TOK Bilingual Article

Colegio FDR TOK
TOK Example Template
This template will appear in our Wiki Page as an assignment. You are to open the file, begin entering the information,
then saving and uploading it back to the Wiki when you are done. An example from a previous TOK class is seen on the
following page.
TOK Example Title: The benefits of Bilingualism
1. Brief explanation of the example (can use bullet points and present in point/counter point fashion)
This article is about all the positive traits one gains by speaking two languages. In addition, it explains that bilingual people are
actually smarter than monolingual people. The author even supported his ideas with evidence exemplifying babies and children. On
the article it says that certain amount of bilingual kids had been assigned the same task as the other amount of monolingual kids; as a
result, the bilingual kids were much smarter and resolved the dilemma faster. Lastly, the author wrote that it has been scientifically
proven that bilingual people have fewer tendencies to suffer from Alzheimer in the future than people only managing to speak one
language. At the end, he explains how people have underestimated the power of language to such extent that they see it as one of the
traits that people have.
2. One to three Knowledge Issues phrased as open-ended questions.
To what extent is being bilingual makes you a smarter person?
To what extent do diseases affect more on monolingual people?
To what extents do monolingual people are less proficient in resolving problems/conflicts?
To what extent does perception influence the ability to understand the body language of others?
To what extent does language affect one’s perception in the human sciences?
To what extent does research in human sciences predict a reliable-relevant source?
To what extent can we gain knowledge even though things are unclear?
3. What are the implications (So what? Why is this important? Who is it important to? Why is it important to you? )
Related to which WOK(s) Justify your choices:
Reason: because experiments were conducted using logic.
Language: cause he read the studies.
Perception: they perceive what the babies are doing; the researchers watched the babies are thinking.
Emotion: none.
Related to which AOK(S) Justify your choices:
Human Sciences: because psychological and scientific experiments were conducted to get the results of the baby’s intelligence and
Alzheimer’s tendencies.
Math: because need for statistics & probability were essential to complete the experiments and get to the conclusion that bilingual
adults have less chances of being affected by Alzheimer than monolingual adults.
Arts: none.
Colegio FDR TOK
Correct bibliography entry (not needed for personal experience):
Hyperlink and URL: