“EVALUATION OF FISH FAUNA IN LESS EXPLORED AQUATIC SYSTEMS OF SOUTHERN BAHIA- BIOBAHIA PROJECT” ACSI funding proposal 04-15 (regarding fieldwork) ACSI participant funded: Luisa Maria Soares Porto Fieldwork participants: Ronaldo Fernando Martins Pinheiro Arion Túlio Aranda Carine Cavalcanti Chamon Introduction: The southern Bahia hydrographic region keep a rich and diverse fish fauna with endemic species, and is formed, from north to south, by the following eleven river basins: rio Santo Antônio, rio João de Tiba, rio Buranhém, rio Frade, rio Caraíva, rio Corumbau, rio Cahy, rio Jucuruçu, rio Itanhém, rio Peruípe and small coastal river basins at Cumuruxatiba. The area of all these river drainages covers about 39.488,22 km2, with 68,50 % of this area inside bahian territory, and the corresponding upper portions of some river basins are situated at Minas Gerais state. This region is situated between coordinates 15050’ to 18030’ latitude south and 38050’ to 40040’ longitude west. The fish fauna of six of those southern Bahia river basins were sampled, with the ACSI funding, regarding all fish specimens available, not only catfishes, in the expedition Biobahia, held between October 22nd and November 1st 2004. The trip covered an area of about 2.928 Km, in 11 days of collecting efforts. Metodology: Study area. The field work was carried out in the river drainages of rio Cahy, Itanhém, Jucuruçu, Mucuri, Peruípe and smaller coastal river drainages at Cumuruxatiba, in order to inventory the ichthyofauna (see fig. 1- map). The fish samples were obtained through trawl nets in estuarine and freshwater environments. The river systems at southern Bahia cross a plain to ondulate relief with sediments from Tertiary to Quaternary, responsible to the formation of “Tabuleiros”, regional name due to long plain surfaces left on landscape. Geologically those coastal “tabuleiros” from the area of the study belongs to the “Formação Barreiras”, dated from the Pliocene, extending form the coast up to 110 Km inland since Ilhéus, at Bahia, on north until the mouth of rio Doce, at Espírito Santo, on south (Superintendência de Recursos Hídricos, 1996). The original vegetal covering was the Atlantic forest, now with remaining patches seen only at Cumuruxatiba and Cahy regions. At the rio Peruípe the vegetation was changed to eucalyptus trees groves, with reminiscents of riparian vegetation only on river banks. The situation of vegetal covering in the large river basins as the Mucuri, Itanhém and Jucuruçu were the heaviest impacted we observed, as the whole region was completely occupied by pastures. In order to provide the necessary comparisons along the text, the eastern brazilian river drainages are herein considered as the area between the rio Paraíba do Sul and the rio São Francisco river basins. Collecting techniques. Sampling was done along the day until crepuscule. The choice of collecting upstream, middle stream or close to estuary was previously planned, taking into account accessibility, even through small unpaved roads. The fieldwork stations were located through a GPS, photographed, the sampled time and fishing gear annotated. Each station was described regarding environmental (abiotic and physiographic) parameters, as: size of stream, current velocity, abundance of marginal, floating and/or submerged vegetation, botton type and structure, water coloration, water depth and weather conditions. The fishes were captured through different fishing nets and fixed in 10% formalin. In some cases a tissue sample was separated. Most species were photographed alive, in a field aquarium. Collecting licenses and sample deposit procedures. The collecting licenses for the present trip were obtained at the IBAMA (process number 02022001602/04-59). All samples were identified, catalogued and are primarily being deposited under the MNRJ ichthyological collections. The taxonomic classification of species follows Reis et al. (2003) and Menezes et al. (2003). The requested deposit in US institutional collections is taken into account, but the legal way to do this is thorough donation. Direct shipping of native fauna to foreign institutions with no formal passage at a local museum is prohibited under brazilian laws. Representative fish species captured under this trip will be formally sent to US institutions through our colleague, Dr. Paulo A. Buckup, one of the curators of the ichthyological collections at the Museu Nacional. Collection of tissues for molecular analysis are also being deposited under the MNRJ ichthyological collections. The Museu Nacional is acquiring the respective license protocols for the maintenance of a collection of tissues, and this process may spent some time to be concluded. The BIOBAHIA project is expected to spent about two years to be finished, and during this time I myself will try to do as much as I can to make available the legal shipping of tissues to US institutions. Morphometric and meristic procedures. In order to provide the identification of the catfishes in the study area, morphological aspects were observed, and some measurements and counts made necessary in most cases. The proportional measurements are expressed in percentuals of standard length (SL) or head length (HL); or whatever stated in the text, and the metodology for measurements or counts follow the pertinent litterature for the different groups, and are mentined together with the species report. Pictures. All fish species illustrated were photographed alive in the field by myself. Results: There were sampled 49 fieldwork stations along six river drainages (fig. 1). The cumulative species richness in each river drainage is seen on table 1. In analyzing separately the stations sampled, localities at river drainages of Cahy, Jucuruçu and Peruípe were the most speciose in the number of fishes, with at least more than 10 different fish species sampled in each point (see