Directions: Create a family pedigree for the following family & solve

Directions: Create a family pedigree for the following family & solve the mystery!!!
 Colorblindness is a sex-linked trait
 One person was secretly adopted into this family
 If the child were not adopted they would have to be colorblind.
Being the genetic whiz that you are, you know that by constructing a pedigree of the
family you would be able to solve this mystery!!!
After interviewing every member of the family, you have come up with the following
information (in no particular order):
Herb is Paul’s brother. Herb is not colorblind, but Paul is colorblind.
Paul’s wife, Emma Jean, isn’t colorblind & doesn’t carry the gene of it.
Jane is a carrier & Sally is colorblind.
Jane and Sally are sisters.
Jane is Herb’s sister.
Emma Jean & Paul have four children: Bobby Joe, Billy Joe, Joanne, & Josephine
Joanne and Josephine are colorblind carriers.
Bobby Joe & Billy Joe are not colorblind
Paul’s parents are Ethyl Mae and Sam.
Sam is colorblind and Ethyl Mae is a carrier.
Ethyl Mae is one of five children of Clarence & Clara.
Carol is a carrier and Ethyl Mae’s sister.
Bob & Ted are twins. They are both colorblind & are Carol’s brothers.
Ed is Carol’s brother & is not colorblind.
Clara is colorblind & Clarence is not.
After creating the pedigree chart (following all of the rules!!) state who was
secretly adopted & explain how you know.