Jonelle M - Westmont Hilltop School District

Jonelle M. Dongilla
Westmont Hilltop School District - ESL
SIOP Lesson Plan Template 4 (adapted)
7 and 8
October 22 - 26, 2012
PA English Language Proficiency Standards:
 Sort relevant information from irrelevant information on topics gathered from everyday print that is
visually supported.
 Write phrases or short sentences using a graphic organizer.
Key Vocabulary:
Higher–Order Thinking Skills
Vocab from core class Apply knowledge of verbs to
reading and writing
Present Tense Regular
Support reasons for the main idea
in a text
Content Objectives
(standard in plain
 Use relevant graphics
Language Objectives:
Use English to interact in the
 Worksheets
 Word wall
 English Grammar for ESL
 ELL Funsheets
 Differentiated contentbased main idea
 Main Idea graphic
 Vocabulary graphic
Review and Assessment:
 Personal pronouns
 Weekly test from 100
Clear Grammar TESTS,
including language arts
content and vocab.
 Identify and/or
Find the main idea in a passage
explain stated or
and in peer’s writing.
implied main ideas
and relevant
supporting details
from text.
 Identify and/or apply
meaning of contentspecific words used
in text.
 Identify and use
verbs in reading and
Meaningful Activities (Lesson Sequence):
Day 1
 Respond in writing to journal prompt.
 Mini lesson on main idea using differentiated graphic organizers from core class.
 Students take turns reading their journal prompts. Partner listens and states the main
idea of the prompt supported with at least 2 details (may chose graphic organizer to
work with).
 Teacher introduces and teaches verbs. Complete grammar worksheets together and
individually. Highlight verbs in journal writing.
 Students present their vocab from a core class (science and geography). Use these
words to fill in vocabulary graphic organizer. Share and discuss.
HW: Study vocab using graphic organizer; complete main idea worksheet
Day 2
 Review vocab using graphic organizer.
 Finish Verbs worksheet (individual) then check together.
 Correct HW – main idea worksheet.
 Read short story from READ magazine. Complete main idea graphic organizer with
partner then explain rationale to teacher.
HW: Study vocab; grammar worksheet.
Day 3
 Administer weekly test on verbs, content vocab, and main ideas.
 Complete ELL fun worksheet – Verbs.