PROM/PPROM 住院診療計劃書 病名 PROM(premature rupture of membrane) PPROM(preterm with premature rupture of membrane) 住院目的 To evaluate whether there is perinatal infection and prevent the occurrence of neonatal sepsis 檢查計劃 1. Evaluation of maternal history and data for evidence of maternal infection, such as chorioamnionitis、fever、 leukocytiosis、UTI and elevated CRP 2. Evaluation of baby’s condition for signs of perinatal infection 3. Send CBC/DC, CRP, B/C and skin surface culture from one of the following sites:ear canal、nostrils、 umbilical stump 4. If there are evidences of materno-fetal infections →CXR、 ALT、ABG、creatinine should be checked; consider lumbar puncture if indicated 治療計劃 1. Therapeutic antibiotics(a course of at least 7 d ) is indicated in the following conditions: a. evidence of maternal infection b. PPROM c. evidence of neonatal infection either at the base of clinical manifestation or laboratory evidence of infection 2. Prophylactic antibiotics(a course of at least 3 d ) for the term babies with PROM but without any evidence of materno-neonatal perinatal infection either from clinical signs or laboratory data. 3. Close follow up blood culture, the preliminary result is after 3 d culture and the final result is after 7 d culture. 4. Adjust/choose antibiotics according to the culture result from either mother’s culture or baby’s culture 出院計劃 Discharge after all the following criteria are met 1. Completion of either therapeutic or prophylactic antibiotics course 2. Stable vital signs and feeding well 3. Normalization of all the abnormal laboratory data 4. Follow-up at OPD 1 week after discharge 科主任/主治醫師/住院醫師 實習醫師/實習醫學生 護理人員/社工人員/營養師