Principal Publications (1996 – 2005)
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Margarita Angelova Deneva, PhD
Publications in Regular International Scientific Journals
Y.Louyer, J.-P. Wallerand, M. Himbert, M. Deneva, M. Nenchev, “Two-wavelength passive
self injection controlled opertion of a diode pumped cw Yb:doped crystal lasers”, APPL.
OPTICS Vol. 42, № 27 (2003) 5463-5476
A.Delev, M. Deneva, M. Nenchev, E. Stoykova, D. Slavov, “Tunable subnanosecond pulse
generation in a dye laser using overlapped pump pulses”, REV.SCI.INSTRUMENTS,
Vol.72, No3 (2001) 1640-1648
M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, R.Barbe, J.-C.Keller, “Unidirectional ring Ti:Al2O3 laser generation
at the wavelength of an atomic absorption line by bi-directional passive self-injection
locking”, APPL.PHYS.LETT., Vol.76, No2 (2000) 131-133
D.Slavov, M.Deneva, E.Stoykova, M.Nenchev, R.Barbe, J-C.Keller, “Output control of a ring
laser using bi-directional injection: a new approach for unidirectional generation at a
reference atomic absorption line”, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 157 (1998) 343 – 351,
full length article
M.Deneva, D.Slavov, E.Stoykova, M.Nenchev, " Improved Passive Self-Injection Locking
Method for Spectral Control of Dye and Ti:Al2O3 Lasers Using Two-Step Pulse Pumping",
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 130 (1997) 287-298, full length article
M. Deneva, E.Stoykova, M.Nenchev, "A Novel Technique for a Narrowline Selection and
Wideband Tuning of Ti:Al2O3 and Dye Laser", REV.SCI.INSTRUMENTS, 67, No4 (1996)
1705-1714 , USA
Publications in Proc. of Intern. Confer.
A.Atanasova, M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, “Development of original injection-locked linear laser
amplifiers: noise characteristics”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5830 (2005) 496-500, USA
M. Deneva, P.Uzunova, M.Nenchev, “A new approach for tunable subnanosecond pulse
generation using an active mirror: theoretical and experimental study”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5830
(2005) 501-505, USA
Y.Louyer, J.-P. Wallerand, M. Himbert, M. Deneva, M. Nenchev, “Development of diode
pumped cw Yb:YAG lasers for applictions in spectroscopy and metrology: single mode and
two-wavelength operation”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5449 (2004), 85-97 invited article (invited
P.Uzunova, M.Deneva, N.Vassilev, “Development of high spectral purity tunable lasers using
an auxiliary selected generation”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5449 (2004) 168–172
P.Uzunova, M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, USA, “Development of pulsed dual-wavelength lasers:
improvement of the tuning characteristics using an active mirror”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5449
(2004) 164 – 167
M.Deneva, E.Nikova, M.Nenchev, "Rectangular laser pulse formation by an interferometer1
Principal Publications (1996 – 2005)
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Margarita Angelova Deneva, PhD
type device tat uses Cr4+:YAG plate", Proc. SPIE, Vol.5226 (2003) 59-63
Y. Louyer, J.-.P Wallerand, M. Himbert, M.Deneva, M. Nenchev, "Diode pumped cw
Yb:YAG lasers for application in spectroscopy and metrology: single-mode and twowavelength operation", , Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5226 (2003) 54-58
M. Deneva, S. Saparev, M. Nenchev, J.-P. Wallerand, M. Himbert, “New linear laser
amplifiers of a periodically modulated laser radiation based on an injection-locked method”,
Proc. SPIE, 4397 (2001) 79-84
A.Delev, D.Slavov, M.Deneva, E.Stoykova, M.Nenchev, “Tunable subnanosecond pulse
generation in a ring dye laser bi-directionally pumped by overlapped nanosecond pulses”,
Proc.SPIE, 3571 (1999) 117-120
M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, R.Barbe, J-C.Keller, “Bi-directional passive self-injection locking at
an anatomic absorption line in a ring Ti:Al2O3 laser: temporal characteristics”, Proc.SPIE,
3571 (1999) 131-134
M. Deneva, “Improvement of the spectral purity of tunable lasers using a self-selection
interferometer cavity : comparison with a conventional cavity”, Proc. SPIE, 3052 (1997) 171176
D.Slavov, M.Deneva, E.Stoykova, M.Nenchev, “A near maximum efficiency two-wavelength
Ti:Al2O3 laser using a novel combined PSIL-dual-pulses pumping spectral control”, Proc.
SPIE, 3052 (1997) 156-162
Publications in Proc. of Intern. Conferences and Sci. Conferences with Intern.
