achieving core skill it through personal and social education – using

Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
Higher Still Development Unit has distributed to all centres support materials which,
if used in combination with the PSE/Guidance processes of subject choice and
careers’ guidance, can lead to students being entered for the core skill IT. A support
pack entitled Delivering IT Core Skill through Careers Guidance (Int 1 and Int 2)
covers course choice and careers guidance and has been issued separately. This
section of the folder summarises the content of the pack and places it in the context of
delivering the core skill IT.
Decisions for senior managers about delivering core skill IT via the Higher Still
guidance databases
It is recognised that some centres will prefer to deliver the IT core skill either to all
students through using the Higher Still Guidance databases as part of subject choice
and careers guidance, or to some students in this manner. All students are likely to
use the databases as a resource during these important routine guidance processes, but
it is for senior managers to decide whether to enter all or only some students for a
relevant qualification via this route.
Entering all students
The benefits of entering all students for qualifications by this route are that this
ensures all have the core skill IT and that they have it at an appropriate level for entry
for Scottish Group Awards. The pack covers both Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2
which meet the required levels of core skills for Scottish Group Awards up to Higher.
Locating responsibility clearly with PSE staff makes for clarity of administration and
coherence of delivery. Since students would be undertaking the processes in any case,
there is also no great increase in workload for students. Further this may assist in
centres where IT resources in subjects may make for more challenge in terms of
ongoing management of IT equipment than a once a session allocation of IT
equipment to guidance/PSE purposes.
The costs of such a decision relate to ensuring the confidence and competence of
PSE/Guidance staff in assisting students with IT and in assessing the unit outcomes.
The support materials provided to schools, with their associated detailed advice on
these issues, are designed to make this achievable. There may also be a workload
issue for PSE/Guidance staff, since the outcomes of the students’ work are likely to
come together within a brief period which is also pressurised in terms of assisting
other aspects of the decision making and decision taking process for students at such
times. Again, the materials are designed to minimise this as much as possible.
Selecting students to enter: an alternative strategy
An alternative approach might be, as students begin the process of subject choice or
career planning, to use the TargIT database which will in future versions contain
information that centres can customise that indicates where different core skills are
being delivered within subjects and elsewhere. As part of the review of initial
thoughts about choice, it will be possible for students and guidance staff to note where
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
students will be capable of gaining core skills, including the core skill IT. With the
availability of such individual information it would be possible for all students to
undertake the process of course choice or careers guidance using the databases, but
assessment would only be a target for students who have no other means of achieving
Age and stage issues
One set of materials is designed for the end of S2. A similar process can be
undertaken at S4, however. Centres would require to retain evidence of student
performance, if the assessment is undertaken in S2, according to current rules of
engagement, until the students are in S3, prior to entering them for the qualification
gained. The processes involved in both packs are very alike. Students who have
undertaken the subject choice version will be familiar, therefore, with what is
expected of them in S4 or S5 when they undertake the careers’ education version.
Further details about the packs and their use
The benefits of the delivery of IT through careers guidance as part of a PSE
programme that can be undertaken by all students have been considered. The two sets
of support materials that have been published within the pack entitled Delivering IT
Core Skill through Careers Guidance (Int 1 and Int 2) will assist schools in delivering
IT in this way. The first section, S2 Course Choice and Careers Guidance, delivers
IT at Intermediate 1 and the second, Careers Guidance, is aimed at Intermediate 2.
The support materials use IT to investigate career opportunities, consider future career
and study routes and make choices about what to study in school and beyond. The
materials are designed to be integrated into a careers guidance programme within PSE
and could be used by centres either as a block of work within a programme or
delivered in a more integrated way over time. It is likely that many centres will use
these materials from S2 to S5.
At Intermediate 1 the material is designed to be used by S2 students making course
option choices for Standard Grade. However this could be adapted by centres who
wish to offer an Intermediate 1 course in S3/4 as part of course choice at the end of
S4. The materials aimed at Intermediate 2 assist careers planning, pathways for future
study and subject choices being made by students moving into S5 or S6. The material
provides advice on how this material can also be used to certificate the work of
students at Intermediate 1. The resources can, therefore, be used with groups of
students who may be working at different levels in IT.
The pack makes use of the PlanIT and Progress databases developed and produced by
the Higher Still Development Programme. A short description of the contents of each
pack is provided overleaf.
