Minutes of the 254th meeting of the Registration Committee held on 30th June,2005 in Committee Room No.139, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi The 254th meeting of the Registration Committee (RC) was held under the Chairmanship of Dr. N.B. Singh, Agriculture Commissioner on 30th June,2005 at 1030 hrs. in Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. Dr. P.S. Chandurkar, Plant Protection Adviser to the Govt. of India, Dr. O.P. Dubey, Assistant Director General, ICAR, Dr. T.P. Rajendran, Assistant Director General (PP), ICAR and Dr. (Mrs.) S. Kulshrestha, Secretary, CIB&RC attended the meeting. Following officers from the Secretariat of CIB&RC were also present: (i) Dr.(Mrs.)G.Mukherjee,Jt.Dir.(Chem.) (ii) Sh.Vipin Bhatnagar, Jt.Dir.(Chem.) (iii) Dr. Ravi Prakash, JD (Bio) (iv) Dr. R.M. Shukla, DD (Ent.) (v) Dr. (Mrs.) Mukul Singh, DD (Med.) (vi) Dr. Subhash Kumar, Agro (H) (vii) Smt. Kanta Arora, AO (CIB&RC) (viii) Sh. Rajmant Singh, Section officer (ix) Sh. Niraj Kulshrestha, Assistant Legal Since the quorum was not complete, therefore, the meeting was adjourned for half an hour and reconvened at 1100 hrs. to transact the business. At the outset, the Chair welcomed the participants and requested Secretary,CIB&RC to take up the Agenda for discussion. Following decisions were taken: Agenda Item No.1.0 Confirmation of minutes of the 253rd meeting of the Registration Committee. The minutes of the 253rd meeting of the Registration Committee (RC) were confirmed. Agenda Item No.2.0 Follow-up action on the decisions taken by the Registration Committee in its 253rd meeting. The Committee noted the follow up actions on the decisions of the RC with satisfaction. Secy.,CIB&RC apprised that as per the decision taken during 253rd meeting under Agenda Item No.8.2, the applicant 2 has been called to make presentation to justify change in the weight of the chalk Accordingly, presentation was made by the applicant who informed that since the chemical composition will remain the same and, therefore, alternate packaging will not alter the efficacy or toxicity. However, by doing so they intend to provide more quantity at reasonable price and also protection from duplication, as a special mode has to be developed for the same. The Committee after detailed deliberations approved the applicant’s request for endorsement of change in length and weight of the chalk upto 9.5cm. and 20gm., respectively. Agenda Item No.2.1 Application pending under various Sub-sections of the Insecticides Act,1968. The Committee appreciated the efforts of the Secretariat of CIB&RC in clearing the pendency of registration applications. Agenda Item No3.0 Government Business Agenda Item No3.1 Review of various pesticides which are banned in other countries but are being used in India. The Committee approved the Terms & Reference of the Expert Group as per Agenda. Agenda Item No3.2 Recommendation of expert group for fixing guidelines for the minimum inftrastructural facilities to be created by the manufacturer of pesticides and their formulations to meet the requirements for issue of licence by respective State Govt.(Licencing Authority) The Committee was apprised that the comments of the All India Biotech Association has been received informing that the suggested parameters are not applicable for biopesticides. In view of this, the Committee approved the guidelines for minimum infrastructural facilities for chemical pesticides and desired that the Association may be asked to submit the minimum infrastructural facilities required for the manufacture of biopesticides for deliberation by the RC. 3 Agenda Item No3.3 Revised guidelines for registration under export category – recommendation of the Group constituted by Registration Committee to review the guidelines for registration of pesticides and its formulations for export purpose. Approved. (Agenda Item No.4.6 is Item No.3.3 of the Minutes). Agenda Item No.4.0 Export Cases Agenda Item No.4.1 Applications u/s 9(3) for export only as per details given in Annexure4.1 Approved. Agenda Item No.4.2 Application of M/s United Phosphosrus Ltd, Vapi for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Metamitron 70% WDG (Herbicide) Approved. Agenda Item No.4.3 Application of M/s Gujarat Agrochem Ltd, Panoli for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Metamitron 70% WDG (Herbicide) The applicant may be asked to provide the details of the internet source for toxicity. Agenda Item No.4.4 Application of M/s