Strains and plasmids Deletion of MLP1 and MLP2 and GFP tagging were performed by homologous recombination in W303 haploid cells 45 using PCR products. The HIS5 gene from S. pombe was amplified by PCR using primers with 3’ sequences specific for HIS5 sequence and 5’ tails homologous to upstream /downstream sequences of the MLP1 and MLP2 open reading frames. HIS5 PCR amplifications were made using primers #91 5‘-TAA CAT TAT ATC AGG GTG AAT ATT ACT GAC AAA AAT AAT AAC TTA AGT CTT CTT TAT AAT ATG ATG ACC CAT ACG ATG TTC CTG ACT ATG and #92 5’-TAG GGC AGA ATG AAG CTC CTC CAC ATT GAA AAA GGT TTA GTT TGT ATT GAT CCC TTG TTT TTA CTA GTC GAC GGT ATC GAT AAG CTT to delete MLP1 and #89 5’-AGT GGA AGT TTA CCA AAA GAA ATT TAA GGC GAA AGA ACA CTG GGC GGA AGC AAA CCG GCA ACC CAT ACG ATG TTC CTG ACT ATG and #90 5’-GAC ATT AGT GAC ATT TAA AAT ATG TAG ATG TTT CAT ATT TAT ATA ATT ACA TTG TTT AAT ATT ACA GTC GAC GGT ATC GAT AAG CTT to delete MLP2 (strain YVG3). The haploid double mutant (strain YVG12) was generated by crossing of single mutants, and subsequent sporulation and dissection. MLP2 deletion with TRP1 (K. l) was performed using #89 and #90 primers to amplify from a plasmid containing TRP1 instead of HIS5. All deletions were confirmed by PCR. The C-terminal GFP tagging of Mlp1p (strain YVG31) and Mlp2p (strain YVG36) were also performed by homologous recombination with PCR products containing the GFP gene and the HIS5 marker. Primers #29 5’-AAT GAG TCA AAA AAG ATC AAG ACT GAA GAT GAG GAA GAA AAA GAA ACC GAT AAG GTG AAT GAC GAG AAC AGT ATA ATT GAA GGT AGA GGT GAA GCT CAA AAA CTT ATT and #92 5’-TAG GGC AGA ATG AAG CTC CTC CAC ATT GAA AAA GGT TTA GTT TGT ATT GAT CCC TTG TTT TTA CTA GTC GAC GGT ATC GAT AAG CTT were used for Mlp1p tagging. Primers #28 5’-GAG AGC GGT ACA TCT TCT GAT CCA GAC ACC AAA AAG GTT AAA GAG AGT CCA GCA AAT GAT CAA GCT TCC AAC GAG ATT GAA GGT AGA GGT GAA GCT CAA AAA CTT ATT and #90 5’-GAC ATT AGT GAC ATT TAA AAT ATG TAG ATG TTT CAT ATT TAT ATA ATT ACA TTG TTT AAT ATT ACA GTC GAC GGT ATC GAT AAG CTT were used for Mlp2p tagging. The expression of the GFP fusion proteins was confirmed by western-blot analysis with a polyclonal antibody against GFP (Interchim, ref: A6455). The C-terminal tagging of Mlp2p with IgG binding repeats of Staphylococcus aureus Protein A (strain YVG189) was performed with PCR products containing the pA gene and the HIS5 marker using the primers #28 and #90. The expression of the protein-A fusion protein was confirmed by western-blot analysis using a polyclonal antibody against pA (Sigma, ref: P3775). The Nup145606-1341 mutant in MLP1-GFP (Strain YVG105) and in MLP2-GFP (strain YVG106) was generated by in-frame insertion of a myc epitope followed by a STOP through homologous recombination in the genomic NUP145 copy at a position corresponding to amino acid 606 using the TRP1 marker of K. lactis. The primers #105 5’-AGG GAA ATG AAC ATA ATA TCC TAT AAT CCC TTT GGC GGG ACT TGG ACT TTC AAA GTC AAT CAT TTT TCC GGT TCT GCT GCT AGT and #106 5’GTC AAA TTC TTT AGA AGT GGC AAA CAC AGA ACG TAG TGA AGA CCC AGC TAA AAT TAA TTG ACC TCG AGG CCA GAA GAC were used to amplify a myc-TRP1 fragment from pUC19-myc9TRP1(K.l) plasmid 46. The C-terminal myc-tagging of Hdf1p and Rad50p were generated by in-frame insertion of a mycepitope, through homologous recombination, in the genomic copy just before the stop codon using the TRP1 marker of K. lactis. Primers #40 5’-ATA AAA GAA GAA AAG AAG CCC TTT GAT AAA AAG CCG AAA TTC AAT ATA ATT GAA GGT AGA TCC