fig. 1). The rivers at Cahy and Peruípe drainages still keep a considerable part of the ciliary vegetation on river banks, but the Jucuruçu is really a surprise regarding fish diversity, as the river bank vegetation was in most part removed, but still exists so many fishes. Fig. 1- Map of the 49 collecting localities and records of GPS information. We collected 4.171 fish specimens, belonging to 22 families, 45 genera and 57 species (table 2). The Ostariophysi was the dominant fish group, with 61,4 % of the collected species, among that 54 % were siluriforms; corresponding to 33,3 % of all fishes caught. The catfish families Trichomycteridae, Loricariidae and Heptapteridae were the most abundant within the group. Among the Siluriformes, we were able to find seven potentially new species, and some catfish forms deserving comments. Potentially new species: Microglanis sp. n. There are two Microglanis species known to the brazilian east: M. nigripinnis Bizerril & Perez Neto, 1992, from the rio Macacu in Rio de Janeiro state, and M. parahybae (Steindachner, 1880), from the rio Paraíba do Sul. Six specimens, from six different localities, measuring between 26,1 to 37,2 mm SL, were analysed. Those fishes were compared to the descriptions of M. nigripinnis and M. parahybae, and we observed that the color pattern is more similar to M. paraybae, than to M. nigripinnis. A comparison with the literature regarding M. parahybae was provided, based on Miranda Ribeiro (1911:253) and Mees (1974), and the following variations were observed: eyes three times in interorbital distance (versus 6); dorsal fin rays I,5 to I, 6 (versus I, 6); anal fin iii, 9 (versus ii-iii, 7-9) and pectoral fin rays I,4-6 (versus I, 5-6). In relation to M. nigripinnis the following variations were observed: Dorsal fin spine shorter, about 5,5 to 6,8 times in SL (versus 4,2 a 4,5); large eye 7,3 to 8,6 times in HL (versus 8,6 a 8,9); pectoral fin spine shorter, about 4,4 to 5,2 times in SL (versus 3,4 to 4,0); dorsal fin rays I,6-7 (versus I,7; pectoral fin rays I,5-7 (versus 1+6); anal fin rays 9-12 (versus 12) and branched caudal fin rays 13-14 (versus 14). The litterature information indicates that the bahian Microglanis could be a different species, but a direct comparison among the involved species is necessary. Parotocinchlus sp. n. A comparison with the Parotocinchlus species known to occur at the brazilian east drainages, produced the following preliminary comments (meristics and morphometrics protocols follows Garavello, 1977 and Reis & Schaeffer, 1998): P. bahiensis (Miranda Ribeiro, 1918) have a nearly naked abdomen (versus abdomen with extense naked areas with diminute plates on lateral sides and on preanal region in bahian Parotocinchlus). Pectoral fin spine reaching the middle of pelvics (versus the origin of pelvics in bahian Parotocinchlus). Pelvic fins reaching the anal fin (versus not reaching). Longitudinal series of plates 24 (versus 25 to 26). P. cristatus Garavello, 1977. Occipital region with a tuft of denticles (versus without tufts in bahian Parotocinchlus). Longitudinal series of plates 22 to 23 (versus 25 to 26). Shape of caudal peduncle retangular in cross section (versus elyptical). P. doceanus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1918). Abdomen totally covered with plates (versus abdomen with extense naked areas with diminute plates on lateral sides and on preanal region in bahian Parotocinchlus). Longitudinal series of plates 24 to 25 (versus 25 to 26). ). Pectoral fin spine reaching the middle of pelvics (versus the origin of pelvics). P. jimi Garavello, 1977. Longitudinal series of plates 23 to 24 (versus 25 to 26). Abdomen totally covered with plates (versus abdomen with extense naked areas with diminute plates on lateral sides and on preanal region in bahian Parotocinchlus). P. minutus Garavello, 1977. Longitudinal series of plates 21 to 22 (versus 25 to 26 in bahian Parotocinchlus). Region of insertion of unpaired fins depressed (versus nearly rounded). Adult size among 20 to 30 mm in SL (versus medium size of 37mm). P. planicauda Garavello & Bristki, 2003. Longitudinal series of plates 24 to 26 (versus 25 to 26 in bahian Parotocinchlus). Abdomen totally covered with plates (versus abdomen with extense naked areas with diminute plates on lateral sides and on preanal region). Shape of caudal peduncle quadrangular in cross section (versus elyptical). P. prata Ribeiro et al, 2002. was not compared. On the basis of those comparisons we think the southern Bahia Parotocinchlus is a different one, due to a unique combination of morphological characters. Preliminary morphometric measurements and meristic data, regarding plates, were also taken and compared to available comparative specimens and species descriptions. Hypostomus sp.n. The Hypostomus from the coastal river drainages of brazilian east obviously need a revisionary study. There are 11 hypostomus names cited for the Brazilian east river drainages (based on Weber, 2003): Hypostomus affinis (Steindachner, 1977), H. auroguttatus Kner, 1854 from the rio Paraíba do Sul; H. alatus Castelnau, 1855, H. francisci (Lütken, 1874), H. garmani (Regan, 1904), H. lima (Lütken, 1874), H. macrops (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888), from the from upper São Francisco and/ or rio das Velhas and H. brevicauda (Günther, 1864), H. subcarinatus Castelnau, 1855, H. vermicularis (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888), H. wuchereri (Günther, 1864) from coastal river drainages. According to the comparisons we made between the nominal species for the area, the form that is most close to our southern Bahia population is Hypostomus affinis, restricted by Mazzoni et al (1994) to the rio Paraíba do Sul. Among the Steindachner´s (1876) syntipes of H. affinis, there were specimens from the rio Mucuri, but now those specimens have no formal name, and consequently