el paso county community college district

El Paso County Community College and the University of Texas at El Paso share mutual
interests regarding the availability and quality of higher education in West and Southwest Texas.
There is further shared interest in issues of access to higher education for all groups of Texans to
ensure a viable and strong future in the higher education environment for all that choose to
participate. This Honors Articulation Agreement is between El Paso County Community
College District, hereinafter called EPCC, and the University of Texas at El Paso, hereinafter
called UTEP.
EPCC provides coursework at the freshman and sophomore levels for students in the El Paso
County and the surrounding area. This coursework leads to various certificates and associate
degrees. UTEP offers courses of study leading to baccalaureate, master, and doctoral degrees.
The purpose of this Honors Articulation Agreement is to provide guidelines and areas of
responsibility that will ensure that students completing courses in the Honors Program at both
EPCC and UTEP will be able to transfer those courses without loss of credit or recognition for
requirements within the Honors Program.
EPCC and UTEP jointly agree to work together to further the opportunity and access to
respective Honors Programs by qualified students through the following cooperative efforts and
1.1.1 EPCC and UTEP will cooperate in the development of parallel Honors Program offerings
that will facilitate the transfer of credits between institutions.
1.1.2 The EPCC Honors Program Coordinator and UTEP Honors Program Director will be
responsible for the continued updating and sharing of information regarding program
development, course development, and special activities related to the Honors Program at
each institution.
1.1.3 The EPCC Honors Program Coordinator and UTEP Honors Program Director will
exchange visits at least once per academic year. Faculty and/or students participating in
the Honors Program may accompany them on such visits.
1.1.4 The EPCC Honors Program Coordinator and UTEP Honors Program Director will assist
students in the transition between EPCC and UTEP Honors Programs. This may involve
assisting the student in application for scholarships and in Honors Program registration.
1.1.5 The UTEP Honors Program Director agrees to prepare a general report on the progress of
EPCC Honors Program transfer students, as far as possible, to be provided to the EPCC
Honors Program Coordinator.
1.1.5 This Agreement may be amended at any time or may be terminated by either party by
providing one year’s written notice.
This document provides a mechanism to enable students who have completed Honors Program
courses at either EPCC or UTEP to be granted Honors credit by articulation. The conditions of
this Honors Articulation Agreement were formulated through meetings with representatives from
both institutions and based on agreement of evaluation criteria and course content. It is
understood by both institutions that evaluation for transfer of Honors credits must be made on an
individual basis.
Under this Agreement, the following conditions will apply:
1.2.1 The student must meet all EPCC or UTEP admissions requirements and be officially
enrolled in EPCC, UTEP, or concurrently enrolled to be eligible for Honors credit
through articulation.
1.2.2 The student must have initiated an official application for admission into the EPCC or
UTEP Honors Program.
1.2.3 The UTEP Honors Program Director and the EPCC Honors Program Coordinator will be
responsible for evaluating official transcripts and recommending Honors articulation
credit towards Honors Certificates or Degrees whether or not courses transfer as directly
equivalent courses.
1.2.4 The student must have successfully completed specified courses and received a grade of
“B” or better for Honors articulated credit to be awarded.
1.2.5 A biennial review of this Agreement to evaluate any changes in competencies, content, or
standards will occur.
1.2.6 This Honors Articulation Agreement shall be filed with the Records and Admissions
Offices, with the Honors Program Director/Coordinator and with the Office of the
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at UTEP and with the Vice President of
Instruction and the Associate Vice President of Instructional Services at EPCC.
1.2.7 This Agreement may be terminated as specified in paragraph 1.1.5; however, such
termination shall not affect students already enrolled until such time as those students
have completed their respective courses.
Articulating Institutional Representatives:
By the signatures below, the institution acknowledges a commitment to effectively accommodate
the conditions of this Honors Articulation Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement, this
7th day of May, 2001.
El Paso County Community College District
The University of Texas at El Paso
President of the College
President of the University
Vice President of Instruction
Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs
Honors Program Coordinator
Honors Program Director