‘Zip, Zap, Zoom’ Starter Instructions Resources: Text (Choose an extract with a variety of punctuation. Ideally it should include some interesting choices of punctuation that will lead to discussion.) Text with sounds added. Sound cards – A4 sheet folded in half with word of sound written on front and corresponding piece of punctuation marked under the flap. Punctuation fans. Mini-whiteboards. Activity: 1. Read the text aloud and ask students to note down on their mini-whiteboards any punctuation they hear. 2. Introduce concept of game – they will hear the passage read again with sounds replacing pieces of punctuation. Introduce the different sounds; zip, zap, zoom, boing, bop. 3. Ask for five volunteers to come to the front. Allocate each volunteer a card with the name of the sound written on it e.g. ‘Zip’. 4. Instruct the volunteers that when they hear their sound in the next reading, they must stand up and then sit back down again i.e. they are a visual representation of where the punctuation occurs. 5. Instruct the rest of the class that they must try to work out which piece of punctuation each sound represents. 6. Read the text aloud with the sounds replacing the punctuation. Volunteers stand up as explained in 4 and the rest of the class makes notes on their miniwhiteboards. 7. Organise students into small groups – give them time to reach a consensus about which pieces of punctuation are represented by which sounds. 8. Feedback: ask each volunteer at the front which piece of punctuation they think they represent and follow this up by asking the rest of the class to hold up the appropriate piece of punctuation from the punctuation fan to show what they think. Then, ask the volunteer to reveal what they represented by unfolding their card. Was everyone correct? Repeat for all sounds. 9. Read through the text a final time, (with sounds), but this time the volunteers have to stand up and show the punctuation mark rather then the word. 10. Discuss any interesting uses of punctuation.