Punjab Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Vapi for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Ametryn Technical and its 80% WP formulation (Herbiocide) Approved under Sec.9(3B) for a period of 2 years. Agenda Item No.4.5 Application of M/s Bharat Rasayan Ltd, for grant of registration of Oryzalin Technical The Committee deliberated the Agenda in detail and deferred in view of the information on carcinogenicity. The Committee decidedto seek the registration status of Oryzalin in other countries and also to put up information to the Committee if any registration of this product for export is permitted earlier along with the information submitted by the applicant on carcinogenicity. Agenda Item No.4.6 Transferred to Item No. 3.3 4 Agenda Item No.4.7 Application of M/s Aimco Pesticides Ltd, Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Triclopyr Butoxy Ethyl Ester 32% EC (Herbicide) u/s 9(3) for export only. Approved. Agenda Item No.4.8 Application of M/s Sumitomo Chemical India Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai for grant of registration for import of Fenitrothion 20% CS (Micro encapsulated suspension) (Insecticide) u/s 9(3) for export only. Approved. Agenda Item No.4.9 Consideration of application of M/s Aimco Pesticides Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Fluroxypyr Meptyl Ester 26.2% EC (Herbicide) under Section 9(3) for export only. Approved. Agenda Item No.4.10 Application of M/s United Phosphosrus Ltd, Vapi for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Sodium Acifluorfen Techncial (Herbicide) u/s 9(3) for export only. The application was deliberated in detail and deferred in view of the information on mucous membrane irritation and carcinogenicity submitted by the applicant, the Committee did not approve the application due to its toxicity of mucous membrane and carcinogenicity. Agenda Item No.4.11 Application of M/s Atul Ltd, Gujarat for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Tribenuron Methyl Techncial (Herbicide) u/s 9(3) for export only. Approved. Agenda Item No.4.12 Chemicals Ltd, for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Triclopyr Butotyl Ester 600 g/ 1 EC (Herbicide) u/s 9(3) for export only. Approved. Agenda Item No.5.0 9(3B) Cases 5 Agenda Item No.5.1 Application of M/s Sheer Agro Bio-Fertilizer Creative Organization, Purba Medinipur (WB) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Tricoderma Viridi 1% WP u/s 9(3b) Approved for a period of 2 years with commercialization. Agenda Item No.5.2 Application of M/s Central Bio Tech, Nagpur for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Tricoderma Viridi 1% WP u/s 9(3b). Approved for a period of 2 years with commercialization Agenda Item No.5.3 Application of M/s Indore Biotech Inputs & Research (P) Ltd, Indore for extension of validity of Registration Certificate for provisional registration of Tricoderma Viridi WP Approved for a period of 2 years with commercialization. Agenda Item No.5.4 Application of M/s Yash Krishi Takniki Ewam Vigyan Kendra, Allahabad for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP u/s 9(3b). Approved for a period of 2 years with commercialization. Agenda Item No.5.5. Consideration of application of M/s K.N. Bio Tech Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP under Section 9(3B) Approved for a period of 2 years with commercialization. Agenda Item No.5.6 Application of M/s Modern Biotech, Jalgaon (MS) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP u/s 9(3b). Approved for a period of 2 years with commercialization. Agenda Item No.5.7 Application of M/s Amit Bio Tech. Kolkata for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP u/s 9(3b) Approved for a period of 2 years with commercialization. Agenda Item No.6.0 9(3) Cases NIL Agenda Item No.7.0 9(4) cases Agenda Item No.7.1 Applications for registration under Section 9(4) The Committee approved the applications for which MRL is fixed, not 6 required or partially fixed. Agenda Item No.7.2 Application of M/s Bhagiradha Chemicals and Industries Ltd, Hyderabad u/s 9(4) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Lambdacyhalothrin Technical. Approved. Agenda Item No.7.3 Application of M/s Punjab Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Chandigarh for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Metribuzin Technical Approved. Agenda Item No.7.4 Application of M/s Bhagiradha Chemicals and Industries Ltd, Hyderabad u/s 9(4) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Acetamiprid