Curriculum Vitea

Curriculum Vitea
Khaled D. Alotaibi
King Saud University
College of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
P.O. Box 2460, Riyadh 11451
Tel: 0114693314
Fax: 0114678440
PhD. University of Saskatchewan (Soil Science), Saskatoon, SK. Canada (2014).
M.Sc. University of Guelph (Land Resource Sci.), Guelph, On, Canada. (2008)
B.Sc. King Saud University (Agricultural Sciences), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (2000)
Academic Excellence Award (fall semester, 2013), Saudi Cultural Bureau in Ottawa, Canada
Academic Excellence Award (winter semester, 2013), Saudi Cultural Bureau in Ottawa, Canada
Academic Excellence Award (fall semester, 2014), Saudi Cultural Bureau in Ottawa, Canada
Academic Excellence Award (winter semester, 2014), Saudi Cultural Bureau in Ottawa, Canada
Student Travel Award (2012), Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada
Soil Science PhD Devolved Scholarship (2010), Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada
Dollie Hantelman Postgraduate Scholarship (2009), Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada
Soil Science PhD Devolved Scholarship (2009), Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada
Soil Science PhD Devolved Scholarship (2008), Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada
University International Graduate Scholarship (2007), Univ. of Guelph, Canada
Launching an Academic Career: A one-day short course for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. University of Saskatchewan, April 9th, 2014.
Post Doctoral Fellowship (2014-2015), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Quebec
Research Assistant (2014), University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Research Internship (Jan -May 2013), National Research Council Canada, Montreal
Laboratory Demonstrator (2001 – 2004), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Research Assistant (2000-2001), Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Riyadh, Saudi
Research Interests
 Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in agricultural soils.
 Greenhouse gas emissions following application of organic materials to soils.
 Decomposition of organic materials in agricultural soils.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau, X. Hao. 2015. Crop and Soil Responses to Fertilization
with Distillers' Grains Derived Manure in a Saskatchewan Soil. Communications in
Soil Science and Plant Analysis (In press).
Alotaibi K.D., J.J. Schoenau. 2014. Comparison of amendment with distillers’ grain
versus urea on crop yield and nutrient uptake in a canola-wheat rotation in southern
Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94: 1513-157.
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau, X. Hao. 2014. Fertilizer potential of thin stillage from
wheat-based ethanol production. Bioenergy Research 7: 1421-1429.
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau, T., Fonstad. 2013. Possible utilization of ash from
meat and bone meal and dried distillers grains gasification as a phosphorus fertilizer:
crop growth response and changes in soil chemical properties. Journal of Soils and
Sediments 13, 1024-1031.
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau. 2013. Greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient
availability in soil amended with biofuel production by-products. Biology and
Fertility of Soils 49:129–141.
Alotaibi, K.D. and J.J. Schoenau. 2012. Biofuel production byproducts as soil
amendments. In: Lichtfouse E (ed) Organic fertilization, soil quality and human
health. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol. 9. Springer, New York, pp. 67–91.
Alotaibi, K.D. and J.J. Schoenau. 2011. Enzymatic activity and microbial biomass in
soil amended with biofuel production byproducts. Applied Soil Ecology 48, 227-235.
Presentations - Oral
Alotaibi, K.D. and Schoenau, J.J. 2014. Assessment of the fertilizer potential of
distillers’ grain from wheat-based ethanol production. Soils and Crops Conference,
March 11-12, 2014, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Alotaibi, K.D. and Schoenau, J.J. 2012. Crop yield, microbial biomass and
dehydrogenase activity in avprairie soil amended with biochar and glycerol. AQSSSCSSS Joint meeting, Soils under a changing climate: Friend or foe?, 3-8 June, 2012,
Quebec, Quebec, Canada.
Alotaibi, K. and J. Schoenau. 2012. Phosphorus forms in soil amended with meat & bone
meal ash and dried distillers grain ash, March 13-14, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon,
Alotaibi, K. and J. Shoenau. 2011. Crop Yield Response and Recovery of Nutrients
Applied as Thin Stillage in a Black Chernozem. Soils and Crops Workshop, March 1516, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Alotaibi, K., J. Schoenau and X. Hao. 2010. Comparison of Manure from Wet Distillers
Grain Versus Conventional Rations on Crop Yield and Nutrient Recovery in East-Central
Saskatchewan. Joint Conference of the CSSS & CSA, Transfers and Transformations:
Our Evolving Biosphere, June 20-24, 2010, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau and P. Qian. 2010. Enzymatic Activity and Microbial
Biomass in Soil Amended with Biofuel Processing Byproducts. Soils and Crops 2010
Workshop, February 24-25, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J Schoenau and P. Qian. 2009. Potential Use of Biofuel Processing
By-products as Soil Amendments: Effect on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil
Nutrient Supplies. Joint Annual Conference of the CSSS/CSA/CSAFM. August 5-7,
2009, Guelph, On.
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau and P. Qian. 2009. Soil respiration and nitrous oxide
production in distillers grain and glycerol amended soil. Soils and Crops 2009, February
26, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Presentations - Poster
Alotaibi, K and Goss, M.J. 2007. Can the Utilization of Fall-applied Manure Nitrogen be
Increased by Combination with Paper Mill Bio-Solids? Annual meeting/ Canadian Soil
Science Society, June 3-7, Sainte-Catherine, Que.
Goss, M.J. and Alotaibi, K.D. 2007. Co-application of paper mill biosolids and liquid
swine manure to agricultural soil. International Ploughing Match, September 25-29.
Portland, On.
Goss, M.J. and Alotaibi, K.D. 2007. Can the utilization of fall-applied manure nitrogen
be increased by combination with paper mill biosolids? International Ploughing Match,
September 25-29. Portland, On.
Goss, M.J. and Alotaibi, K.D. 2007. Co-application of paper mill biosolids and liquid
swine manure to agricultural soil. Royal Winter Fair, November 2-11.Toronto, On.
Goss, M.J. and Alotaibi, K.D. 2007. Can the utilization of fall-applied manure nitrogen
be increased by combination with paper mill biosolids?. Royal Winter Fair, November 211.Toronto, On.
Alotaibi, K.D. and J.J. Schoenau. 2010. Crop Growth as Affected by Bio-energy
Byproducts Application . Soils and Crops 2010 Workshop, February 24-25, University of
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Alotaibi, K., J. Schoenau, T. Fonstad. 2010. Biochars and Ashes Produced from
Pyrolysis and Gasification as Amendments to Increase the Fertility of A Brown
Chernozem Soil. Joint Conference of the CSSS & CSA, Transfers and Transformations:
Our Evolving Biosphere, June 20-24, 2010, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Alotaibi, K., J. Shoenau, T. Fonstad. 2011. Effectiveness of Meat & Bone Meal and
Distillers Grain Ash as a Phosphorus Source for Crops. Soils and Crops Workshop,
March 15-16, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Conference Proceedings
Alotaibi, K.D. and Schoenau, J.J. 2014. Assessment of the fertilizer potential of
distillers’ grain from wheat-based ethanol production. Soils and Crops Conference,
March 11-12, 2014, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Available on CD.
Alotaibi, K.D. and Schoenau, J.J. 2012. Crop yield, microbial biomass and
dehydrogenase activity in avprairie soil amended with biochar and glycerol. AQSSSCSSS Joint meeting, Soils under a changing climate: Friend or foe?, 3-8 June, 2012,
Quebec, Quebec, Canada (Abstract), P 52.
Alotaibi, K. and J. Shoenau. 2012. Phosphorus forms in soil amended with meat & bone
meal ash and dried distillers grain ash. Proceedings of the 2012 Soils and Crops
Workshops, March 13-14, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Available on CD.
Alotaibi, K. and J. Shoenau. 2011. Crop Yield Response and Recovery of Nutrients
Applied as Thin Stillage in a Black Chernozem. Proceedings of the 2011 Soils and Crops
Workshop, March 15-16, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Available on CD.
Alotaibi, K., J. Shoenau, T. Fonstad. 2011. Effectiveness of Meat & Bone Meal and
Distillers Grain Ash as a Phosphorus Source for Crops. Proceedings of the 2011 Soils and
Crops Workshop, March 15-16, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Available on
Alotaibi, K., J. Schoenau, T. Fonstad. 2010. Biochars and Ashes Produced from
Pyrolysis and Gasification as Amendments to Increase the Fertility of A Brown
Chernozem Soil. Joint Conference of the CSSS & CSA, Transfers and Transformations:
Our Evolving Biosphere, June 20-24, 2010, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
(Abstract). P60.
Alotaibi, K., J. Schoenau and X. Hao. 2010. Comparison of Manure from Wet Distillers
Grain Versus Conventional Rations on Crop Yield and Nutrient Recovery in East-Central
Saskatchewan. Joint Conference of the CSSS & CSA, Transfers and Transformations:
Our Evolving Biosphere, June 20-24, 2010, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (Absract).
Alotaibi, K.D. and J.J. Schoenau. 2010. Crop Growth as Affected by Bio-energy
Byproducts Application . Proceedings of the 2010 Soils and Crops Workshop, February
24-25, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (on CD).
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau and P. Qian. 2010. Enzymatic Activity and Microbial
Biomass in Soil Amended with Biofuel Processing Byproducts. Proceedings of the 2010
Soils and Crops Workshop, February 24-25, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan (on CD).
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J Schoenau and P. Qian. 2009. Potential Use of Biofuel Processing
By-products as Soil Amendments: Effect on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil
Nutrient Supplies. Joint Annual Conference of the CSSS/CSA/CSAFM. August 5-7,
2009, Guelph, On (Abstract). P26.
Alotaibi, K.D., J.J. Schoenau and P. Qian. 2009. Soil respiration and nitrous oxide
production in distillers grain and glycerol amended soil. Proceedings of the 2009 Soils
and Crops Workshop, February 26, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan (on CD).
Alotaibi, K and Goss, M.J. 2007. Can the utilization of Fall-applied manure nitrogen be
increased by combination with paper mill biosolids? Canadian Soil Science Society
Annual Meeting, June 3-7, Sainte-Catherine, Que (Abstract).
Technical reports
Rashid, M.T., Alotaibi, K., Goss, M.J. and Barry, D. 2006. Chemical and physical
treatment of paper mill biosolids for enhanced decomposition. Final report submitted to
Abitibi Consolidated Inc.
Schoenau, J.J., Qian, P., Alotaibi, K., Urton, R. 2009. Potential for Using Biofuel
Processing By-products as Soil Amendments to Increase Fertility. Final report submitted
to Agriculture Development Fund, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.
 Pedosphere
 Land Degradation & Development
 Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal
 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
 Geoderma
 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition