+--------------------------[ PCB-ATCH Ver 1.50 ]---------------------------+ | Written By Gary Meeker 07/11/94 Updated 12/22/95 | | SYSOP: SHARP Technical Support Line BBS Lawrenceville, GA | | (770) 962-1788 300-28800 Baud. 24 Hours | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ V1.00 07/11/94 - Initial Release V1.10 07/11/94 - 2nd Release Added support for Cam-Mail .QWK packets with file attachments V1.20 07/15/94 - 3rd Release Added file cleanup after copying attached files. Added support for Clearing Network Tags to replace the separate program CLEARTAG Added support for Setting Net Status in NETFLAGS.DAT to replace the separate program MAKE-NET Added support for exporting attached files V1.30 07/16/94 - 4th Release Added support for change in PCBoard which uses original filename if possible rather than renaming to .000-.999 V1.40 07/22/94 - 5th Release Added support a CLEARTAG configuration file to control which conferences are to be cleared V1.50 12/22/95 - 6th Release I seem to have had the filename order in ATTACHED.LST backwards, fixed that. PCB-Attach is designed for use with Cam-Mail IMPORT and EXPORT to copy the attached files to the proper directory. This allows attached files to be carried through echo nets perfectly in both directions. The program might also be usable with other mail importers and exporters such as RNET & QNET but I don't use any, so I don't know. As long as you can define the name of the archiver & un-archiver to use I don't see why it would not work for them also. In order to use it with Cam-Mail, you MUST define your Archive Arc & UnArch commands as batch files under NETSM. I called mine PKZIPX.BAT and PKUNZIPX.BAT and they reside in the Cam-Mail directory (as do these utilities). You should also add -m- to the parameters (making it -aes-m-) so the files will get deleted after they are zipped (but not the directory). My batch files looks like this: PKZIPX.BAT (Using Export) ---------@Echo OFf PCB-Atch.exe %3 J:\ATTACH /X [/A] C:\UTIL\PKZIP.EXE %1 %2 @PCB-Atch.LST IF EXIST PCB-Atch.LST DEL PCB-Atch.LST PKZIPX.BAT (Using Export & ClearTag) ---------@Echo OFf PCB-Atch.exe %3 J:\ATTACH /X /C [/A] C:\UTIL\CHANGE.COM %3 "ã---ã þ Cam-Mail v1.45: ã" "ã " C:\UTIL\PKZIP.EXE %1 %2 @PCB-Atch.LST IF EXIST PCB-Atch.LST DEL PCB-Atch.LST Note: the use of the optional /A is shown above but don't include the '[]' The /X indicates the program is to Export attached file. Also note that %3 is removed from the PKZIP.EXE command line and replaced with a List File which PCB-Attach will create each time. If the Mail Door you are importing to requires an ATTACHED.LST file, then you must also include the /A on the command line. As of this writing, QMail does not support attached file in .REP's but should soon and will not use the ATTACHED.LST file, but I added support for it just in case things change or another door does need it. Cam-Mail already does support the attached files in .REP's and PCBAttach works just fine with that Mail Door. PKZIPX.BAT (Using ClearTag without Export) ---------@Echo OFf PCB-Atch.exe %3 J:\ATTACH /C C:\UTIL\CHANGE.COM %3 "ã---ã þ Cam-Mail v1.45: ã" "ã " C:\UTIL\PKZIP.EXE %1 %2 %3 The /C is to clear the Network Tags if you are exporting to a board on which you don't have Net Status but want to Echo your own messages. You will also need to define a blank TagLine to be used under NETSM.EXE (You may specify the /C without /X if you want to use the ClearTag feature without the Export attached files option). You may also create a file that contains a single line defining which conferences to clear the Tags in which allows you to get conferences other than just your Network conferences. When uploading a .REP QMAIL will report a failure importing the mail but not explain why when you have any messages in conferences that are not Echo Conferences. This list of conferences may contain single conferences separated by commas or a range of conferences separated by a dash. ie. 1,3,5-9,13,100-109,144. The file name must be the PACKETID with an extension of TAG and must reside in the current directory. I am also including PC Magazines CHANGE.COM with this file as I have modified it over the years and many systems don't keep older files despite the fact that some are very useful. PKUNZIPX.BAT (Using Import & MakeNet) -----------@Echo Off IF !%5!==!%%4! GOTO Rep C:\UTIL\PKUNZIP.EXE %1 %2 *.* %5 -x@DONTWANT.LST PCB-Atch.exe %5 J:\ATTACH GOTO End :Rep C:\UTIL\PKUNZIP.EXE %1 %2 %3 %4 :End Notice that %3 & %4 are not used. These would normally define MESSAGES.DAT and NETFLAGS.DAT that are the only files Cam-Mail extracts. Instead we need to extract all the files. Change the J:\ATTACH to the path where you send your Attached files (sorry but I don't yet have support for the conference definitions. I might add CNAMES.* Support later, but I just wrote this for myself and I only use 1 directory for attachments). The second use of this batch file by Cam-Mail is to re-extract the PACKETID.MSG file from a .REP if one still exists when exporting new mail. PCB-Attach will check the attached file directory and create a unique name for the attached file. It will then update the MESSAGES.DAT file to indicate the name it used and copy the files over to the directory. It will also set the NETFLAGS.DAT flags if they are not set. If you want to use this feature and DO NOT want to Import attached files, you may use /M on the command line (also leave the %3 & %4 on the PKUNZIP line and do not add the exclude file). The DONTWANT.LST file is a list of files not to extract from the .QWK as some Mail Importers will not clean up files it did not extract. You can eliminate many of them by just setting the Mail Door up correctly so as not to include them in the first place. This file goes in the Cam-Mail directory or you can place it elsewhere, but be sure to indicate the full path on the command line if you do. Here is the list I am using (if you find other files laying around in the WORK directory, then add them to the list as necessary): DONTWANT.LST -----------DOOR.ID CONTROL.DAT SESSION.TXT OPTION.QM4 *.PTR *.NDX PKUNZIPX.BAT (Using MakeNet without Import) -----------@Echo Off C:\UTIL\PKUNZIP.EXE %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 IF !%5!==!%%4! GOTO End PCB-Atch.exe %5 /M :End ========================================================================= As usual, this program is released as FREEWARE and you may contact me via SaltAir or my BBS. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR There are a number of ways to contact the author: 1. 1788. 2. Call the support BBS, SHARP Technical Support Line BBS (770) 962Fax: (770) 995-0613 3. I call SaltAir daily so this is a perfect place to contact me also through the Utilities Conference. 4. Send a letter through regular post to the following address: ATTN: Gary Meeker SHARP Technical Support Line BBS 725-C Old Norcross Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ========================================================================= *DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER* Every effort has been made to avoid error and moderately extensive testing has been performed on these programs, however, I do not warrant them to be fit for any purpose or to be free from error and disclaims any liability for actual or any other damage arising from the use of these programs. ENSURE YOU KEEP UP-TO-DATE BACKUPS OF ALL YOUR IMPORTANT FILES. *DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER* =========================================================================