Technical Approved. Agenda Item No.7.5 Application of M/s United Chemicals, Hyderabad u/s 9(4) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Ethephon Technical Approved. Agenda Item No.7.6 Application of M/s India Pesticides Ltd, Lucknow u/s 9(4) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Chlorpyriphos Technical Approved. Agenda Item No.7.7 Application of M/s Acme Organics P. Ltd. For registration of Cyphenothrin 5% EC u/s 9(4) Approved. Agenda Item No.7.8 Application of M/s Insecticides India Ltd, Delhi u/s 9(4) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Acetamiprid Technical Approved. Agenda Item No.7.9 Application of M/s Parijat Agencies, New Delhi u/s 9(4) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Thiamethoxam Technical. Approved. 7 Agenda Item No.7.10 Application of M/s Khard Soaps Private Ltd, Jhansi u/s 9(4) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Pyrethrum 2% Extract. Approved. Agenda Item No.7.11 Application of M/s Insecticides India Ltd, Delhi u/s 9(4) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Imidacloprid Technical. Approved. Agenda Item No.8.0 Miscellaneous Items Agenda Item No.8.1 List of endorsement cases Agenda Item No.8.2 Application of M/s Syngenta Crop Protection P. Ltd for endorsement of new packaging system (HDPE-Portapac) for Paraquat dichloride 24% SL Approved. While deliberating the agenda in detail, Secy.,CIB&RC informed that the applicant has requested to permit them to make presentation to the Members of the Committee about the benefits of new packaging system. The Committee decided to call the applicant to make presentation in the next meeting. Agenda Item No.8.3 Approval of bulk packaging of Monocrotophos 36% SL, Dichlorovos 76% EC and Quinalphos 25% EC – Proposed by M/s Cheminova India Ltd., Mumbai Deferred. The applicant may be asked to submit the relevant rules under Central Motor Transport Act,1989 for bulk transportation for hazardous chemicals. Agenda Item No.8.4 Alternate packing of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP – Proposed by M/s United Phosphorus Ltd, Mumbai. Deferred. The Committee decided to obtain the comments on the feasibility of the proposed packaging of the product by the Indian Institute of Packaging. 8 Agenda Item No.8.5 Alternate packaging system for packing Alphacypermethrin 10% EC – Proposed by M/s HIL, New Delhi Approved. Agenda Item No.8.6 Alternate packaging of Propoxur 0.5% + Cyfluthrin 0.025% WW spray – Proposed by M/s Aero Industries, Mumbai Approved Agenda Item No.8.7 . Alternate packaging system for packing of Imidaclorprid 17.8 SL Proposed by M/s Insecticides Ltd., New Delhi. Approved. Agenda Item No.8.8 Additional packaging for prallethrin 1% Liquid Vaporiser proposed by M/s Icon Household Products P. Ltd. Approved. Agenda Item No.8.9 Ex-post facto approval for import permits issued Agenda Item No.8.10 Permission to use stocks of M/s Dow Agro Science India Pvt. Ltd. In the old name of M/s De-Nocil Crop Protection Pvt. Ltd. Approved. Approved. Agenda Item No.8.11 Consideration of extension of Bioefficacy claim of Acetamiprid 20% SP in favour of M/s De-Nocil Crop Protection, Mumbai The Committee deliberated the Agenda in detail and in view of the recommended harvesting interval of 7-10 days on Okra which in the opinion of the Committee is not feasible to be observed and rejected the extension of claim on Okra crop. Regarding Cabbage, the Committee decided to re-examine the data with reference to the time of application of pesticide and put up to the Committee for consideration. Agenda Item No.8.12 Application of M/s Balaji Pest Control, Delhi for endorsement of additional manufacturing unit (Lian Yun Gang Dead Sea Bromine Compounds Co. Ltd., China for import of Methyl Bromide Technical. 9 Approved. Agenda Item No.8.13 Approval of Protocols Approved. Agenda Item No 9 Any other item with the permission of the Chair. 1. Protocol regarding toxicity to livestock (field Hexaconazole 0.2% dust of M/s Rallis India Limited. trials) for The Committee noted the submission of the applicant that the parameters as suggested by the Committee regarding glucose estimation will be performed by the applicant. However, it may not be possible to assess the respiratory parameters (FEVI, FVC ration, PEFR, etc. in cattle in field conditions. Accordingly, the Committee approved their request for deleting the respiratory parameters for observation/investigation in cattle. 