Networks of pathways Results Network: Mechanisms of Cytoskeletal changes Regulation of cellular shape seems to be an important trait associated with the reaction to Salmonella infection, but also chicken line differences seems to relate to the expression of the cytoskeleton. Ten pathways regulating changes of the actin cytoskeleton were found. Regulation of actin cytoskeleton pathway is central to this process, but nine other pathways were found to regulate this pathway. Cytoskeletal changes Adherence junction Leukocyte transendothelial migration General Line A and Line B Line A Line B B-cell receptor signaling T-cell receptor signaling Focal adhesion Regulation of Actin cytoskeleton Axon guidance Tight junction (CAMs – cell adhesion molecules) WNT signaling The results show (for details per pathway see Additional files 2 and 3) that within the pathways constituting this network the lines differ in expression level with a higher expression level of many genes in line B compared to line A. The difference in expression level disappeared 24 hours following infection with Salmonella, except for the WNT signalling pathway. In all pathways Salmonella infection induced expression levels in line A while line B did not respond, or showed a limited number of genes with up or down regulation. The changes in the expression levels of the genes resulted in equal expression levels of the genes in nine out of ten pathways 24 hours after Salmonella infection. The results for the “B-cell receptor signalling pathway” and the “T-cell receptor signalling” pathways are in agreement with the previously reported data (van Hemert et al., 2006A, B). Network: Apoptosis mechanism Apoptosis may be involved in the reaction of an organism to pathogen infection. Regulation of apoptosis is described in the “Apoptosis” pathway, which is directly or indirectly regulated through the expression of the genes in other pathways. The results (for details per pathway see Additional files 2 and 3) indicate that (1) chicken line differences not affected basal expression levels, but (2) different reaction of the lines to Salmonella infection. Line A reaction to Salmonella infection is directed to up regulating an apoptosis related mechanism. The reaction of line B to Salmonella infection is more directed to up regulation of proliferation and differentiation of cells which may be related to a growth response of the animal. Apoptosis General Line A and Line B Line A Line B NK cell mediated cytotoxicity JAK/STAT signaling Apoptosis (MAPK signaling) TGF-b signaling Network: Regulation of energy metabolism Energy metabolism may be involved in the reaction of the chicken lines to Salmonella due to activation of cells and defence mechanisms, or reduced feed intake of the animal. The results (for details per pathway see Additional files 2 and 3) indicate that chicken line differences affected only fatty acid metabolism with expression levels in line B higher than in line A. Infection for 24 hours with Salmonella resulted in down regulation of the expression of genes in the energy metabolism pathways in both lines. However, after 24 hours the overall expression level in three out of six pathways indicate a higher expression in line B compared to line A. Energy metabolism General Line A and Line B Line A Line B Glycerolipid metabolism Purine metabolism Insulin signaling Pentose phosphate metabolism Fatty acid metabolism Glycolysis Gluconeogenesis Other Metabolic pathways Several other pathways were found by searching the KEGG database that showed regulated expression either between the chicken lines or after Salmonella infection. These pathways are not known to act together in networks as describe above. However, these pathways could be important. Details about the pathways can be found in additional files 2 and 3. To summarize the results: Four immune response related pathways neither differed between the lines nor showed response to Salmonella infection. However, this may be caused by the lack of several immunerelated genes on the microarray. Four individual pathways each related to amino acid metabolism and protein breakdown showed regulation during several experiments, but no general conclusion such as for the networks described above could be drawn. Metabolism of xenobiotics and caprolactam may be regulated during infection, but the biological meaning of this is unclear. Line B showed infection related down regulation of estrogen and bile acid biosynthesis. The existing line difference also showed higher expression in line B compared to line A. Thus, Salmonella infection increased existing line differences in expression. Finally, a line difference seems to exist for circadian rhythm and this pathway is down regulated by infection in both lines. Discussion New knowledge derived from pathway analysis Analysis of microarray data usually starts with listing up and down regulated genes. Previously, this analysis was reported (van Hemert et al., 2006A, B). The results indicated line difference in the reaction to Salmonella infection. Line A seems to react more via a T-cell activation mechanism, while line B reacts via a macrophage activation mechanism. Differential expression of cytoskeletal genes was also reported. In this study we used the same experimental data and analyzed it with new tools able to combine the microarray results with the physiological knowledge available through databases on the internet. The results indicate up or down regulation of (parts of) biochemical pathways and networks of biochemical pathways. However, one should keep in mind that the