the bahian population is unnamed. We have provided morphometric and meristic data for the Hypostomus of the southern Bahia river basins in order to make comparisons with the nominal species at the brazilian east river basins. The measurements taken were based on Armbruster (2003) and Mazzoni et al. (1994). There were analysed 25 Hypostomus specimens from the river drainages of Mucuri, Peruípe, Itanhém, Jucuruçu and Cahy, and the comparative analysis between those basins revealed large sobreposition of characteristics, and our choice is to consider all the southern Bahia Hypostomus as a single species. A preliminary direct comparison between our Hypostomus species and the H. affinis of Mazzoni et al (1994) was provided, and we observed that our Hypostomus have different proportional measurements, as for an example, a large head (predorsal length 40% in SL; head length 34% in SL; versus 37 and 29 in H. affinis), a smaller adipose spine (adipose spine length 6% in SL versus 7% in H. affinis) and less number of predorsal scutes (2 versus 3 to 4). A detailed comparative study is necessary to be done, in order to proceed an elucidative species description. Ituglanis sp. n. A different Ituglanis was found to occur in two localities of the same river drainage at southern Bahia. The recognition of this small catfish as Ituglanis was based on the presence of a reduced interopercular odontode plate; subterminal mouth; nasal, commissural and maxillary barbells long; eyes of moderate size; pelvics present and anal fin placed at vertical through the position of dorsal fin base (according to Costa & Bockmann, 1993). A direct comparison with the Ituglanis species known to occur at the brazilian east river drainages, I. parahybae (Eigenmann, 1918), will be held for the description of the new species. Trichomycterus sp. n. 1 A single specimen of 66,8 mm SL was found. The probably new Trichomycterus species has a unique color pattern with elliptical spots confluent forming dark stripes along lateral line and on dorsal surface. It also has two supraorbital pores at interorbital space. At a first comparison, this form has a unique array of characters combined not found in other congeners, as follows (morphometric protocols follow Tchernavin, 1944; Costa, 1992 and Wosiacki, 2004): The anal and urogenital openings are placed at vertical through before the origin of dorsal fin base (versus at vertical through middle of dorsal fin base at T.alternatus (Eigenmann, 1917), T.itatiayae Miranda Ribeiro, 1906 and Trichomycterus sp.3). Nasal barbels long reaching interopercular odontodes (versus shorter in T.aurogutatus Costa, 1992 and T. florensis Ribeiro, T. sp.n2 and T. sp.n3) and much longer in T .longibarbatus Costa, 1992 (almost reaching caudal fin).The new Trichomycterus species shares with T. brasiliensis Lütken, 1874, T. vermiculatus (Eigenmann, 1917) and T. mirissumba Costa, 1992 the presence of 7 branched rays on pectoral fin and differs from the other Trichomycterus species found, T.sp.n2 and T.sp.n3, which have 8 branched rays on pectoral fin; and also differs from T.mimonha Costa, 1992 and T.trefauti Wosiacki, 2004, species with 6 branched rays on pectoral fin. Trichomycterus sp. n. 2 There was examined a single lot of 12 specimens, and 5 of them measured, reaching between 60,1 to 102,8 mm in SL. The color pattern is distinctive with a dark gray ground color on dorsal surface and sides of head, with dark cromatophores becoming more scattered towards ventral parts. The coloration quite resembles those of T. trefauti, but differs from that species due to the darker fins. The anal and urogenital openings are placed at vertical through the origin of dorsal fin base (versus at vertical through middle of dorsal fin base at T.alternatus, T.itatiayae and T.sp.n3) and before dorsal fin in Trichomycterus sp.1. ). Nasal barbels short, not reaching interopercular odontodes. The Trichomycterus sp. 2 shares with sp.3 the presence of 8 branched rays on pectoral fin (versus 7 in T.brasiliensis, T.vermiculatus, T.mirissumba and T.sp.n1 ) and 6 rays in T.mimonha e T.trefauti. Trichomycterus sp n3 There were examined 7 lots of those catfishes, and 9 specimens measured, reaching 52,9 and 112,8 mm in SL. The coloration pattern is spotted, with irregular dark spots over sides of body, sometimes confluents, more concentrated over dorsal parts of body. It is similar to T.alternatus and T.itatiayae due to the position of anal and urogenital openings at vertical through the origin of dorsal fin base. Nasal barbels short, not reaching interopercular odontodes, which is similar to the condition found in T.aurogutatus, T.florensis and T.sp.n2 and different from T. longibarbatus (almost reaching caudal fin) and Trichomycterus sp.1 (reaching opercular plate). The Trichomycterus sp 3 is similar to T.mimonha, T.vermiculatus, T.mirissumba and T.brasiliensis due to the position of origin of anal fin, on vertical through posterior margin of dorsal fin base. Trichomycterus is the largest trichomycterid catfish genus, and the three different Trichomycterus forms found in Bahia freshwaters should be detailed analysed. Some catfish forms deserving comments: Acentronichthys leptos Eigenmann e Eigenmann, 1889 Bockmann (1998) mention seven Acentronichthys species for the brazilian east, ranging from Southern Bahia to Santa Catarina: A. leptos Eigenmann e Eigenmann, 1889; A.fissipinnis comb. n. (Ribeiro, 1911); A. multiradiatus comb. n. (Ihering, 1907); A. stewarti comb. n. (Haseman, 1911); . A. sympterygium, comb. n. (Buckup, 1988); Acentronichthys sp. n. A and Acentronichthys sp. n. B. There were analysed the four specimens captured, measuring between 46,9 to 70,1mm SL, all from rio Cahy drainage, and compared with the description of A. leptos Eigenmann e Eigenmann, 1889 (apud Miranda Ribeiro, 1911). Differences on proportional measurements were observed, as: caudal peduncle depth