2. Label expansion under Section (4) The Committee was apprised that in its 243rd RC meeting held on 2nd April, 2004, a Group was constituted under the Chairmanship of Dr. P. S. Chandurkar, Plant Protection Adviser to the Govt. of India for considering the label expansion for 9(4) registrants. The Group met on 29 th June, 2005 and after taking into consideration the technical implications and legal provisions of the Insecticides Act,1968, recommended to permit label claim expansion to 9(4) registrants, if requisite data as per the guidelines to prove the efficacy and residue, whe4rever applicable is submitted by the applicant. This would not violate any provision of the Act as the registration under Sec.9(4) was issued to the applicant on the basis of same terms & conditions as in case of 9(3) registrants. Moreover, it would be in the interest of the farming community to grant such expansion as it would increase the options available for use of pesticides to the farmers. The Committee approved the recommendations of the Group to permit the label claim expansion for the first time by 9(4) registrants on submission of requisite data. 10 3. Reconsideration of the application of M/s BMR Co. Ltd., Pune for grant of registration of Neem-oil containing Azadirachtin 0.15%EC A Sub-Committee was constituted under the Chairmanship of Dr. C.D. Mayee, Chairman, ASRB to examine the application of M/s BMR Co. Ltd., Pune for grant of registration of Neem-oil based formulation containing Azadirachtin 0.15% EC. Secretary, CIB&RC apprised that the Sub- Committee met on 29th June,2005 and recommended as follows: “The Committee felt that since this is the first product of Neem useful for household purposes, the registration can be granted under Sec.9(3B) with commercialization specifically for the Neem Oil based formulation containing Azadirachtin 0.15% w/w (Min.) for larvaecide under household situation where they can use this product specifically for Mosquito control in household conditions like desert coolers, flowerpots and water bodies within the house, stagnated water in home gardens and places where larvae of mosquito multiply. The Committee felt that the dose calculated by them is on higher side, therefore, it is suggested that they should reduce the dose in consultation with Dr.Mukherjee of NCL who has helped the Company in the development of the product and provided the data for registration.” In view of the above, the Committee decided to grant registration under section 9(3B) for two years permitting commercialization of Neem oil based formulation containing Azadirachtin 0.15% w/w minimum for control of mosquito larval control in stagnant water bodies in household conditions with dose 12ppm (8ml/Litre) and to call back the certificate of registration of the applicant granted under Sec.9(3B) to amend and incorporate the conditions accordingly. 4. Applications for endorsement – disposal at the level of the Sectt. of CIB&RC – reg. The Committee was apprised of the decision taken in the meeting held on 26th May,2005 with the Associations of the Pesticides Industry under the Chairmanship of Dr.N.B.Singh, Agriculture Commissioner & Chairman,RC, wherein it was decided to issue the endorsement w.r.t. change of factory address, transfer of certificate of registration, endorsement of second factory address, endorsement of already approved source for import of pesticides, 11 label claims, packaging etc. at the level of Secretary,CIB&RC. However, applications for endorsement pertaining to new approvals for label claims, packaging system, source for import be brought to the Registration Committee for approval. The Committee approved the above decision taken in the said meeting. 5. PPA informed that there is an application for the endorsement of address of second Manufacturing Unit on the Certificate of Registration of M/s Maharasthra Insecticides Ltd., Mumbai. Since it is a subsidiary Company of MAIDC, therefore, they have not submitted the NOC from the State Department of agriculture. The Committee decided that this requirement cannot be waived and they may be requested to submit the same for getting the second factory address endorsed on their Certificate of Registration. 6. The Committee was apprised that there is a request from M/s Omega to waive off toxicity data for registration of CPPU Tech. For indigenous manufacture under Section (3) of the Act. The Committee decided to put up the status of application for its consideration in the next meeting. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair. *******