Dictionary Editing Project (05-07)

1. Login
Click on Editor at http://chuta.jp/
On the Login page, enter your name and password.
Click Login
2. Main Menu (for translation editors):
2-1 My Word List: shows the status of your words.
not yet:Words you have selected, but have not edited yet.
editing:Words still in the process of being edited
changed:Edited and released words that have been
changed in the Japanese dictionary. This makes
it necessary to re-edit the items.
edited :
Words that have been edited and released
A complete list of all the words you have
selected and/or edited.
2-2 Search Word:
The pull-down menu under each
category gives you options for selecting words. (See section
3 for more details.)
2-3 Other
Web Dictionary (Beta): The Web Dictionary which is in
the process of being constructed as you edit.
Search Word (Detail): Shows more options for doing a word search than in Search-Word.
Shows the totals for all words edited and
released by editors for each language.
2-4 Announcements
The system manager will post any changes or updates to
the system. Editors are advised to check these postings
from time to time.
2-5 Comments on My Word
Comments from the Japanese language editors are
posted regarding your words. These are responses to the
comments you sent to the editors while editing. Use
information in the comments to make corrections or
changes to your words. You can also respond to queries about your words.
Clicking on more… (right hand corner of box) will show all comments you have recorded so
far. (For more details, see Section 6).
2-6 New Comments
Shows recent comments from other editors and dictionary users.
After reading these, you can make changes to your words.
3. Search Word
3-1 Below is an explanation of the 3 steps for selecting words to edit.
Step 1
Search Words
1. Word: Leave this blank for the time being. See 3-2 below.
2. Lang: This is the language you will use to translate (in the
example here we will use English).
3. Class: Select the part of speech you will work on.
4. Level: Select the level (1 through 4, with 4 being the easiest level).
5. Status: This shows who is editing the word or whether it has “no owner”.
No owner words can be placed in you word list.
6. Click Search
Here is an example of results from English. After clicking Search, the next screen will appear.
Step 2 Select Words
1. Put a check mark in front of the
word(s) you wish to edit. To select
all words on the page, put a check
in the box at the top of the column.
2. Click To my words at the bottom of
the page.
Note: Words previously selected by another editor cannot be placed in your own word list. The
system will automatically block a check placed in the check box.
Examples: In the page below, 温かい、善い have not been selected by any editor. However, the
last four words (新しい、黒い、重い、厚い)have been selected by different editors whose names
appear in the fifth column.
Step 3 Confirmation
1. On this page, you will be asked if
you agree to edit the words you
selected. If you want these words
placed in your word list, click OK.
automatically appear with the
words you have just selected. You
process from this page.
3. If you wish to continue adding
words to your word list, return to
Main Menu and repeat Steps 1
through 3.
3-2 To view words edited by other editors for the same language
1. On the Main Menu page go to Search Word.
Example: To Look for the word 本(ほん).
2. In the Word box enter「本」or the kana form「ほん」.
3. Click Search.
4. The Search Word page will appear with the owner of the word and status.
5. Click on the word itself 「本」 and the edited version will appear as Word Details.
4. Editing your words
4-1 To get started
1. Log in. This will take you to the Main Menu
2. Click on not yet under My Word List.
3. My Word List page will appear.
4. Click on the underlined word you wish to edit.
For example, clicking on
「歌う」 will take you to the word editing page for
this word.
4-2 To edit
This is the page where you will begin to edit.
This page is divided into 3 sections:
First section: Explanation of the word
Second section: Explanation of the meaning
Third section: Comment to the editors
First section: Click on the plus sign [+] under the
reading of the word in hiragana. If there is an
explanation of the word, translation the note in
the box provided. Click on the minus sign [-] to
Second section: Click on the triangle at the top of this section. This will open all the boxes to be
completed with translations. Complete these boxes with translations for your language.
Class : Part of speech (use for your reference only).
Sense: Conceptual meaning of the word.
Same Word: The most appropriate translation for
this sense.
Translation: Other possible close translations for
this sense.
Example: An example sentence using the word.
