Gaelic Classes Beginners Clàsaichean Ghaidhlig Luchd Toiseachaidh Dates: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th A’ chiad latha den Fhaoilleach The 1st of January An dàrna latha den Ghearran The 2nd of February An treasamh latha den Mhàirt The 3rd of March An ceathramh latha den Ghiblean The 4th of April An còigeamh latha den Chèitean The 5th of May An siathamh latha den Ogmhios The 6th of June An seachdamh latha den Iuchair The 7th of July An t-ochdamh latha den Lunasdal The 8th of August An naoidheamh latha den t-Sultain The 9th of September An deicheamh latha den Dàmhair The 10th of October An t-aona latha deug den t-Samhain The 11th of November An dàrna latha dheug den Dùbhlachd The 12th December Methods of forming the past tense. Quite often when making a verb into the past tense you lenite the first consonant. Eg buail – hit or strike seinn – sing ceannaich – buy Bhuail mi = I struck Sheinn mi = I sang Cheannaich e = He bought But some verbs do not lenite eg starting with the letter l,n,,sm,sp,st. Eg Ruith – run Ruith iad = they ran Leugh – read Leugh mi leabhar = I read a book. Nigh – wash Nigh mi na soitheachan = I washed the dishes Some verbs are irregular: There are 10 irregular verbs abair= say dean= do or make rach= go beir= catch faic= see. ruig= reach cluinn= hear faigh= find or get thig= come eg thoir= give-take-bring Dean= do or make. Past tense: Rinn mi ceic = I made a cake Future Tense: Ni mi ceic a-maireach = I will make a cake tomorrow Verbal noun: Tha mi a’ dèanamh ceic an-diugh. I am making a cake today. Faic = see Past Tense: Future Tense: Verbal Noun: Rach = go Past Tense: Future Tense: Verbal Noun: Lesson 25 Chunnaic mi film air an telebhisean a-raoir. I saw a film on the TV last night Chi mi geam ball-coise a-maireach. I will see a football game tomorrow. Tha mi a’ faicinn mo phiuthar an-diugh. I am seeing my sister today. Càite an deach thu an dè. Where did you go yesterday Thèid mi dhachaidh a-maireach. I will go home tomorrow. Tha mi a’ dol air laithean saora. I am going on holidays. 1 of 2 Gaelic Classes Beginners Clàsaichean Ghaidhlig Luchd Toiseachaidh Asking permission: Am faod mi? = May I? Faodaidh = Yes you may Chan fhaod = No you may not Examples: Q Am faod mi a dhol dhan taigh-bheag? May I go to the toilet Ans Faodaidh . or Chan fhaod. Q Am faod mi suiteas fhaighinn? Ans Faodaidh, or Chan fhaod. May I have a sweetie? Q Am faod mi bòrd fhàgail? May I leave the table? Ans Faodaidh, or Chan fhaod Q Am faod mi deoch orains fhaighinn? May I have a drink of orange juice? Ans Faodaidh ( a ghràidh) or Chan fhaod ( a ghràidh ) Yes or no (dear) When asking a question there are different words used depending on the tense Past Tense: Did you write the letter yet? Future Tense Will you be going to Glasgow tomorrow? Present Tense Are you going to the class today? An do sgriobh thu an litir fhathast? Am bi thu a’ dol a Ghlaschu a-maireach? A bheil thu a’ dol dhan chlas an-diugh? The effect of adjectives on masculine and feminine nouns: When you describe a masculine noun you do not lenite the adjective however when you describe a feminine noun the adjective will lenite: Eg Masculine nouns Feminine nouns Calum bàn Fair haired Calum Taigh mòr a big house Baile beag a small town Màiri bhàn Fair haired Mary Beinn mhòr A big mountain. Muc bheag A little pig. If describing a masculine or feminine noun using multiple adjectives the same rule applies for all the adjectives Eg Calum beag,bàn,breagha. Beautiful little fair haired Calum Màiri bheag,bhàn,bhòidheach. Lesson 25 Beautiful little fair haired Mary. 2 of 2