Redridge Residents 1930`s

Redridge Residents 1930’s
V means vacant lot.
Last name
Alanen ,
Eleanor (Juntonen) and Reino
1930 census: Eleanor is age 25 and Reino age 29.
Harold age 5, Evelyn age 2 and two boarders.
There was also a daughter Violet born about 1922 and married
Jim Moehrke. And daughter Carolyn.
Harold served in WW2.
Peter and Marie
1930 census has Peter being age 66 and head feeder in stamp
mill. Marie age 67. Son Hans age 39 teamster in stamp mill. Son
Wilfred age 21 laborer in stamp mill. Granddaughters Martha age
14, and Lillian age 13. Grandson Frank age 11.
August and Lena
1930 census: Emil 16, Emma 15, Harold 13, Alfred 9, May 4
(Wiitanen). Maybe a Edwin is born later.
August brother is Bill #21. Their father was Paul. Mother was
August is mason at stamp mill.
Ted and Winifred
Ted, Bertha (Jarvi), Arlene (Pelto), and Mae (Goodreau), William
Earle B and wife Marie. Earle Jr. was born 1920. In August 1926 he was in an
automobile accident on the Liminga Road which also left
his wife critically injured and left her partially disabled for
- daughter Marilyn
- Charlotte recalls they had a beautiful gladiola garden every
Wm. age 64. Wife had died
Wm age 24 is school teacher, Bertha 22, Elfreda 19, Chester 17
(Mill hand at stamp mill) , Andrew 16, Lucille 11, Alvin 7, Violet 5.
Waino, Reino
Thomas age 62 in 1920 census was a Copper Washer at Stamp Mill
Esther age 55
daughter Jenny was 24.
William and Anna
1930 census: Wm. 20, John 19, Gelda 17, Yalmer 14, Saime 12,
Francis 11, Melvin 9, Vivian 8, Wallace 7, Reino 6, Dorothy 4,
Mildred 2, Shirley 9 months.
Rosa (age 31 in 1930)
Henry age 4 in 1930.
1930 Census:
Fred as head in 1930 census and foreman at stamp mill
Charles was brother to Fred and Head feeder at stamp mill
Pauline was sister to Fred age 44.
Viola niece to Fred. Age 6
In 1920 census brother and sister Pauline Kopp was 26, Henry
was 24 and machinist in stamp mill.
Charles 39 (pipe fitter at stamp mill) and Sadie
1930 census: August 16 mill hand, Clarence 15, Burnolf 12, Melba
10, Verna 7, Harold 5, Loraine 3 (Faller), Elfie 1.
Alec and Emma
Guy and Nellie
Alec was turbine runner at power house for stamp mill.
- 1930 census: Alec is age 41. Emma age 40.
Norma 16, Ronald 15, Ralph 11, Edith 8, Paul 6,
Charles 2, James 2.
- Charlotte recalls: Judy (Juntunen), Edith (Peters),Norma, James,
Charles, Ronald, Paul
- Edith (Peters) bought the Emil Koski farm by the Liminga
Siblings were born after left Redridge.
Nellie taught school from 1929-1939 in Redridge.
Doctor office
Dr. Harry E. Johnson and wife May. (1930 census he was age 50)
When he left Dr. Hilmer took over, his office was in Freda.
Would these be children of the Dr. Johnson? Richard, Shirley
Congregational Church
Henry and Hilia
1930 census has Violet 10, Earl 3 months and later Matt, Eunice
(Booth) and Bill.
August and Anna
In 1930 census there also was a son Walter age 20 living with and
August was surface foreman for stamp mill. No job listed for
Charlotte recalls: A janitor at School. The house burned one
stormy night in Blizzard. Charlotte Smith watched from hall
window. We kids hoped the school would burn too!
Henry and Olga
Bill and Olivia
1930 census: Henry age 27, Olga age 21.
Gordon 9 months. Later came: Floyd, Robert, Jean (DeMars), Jack
Mother was Martilla from Liminga. A cook at Redridge School.
1930 census: Bill and Olivia both age37.
Lydia age 16, Lempi 13, Eino 12, Ernest 10, Aune 8, Jennie 6,
Carl 5, Irene 2, and Arnold 1.
Bill’s brother is August #4. Father was Paul. Mother Kaisa.
In the 1930’s sometime, one of the Raisanen girls got “washed”
down the launder/spillway and a Raisainen boy saved her at the
end of the spillway.
General Store and post office.
Burned when Charlotte was in 9th or 10th grade ‘43 or ‘44.
(Barb checking.. the location might have been #30.)
Matt and Elizabeth In 1930 census: Gertrude 23, Carl 21, Eino 18, Emil 17, Reino 14,
Erlund 12, Eneo(female) 10, Wesley 5, Darlene 3 (Kero).
Charlotte recalls: Darlene (Kero), Wesley Reino limped, Ruth,
Dr. Johnson..
Redridge School
Walter and Hilda
in later years Holman’s home.
Margaret (Martin), Robert, Raymond
- 1930 census: Walter age 44 foreman and Hilda
Wilfred 21, Helen 19, Wilhartsp? 17, Adele 13,
Loraine 11, Kenneth 9, Erland 6, Lois 3 (Keteri), Alice 8 months
(Simpson), Edwin a nephew to Walter age 17, and boarder
Elizabeth Schutz, school teacher.
Finnish Apostolic Church
In earlier years the Woodsman Hall
In earlier years a General Store. In 1920 census Goodman was the butcher.
Atlantic Stamp Mill
Baltic Stamp Mill
Home locations of earlier years.
Another family in 1930 census whose location was not identified by Charlotte was: Elias age 60
and Allie age 56 Messner with son Elias age 13. Elias Sr. was a turbine runner at stamp mill. In
the 1920 census the family consisted of son Clarence age 17, Ruth M. age 16, Ardith age 13,
Theodore age 10, and Elias F age 3 and 7 months. Elias F (Jr.) wrote the various Redridge
historical stories. (see Redridge Photos). This family was a large logging family in many areas of
the county.