Water - Plastics New Zealand

Environment – Manufacturing more Efficiently –
Water Efficiency
Increase your profits by reducing your water
Caption: One dripping tap can waste 2,000 litres of water per month. Over one year this is
equivalent to 28,000 glasses of water. (AND IMAGE)
IMAGE: “tap drip”
Water consumption can be a major operating cost for manufacturers and could be
costing companies over 1% of business turnover. Yet by using some simple control
measures and inexpensive devices, this can be reduced by as much as 50%. These
savings go straight to your bottom line as well as conserving an increasingly scare
global resource.
Many people think of water as a free resource, because as individuals we rarely have
to account for its usage at home. In reality water is a utility that is paid for twice –
once on purchase and once on disposal.
Freshwater resources in the more densely populated and farmed areas are reaching the
point of being fully “allocated” so managing water consumption and minimising
waste is important. The use of water for manufacturing and industry represents 11%
of total demand.
It is estimated that total water use in New Zealand currently equates to two to three
times more water per person than in most other OECD countries. (Environment NZ
report 2007).
How Much Does My Water Cost?
Where is it Used?
What happens when I have finished with it?
How can I reduce my water use?
(All just page setup links)
How Much Does my Water Cost?
The cost of water varies from region to region. This includes the suppliers’ operating
and maintenance costs, water purchase and waste water disposal. Disposal costs for
the effluent discharged to sewer will vary depending on the level of waste water
treatment provided by the local sewerage utility.
For industry, there are additional operating costs for using and disposing of water.
On site water must be:
Pumped around
Heated and Cooled
the storage and handling plant must be maintained
loss through leakage and spillage may not only increase water costs, they may
also waste valuable raw materials and products
A reasonable estimate of the true cost of water is around three times the cost of
purchase and disposal.
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Where is it Used?
In the plastics and chemical sector the biggest use of water is for cooling and steam production. Water
is also a major raw material to make plastic products.
Other significant uses include plant and vessel washing, product washing, vacuum pumps and air
pollution control. Water is used as a means of
transferring material and energy around a
processing facility and the loss of this down the
drain can be a significant cost to business. .
At many sites the common use of manual
hoses to wash down equipment and surfaces
is an invitation to use water indiscriminately.
IMAGE: “inside cooling tower”
Despite so many varied applications,
water is often only metered as it comes
onto site for billing purposes. Some plants meter process usage as this may be critical
to product quality, and many sites are now aware of the need to meter steam usage for
energy efficiency programmes but cooling water flows are rarely measured.
Having a comprehensive metering system helps to locate leaks. Many plastics /
chemical plants have developed over a period of years, and underground water mains
are very common. Without a regularly updated distribution network diagram and clear
metering to enable a full water balance to be constructed and reconciled with the
water bill, leaks can go undetected for years. Underground leaks can also have much
more serious impact, including possible erosion of foundations and roads and, if the
leak becomes a serious burst pipe can result in production losses while the main is
excavated and repaired.
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What Happens When I Have Finished with It?
Water is in fact the most common solvent used in industry and while this is extremely valuable to
industrial processes, it also means that while clean water may come onto a site, it is generally dirty,
material laden water that leaves a site as trade waste. Most water used in the plastics /
chemical industry is used once only. After use it is simply discharged to drain and
either to sewer or an on-site treatment plant but it may be perfectly adequate for reuse in another process or as wash water before discharge.
A "water cascade" can provide opportunities for several cycles of re-use before it
becomes too dirty and must be discharged. Yet every time that water is re-used, an
equivalent volume of clean water does not have to be bought. By reusing water in the
production process, water consumption can be cut by 50%, 70% or even 90%.
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How Can I Reduce my Water Use?
Measure water use to establish a baseline water usage against which to measure
progress. This will show how and where water is being used and will highlight the
those area which use the most water and indicate where any leaks may be undetected.