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
This pack is for use by staff who are presenting students for the core skill unit
Information Technology at Intermediate 1. It provides information about the unit
outcomes, assessment and evidence requirements of the unit, along with a number of
tasks which, if selected, would provide the student with the necessary activities to
achieve the unit. The context for delivery of this unit is S2 option choice and
elements of careers guidance and information. The materials can also be adapted by
centres to meet similar needs for students at S4.
The support pack includes:
Staff guide
Candidate’s guide
Staff and student application guides (including tasks and assessment checklists):
Text processing guide
Database guide
Graphics guide
E-mail guide
Progress, PlanIT and Internet guide
Exemplar solutions (staff copies) are included on the electronic version of the
material supplied with the pack on CD-ROM in the staff files.
The CD-ROM also contains copies, for student use, of a Text Processing
Template – Standard, 4 graphics – earth.jpg; runner.gif; math.gif
and palette.gif. and an Excel 97 database file – S2 Choice.xls.
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
Summary of the pack resources
This outcome is covered by the tasks of Outcomes 2 and 3
Routine task
Staff/student guide
Text Processing
Complete a search
Staff/student guide
(i) Progress and PlanIT
(see pages 4-6 of PlanIT,
Progress and Internet Guide)
(ii) Internet
(pages 4-6 of the Internet
There is a range of software applications which can be used to achieve the learning
outcomes. The pack has selected a variety of applications and tasks which, if
completed, will meet the requirements of the unit. To provide an element of choice
more tasks than are required are supplied.
The sequence of tasks in the pack
Outcome 1 tasks can be overtaken when the tasks from Outcome 2 and 3 are
Outcome 2
For successful completion of Outcome 2, three different applications must be
used. To provide some choice four applications, with appropriate assignments,
have been included and they are:
Students are asked to complete a S2 Subject Choice – making use of a template
which is provided.
Making further use of the S2 Subject Choice, graphics (which are provided) are
inserted, edited and deleted.
Data, which appears in the S2 Subject Choice, is used and a database file is
Students require to have their own e-mail address to complete this task. They are
asked to create and edit mail.
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
Outcome 3
At least two searches to be carried out, involving different data or forms of
information. Progress and PlanIT or the Internet can be used.
PlanIT or
Two searches using Progress and PlanIT to be completed.
Two searches using the Internet to be completed.
Using the support materials
The support pack can be used in a variety of ways.
Students whom staff believe are already using Information Technology at
Intermediate 1 could move directly to the tasks without reference to the guides. There
are student guides for:
 Text processing
 Graphics
 E-mail
 Databases
 PlanIT, Progress and Using the Internet (including database search).
Students who are not yet using Information Technology at Intermediate 1 should
make use of the guides provided. Once they have learned how to use the application
and feel confident of completing the assignment, they should then proceed and
complete the tasks which form the assessment. The Progress, PlanIT and Internet
guides are additional support materials for students not familiar with them. The
guides provide step by step instructions to students which will enable them to use the
PlanIT materials already provided to all centres and make use of the Internet so that
the work they are undertaking is being done in a careers planning context. The
Internet guide also contains the assessment for database/Internet search required for
Outcome 3.
Staff will wish to consider the order in which students use the guides to get maximum
benefit in terms of personal and social education. In addition the background context
and other related area of learning can be provided using the centre’s existing resources
for personal and social education, though this is not required for the assessment of IT
core skill.
Software requirements
The software requirements are generally as for those required to run the databases
which centres have already addressed. The software that is used is: Word 97, Excel
97 and PlanIT. Progress needs to be available on the computer students use. The
files for students (template, database file and 4 graphics) referred to on page 1 also
require to be available to students when they are completing the assignments. The
location of these files has to be clear in terms of ease of student access, so staff
require to make them available in a specific folder on a floppy disk or the Network
Server, for example. The Standard Grade template should be available to students
from the templates section of Word. The Internet and access to e-mail would also
require to be available if those particular tasks were selected. The guide to the
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
Internet is provided as a background reference or to assist students in using the
Internet if they select it as a source of information for the completion of Outcome 3.
