GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Geology Department, Greenhead College, Huddersfield. Millstone Grit, Pule Hill Quarry, Marsden Your name .....……………………................................................. .........……………........... Date LEARNING TARGETS margin notes ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 1 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 When you have completed this study guide, you will: Understand weathering processes and products Know how sediments are transported, eroded and deposited in environments of different energy levels Understand that sediments become sedimentary rocks by the process of diagenesis Recognise sedimentary rocks and understand their texture and composition Study the deltaic environment of West Yorkshire during the Carboniferous period Know about sedimentary structures and their importance in identifying environments of deposition of sediments Have learnt the skill of geological field sketching of sedimentary features. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 2 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 Resources Here is a choice of resources to use. You do not need to look at them all but clearly the more you read the better your knowledge of case studies will be. Tick the box once you have used the resource. If you read a photocopied extract then highlight it to help you reread it for revision. If you make notes from a video tape make sure that the notes are headed with the name of the tape so that you know the source of your information. SED1 Understanding Geology David Webster p 64-78 SED2 Geoscience Edwards and King p 79-98 SED3 Geological Science by Andrew McLeish p 101-110 SED4 Video Earth Revealed Weathering Tape 46 30mins SED5 Table to show what products result from weathering of igneous rocks SED6 Video From Snowdon to the Sea Tape 10 22mins with questions SED7 Sedimentary rock and environment specification notes SED8 Identification chart for common sedimentary rocks SED9 Table of sedimentary rocks, textures and environments SED10 Library Natural History Museum Restless Surface SED11 Library Eyewitness Visual Dictionary of the Earth SED12 Rocks and landscapes of Huddersfield Huddersfield Geology Group SED13 Video Interpreting sediments. Tapes 4 and 15 22mins SED14 Powerpoint on Weathering SED15 Powerpoint on Sedimentary Environments SED16 Powerpoint on Sedimentary Structures Websites There are other websites you could search. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 3 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Margin notes Module exam GL1 June 2004 ACTIVITY 1 : WEATHERING TASK 1 DEFINITION Weathering - the break down of rocks into fragments of rock or into minerals in situ. In class you will learn how it is possible for rocks to break down under the influence of the weather. In situ is an expression that we use to mean in one place/situation. TASK 2 WEATHERING PROCESSES WEATHER, CLIMATE AND WEATHERING – how are they connected with each other? In class we will examine the effectiveness and types of weathering that might occur in different situations of climate and rock type. Answer these questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How does weather affect ultrabasic rocks such as peridotite? How does weather affect basic rocks such as gabbro and basalt? How does weather affect acid rocks such as granite? How does weather in temperate climates affect rocks? How does weather in tropical arid climates affect rocks? How does weather affect rocks made of CaCO3, such as chalk and limestone? Now watch video SED 4 or powerpoint SED14 and make notes. TASK 3 WEATHERING PROCESSES Now you understand weathering, make notes from the textbooks to help you learn some details. 1. Use SED 1 p 42 to write down the definitions of physical, chemical and biological weathering. 2. Learn more details by making notes about the following processes from SED 1 p 43-44, SED 2 p 80 and SED 3 p 67-68. You will need to use all three textbooks to find enough information to write, in your own words, an understandable description of these processes. You might find that you need to read all three textbook sections first and then summarise a description that makes good sense to you. frost-shattering (freeze-thaw) exfoliation (expansion-contraction) oxidation hydrolysis carbonation ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 4 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 Use this box for notes Margin notes TASK 4 WEATHERING PRODUCTS Use SED 5 to describe which weathering products result from the breakdown of different rocks and minerals and explain the weathering process that has caused this. Discuss the ideas together so that you develop high quality answers. Use this box for notes ACTIVITY 2 : SEDIMENTARY ROCKS TASK 5 FROM SNOWDON TO THE SEA Watch this video and answer the questions in SED 6 as an introduction to the next topic. TASK 6 TRANSPORT, EROSION AND DEPOSITION ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 5 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 Define transport, erosion and