between 1,3 to 1,7 times in body length (versus 1); snout between 1,1 to 1,5 times in the interorbital length (versus 2) and anal fin rays 27 to 29 (versus 19). We decided better to keep provisionally those fishes under A. leptos, as hope to be clearing and staining one of those fishes and comparing to Bockmann’s osteological data and available specimens, to have a better idea of what we have. Imparfinis cf. . minutus (Lütken, 1874) The species of Imparfinis recorded for brazilian east river drainages are I. borodini Mees e Cala, 1989, known to occur at upper Paraná, São Francisco and Tocantins river drainages (sensu Bockmann & Guazzelli, 2003) and I. minutus (Lütken, 1874) from rio das Velhas, at upper São Francisco river basin. There were examined nine specimens, ranging between 38,1 and 76,8 SL belonging to 9 different collecting localities. A comparison with I. minutus based on the original description of Lütken, 1874 (apud Alves & Pompeu, 2002), revealed great similarity in general morphology, but some differences were noted, as follows: The maxillary barbels almost reach the end of pelvic fins in those Imparfinis specimens from Bahia (versus reaching the end of pectorals in I. minutus ); pectoral fin with i,8 rays (versus i, 9 in I. minutus ). The body coloration is quite similar, but with differences on transverse irregular dark bars along the body. To assure specific differences among the Bahian specimens of Imparfinis and I. minutus, should be necessary comparative examination of material from the different river basins involved. Pimelodella sp. The following species of Pimelodella are known from the brazilian east, according to Bockmann & Guazzelli (2003): (Boulenger, 1891), P. hartii P. brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1877), P. eigenmanni (Steindachner, 1877) and . P. lateristriga Lichtenstein, 1823 and P. pectinifer Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888 all five from the rio Paraíba do Sul in Rio de Janeiro state; P. itapicuruensis (Eigenmann, 1917) from the rio Itapicurú, in Bahia; P. laurenti Fowler, 1941, from the lower rio São Francisco basin; and P. vittata (Lütken, 1874) from the rio das Velhas at upper rio São Francisco. It is important to note that Guazzelli (1997:137) includes P.pectinifer and P.harttii as junior synonyms of P.lateristriga, and restricts the distribution of this last species to the rio Paraíba do Sul drainage. For many species in the study area there is few information on the literature, what make the comparisons difficult and less elucidative. There were analysed specimens from each of the 20 different collecting localities in which Pimelodella found ranging between 45,4 to 110,5 mm. The specimens were compared to the descriptions of those species mentioned to have occurrence in the study area. Morphometric protocols follow Guazzelli (1997). In relation to P. brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1877) there were observed the following differences, in a comparison with the works of Miranda Ribeiro (1911:275) and Guazzelli (1997:123): pectoral fin spine with well developed denticules (versus weakly denticulated in P. brasiliensis); maxillary barbels shorter, reaching the tip of pelvics (versus beyond anal fin origin); predorsal distance 2,5 to 3,2 in SL (versus 3,5); snout 3,1 to 4,1 in HL (versus 2,5); head width in HL 1,2 to 1,4 (versus 1,5); dorsal fin rays 6 to 7 (versus 8). In P. eigenmanni (Boulenger, 1891) the differences found are as follows (in comparison to Miranda Ribeiro, 1911:273 and Eigenmann, 1917): maxillary barbels reaching the end of pelvics (versus beyond anal fin origin); interorbital distance 0,6 to 1,2 in eye diameter (versus 1,3). In P. hartii (Steindachner, 1877) the variations are as follows (in comparison to Miranda Ribeiro, 1911:270): maxillary barbels reaching the end of pelvics (versus until the middle of pelvics); predorsal distance 2,5 to 3,2 in SL (versus 3,7); body depth 2,1 to 3,2 in SL (versus 5); dorsal fin rays 6 to 7 (versus 8). In P. itapicuruensis (Eigenmann, 1917) the differences found are (in comparison to Eigenmann, 1917:247): maxillary barbels shorter, reaching the tip of pelvics (versus until anal fin origin); adipose length 3,9 to 6,0 in SL (versus 2,8 to 3,3). In P. lateristriga Lichtenstein, 1823 the differences found are (in comparison to Guazzelli, 1997:100): maxillary barbels shorter, reaching the tip of pelvics (versus beyond anal fin tip); caudal peduncle depth 5,6 to 9,2% in SL (versus 10,0 to 13,0%); eye diameter 20,3 to 28,8% in HL (versus 25,3 to 34,7%); mouth width 28,8 to 41,3% in HL (versus 35,8 to 45,0%); snout length 37,6 to 46,3% in HL (versus 17,0 to 22,3%); internasal distance 15,4 to 25,2% in HL (versus 36,3 to 42,7). In P. pectinifer Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888 the differences found are (in comparison to Miranda Ribeiro, 1911:270): maxillary barbels reaching the end of pelvics (versus pectoral fin base); head depth 1,5 to 1,8 in HL (versus 1,3); largest anal fin ray 0,8 to 1,2 in HL (versus 1,8); pectoral fin spine length 1,2 to 1,7 in HL (versus 1,0). In P. vittata (Lütken, 1874) the differences found are (in comparison to Lütken, 1875 apud Alves e Pompeu, 2001:69): maxillary barbels reaching the end of pelvics (versus until middle of anal fin); strong denticulated pectoral fin spine (versus weak and ill denticulated); head length 3,8 to 4,9 in SL (versus 5); head width 1,2 to 1,4 in SL (versus 1,5); pectoral fin spine length 1,2 to 1,7 in HL (versus 1,7 to 2,0). A description of a species in a catfish group so speciose as Pimelodella should be cautious. A better definition of the species involved seems necessary to proceed a correct identification of those catfish forms. Rhamdia sp. There are only two Rhamdia species known to occur in the brazilian east river drainages, according to Bockmann & Guazzelli (2003): R. jequitinhonha Silvergrip, 