Flush Vocabulary

Flush Vocabulary
Chapter 1
1. skiff- pg. 9 (n.)- various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person.
2. grimace- pg. 9 (v.)- a facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval or pain
3. murky- pg. 10 (adj.)- dark, gloomy
Chapter 2
4. wiry- pg. 13 (adj.)- lean and full of strength
5. berthed- pg. 14 (v.)- gave a boat or ship a certain place to anchor or tie up
6. martyr- pg. 22 (n)- a person who willingly is put to death or endures great suffering for a belief
Chapter 3
7. jowly- pg. 24 (adj.)- having prominent jowls- jowls-the jaw
8. chortle- pg. 25(v.)- to chuckle gleefully
9. squall- pg. 28 (n.)- a sudden, violent gust of wind, often accompanied by rain, snow, or sleet
10. poach- pg. 30. (v.)- to take game or fish illegally
Chapter 4
11. mopey- pg. 35 (adj.)- droopy, or glum
12. submerged- pg. 39 (adj.)- under the surface of water
13. erratic- pg. 44 (adj.)- unpredictable
Chapter 5
14. cringe- pg. 54 (v.)- To shrink back, as in fear
15. vat-pg. 56 (n.)- a large container, as a tub or tank, used for storing or holding liquids
Chapter 6
16. volatile- pg. 62 (adj.)- tending or threatening to break out into open violence
17. deluded- pg. 63 (adj.)- to mislead the mind or judgment
18. keen- pg. 67 (adj.)- eager; interested; enthusiastic
Chapter 7
19. mortified- pg. 77 (adj.)- embarrassed
Chapter 8
20. symbol (n.)- something that stands in or represents something else
21. upholstery- pg. 86 (n.) -the materials used to cushion and cover furniture
22. lurching- pg. 92 (v.) - swaying abruptly
23. transom- pg. 93 (n.) -the engine mount or the back part (or stern) of the boat
24. skeptical- pg. 91 (adj.) - doubtful
Chapter 9
25. bureaucrat-pg. 96 (n.) – an official of the government
26. tersely- pg. 98 (adv.) - done in an abrupt concise way
27. anomaly-pg. 102 (n.) - a deviation from the common
Chapter 10
28. scads- pg. 109 (n.)- great numbers or quantity
29. ranting- pg. 113 (v.)- speaking in a violent or extravagant way
30. sheepishly- pg. 118 (adv.)- done in an embarrassed or bashful way
Chapter 11
31. gaff- pg. 119 (n.)- an iron hook with a handle for landing large fish
32. pilchards- pg. 121 (n.)- a small, southern European, marine fish, related to the herring but smaller and
33. remorseful- pg. 122 (adj.)- to be full of regret
34. gloating- pg. 124 (v.)- looking at with smug or arrogant satisfaction
35. traipsed- pg. 125 (v.) –walked all over aimlessly
Chapter 12
36. drawled- pg. 131 (v.)- speaking in a slow manner, extending the vowels
37. cesspool- pg. 135 (n.)- well or pit for receiving the sewage from a house
38. contaminated- pg. 143 (adj.)- made impure or unsuitable by something unclean or bad
Chapter 13
39. emphatically- pg. 152 (adv.)- done with emphasis
40. craggy- pg. 153 (adj.)- rugged, harsh
41. stanch- pg. 154 (v.)- to stop the flow of
Chapter 14
42. scuttling- pg. 167 (v.)- sinking deliberately by making openings in the bottom (as in a boat)
Chapter 15
43. dinghy- pg. 173 (n.)- a small boat, like a lifeboat, that can be rowed, sailed, or driven by a motor
44. musty- pg. 175 (adj.)- having an odor or flavor that signals there may be mold
Chapter 16
45. spindly- pg. 189 (adj.)- long or tall, thin, and usually frail
46. leering- pg. 192 (v.)- looking or staring in a way that suggests bad intent
47. mirage- pg. 202 (n.)- an optical illusion in the desert or at sea, that is not really there
Chapter 17
48. smuggle- pg. 207 (v.)- to import or export good secretly, against the law
49. slyly- pg. 208 (adv.)- to do things in a cunning or secret way
50. pauper- pg. 208 (n.)- a very poor person (used as an adjective in the story)
Chapter 18
51. osprey- pg. 218 (n.)- a large hawk
52. indignantly- pg. 219 (adv.)- doing something in a displeased way because you are offended
53. keeled- pg. 224 (v.)- fell over
54. sentiment-pg. 226 (n.)- a nice thought or feeling
Chapter 19
55. aerial- pg. 231 (adj.) – up in the air or from the air
56. idolized- pg. 235 (v.)- worshipped or adored
57. latrine- pg. 231 (n.)- a toilet
Chapter 20
58. gouging- pg. 244 (v.)- to dig or force out
Chapter 21
59. calypso- pg. 252 (adj.)- a musical style influenced by jazz
60. surplus- pg. 257 (n.)- something above and beyond what is needed
61. embezzlement- pg. 259 (v.)- to falsely misuse money that has been put in your care