M. Deneva, P. Todorova, M. Nenchev, “Quantum electronic device for laser-intracavity
registration of pollutants with increased sensitivity” , Proc. Intern. Confer. "ElectronicsET'05", Sozopol, Bulg., (2005) 217-220, Book 2, ISBN 954438185
M. Deneva, M.Nenchev, “Development of original simple quantum electronic devices with
emission passively frequency locked at atomic absorption line”, Proc. Intern. Confer.
"Electronics-ET'05", Sozopol, Bulg., (2005) 186-193, Book 2, ISBN 954438185
M. Deneva, I.Iliev, L.Gacheva, M. Nenchev , “A simple new competitive – amplifying
technique for producing of laser emission locked at atomic absorption line”, Proc. of LTL
Plovdiv'05, International Symposium (2005) , 293-298, ISSN 1312-0638
S. Topcu, Y. Alayli, M.Deneva, N. Kaymakanova, M. Nenchev, “Two-wavelength cw red
diode laser: application of original and simple two-channel resonators for independent
tuning”, Proc. of LTL Plovdiv'05, International Symposium (2005) , 339-345, ISSN 13120638
M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, “Development and application of a new device for light control by
light (optical transistor)”, Proc. Intern. Confer. "Electronics-ET'04, Sozopol, Bulg.,(2004)
book 1, pp. 181-185
M.Deneva, L.Gacheva, M.Nenchev, “A simple new technique for laser spectrum locking at
atomic absorption line”, Proc. Intern. Confer. "Electronics-ET'04", Sozopol, Bulg.,(2004)
Principal Publications (1996 – 2005)
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Margarita Angelova Deneva, PhD
M.Deneva, P.Todorova, M.Nenchev, “A simple two-wavelength laser emitting in successive
nanosecond pulses” , Proc. Intern. Confer. "Electronics-ET'04", Sozopol, Bulg.,(2004) 4550
Boyadzhieva, M. Deneva, M. Nenchev, "Quantum generator using a new output coupler with
controlled transmission and reflection”, Proc. Intern. Confer. "Electronics-ET'03", Sozopol,
Bulg., (2003) pp. 46-50
M. Deneva. M. Nenchev. R. Barbe. J.-C. Keller, "All-optical diode laser arrangement for
producing emission spectrally fixed at reference atomic line", Proc. Intern. Confer.
"Electronics-ET'03", Sozopol, Bulg., Sept. 2003, pp.43-45
M. Deneva. M. Nenchev, "New design of continuously tunable single mode laser", Proc.
Intern. Confer. "Electronics-ET’02", Sozopol, Bulg., Sept. 2002, book 1, pp.49-52
A.Boyadzieva, M. Deneva, M. Nenchev, "Development of original injection-locked laser
amplifiers of a periodically modulated laser radiation: new scheme for realization", Proc.
Intern. Confer. "Electronics-ET'02", Sozopol, Bulg., Sept. 2002, book l, pp.57-62
Yann Louyer, Jean-Pierre Wallerand, Marc Himbert, Margarita Deneva, Marin Nenchev,
“Diode pumped Yb-doped crystal lasers emitting at two independently tunable wavelengths”,
Proc. Intern. Confer. “Electronics-ET’01”, Sozopol, Bulg., Sept. 2001, book 2, pp.98-104
Margarita A. Deneva , Ani Boyadjieva, Sevar Saparev, Marin Nenchev, Jean-Pierre
Wallerand, Marc Himbert, “Development of original injection-locked laser amplifiers of a
periodically modulated laser radiation”, Proc. Intern. Confer. “Electronics-ET’01”, Sozopol,
Bulg., Sept. 2001, book 2, pp. 105-110
M.Deneva, E.Dukova, “Laser device for producing rectangular nanosecond pulse”, Proc. of
LTL Plovdiv’2001 , International Symposium (2001) 149-152
M.Deneva, E.Krasteva. P.Bakardjiev, M.Nenchev, Proc. Of LTL Plovdiv'2001, International
Symposium (2001) 153-156, "Tunable laser devices with inverted spectrum for application in
intracavity spectroscopy and spectral selective excitation of atoms"
M.Deneva, I.Catsarov. M.Nenchev, Proc. of LTL Plovdiv'2001 International Symposium
(2001) 157-160 "An all-optical, passively injection locking of the laser emission at atomic
absorption line using extra cavity injection"
M. Deneva, M. Nenchev, J.-P. Wallerand, M. Himbert, “New technique for reliable
generation of sub-nanosecond tunable laser pulses using an active cavity mirror”, Proc. of
Intern.Confer. “Electronics’2000” (2000) 124-128
M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, “Dual-wavelength laser: improvement of the tuning characteristics”,
Proc. VIII Nat. Scientific and Applied Science Conf. with Int. Particip. "Electronics
Engineering - 99", Sozopol, Bulgaria, book2, 132-136