1996, from a single specimen from the Rio Araçuai, at rio Jequitinhonha drainage in Minas Gerais, and the wide ranged R. quellen (Quoy e Gaimardi, 1824) known from the americas. There were analysed one Rhamdia specimen from each of the 15 different collecting localities in which it was found, ranging between 71,3 to 200,0 mm. Those specimens were compared to the two species known to the study area. In R. jequitinhonha the following differences were found (in comparison to Silvergrip, 1996:85): caudal peduncle length larger 19,4 a 24,9% in SL (versus 16,3% in R. jequitinhonha) and caudal peduncle depth 38,1 to 55,9% in caudal peduncle length (versus 61,1%); eye diameter shorter 13,0 to 17,4% in HL (versus 20,4%) and interorbital distance larger 26,8 to 38,3% in HL (versus 24,2%). In R. quelen (Quoy e Gaimardi, 1824) the following differences were found (in comparison to Silvergrip, 1996:95): caudal peduncle depth average almost lower 46,6% in caudal peduncle length (versus 60,7% in R. quelen); eye diameter average shorter 15,5% in HL (versus 22,3%). Silvergrip (1996) measured 821 specimens of R. quelen and found only two catfishes having anal fin with 9 to 10 rays. In the 15 specimens we analysed from Bahia river drainages, we were able to find 11 fishes with 9 to 10 rays on anal fin. Rhamdia quelen is a very complicate, still unsolved, complex of species, but we are aware that those southern bahian catfishes do not fit in its description. Delturus sp. Delturus is among the largest loricariids (Armbruster, 1997) and can be separated from Upsilodus due to dorsal fin ray counts, up to 8 (versus 7 in Upsilodus). The southern Bahia Delturus have the pelvic basipterygium with anteromesial process absent, and a long dorsomesial process on pterotic-supracleithrum; derived conditions for the group as stated in Armbruster (2004). The specimens captured differs from Delturus anguilicauda relative to proportional measurements, such as a largest interdorsal length, as an example, and should be conferred with proposals given in Armbruster, Reis and Pereira ongoing publication, in order to check possibilities if this Delturus is really a new species or not. Pseudoloricaria sp. The only Loricariinae captured in bahia rivers was a carcass, that probably come from upstream. This single carcass found resembles Limatulichthys, but deserves more similarity with Pseudoloricaria. According to Isbrücker & Nijssen (1976) there are two nominal Pseudoloricaria species, and none of them occurring at the brazilian east river drainages: one is from Maranhão and the other from Amazonia. The Loricariinae carcass was found in the rio Japara Mirim close to its mouth. A survey towards headwaters should be done, in the expectative to capture this fish alive. Trachelyopterus striatulus (Steindachner, 1877) The brazilian east Trachelyopterus species are: T. lacustris Lütken, 1874, from the Rio das Velhas, T. leopardinus (Borodin, 1927), from the Rio São Francisco and T. striatulus (Steindachner, 1877) from coastal river basins at the brazilian east. We were not successful in obtaining the recent thesis on Trachelyopterus, by A. Akama, and our observations are based on published literature relative to the group. There were analyzed five specimens, from five different collecting localities, ranging between 48,3 to 153,7 mm SL. Those specimens were compared to the descriptions of the above species mentioned to occur in the study area, and the comparison revealed a great similarity with T. striatulus, with differences in the relative proportions of head length 3,9 to 4,9 (versus 4,8 a 5,0 in T. striatulus); body depth in SL 4,5 to 5,7 (versus 4,0 a 4,5); e diâmetro ocular no comprimento da cabeça 5,5 a 7,1 versus 5,6 a 6,0. In relation to anal fin ray counts, we observed 26 -28 rays (versus 25-27). In T. lacustris the comparison with the characteristics given in Lütken (1874) apud Alves e Pompeu (2002:46) are: absence of “porus pectoralis” (versus presence in T. lacustris); head length 3,7 to 4,1 in SL (versus 4,0); dorsal fin spine 0,1 to 0,2 in SL (versus equal or lower than 0,5). The anal fin ray counts are 26 -28 (versus 24-25). In T. leopardinus a comparison with the work of Borodin (1927) produced the following observations: pelvics with 6 rays (versus 8 in T. leopardinus) and anal fin ray counts 26-28 (versus 17-18). Due to great discrepancies between the comparison information relative to fin ray counts, the morphometrics were not investigated. The species caught in Bahia freshwaters was identified as Trachelyopterus striatulus due to the absence of “porus pectoralis” and anal fin ray counts. Exotic species: During the collecting of fish samples we found three exotic species: Clarias gareipinnus (Burchell, 1822), Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859. Those fishes were found in the river basins showing severe human impact, as was the case of rio Mucuri, rio Jucuruçu and rio Itanhém (see table 1). Table 1- River drainages captures and fish sampled: River drainages Cahy fieldwork stations fish diversity in each drainage 5 Acentronichthys Itanhém 12 Jucuruçu 11 Mucuri 5 Peruípe 10 leptos; Aspidoras virgulatus; Astyanax bimaculatus group; Astyanax sp. 1.; Centropomus parallelus; Characidium sp. 1; Cheirodontinae; Geophagus brasiliensis; Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus; Hoplias malabaricus; Hypostomus sp. n.; Imparfinis sp. ; Microglanis sp. n.; Mimagoniates microlepis; Mimagoniates sylvicola; Oligosarcus sp. ; Otothyris travassosi; Parotocinchlus sp. n.;Phalloceros caudimaculatus; Pimellodella sp.; Poecilia vivipara; Rhamdia sp.; Scleromystax prionotos; Ituglanis sp.n. Astyanax bimaculatus group; Astyanax sp. 2; Characidium sp. 2.; Clarias gariepinus; Cyphocharax gilberti; Geophagus brasiliensis; Gymnotus carapo; Hoplias malabaricus; Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus; Hyphessobrycon reticulatus; Hypostomus