URINE SCREEN AND BREATH SCAN POLICY 1. A release of information form pertaining to urine screening and breath scan will be in every drug and alcohol intake packet. 2. The signed Release of Information form will enable the therapist to forward client information to the referral source. 3. The random urine screen and/or breath scan policy will be explained to the client by the intake person. However, the client will not be told when the screening will take place or how many times. 4. The random urine screen and/or breath scan will be administered two times approximately mid-way and toward the end of treatment. 5. A positive screen will be reported upon request to the referral source. A client's length of stay with Family Service Association will be determined by this information. 6. All positive urine screens and/or breath scan will be reported in writing to IDRC, Probation/Parole and DYFS. Effective date – April 5, 2004.