A.Delev. M.Deneva. M.Nenchev., "Analyses of sub-nanosecond pulses generation in dye
laser using an overlapped pump pulse technique", Proc. of LTL Plovdiv'99, International
Symposium (1999) 87-94
Principal Publications (1996 – 2005)
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Margarita Angelova Deneva, PhD
M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, , "Injection-locked linear amplifiers of a periodically modulated
using competitive second injection", Proc. of LTL Plovdiv'99,
International Symposium (1999) 143-148
M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, R.Barbe, J.C.Keller, “Unidirectional Ring Ti:Al2O3 Laser Operation
at the Wavelength of an Atomic Absorption Line using Bi-Directional Passive Self-Injection”,
Proc.CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC’98, p.29
M. Deneva, "Development of high spectral purity narrowline tunable dye and Ti:Al2O3 lasers
using a single self-injection resonance interferometer", Proc. CLEO/Europe-EQEC'96,
September 8-13, 1996, Hamburg, Germany, 284
D.Slavov, M. Deneva, E. Stoykova, M. Nenchev, R.Barbe, J.-C.Keller, "A novel technique
for ring laser frequency locking at atomic absorption lines using a bi-directional injection",
Proc. CLEO/Europe-EQEC'96, September 8-13, 1996, Hamburg, Germany, 149
M. Nenchev, M. Deneva, D. Slavov, E.Stoykova , "A Qualitative Improvement of the Passive
Self-Injection Locking Method for Spectral Control of Dye and Ti:Al2O3 Lasers by Dualpulse pumping", Proc. CLEO/Europe-EQEC'96,
September 8-13, 1996, Hamburg,
Germany, 278
M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, R.Barbe, J.C.Keller, “A new injection locking ring laser amplifier of
a periodically modulated laser light using an opposite second injection”, Proc. VII Nat. Conf.
with Int. Particip. "Electronics Engineering - 98", Sozopol, Bulgaria, book2, 11-15
T.Staykova, D.Slavov, M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, “Improvement of the Generation
Characteristics of a Flashlamp- Pumped Dye Laser Using a New Combined Passive Selfinjection Locking Dual-step Pumping Technique”, Proc. VI Nat. Conf. with Int. Particip.
"Electronics Engineering - 97", Sozopol, Bulgaria, 97-102
A.Delev, D.Slavov, M. Deneva, E.Stoykova, M.Nenchev, “A novel high efficiency technique
for generation of subnanosecond tunable laser pulse and pulses with controlled shape “, Proc.
V Nat. Conf. with Int. Particip. "Electronics Engineering - 96", Sozopol, Bulgaria, 1996,
Publications in Scientific Journals
P.Todorova, M. Deneva, M. Nenchev, “A simple two-wavelength active mirror laser emitting
in successive nanosecond pulses”, Journal of Technical University-Sofia, Branch Plovdiv,
“Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, Plovdiv, Series B – “Applied Physics and
Chemistry”, Vol. 11 (2006) in press (in engl.)
M.Deneva, I.Bakalski, "Study of three-wavelength tunable laser: use of active mirrors",
Journal of the Technical University - Sofia, br.Plovdiv, “Technical Sciences”, Plovdiv,
Vol.7 (2001) 171-175
A.Delev, M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, "Sub-nanosecond tunable pulse generation in dye lasers comparison between approaches for single spike selection", Journal of the Technical
University - Sofia, br.Plovdiv “Technical Sciences”, Plovdiv, Vol.7 (2001) 180-185
A.Delev, D.Slavov, M.Deneva, M.Nenchev, “An all-optical self-starting powerful ring laser
device for suddenly illumination of a moving target”, Journal of the Technical University 4
Principal Publications (1996 – 2005)
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Margarita Angelova Deneva, PhD
Sofia, br.Plovdiv “Technical Sciences”, Plovdiv, Vol.6 (1999) 249-252
D.Slavov, T.Patrikov, M.Nenchev, A.Dandarov, M.Deneva, Zl.Djurelov, “Two-wavelength
combined Ti:Al2O3 / F-color center and Alexandrite / Nd:YAG lasers”, Journal of the
Technical University - Sofia, br.Plovdiv, “Technical Sciences”, Plovdiv, Vol.6 (1999) 53-56
Principal Books - Student's Book
M.Deneva, “Laser engineering – guide for practical exercises, part I” (under redaction of
prof. M. Nenchev), Technical University-Sofia, branch Plovdiv, 2004, guide for 3-rd and 4-th
year students - introduction in Laser engineering.