sp. n.; Leporinus bahiensis; Leporinus conirostris; Leporinus copelandi; Leporinus steindachneri; Oligosarcus sp.; Pimellodella sp. n. 1; Poecilia vivipara; Rhamdia sp.; Oreochromis niloticus; Trichomycterus sp.n. 3. Astyanax bimaculatus group; Astyanax sp.2; Awaos tajasica; Characidium sp. 2; Geophagus brasiliensis; Gymnotus carapo; Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus; Hoplias malabaricus; Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus; Otothyris travassosi; Parotocinchlus sp.n., Hypostomus sp.n. ; Imparfini cf. minutus; Leporinus bahiensis; Microglanis sp.n.; Oligosarcus sp.; Parotocinchlus sp.n.; Pimellodella sp.; Poecilia vivipara; P. reticulata; Rhamdia sp.; Scleromystax prionotus; Trachelyopterus striatulus; Trichomycterus sp.n. 2. Astyanax bimaculatus group; Astyanax sp.; Characidium sp.2; Cichlasoma sp.; Crenicichla sp.; Cyphocharax gilberti; Geophagus brasiliensis; Gymnotus carapo; Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus; Hoplias malabaricus; Hypostomus; Leporinus steindachneri; Oligosarcus sp.; Pimellodella sp.; Poecilia vivipara; Prochilodus vimboides; Rhamdia sp.; Symbranchus marmoratus; Oreochromis niloticus. Aspidoras virgulatus; Astyanax bimaculatus group; Astyanax sp.; Characidium sp. 1; Cichlasoma sp.; Crenicichla sp.; Geophagus brasiliensis; Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus; Hoplias malabaricus; Hyphessobrycon reticulatus; Hypostomus sp.n.; Imparfinis cf. minutus; Microglanis sp.n.; Mimagoniates microleps; Oligosarcus sp.; Otothyris fish species 24 21 24 18 24 Cumuruxatiba coastal rivers Total stations travassosi; Pimellodella sp.; Poecilia vivipara; Rhamdia sp.; Scleromystax prionotos; Symbranchus marmoratus; Tetragonopterus sp.; Trachelyopterus striatulus; Trichomycterus sp. n. 1; Trinectes paulistanus. 6 Acentronichthys leptos; Astyanax sp.1; Centropomus parallelus; Dormitator maculatus; Eleotris pisonis; Geophagus brasiliensis; Gymnotus carapo; Hoplias malabaricus; Otothyris travassosi; Microphis brachyurus; Ophichthys parilis; Pamphorichthys sp., Poecilia vivipara, Pseudoloricaria sp.; Trachelyopterus striatulus. 49 Total species diversity 15 57 Table 2- Fish species collected during the Biobahia expedition: Anguilliformes Ophichthidae Ophichthus parilis (Richardson, 1848) Characiformes Curimatidae Cyphocharax gilberti (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) Prochilodontidae Prochilodus vimboides Kner, 1829 Anostomidae Leporinus bahiensis Steindachner, 1875 Leporinus conirostris Steindachner, 1875 Leporinus copelandii Steindachner, 1875 Leporinus steindachneri Eigenmann, 1907 Leporinus sp. Characidae Incertae sedis Astyanax bimaculatus group Astyanax sp. 1 Astyanax sp. 2 Astyanax sp. 3 Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus Ellis, 1911 Hyphessobrycon reticulatus Ellis, 1911 Oligosarcus sp. Tetragonopterinae Tetragonopterus sp. Cheirodontinae Cheirodontinae Glandulocaudinae Mimagoniates microlepis (Steindachner, 1876) Mimagoniates sylvicola Menezes & Weitzman, 1990 Chenuchidae Characidiinae Characidium sp. 1 Characidium sp. 2 Erythrinidae Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus (Agassiz, 1829) Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) Siluriformes Callichthyidae Aspidoradini Aspidoras virgulatus Nijssen & Isbrüecker, 1980 Scleromystax prionotos (Nijssen & Isbrüecker, 1980) Corydoradini Corydoras nattereri Steindachner, 1877 Clariidae Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) Heptapteridae Acentronichthys leptos Eigenmann & Eigenmann Imparfinis cf. minutus Microglanis sp. n. Pimellodella sp. Rhamdia sp. Loricariidae Hypoptopomatinae Otothyris travassosi Garavello, Britski & Schaeffer, 1998. Parotocinchlus sp.n. Hypostominae Delturus sp. Hypostomus sp. n. Loricariinae Pseudoloricaria sp. Trichomycteridae Ituglanis sp. n. Trichomycterus sp. n. 1 Trichomycterus sp. n. 2 Trichomycterus sp. n. 3 Auchenipteridae Trachelyopterus striatulus (Steindachner, 1877) Gymnotiformes Gymnotidae Gymnotus carapo Linnaeus, 1758 Atheriniformes Poeciliidae Pamphorichthys sp. Phalloceros caudimaculatus (Hensel, 1848) Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859 Poecilia vivipara Bloch & Schneider, 1801 Syngnathiformes Syngnathidae Microphis brachyurus (Bleeker, 1853) Symbranchiformes Symbranchidae Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, 1795 Perciformes Centropomidae Centropomus parallelus Poey, 1860 Cichlidae Cichlasoma sp. Crenicichla sp. Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) Gobiidae Awaous tajasica Lichtenstein, 1822 Dormitator maculatus (Bloch, 1792) Eleotris pisonis (Gmelin, 1789) Pleuronectiformes Achiridae Trinectes paulistanus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1915) Acknowledgments: We wish to thank our colleagues at the setor de Ictiologia of the Museu Nacional, and in special to (in alphabetical order): Gustavo W. Nunan; Marcelo R. Britto; Miriam S. Ghazzi; Paulo A. Buckup and Rosana S. Lima. References: BIZERRIL, C.R.S.F., 1994. Análise taxonômica e biogeográfica da ictiofauna de água doce do leste brasileiro. Acta Biol. Leopoldensia 16 (1): 51-80. BIZERRIL, C. R. S. F., AND P. R. PEREZ-NETO. 1992. Description of a new species of Microglanis (Siluroidei, Pimelodidae) from eastern Brazil. Revue Française d'Aquariologie et Herpetologie, 18 (4) (for 1991): 97-100. BARBOSA, M. A., AND W. J. E. M. COSTA. 2003. Trichomycterus potschi (Siluriformes: Loricarioidei): a new trichomycterid catfish from coastal strams of southeastern Brazil. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwater, 14 (3): 281-288. BOCKMANN, F. A. 1998. Análise filogenética da família Heptapteridae (Teleostei, Ostariophysi, Siluriformes) e redefenição de seus gêneros. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo. 599 p. BOCKMANN, F. A., AND G. M. GUAZZELLI. 