Ensure that water use calculations include:
 Pumping costs
 Maintenance costs
 Treatment costs
 Whether the waste is hot water or cold water, and the costs of heating or cooling
 Costs of disposal of resultant waste water (i.e. trade waste charges)
Following this, a simple housekeeping programme can be instituted to generate
immediate savings, raising staff awareness of the commercial importance of water
savings and providing a fund for more capital-intensive measures.
Simple housekeeping measures which have been used in the plastics / chemical
industry include:
1. Leak detection programmes
There will be areas where water use is required but where the amount of water used can be
Monitor usage over time to detect any leaks. These will show up as rising
consumption at times when it would not be expected.
Leaks can arise from damaged pipeline connections, worn valves, flooded
floats on water tanks and corroded pipe work.
Check water meters during down-time, eg shutdown or the end of a shift.
Consider the use of a systematic water minimisation programme
Consider the inclusion of water minimisation issues within other training
Triggered hoses
2. Process water usage improved cleaning procedures
Eliminate unnecessary washdowns
If water is used for washing, can it be circulated a number of times? - eg using
"dirty" water as a pre-wash
Some companies utilise water back booth filtration systems which remove
solids from the effluent. As a result, booth effluent only needs to be tankered
away twice per year rather than once per quarter.
Sewage is normally charged on the basis of a percentage of the clean water
delivered to the site. If a significant amount of your company water
consumption is due to water back booths, such liquid will be tankered off site
rather than going down the drains. Therefore check your water bill to see the
estimated percentage of water delivered that is charged as sewage out. If this is
too high, contact the sewerage provider.
Where water is used in condensers to cool solvent-based metal degreasing
plants, attention should be paid to the location of the degreaser, water pipes
and water storage tank. The closer this equipment is to sources of heat (eg
process machinery) the more water and energy will be required for cooling.
Open loop water cooling is sometimes employed using a constant stream of
fresh water.
Consideration should
be given to closing
this loop with the use
of a water tank and
cooling tower.
Valve, pipe and pump
IMAGE: “stopcock”
Once the water balance has
been completed, it is important to update it regularly so that the impact of any
activities is transparent. This naturally leads on to setting targets for production and
ancillary use with which progress can be monitored and savings verified.
Sooner or later, however, capital investment will be required. Some of the most
common measures taken by the chemical industry include:
condensate recovery and recycling as boiler feed water
condensate recovery and recycling as process water
replacement of once-through cooling water systems with recirculating systems
upgrades of liquid ring vacuum pumps to use recirculated water
recovery of filter wash water for process use
recovery of process water of plant washing
local effluent treatment facilities to recover high quality water.
A six step approach to reduce water costs:
Get Commitment
Conduct a Preliminary Review
Draw the Picture
Add the Detail
Use the Water Balance to Save Money
Seek Continuous Improvement
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The measurement of water usage is essential to highlight trends, abnormalities, the
potential for savings and the effect of water minimisation measures.
A number of water-saving measures and practices are common to all businesses. For
example, it is good practice to keep drains for foul sewage, stormwater and process
effluents separate, so that high sewage or trade effluent charges are not incurred for
"cleaner" water flows. Dry methods should be considered prior to those which use
water, to minimise water use and effluent generation. When a hose is used to spray
equipment or floors, care should be taken that large quantities of solid or soluble
materials are not sent to drain if they can first be removed by sweeping or scraping. In
staff toilets, the installation of percussion taps or automatic flushing devices for
urinals could be considered.
If you have an Environmental Management System at your site, water use and
disposal might well be considered a significant impact from your process already. If
you haven’t already done so, consider options for reducing water use at your next
management review.
If you don’t have an EMS, set yourself or your team a series of key milestones.
Against each action, set a date and a responsibility for achieving the action.
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Case Studies of Water Efficiency in the Plastics Industry
 Case Study RX Plastics (download) (RX PDF File)
 Useful Web Site Links (download) (Word Doc)
 Case Study Galantai Plastics (download) (Galantai PDF File)
Useful Links – Water