
Family Pedigree Red-Green Colorblind Trait for Mr. Kosters Family
Genotype XY=Male XX= Female, Once Mr. Kosters determined his inheritance he tested his brothers and
found 1 brother was colorblind and not the other.
Note the trait as it goes from the P generation to the F3 generation
1. What genotype shows the colorblind male? Colorblind female?
2. What is the genotype of a carrier female? Why can’t males be carriers for Red
Green Colorblindness?
3. How many generations does this family pedigree show?
4. What is the probability of Hope passing the colorblind gene to a future son?
5. What is the probability of Hope having a colorblind daughter if her future
husband has normal vision? Show punnett square.
6. What is the probability of Hope having a colorblind daughter if her future
husband has Colorblindness? Show punnett square.
7. Draw a family pedigree of your family through at least 3 generations. Write the
names of the individuals. Create the pedigree through 4 generations for extra