2003. Heptapteridae. Pp.406-431, in: R. E. BORODIN, N. A. 1927b. Some new catfishes from Brazil. American Museum Novitates, no. 266: 1-7. BORODIN, N. A. 1927c. Pimelodus platicirris, new species, and other notes on Brazilian catfishes. American Museum Novitates, no. 271: 1-4. BRITSKI, H. A., Y. SATO AND A.B.S. ROSA. 1986. Manual de identificação de peixes da região de Três Marias (com chaves de identificação para os peixes da bacia do São Francisco). CODEVASF, Brasília. 115 p. COSTA, W. J. E. M. 1992. Description de huit nouvelles espèces du genre Trichomycterus (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae), du Brésil oriental. Revue Française d'Aquariologie et Herpetologie, 18 (4, for 1991): 101-110. COSTA, W. J. E. M., AND F. A. BOCKMANN. 1993. Un nouveau genre néotropical de la famille des Trichomycteridae (Siluriformes: Loricarioidei). Revue Française d'Aquariologie et Herpetologie, 20 (2): 43-46. EIGENMANN, C. H. 1917b. Pimelodella and Typhlobagrus. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 7 (4): 229-258, pls. 29-35. Garavello, J. C. 1976. Systematics and geographical distribution of the genus Parotocinclus EIGENMANN & EIGENMANN, 1889 (Ostariophysi, Loricariidae). Arquivos de Zoologia (São Paulo), 28 (4): 1-37. GARAVELLO, J. C., AND H. A. BRITSKI. 2003. Parotocinclus planicauda, a new species of the subfamily Hypoptopomatinae from southeastern Brazil (Ostariophysi: Loricariidae). Brazilian Journal of Biology, 63 (2): 253-260. HEITMANS, W. R. B., H. NIJSSEN AND I. J. H. ISBRÜCKER. 1983. The mailed catfish genus Lasiancistrus Regan, 1904, from French Guiana and Surinam, with descriptions of two new species (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae). Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 53 (1): 33-48. ISBRÜCKER, I. J. H., AND H. NIJSSEN. 1976a. The South American mailed catfishes of the genus Pseudoloricaria Bleeker, 1862 (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae). Beaufortia, 25 (325): 107-129. LÜTKEN, C. F. 1875. Velhas-Flodens Fiske. Et Bidrag til Brasiliens Ichthyologi; efter Professor J. Reinhardts Indsamlinger og Optegnelser. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, Raekke 5, 12 (2): 121-253, + 2 unnum., + I-XXI, pls. 1-5. MAZZONI, R., U. CARAMASCHI AND C. WEBER. 1994. Taxonomical revision of the species of Hypostomus Lacédède, 1803 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from the Lower rio Paraiba do Sul, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Revue suisse de Zoologie, Annales de la Société zoologique suisse et du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Genève, 101 (1): 3-18. MEES, G. F. 1974. The Auchenipteridae and Pimelodidae of Suriname (Pisces, Nematognathi). Zoologische Verhandelingen (Leiden), no. 132: 1-256, pls. 1-15. MIRANDA RIBEIRO, A. 1911. Fauna brasiliense. Peixes. Tomo IV (A) [Eleutherobranchios Aspirophoros.] Arquivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 16: 1-504, pls. 22-54. REIS, R. E., AND S. A. SCHAEFER. 1998. New Cascudinhos from southern Brazil: Systematics, endemism, and relationships (Siluriformes, Loricariidae, Hypoptopomatinae). American Museum Novitates, no. 3254: 1-25. REIS, R. E., C. WEBER AND L. R. MALABARBA. 1990. Review of the genus Hypostomus Lacepéde, 1803 from southern Brazil, with descriptions of three new species (Pisces: Siluriformes: Loricariidae). Revue suisse de Zoologie, Annales de la Société zoologique suisse et du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Genève, 97 (3): 729-766. REIS, R. E., S. O. KULLANDER, AND C. J. FERRARIS, JR. (eds.). 2003. Check list of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America. Edipucrs, Porto Alegre, Brazil. SILFVERGRIP, A. M. C. 1996. A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae). Stockholm. Stockholm University. 156 p., 8 pl. SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 1996. Plano diretor de Recursos Hídricos das Bacias do Extremo Sul- Documento Síntese. Superintendência de Recursos Hídricos- Hydros. Secretaria de Recursos Hídricos, Saneamanto e Habitação do Governo do Estado da Bahia. STEINDACHNER, F. 1876. Ichthyologische Beiträge, IV. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe, Wien, Abt. 1, Botanik, Zoologie, Anatomie, Geologie und Paläontologie, 72: 551-616, pls. 1-13. TCHERNAVIN, V. V. 1944. A revision of some Trichomycterinae based on material preserved in the British Museum (Natural History). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 114 (1-2): 234-275. WEBER, C. 2003. Hypostominae. Pp. 351-372, in: R. E. Reis, S. O. Kullander, and C. J. Ferraris, Jr. (eds.), Check list of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America. Edipucrs, Funds Received Description Funds requested Cost U$ Photographic material GPS Trawl nets and consumption material for field work Services from another for field work Total Received (R$ 7.038,96) Dolar conversion Funds used Cost R$ Funds used Cost U$ 136,00 593,00 213,27 I 380,00 1.418,00 509,98 II 521,00 1.908,65 686,44 III 1.494,55 3.208,34 1.153,87 IV 2.531,55 7.127,99 2.563,57 2.531,55 2,78 7038,96 Balance Attachement I II Items for C56 DATA DESCRIÇÃO 22-dez-04 Cartão de mamória 512MB 11-jan-05 Bateria Easyshare 1050mAH GPS DATA DESCRIÇÃO 22-dez-04 GPS GARMIN MAP 76S III DATA 9-out-04 9-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 Attachement VALOR ACUMULADO 480,00 480,00 593,00 113,00 VALOR ACUMULADO 1.418,00 1.418,00 Trawl nets and consumption material for field work DESCRIÇÃO VALOR ACUMULADO 1 par de luvas de borracha comprida 19,40 19,40 1 aquario para fotografia 40,00 59,40 30 sacos plásticos de 40x60x0,2cm 14,00 73,40 40 sacos plásticos de 30x40x0,15cm 7,00 80,40 20 sacos plásticos de 20x30x0,15cm 2,00 82,40 1 carregador Sony de 4 pilhas AA 95,00 177,40 4 pilhas Panasonic recarregáveis AA 39,20 216,60 2 calças Tek-tel para coleta 59,80 276,40 8 pilhas Duracell AA comum 25,50 301,90 Fita PVC 48x40 1,50 303,40 Fita Durex 12x50 0,80 304,20 300g de elástico 4,00 308,20 