Put your translation in the box below
each sentence.
When the example
sentence is difficult to translate, explain this to the Japanese language editors in
the Comment space in the third section at the bottom of the page.
Note: Information on usage of the word. Translate the note using the format
specified by the language administrator for your language. For example, English
editors use [Usage] followed by a short sentence starting with a small case letter. If
more sentences follow, these begin with capital letters.
Third section: This section contains a box for comments to the Japanese language editors. (See
Section 5 for more details.)
When all the boxes have been completed, click
Confirm at the bottom of the page. The confirmation
page will appear.
4-3 To confirm and submit
This page shows the results of your translation edits.
If the translations are complete to your
satisfaction and you want to release the word,
click Submit. The word will then be released
to the Reading Tutor Web Dictionary. The
default setting for the Update Status is
Released. However, if you wish to save your
work temporarily, choose Updating from the
Update Status pull-down menu and click
Submit. The word will be labeled as editing
on My Word List, and you can continue to
work on it later.
4-4 To re-edit a released word
If you wish to re-edit previously released words,
follow the steps below.
1. Choose edited or All under My Word List on
the Main Menu.
2. My Word List will appear.
3. Choose the word you want to re-edit.
4. Edit the word.
5. Click Confirm on the Word Edit page.
6. Click on Submit under the Update Status.
7. The re-edited word will be sent to the Tutor Web Dictionary in its corrected form.
4-5 To Re-edit a word labeled changed
Changed refers to editing changes made to the
Japanese entry of words after you have edited
and released the item. These items can be
viewed from the Main Menu by clicking on
changed. This will take you to the list of
changed items. Click on each item to see what
changes have been made. Make the necessary
changes for your translations and then click Submit under the Update Status. The newly
edited word will be sent to the Reading Tutor Web Dictionary to replace the previous item.
4-6 To remove a word from your word list
1. From the My Word List on the Main Menu
page, click All.
2. My Word List page will appear.
3. Place a check mark in front of the word(s) you
want removed from your list.
4. Click Remove in the lower right corner.
5. The Confirmation page will show the list of the
word(s) you wish removed.
Click OK to confirm your choices.
Making comments, asking questions during the
editing process
1. Use the Comments box at the bottom of the
editing page to make comments or ask questions.
2. Select non-specific for general comments
directed to all editors.
Select the name of the language you are editing
to send comments to other editors in your
language group.
3. After entering your comment, click OK. Your comment will appear automatically on the Main
Menu page under Comments on My Word and New Comments.
6. Word Board
Word Board can be used to selectively view Comments on My Word or New Comments. On the
Main Menu, click on either Comments on My Word or New Comments.
This will take you to Word Board.
Left side pull-down menu:
My Word Only: Limits comments to your words.
Shows comments from all editors.
Center pull-down menu:
All: Shows comments for all languages.
Language name can be selected to limit
comments to a specific language.
Right side pull-down menu:
Select the number of comments to view (5, 10, 50, 100)
Click OK.
The selected comments will appear.
7. The Reading Tutor Web Dictionary
When items have been completed and logged onto the server, they will be available for viewing in
the Tutor Dictionary at http://chuta.jp/
The following section explains the use of the dictionary in detail.
Making a word search
1. Type in the word that you are searching for using
hiragana, katakana or a combination of kanji and kana.
2. Select the language you wish to see for the Japanese
word from the pull- down menu. (By selecting All, the
translated form of the word for each language will
3. Click Search.
4. When kana is used to do a word search, all instances of
the word will appear in a list of kanji that have the same
phonetic value.
How to read the entries for individual words
The example is from the Japanese-Japanese dictionary, when
you type in あう.
Each head word is followed by 1 to 4 asterisks. These indicate
the level of the word according to the Japanese Proficiency Test.
Below the headword are explanations of the “senses” for each
word, the word in translation, and one or more example
sentences. Notes on usage are also shown for some words.
7-3 Sending comments to the editors while using the On-Line Tutor Dictionary
Each entry in the dictionary has a comment box for users. These will be reviewed when revising
future editions of the Dictionary.