Having discussed the result of the students’ pronunciation recording, I come to the conclusion that the problematic English sounds faced by the students are: the , [ɔ:], [u:], [ɪ], [æ], [t], [ʧ], [ʤ], [v], [θ], [ð], [ ʃ ] and [Ӡ] sounds. at first I think that some of the sounds are not problematic to many students.
Unexpectedly, however, sounds such as the
, [u:], and
sounds are in fact included in the list of the problematic sounds.
Based on the table of the list of problematic English sounds, we can see clearly that the English sound, which is problematic to most of the students, is the
[ æ ]
sound. Before starting the research, I have an assumption that the [æ] sound is much more potential to be the most problematic sound compared to some other sounds. I just presume it based on my experience when I learn Pronunciation in the first year of university. Many of my classmates, including me, have more difficulties in pronouncing this particular sound than pronouncing some other
English sounds. Therefore, for those who will learn pronunciation, I recommend that they had better practice more in pronouncing this particular sound.
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If we talk about the problematic sounds as a whole, one of the reasons for the students’ inaccuracy in pronouncing those problematic English sounds is that the sounds do not exist in the Indonesian language, which, in this case, is the students’ first language. As a result, the students indeed get the interference of some of the sounds existing in the Indonesian language. They cannot resist the interference of their first language owing to the fact that their motor skills are not flexible anymore to pronounce new sounds. Here, we can see that the students’ habit in pronouncing the Indonesian sounds has a big influence on the students’ inaccuracy in pronouncing those problematic English sounds. I am of the opinion that the reason for the students’ inaccuracy which caused by the interference of the students’ first language is definitely the main reason for their inaccuracy.
What is more, according to the students’ interview and students’ recording result, it is proved that this matter becomes the main reason for the students’ inaccuracy in pronouncing the English problematic sounds.
On the other hand, we know from the result of the research that some other students manage to pronounce the sounds accurately. Those students are helped by other languages they are able to speak. The similarities of some of the problematic English sounds with some of the sounds existing in the language they are able to speak indeed help them in pronouncing those problematic sounds. I myself as a pronunciation learner also experience the similar case; my English
Pronunciation is helped by the ability to speak the Arabic language. I am not fluent in Arabic, but I just quite often read Koran, in which the language used is
Arabic. It indeed helps me in my learning process of pronunciation in a way that
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the similar sounds between English and Arabic sounds help me to produce some particular sounds accurately.
Therefore, I think if we can be more aware of any languages we speak, it will help us in pronouncing new sounds. However, it does not necessarily mean that the awareness of any languages we speak will always help us to achieve the accurate pronunciation. Practicing is the main thing we should keep doing to improve our pronunciation ability.
Other factors such as age can also affect the students’ accuracy in pronouncing the problematic sounds. As we grow older, our ability in pronouncing a new sound of the target language decreases. Therefore, the older we are, the less ability we have, to learn pronunciation without any difficulties.
Students’ motivation is also the reason for their inaccuracy in pronouncing the problematic sounds. Motivation, in this case, is crucial to their learning process of pronunciation. It can be shown through how much time and energy they dedicate to learning Pronunciation as well as their commitment to it. In the pronunciation classroom, I think besides the other learners or the students’ friends who should give motivation, teachers of the Pronunciation subject should also give motivation to the learners. I believe that for some of the students, motivation from their own teachers can be a good stimulus in helping them to achieve the pronunciation ability.
The students’ attitudes toward the Pronunciation subject also become one of the factors that influence their pronunciation of the problematic sounds. The students who have a personal interest in learning pronunciation have fewer difficulties than others who do not. The students with high motivation will have
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more willingness to do some exercises and to always improve their pronunciation ability. Conversely, others who do not have the willingness to learn the pronunciation will remain incapable of making some progress regarding their pronunciation ability.
What is more, the students’ aptitude also becomes another factor that affects their accuracy in pronouncing the problematic sounds. At first, I actually did not believe that there was what is called language aptitude or language “gift”.
I thought people would achieve language ability especially its pronunciation only because of their effort in practicing and learning it. Yet, having carried out this research, I change my opinion. The students who have good language aptitude at least will have less or even do not have any difficulties at all in pronouncing the problematic English sounds. On the other hand, it does not necessarily indicate that the students without good language aptitude will always have some difficulties in pronouncing the sounds accurately.
As I have mentioned in the earlier chapter, the social situation where the foreign language is being learned by the students is also one of the factors that determine whether the sounds the students produce are accurate or not. The students with the family or friends and their surroundings supporting them will learn pronunciation without any significant difficulties. This is possible to happen owing to the fact that they will have much more motivation in achieving the accurate pronunciation than the others who do not have or have less support from their family, friends and surroundings. Therefore, if we happen to have a relative or friend who is learning pronunciation, give them support as much as we can. For
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example, try to do small things like not laughing at their mistakes. They will feel appreciated and will not be discouraged.
Last but not least, the students’ performance is also one of the factors that influence the students’ accuracy in pronouncing the problematic English sounds.
The performance error, which is made by the students when pronouncing the problematic sounds, does not always indicate that they have no competence in pronunciation. It is possible that they actually have good pronunciation competence; yet, the circumstances at the time they are pronouncing the sounds do not support them to produce the accurate pronunciation.
However, I believe that some other factors are also involved in determining one’s accomplishment in learning pronunciation. Some of them are the students’ personality and the students’ opportunities in learning and using the second language.
Concerning the students’ opportunities in learning and using the second language, I really hope that the teachers of the Pronunciation subject will give more opportunities to the students when they are learning and practicing the subject both inside and outside the classroom. Inside the classroom, I think besides recording their own pronunciation of English words, it will be much more beneficial if the students are also given the opportunities to speak with their friends or even with the teachers in order to practice their pronunciation.
We know that pronunciation is related to conversation; therefore, I am of the opinion that inserting conversation as one of the methods in learning pronunciation is good as to improve the students’ pronunciation ability.
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Outside the classroom, I think the teacher should encourage the students to speak in English for the reason that making the students speak in English as some kind of a rule will be much more useful and effective than only hoping them to have the willingness to speak English. Therefore, I am of the opinion that the program of Speaking-English Zone will give some advantages for the students, although perhaps some of the students will probably disagree to the program. We should not think about those who do not care about their own progress. It is best that we show more concern over other students who need and will use that opportunity to improve their ability. Accordingly, in the future, I hope such a program will be carried out again.
Actually, I find many difficulties during the writing process since it is not easy to determine the Indonesian phonology. It happens because there is no official symbol presented in the Indonesian language. At that point, I come to realize that we, Indonesian people, have been too long to disregard our own national language. Even, nowadays we hardly find a proper Indonesian use in our everyday life. Therefore, I propose every one of us, Indonesian people, altogether to show more concern over our own national language. In fact, we should be proud of it.
Last but not least, I hope my thesis will be of benefit for the students who are learning or who will learn pronunciation and for the teachers of the
Pronunciation subject as well. What is more, I hope my thesis will also give benefit in any way to everyone in general who has interest in English pronunciation.
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