GGT TCT GCT GCT AGT and #41 5’-GAT TTA GAG TTA CAA CTA TAG ATT ACT GTC GTG CAT AAA ACC TCG AGG CCA GAA GA were used to amplify a myc-TRP1 fragment from pUC19-myc9-TRP1(K.l) plasmid and tagged Hdf1p. Primers #54 5’-GAG AGA TGA TAG GCA AAA ATC ACA AAT TGA GTG GGT CGA TAT TAA CAG AGT CAC TTA TTC CGG TCC TGC TAG T and #55 5’-TAA GCA ACA GAA GCG TTA TCA CAA ACT CGT CGA CGA AGT ATT TCA GCA CCT CTA ATT ACC TCG AGG CCA GAA GAC TAA were also used to amplify this fragment for tagging of Rad50p. The expression of the myc-fusion proteins was confirmed by westernblot analysis using a monoclonal antibody against myc (9E10). HDF1 null strains were generated through homologous recombination of the TRP1 gene removing the entire gene of HDF1. Primers #103 5’- ACT GTT CTA GTT TTC AAC AGT AAA GCT ATG ATT TGT TAA GTG ACT CTA AGC CTG ATT TTA AAA CGG GAA TAT TCC GGT TCT GCT GCT AGT and #104 5’- ATC TTG CTA ATA GTT GTA CAG TAC AAC GTT TAG CAC GAC AAA AGT TCT TAA TAA TAA ATA ACC TCG AGG CCA GAA GAC were used to amplify the myc-TRP1 fragment from pUC19myc9-TRP1(K.l) plasmid and deleted HDF1. The deletions were confirmed by PCR. The MLP1 gene was subcloned from cosmid pUKG096 47 generously provided by Bernard Dujon (Pasteur Institute, Paris, France). A 7.3Kb NdeI-NcoI fragment containing the MLP1 ORF was cloned instead of URA3 into a pRS316 vector. It was then excized by the same set of restriction enzymes, blunted and recloned into the unique SmaI site of pRS315 and pHT4467. The plasmid containing a GFP tagged version of MLP1 was constructed on the basis of the plasmid described above by replacing the 3’ end of the gene from the XhoI site by the same fragment of the gene in fusion with GFP after amplification by PCR from the tagged genomic copy of MLP1 (details upon request). The N-terminal GFP tagging of Rap1p (strain YVG165) was performed by homologous recombination with PCR products containing the RAP1 promotor, theGFP gene and the TRP1 marker. The resulting fusion protein deleted for its 234 first amino acids was found to be fonctional and correctly localized. Yeast strains Strain name Genotype Derivation W303 MATa, leu2-3,112, his3-11,15, trp1-1, can1-100, ade2-1, ura3-1 W303, MATa, trp1 BMA64, MATa, mlp1::HIS5 BMA64, MATa, mlp2::HIS5 BMA64, MATa, mlp1::HIS5, mlp2::HIS5 BMA64, MAT, ade3::TRP1, mlp1::HIS5 BMA64, MATa, MLP1-GFP::HIS5 BMA64, MATa, MLP2-GFP::HIS5 YVG31, NUP145∆606-1341-myc9::TRP1 YVG36, NUP145606-1341-myc9::TRP1 MAT, leu2-3,112, his3-11,15, trp1-1, can1-100, ade2-1, ura3-1, adh4::URA3 YG59, mlp1::HIS5 YG59, mlp2::HIS5 YG59, mlp2::HIS5, mlp1::TRP1 YG59, yku70::TRP1 YG59, NUP145606-1341-myc9::TRP1 BMA64, MATa, Yku70-myc9::TRP1 YVG3, Yku70-myc9::TRP1 BMA64, MATa/, mlp1::HIS5/mlp1::HIS5, mlp2::HIS5/mlp2::HIS5 BMA64, MATa, Yku70::TRP1 BMA64, MATa, NUP145606-1341-GFP::TRP1 BMA64, MATa, MLP2-pA::HIS5, Yku70myc9::TRP1 BMA64, MATa, Rad50-myc9::TRP1 BMA64, MATa, GFP-∆1-234RAP1::TRP1 YVG165, NUP145606-1341-pA::HIS5 Thomas and Rothstein, 1989 BMA 64 YVG1 YVG3 YVG12 YVG19 YVG31 YVG36 YVG105 YVG106 YG59 YVG117 YVG120 YVG127 YVG185 YVG186 YVG155 YVG156 YVG160 YVG159 YVG179 YVG189 YVG161 YVG165 YVG170 This study This study This study This study This study This study This study This study David Shore This study This study This study This study This study This study This study This study This study This study This study This study This study This study deletion were performed with HIS5 gene from S. pombe and TRP1 gene from K. lactis complementing his3 and trp1 mutated strains.