. The paper in question examines the possibility of formalizing the Mach-Zehnder interferometer experiment for one particle (the authors prefers the term quantum), using this as an indicator of a possible system of logic that could account for the corpuscular interpretation of quantum theory. It should the mentioned that the symbol of entailment was not properly embedded in the pdf file I received (appearing as ``plus/minus"), while the symbol for the necessity modal operator was not printed at all; these omissions did not impair reading, but care must be exercised in printing a final copy. Section one is devoted to a description of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, while the second discusses briefly distinct point of view regarding quantum physics, indicating the author's opinion of why the ``natural" logic of quantum mechanics should be non-classical, a theme touched again at the end of section 3, which presents the short-comings of an interpretation based on the orto-modular lattices that arise from the closed sub-spaces of a Hilbert space. The last paragraph of page 3, the author says that the interpretation of the logical connective of disjunction in this type of logic is distinct from the classical notion of disjunction. This is not quite true, since the orthogonal sum of sub-spaces is precisely the join (or least upper bound) of the given sub-spaces, just as the union is the least upper bound of two subsets of a set. Section 3 is mostly devoted to showing, using a spin 1/2 particle (or is it quantum ?) example, originating with Hughes, that distributivity is violated in quantum logic (precisely what is one referring to by this last expression ?). In section 4, the author argues, using a simple formalization of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer experiment for one photon that if the the usual or-elimination rule of classical logic is valid, then the premiss that the photon is either in A or in B (corresponding to distinct paths in the experiment setup) has to be false. It also argued that the attempted formalization is not inside quantum logic, since one of the sentences in the premisses involves probability, while each sentence of non-distributive quantum logic should be associated to a subspace of the Hilbert space of the system being examined. Again, this not quite precise, since the square integrable functions on any probability space is a perfectly good Hilbert space and, in fact, it can be shown that spaces of this type are isometric (not only isomorphic) to any given Hilbert space. The last sentence of section 4 ``How should be proceed to offer..." should read ``How should we proceed to offer..." In section 5, the author presents his case for introducing modalities into the picture. Since necessity does distribute over joins, one is able to block the undesirable conclusion of the formalization of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer experiment, while keeping the validity of all premisses that are should be valid in a strictly corpuscular interpretation of quantum physics. Although the proposal blocks the undesirable argument, there is need of considerably more evidence that it produces a system capable of constituting a foundation of quantum physics for the corpuscular interpretation. The situation here is akin to Russel's paradox, showing that Frege's idea of a set was untenable. But it took the Fraenkel's seminal idea of introducing the axiom if substitution to remove the limitations imposed on what remained of Set Theory. It seems clear that there is still a fair amount of work to be done before one can talk of a ``modal quantum logic" (in this respect, perhaps the first sentence of footnote 4 in page 7 should, after careful thought, be omitted.) : --- What are its axioms and rules (the author himself raises questions about the role of conjunction, the EPR paradox and Bell's theorem) ? --- What are the models of the ensuing system ? The author mentions ``stochastic corpuscular view, obeying a modal logic"; how would one make this concrete, obtaining basic results such as soundness and (perhaps) completeness ? Understood as the proposal of a direction of research, and rewritten to make that clearer, the present paper merits publication, since it might stimulate interesting philosophical discussion and mathematical work. As a final comment, it would be interesting to see if (some form of) linear logic, with its distinct conjunctions, disjunctions (join and par) and implications, eventually with modalities, might not add profitably to the foundations of quantum physics, particularly to the strictly corpuscular interpretation of this discipline.