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
This pack is for use by staff who are presenting students for the core skill unit
Information Technology at Intermediate 2. It provides information about the unit
outcomes, assessment and evidence requirements of the unit, along with a number of
tasks which, if selected, would provide the student with the necessary activities to
achieve the unit. The context for the delivery of this unit is Careers Guidance which
will form part of an S3/4 personal and social education programme. The materials
can also be adapted by centres to meet similar needs for students at S5 or S6.
This support pack includes:
Staff guide
Candidate’s guide
Staff and student application guides (including tasks and assessment checklists):
Text processing and graphics guide
PlanIT guide
E-mail guide
Internet guide
Database guide
Exemplar solutions (staff copies) – the following electronic files are included RB;
PLR Exemplar.doc; Database Exemplar.doc; Database Search Task
The CD-ROM with copies of the above material along with copies, for student
use, of a Text Processing Template – PLR, 3 graphics – Hs.jpg;
school crest.gif and sqalogo3(1).gif. and an Excel 97 database file – SG Data.xls.
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
Summary of the pack resources
This outcome is covered by the tasks of Outcomes 2 and 3
Routine task
Complex task
Staff/student guide
Text Processing
Complete a search
Staff/student guide
(i) PlanIT
(ii) Internet
(page7 and 8 of the Internet Guide)
There is a range of software applications which can be used to achieve the learning
outcomes. This pack has selected a variety of applications and tasks which, if
completed, will meet the requirements of the unit. To provide an element of choice
more tasks than are required are supplied.
The sequence of tasks in the pack
Outcome 1 tasks can be overtaken when the tasks from Outcome 2 and 3 are
Outcome 2
For successful completion of Outcome 2, three different applications must be
used. To provide some choice four applications, with appropriate assignments,
have been included and they are:
Students are asked to complete a Personal Learning Record making use of a
template which is provided.
Making further use of the Personal Learning Record, graphics (which are
provided) are inserted, edited and deleted.
Data which appears in the Personal Learning Record is used and a database file is
Students require to have their own e-mail address to complete this task. They are
asked to create and edit mail.
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
In Outcome 2, one of the applications must be used to complete a complex
process. To provide a choice three of the above applications include complex
processes in their assignment.
Students are asked to complete a spell check and to add a footer.
Graphics are arranged – sent behind text; graphics are scaled to a size which fits
with the rest of the document.
A graphics file is sent as part of e-mail and the same mail message is sent to a
group of people.
Outcome 3
At least two searches to be carried out, involving different data or forms of
information. PlanIT or the Internet can be used.
Two searches using PlanIT to be completed.
Two searches using the Internet to be completed.
Using the support materials
The support pack can be used in a variety of ways.
Students whom staff believe are already using Information Technology at
Intermediate 2 could move directly to the tasks without reference to the guides. There
are student guides for:
 Text processing and graphics
 E-mail
 Databases
 Plan It
 Using the Internet (including database search).
Students who are not yet using Information Technology at Intermediate 2 should
make use of the guides provided. Once they have learned how to use the application
and feel confident of completing the assignment they should then proceed and
complete the tasks which form the assessment. The Plan IT and Internet guides are
additional support materials for students not familiar with these areas. The guides
provide step by step instructions to students which will enable them to use the Plan IT
materials already provided to all centres and make use of the Internet so that the work
they are undertaking is being done in a careers planning context. The Internet guide
also contains the assessment for database/Internet search required for Outcome 3.
Staff may wish to give consideration to the order in which students use the guides to
get maximum benefit in terms of personal and social education. In addition the
background context and other related area of learning can be provided using the
centres existing resources for personal and social education, though this is not
required for the assessment of IT core skill.
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases
Software requirements
The software requirements are generally as for those required to run the databases
which centres have already addressed. The software that is used is: Word 97, Excel
97 and PlanIT. Progress needs to be available on the computer students use. The
files for students (template, database file and 3 graphics) referred to above also
require to be available to students when they are completing the assignments. The
location of these files has to be clear in terms of ease of student access, so staff
require to make them available in a specific folder on a floppy disk or the Network
Server, for example. The Internet and access to e-mail would also require to be
available if those particular tasks were selected. The guide to the Internet is provided
as a background reference or to assist students in using the Internet if they select it as
a source of information for the completion of Outcome 3.
Core Skills: Information for Implementation
Achieving Core Skill IT through Personal and Social Education –
Using the Higher Still Guidance Databases