2ND MAJOR IN ART HISTORY OVERVIEW The 2nd Major in Art History will offer top students at HASS an intermediary exposure to methodologies and practices of art history. Beginning with broad studies of artworks and media from diverse cultural and historical phases, the 2nd major will develop deeper capacities for the critical analysis of distinct artistic cultures. A 2nd Major in Art History would expand the culture of interdisciplinary learning and research at NTU. Such a major is an important complement to undergraduate studies. Specifically a 2nd Major in Art History enables students to: Develop insights into the dynamics of imaging the world Interpret traditions and practises of analysing art design and media from diverse cultures and histories. Understand changes in art practices by studying relationships between the production/reception of artworks and their historical circumstances. Develop oral and writing skills for discussing varied aspects of artworks critically, coherently and articulately. Alongside going part way to fulfil a critical academic gap in Singapore tertiary education, there is a keen demand for the above skills in the creative, curatorial, museological and heritage industries—in Singapore and elsewhere. The 2nd Major in Art History proposes a dynamic complement to existing degree programmes at NTU and is of particular interest to students taking Chinese Studies, Communications, English, Psychology, Linguistics, History, and Sociology. Students will be admitted to the 2nd Major Programme from the 2nd Year onwards, based on CGPA scores at the end of their 1st Year of Study. Generally a CGPA score of 4 and above is required for admission. The AU requirements for students from HSS and SCI to take a 2nd Major are summarized below in this table: DEPTH PROGRAMME CHINESE ECONOMICS ENGLISH LMS PSYCHOLOGY SOCIOLOGY Communication Studies CORE ELECTIVES CORE 30 30 29 32 35 36 39 39 40 37 34 33 12 12 12 12 12 12 54 17 12 BREADTH ELECTIVES STS BM 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 FREE ELECTIVES TOTAL 46 46 46 46 46 46 136 136 136 136 136 136 46 138 LS * In keeping with the other second majors offered in the college of HASS, ADM will be exempting students from the AHSS and the ‘wild card’ GER-PE elective as students are deemed to have de-facto fulfilled these requirements by virtue of taking the second major. Also, in keeping with the 7 second majors from HSS, an additional 10AUs of Free Electives will also be added for students doing the 2nd Major in Art History. Students need to complete at least 33 AUs from the selection below in order to graduate with a 2nd Major in Art History. 2nd Major In Art History Curriculum 3 Core Subjects (9 AUs) 8 Prescribed Electives (24 AUs) DD1003 Introduction to the Histories of Art I DD1004 Introduction to the Histories of Art II DD2000 Introduction to the Histories of Art III Choose up to four (4) courses from: DD2004 Introduction to Art Criticism DD2007 The Art and Architecture of the “Long Century” 17891914 DD3004 Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art DD3005 Survey of Modern Art, 1900-1945 DD3006 Art in the Age of Colonialism DD3011 Contemporary Southeast Asian Choose up to two (2) courses from: DD2005 Survey of New Media DD3007 Nature in Art and Visual Culture DD3008 Cities, Bodies, Memories, Art and Everyday Life in Contemporary Singapore DD3009 Art & Visual Culture in Shanghai 1840-1949 DD3010 Issues in Global Contemporary Art DD8004 Fantastic Art , Dada and Surrealism NOTE: Courses to be offered in 2012-13 are listed below : DDXXX Heritage & Activism in the 21st Century DDXXX Modern & Post Modern Art: Post 1945 DDXXX Landscape in Art DD2003 Issues in Art History and Theory 2 Choose up to two (2) courses from the selection of ADM, HSS and NIE courses below: ADM courses: DT2007 History of Animation DF2002 Asian Film History DF2004 Western Film History DP2002 History of Photography DR2003 History of Product Design DV2003 History of Graphic Design DP2004 Contemporary Issues in Photography DD8002 Way of Seeing: Exploring Visual Culture HSS/WKWSCI Courses: COM252 Cultural Studies COM253 Cinema Studies HL3023 Literature and the Arts HC4014 Special Topics in Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies HL2009 Southeast Asian Literature and Culture HL2011 Representations of Asia: Film and Fiction HL2014 Urban Culture Asia HL2022 South Asian Literature HL3001 Reading Films: Film Theory HL4010 Feminist Studies HL4014 Advanced Studies in Film HS490A Sociology of the Arts HS2004 Culture, Self and Identity HS3050 Society and Culture in Southeast Asia 3