1451 Dowell Springs Blvd - Peninsula Behavioral Health


1451 Dowell Springs Blvd

Suite 101

Knoxville, TN 37909


Outpatient Groups at the Lighthouse!

Diagnostic Issues Group

Led by Ann Gallaher email referrals to her.

Very broad group topics; suitable for most individuals.







All insurances are accepted

Upstairs Conference Room

Room 262

Upstairs Conference Room

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Group

Led by Daphne Crawford and Bethany Townsend– requires individual therapy in order to attend group.

Monday 1:00-2:30 Room 262

Wednesdays 9:00am – 10:30am

Women’s Only Group

Room 262

Led by Ann Gallaher and Ashley Tindell - Email either with referral.

Any female with diagnostic issues can attend and all insurances accepted.

Tuesdays 10am-11am Room 262

Enhancing Recovery Wisdom Group

Led by Jo Willey and Ann Gallaher. Please see/contact Jo or Ann for referral.

Wednesday 1:30- 2:30 Upstairs Conference Room

Bridges Group

Led by Ann Gallaher and Jo Willey - email Jo/Ann - Referral required

For individuals transitioning from IOP to Outpatient care. Insurance accepted.





Upstairs Conference Room

Upstairs Conference Room

New Beginnings Group

An outpatient group therapy session for adults with alcohol and drug abuse issues seeking support to maintain sobriety. The group focuses on strengthening relapse prevention skills, refining coping skills, and building social supports. Admission requires referral from a therapist.

Led by Daphne Crawford, LCSW

Wednesday 1:00-2:30 Room 262

Women In Treatment Aftercare

Led by Lynne Sparrow and Daphne Crawford

Thursdays 10:00-11:00 Room 262

Managing Relationships Group

 Do you have difficulty standing up for yourself or saying “No”?

Do you feel like people always take advantage of you?

Do you take care of other people but fail to take care of yourself?

Do you try to make other people happy but are left unhappy yourself?

 Are you afraid to express your feelings for fear of hurting people’s feelings or not being liked?

Learn to use assertive communication to stand up for yourself, deny unreasonable requests, express opinions, ask for favors, accept or refuse invitations, initiate conversations and improve self esteem in order to improve ALL TYPES of personal and professional relationships. Skills in these areas reduce anxiety and depression and increase feelings of self worth.

Ask your provider about a referral to see if you would qualify for this group

Group facilitators are Beth Catchot, LCSW and Jeff Scarbrough, LMFT

Tuesdays 2:00pm – 3:00pm room 262

Weekly Teen Group Ages 12-17

Meet Tuesdays from 4:00 to 5:00. Topics include social skills, distress tolerance skills, emotional regulation. All insurances accepted.

Send referrals to Daphne Crawford (374-7256) or Bethany Townsend (374-7365)