deposition. Read the specification notes SED 7. These notes have been written so that we can talk through the ideas in class, using the OHP and adding diagrams. Have the specification notes on the desk in front of you with file paper to add explanatory diagrams. Some people learn best from visual notes, some from written notes and some from listening and talking. Following Task 5 will enable all of you to make learning notes which suit you best. Be prepared to learn to draw diagrams accurately. All diagrams need to be drawn in pencil and need labels and a scale. They need to be large enough to show features clearly. Labels must be in neat handwriting, preferably printing. If there is anything you need to check up then read the relevant sections from SED 1, SED 2 and SED 3 and add to your own notes. TASK 7 DIAGENESIS OR LITHIFICATION SED 2 p 85-86 has an excellent section on how sediments are converted to rocks. Read this and write out Fig 5.19 on p86 which explains the main processes of diagenesis. Use this for notes Margin notes TASK 8 TEXTURE AND COMPOSITION OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 6 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 You can now link texture and composition of rocks to deposition in different environments. Chart 3 (SED 8) is an identification chart for common sedimentary rocks. Highlight the sedimentary rocks that you need to know for GL1. These are sandstone, arkose, greywacke, shale, limestone (four different types), conglomerate and breccia. Carry out a practical on each of the rocks, using the identification chart to help you. Draw a large, labelled, scaled diagram in pencil of each specimen you choose from the red trays. If you need to, use dilute hydrochloric acid to decide if it is a limestone or a clastic rock If it is a clastic rock use Table 16 at the foot of the page to measure the size of the clasts or particles and therefore the correct terminology for the rock. You will find a grain-size card useful for assessing grain-size of sandstones. You should mention the following characteristics of sedimentary rocks: Grain-size mineralogy (if possible) colour grain shape Structures, such as lamination Other features, like fossil fragments Sorting (well-sorted or badly-sorted) Date of test on sedimentary rock compositions and textures……………………… TASK 9 KNOWLEDGE CHECK Use the powerpoint SED 15 on Sedimentary Environments to give you an image of the environments of deposition of sediments. Add any information you need to which you have not seen in other resources. Use this box for notes ACTIVITY 3 : SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES TASK 101 FIELD SKETCHES OF SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 7 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 Look at the powerpoint SED16 of sedimentary structures to relate them to the environment in which they were formed. We will draw field sketches from the photos to illustrate their appearance in the Rock Record. For each you need to be able to comment on whether the environment in which they are found is high or low energy. Here is a list of the sedimentary structures you should be able to recognise and explain. Bedding planes, cross bedding, graded bedding, laminations, mud cracks, dune bedding, flute casts, ripple marks. Margin notes TASK 11 PRACTICAL ON SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES Look around the room and in the trays for examples of each of the sedimentary structures listed above. Convince the rest of your group that you know what it is and how it was formed. TASK 12 HUDDERSFIELD POSTERS Using the off-prints of the Huddersfield Guide to Rocks and Landscapes produce a group poster to describe and explain the deltaic environment in which the Millstone Grit and Coal Measures of the Carboniferous period were deposited 300 million years ago. Use this box for notes ACTIVITY 4 : CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING TASK 13 KNOWLEDGE CHECK Complete SED 9 to test your understanding of sedimentary rocks and textures. TASK 14 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Exercise SED 1 p78 and 79. Complete questions 1-10 for homework. Deadline: ………………………………………………………. TASK 15 GLOSSARY ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 8 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 This topic is full of new terms which need defining. Write a list with their definitions and learn them Deadline for handing your glossary in: ……….……………………………….. TASK 16 EXAM QUESTION PACK Complete the GL4 Sedimentary Rocks EQPs 1 and 2 Deadline: …………………………………… TASK 17 PERSONAL RECORD SHEET Complete a personal record sheet to check your understanding and your skills learning. Deadline: …………………………………… Use this box for notes ESTA GEOTREX The Geology Teachers Resource Exchange Contributor: Alison Quarterman Establishment: Greenhead College Date:May 05 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 9 GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE Module exam GL1 June 2004 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VC/Dept/Geol/015 page 10