2.001 d5 x31.00 x4 x5 1.15 1.00 -.05 2.10 Task-specific Self Esteem .25-1.89 .99 -1.73 -.09 11.22 1.55 .80 1 1.00 Performance z1 y1 .66 1 e1 Verbal Intelligence Job 6: (Bagozzi, 1980) Test "H4: nonrecursive relation", Delete two nonsignificant paths to make the model identified Results show that the model is good, but two structural coefficients are not significant: n2 on n1 (p=.668), and k3 on n1 (p=.108). Clearly, the study cannot confirm a reciprocal relation between job satisfaction and performance. Results cannot support the nonrecursive model! Deleting the above two nonsignificant paths, we come up with the final model. Nonrecursive SEM for Bowen & Guo SEM page 7 [Step 7, file “Job7.amw”]: The final model. Chi-square = 13.508 (15 df), p=.563 RMSEA=.000 GFI=.971, CFI=1.000 3.54 z2 1 2.54 1 d1 2.50 1 d2 x11.00 x2 1.71 .85 Achivement Motiviation .94 1.00 Job Satisfaction .85 y2 y3 4.62 1 e2 2.73 1 e3 .72 1.91 1 d3 2.21 1 d4 x31.00 x4 1.16 2.00 Task-specific Self Esteem .22-1.90 1.08 -1.97 2.001 d5 x5 1.00 1.35 .73 1 1.00 Performance z1 y1 .66 1 e1 11.22 Verbal Intelligence Job 7: (Bagozzi, 1980) Final Model: Delete nonsignificant paths of JOB6 Recursive Model In this final model, all structural path coefficients are statistically significant at .05 level. Interpretations? What did we find? Nonrecursive SEM for Bowen & Guo SEM page 8