1 lanterna 1000W recarregável 59,90 368,10 100 drágeas Complemento B Roche 9,74 377,84 30 comp. CEWIN 500mg 13,22 391,06 200ml protetor solar Nívea 15 17,82 408,88 2 Sal de Andrews 0,70 409,58 1 paracetan 750.MEDL 1,52 411,10 6 compr. de Doril 1,84 412,94 10 compr. de Dorflex 2,88 415,82 60ml de tintura de arnica MUSA 2,99 418,81 50ml Spray BACTERIAN 5,24 424,05 1Ox4,5m de atadura CREP CIRUMEX 0,94 424,99 1 Kura Korte PLUS 1,96 426,95 2 seringas 10mlx7 c/agulha 3,34 430,29 5 compressas gase CIRUNEX 0,46 430,75 25g de algodão APOLO 0,87 431,62 3m de esparadrapo de 50mm 4,98 436,60 -32,02 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 14-out-04 18-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 19-out-04 21-out-04 24-out-04 25-out-04 28-out-04 5-nov-04 9-nov-04 9-nov-04 9-nov-04 9-nov-04 9-nov-04 9-nov-04 9-nov-04 IV 1 agulha e linha cirúrgica 1 par de luvas de borracha amarelas 1 vasilhame plástico de 10 litros 1 lanterna de cabeça c/2pilhas AA Alimentos p/expedição Medicamentos p/expedição Utensílios plásticos p/expedição 1 lanterna de cabeça 1 flanela p/aquario 1 rotulador DYMO 4 rolos de fita DYMO 1 Kg de saco preto de 100l 0,5 m de Contact 1 rolo de filme PVC 100g de fecho plático 1lampião à gás 3 cartucos de gás 2 camisas p/lampião 1 maleta plática p/medicamentos 1 transformador de 220Vx110v 1 Redinha p/aquario 1 para de luvas de mergulha 1 garafão termolar 1 funil plástico 1 Caneta permanente 2l de Alcool Reparo do puça Gravação fotos - Cumuruxatiba Reparo do puça - Itamarajú Cabo de picareta Cartuchos impressão de mapas Tarrafa de argola (1) Rede passaguá (2) Panagem de 2,5 mm (2m) Panagem de 5,0 mm (14) Rede de arrasto 5mm (1) Abraçadaeira pretas (1000) Embalagem e transporte Services from another for field work IV(a) DATA 21-out-04 21-out-04 21-out-04 21-out-04 22-out-04 24-out-04 25-out-04 25-out-04 27-out-04 28-out-04 29-out-04 30-out-04 1-nov-04 2-nov-04 2-nov-04 2-nov-04 2-nov-04 3-nov-04 4-nov-04 4,50 4,50 23,20 19,99 64,46 30,29 28,43 19,99 1,99 42,50 11,80 7,00 2,00 1,90 5,00 37,90 14,70 5,00 10,70 16,00 2,80 3,00 22,00 2,45 1,70 9,75 18,00 5,00 20,00 4,50 63,00 198,00 104,00 93,50 88,50 378,00 33,00 73,00 441,10 445,60 468,80 488,79 553,25 583,54 611,97 631,96 633,95 676,45 688,25 695,25 697,25 699,15 704,15 742,05 756,75 761,75 772,45 788,45 791,25 794,25 816,25 818,70 820,40 830,15 848,15 853,15 873,15 877,65 940,65 1.138,65 1.242,65 1.336,15 1.424,65 1.802,65 1.835,65 1.908,65 3.208,34 Combustível e manutenção do transporte DESCRIÇÃO VALOR ACUMULADO Combustível - Rio-Itaipú 20,00 20,00 Combustível - Itaipú 65,00 85,00 Combustível - Campos 71,15 156,15 Combustível - Ibiraçu 71,00 227,15 Combustível - Pedro Canário 53,00 280,15 Combustível - Cumuruxatiba 90,00 370,15 Troca de óleo - Itamarajú 27,90 398,05 Combustível - Itamarajú 39,72 437,77 Combustível - Palmópolis 70,30 508,07 Combustível - Itanhém 35,09 543,16 Combustível - Itanhém 55,99 599,15 Combustível - Medeiros Neto 69,00 668,15 Combustível - Mucuri 72,88 741,03 Combustível - Viana 82,30 823,33 Combustível - Campos 53,60 876,93 Combustível - Itaipú 20,00 896,93 Lubrificação e Lavagem Kombi 50,00 946,93 Combustível - Itaipú 20,00 966,93 1.037,93 Combustível - Itaipú 71,00 IV(b) IV(c) DATA 20-out-04 21-out-04 21-out-04 22-out-04 23-out-04 23-out-04 24-out-04 25-out-04 25-out-04 26-out-04 26-out-04 27-out-04 28-out-04 28-out-04 29-out-04 30-out-04 30-out-04 30-out-04 30-out-04 31-out-04 31-out-04 1-nov-04 1-nov-04 2-nov-04 Alimentação e hospedagem (Luisa) DESCRIÇÃO Alimentação - Vianna Alimentação - P.Canário Hospedagem - P.Canário Alimentação - Prado Aliment. e Hosp - Cumuruxatiba Alimentação - Itamaraju Hospedagem - Itamarajú Alimentação - Jucuruçu Hospedagem - Jucuruçu Alimentação - Palmópolis Hospedagem - Palmópolis Alimentação - Itanhém Hospedagem - Itanhém Alimentação - Itanhém Hospedagem - Itanhém Alimentação - M.Neto Hospedagem - M.Neto Alimentação - Serra Aimorés Hospedagem - Serra Aimorés Alimentação - Nanuque Hospedagem - Nanuque Alimentação - Mucuri Hospedagem - Viana Alimentação - Vianna VALOR ACUMULADO 6,00 6,00 15,00 21,00 45,00 66,00 31,00 97,00 84,00 181,00 12,00 193,00 35,00 228,00 20,00 248,00 40,00 288,00 5,00 293,00 30,00 323,00 10,00 333,00 15,00 348,00 12,00 360,00 20,00 380,00 5,00 385,00 15,00 400,00 6,00 406,00 10,00 416,00 20,00 436,00 28,00 464,00 20,00 484,00 30,00 514,00 534,00 20,00 DATA 19-out-04 20-out-04 21-out-04 21-out-04 22-out-04 23-out-04 24-out-04 24-out-04 24-out-04 25-out-04 25-out-04 26-out-04 26-out-04 26-out-04 27-out-04 27-out-04 28-out-04 28-out-04 28-out-04 28-out-04 29-out-04 29-out-04 30-out-04 30-out-04 30-out-04 30-out-04 30-out-04 30-out-04 31-out-04 31-out-04 1-nov-04 1-nov-04 Alimentação e hospedagem (Equipe) DESCRIÇÃO Pão Alimentação - Vianna Alimentação - P.Canário Hospedagem - P.Canário Alimentação - Prado Aliment. e Hosp - Cumuruxatiba Alimentação - Itamaraju Água - Itamarajú Hospedagem - Itamarajú Mercado e Padaria - Itamarajú Alimentação - Jucuruçu Hospedagem - Jucuruçu Alimentação - Palmópolis Hospedagem - Palmópolis Padaria - Palmópolis Alimentação - Itanhém Hospedagem - Itanhém Alimentação - Itanhém Mercado - Itanhém Mercado - Itanhém Hospedagem - Itanhém Mercado - Itanhém Alimentação - M.Neto Hospedagem - M.Neto Mercado - M.Neto Padaria - M.Neto Alimentação - Serra Aimorés Hospedagem - Serra Aimorés Alimentação - Nanuque Hospedagem - Nanuque Alimentação - Mucuri Hospedagem - Viana VALOR ACUMULADO 10,00 10,00 16,45 26,45 40,00 66,45 100,00 166,45 80,00 246,45 270,00 516,45 48,00 564,45 3,00 567,45 35,00 602,45 30,06 632,51 80,00 712,51 120,00 832,51 30,00 862,51 80,00 942,51 10,70 953,21 40,00 993,21 60,00 1.053,21 48,00 1.101,21 9,80 1.111,01 3,85 1.114,86 80,00 1.194,86 4,96 1.199,82 46,50 1.246,32 60,00 1.306,32 7,09 1.313,41 6,00 1.319,41 27,00 1.346,41 40,00 1.386,41 80,00 1.466,41 40,00 1.506,41 80,00 1.586,41 1.636,41 50,00 Attachment 1 – Photographic Attachment II – GPS