NEWPORT PAGNELL TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Policy and Finance Committee meeting held on Monday June 2015 at 8pm at the Town Council Offices, 80 High Street, Newport Pagnell. 22nd Present: Councillors Mike Barry, Derek Eastman, Euan Henderson, Roger Hornblow (Chairman), Mark Lombardo, Trevor Webb and Phil Winsor (Vice Chairman). Attending: Lesley Donovan – RFO Shar Roselman – Town Clerk ITEM 1. P&F/JUN/2015: TO RECEIVE AND ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for this meeting. ITEM 2. P&F/JUN/2015: DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no pecuniary interests declared. ITEM 3. P&F/JUN/2015: QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no questions or statements from members of the public. ITEM 4. P&F/JUN/2015: MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING Resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2015 as a true record of the meeting. There were no outstanding actions arising from the minutes. ITEM 5. P&F/JUN/2015: MONTHLY ACCOUNTS The committee reviewed the year end accounts (month 14) for the financial year 2014/15. There was a surplus over budget, most of which was attributable to projects that had not as yet been undertaken. Some savings had been made on newly negotiated contracts which had been reflected in the 2015/16 budget, and there had been a saving on accounting and internal audit fees after transferring leisure to a leisure service operator. Resolved to agree that as at 1/4/2015 general reserves should be £309 140. Prop: EH The committee considered in depth the Annual Year End Report, noting that following the 2014 amendments to the Audit and Corporate Governance Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting. Signed Date 1 NEWPORT PAGNELL TOWN COUNCIL guidance, it was important to consider a financial risk assessment annually. Such financial risk assessment had been undertaken annually previously, but in future financial risk would be assessed on a risk assessment template. There were no other issues raised by internal audit. The May 2015 income and expenditure statements for 2015 were received and accepted into the minutes. There were no issues of concern. Resolved to approve Cllr Hornblow signing off the payment schedules, petty cash and bank reconciliations for April and May 2015. Prop: ML The committee considered the existing bank mandate. Resolved to make no changes to the bank mandate with all councillors mandated to sign checks and non-cheque transactions, excluding the chairman of the Policy and Finance Committee who undertakes scrutiny of the bank reconciliations. Prop: PW The RFO reported that she had spoken to both the Council accountants and the Council’s internal auditor. Both had agreed that, providing the Councillor with delegated authority to check the bank reconciliations signed off each bank reconciliation, there was no need for him to sign every page of the monthly accounts. ITEM 6. P&F/JUN/2015: SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS The committee received an update on attendance at the Citizens’ Advice Bureau appointments. It was noted that the attendance levels had improved, but were not quite meeting the Service Level Agreement standards. The service was providing a benefit to those who needed it in Newport Pagnell, but the level of demand was not quite as high as the service offering. Resolved to continue with CAB services for the meantime, and that the clerk should contact other parishes that border Newport Pagnell to enquire as to their interest in sharing a service of Citizen’s Advice. Prop: RH Sec: EH ITEM 7. P&F/JUN/2015: NALC CONFERENCE – WHAT NOW FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting. Signed Date 2 NEWPORT PAGNELL TOWN COUNCIL Resolved that, should Cllr Lombardo be available, he attend the NALC Conference – What now for Local Government! Prop: ML Action: Cllr Lombardo to advise the clerk of his availability. ITEM 8. P&F/JUN/2015: POLICY REVIEW The Emergency Plan Cllr Winsor reported that he had not as yet discussed the revised Emergency Plan with MKC. A report will be forthcoming at the next meeting. Complaints procedure The committee reviewed the Council’s complaints procedure and felt that it should fall more in line with the NALC proposals. Action: The clerk to provide a revised version for the committee to consider. ITEM 9. P&F/JUN/2015: PERSONNEL MATTERS The committee noted that the Allotment Officer’s leave allocation had been increased by 2.89 hours per annum to cater for the regular and agreed overtime she works during allotment months. ITEM 10. P&F/JUN/2015: ITEMS ON THE NEXT AGENDA Resolved that the following items would be placed on the next agenda: Review of the Emergency Plan Shared Services – CAB. Responses from neighbouring councils. There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.36 pm. The date of the next meeting is 27th July 2015. Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting. Signed Date 3