jejunum tissue samples used are heterogeneous and contain several cell types. So, diverse parts of the networks may be active in different cell types, not necessarily within a single cell. Part of the results confirmed the results previously reported using the list of up and down regulated genes (van Hemert et al., 2006A, B): e.g. up/down regulation analysis also indicates important regulation of the expression of cytoskeletal genes. The pathway analysis expands these findings to create a network of ten biochemical pathways together regulating the cytoskeletal shape. The induction of the T-cell and macrophage function reaction responses as reported by van Hemert et al. (van Hemert et al., 2006A, B) – although important on their own - proved to be part of this process. Furthermore, the lines differ in their expression level since the pathways in this network show higher expression in line B compared to line A. Following Salmonella infection line A increases its expression to the same level of line B. Lines A and B differ in their Salmonella susceptibility phenotype. The faster growing line A is more susceptible to Salmonella infection than the slower growing line B. The difference in the susceptibility phenotype is defined by the fact that line A shows more liver colonies after infection than line B (van Hemert et al., 2006A, B). Our results suggest that the underlying difference in the selection background between the lines has changed expression of the genes in the network regulating the cytoskeleton. This has apparently influenced the reaction mechanism of the animal to respond to Salmonella infection. Our results may suggest that in the slower growing line B the expression level of the genes in this network seems more appropriate to respond to infection than the expression level in the faster growing line A, which up regulates the gene expression in response to Salmonella infection. It can be speculated that this mechanism causes a delay in response of line A related to the difference in susceptibility phenotype. These results may indicate a causal mechanism for the difference in susceptibility phenotype between the chicken lines. The different selection background of the chicken lines has – amongst others – created a difference in growth rate between the chicken lines as these genes may respond to the growth rate phenotype of the animal. This is accompanied with a difference in expression level of the pathways in the network. The most susceptible line A shows a lower expression level of genes in this network than the less susceptible line B followed by an up regulation of the genes in the pathways in this network in line A following a Salmonella infection. If this mechanism proves true the genetic background of the animal causes difference in growth rate, which causes the differential expression of the genes in the network, which causes the difference in susceptibility phenotype. Next the results also provide insight in other mechanisms taking place in the jejunum of Salmonella infected young chicken.. Pathway analysis suggests that line A react to Salmonella infection with an apoptotic mechanism while line B resumes growing (i.e. proliferation and differentiation mechanisms). The latter result may be supported by the higher expression of genes related to energy metabolism in line B making energy available for the mechanisms of growth. However, it should be noted that the expression levels of the genes in the energy metabolism pathways were reduced in both lines, but the effect was more severe in line A than in line B. Differences in amino acid metabolism and protein breakdown mechanism may add to this effect. Furthermore, differential expression of Bile acid synthesis may also add to this energy availability, and to the functioning capacity of the intestine. These results may again indicate causal relationships between selection response and differences between Salmonella susceptibility phenotype of the chicken lines. It can be speculated that because both lines have similar gene expression levels in energy metabolism pathways under uninfected conditions the faster growing line A is less robust for energy availability than the slower growing line B when Salmonella infects the animal. This causes line A to choose for a more apoptosis mechanism while line B resumes growing. Again a genetic difference due to the difference in the selection background of the chicken lines could be causal to the difference in Salmonella susceptibility. The lack of differential expression in several immune-related pathways may be caused by the scarcity of immune genes on the microarray. However, the adipocytokine signalling pathways showed up regulation following Salmonella infection, mainly in line A. This may also be related to the growth rate since higher growth rate often relates to lower adipose tissue thickness – as is also suggested for these lines in the Fatty acid metabolism pathway. It is known that the adipose tissue produces many cytokines. Thus, this pathway may be related to the host response to Salmonella infection. Again it can be speculated that this result relates to the level of resistance to Salmonella infection. Finally, part of the results suggests that novel pathways may be involved such as caprolactam degradation and xenobiotics routes. Gender differences may be involved, and circadian rhythm may be affected. These pathways suggest novel mechanisms associated with the hosts’ response to Salmonella infection. Further investigations validating these mechanisms for the resistance mechanisms are required.