9 If-Then Statements: Relations Involving Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Equality This chapter does not provide a model activity for elementary students Discuss basic properties that underlie arithmetic and beginning algebra Together with previously discussed topics this chapter explores the basis for most of arithmetic and beginning algebra Relating Subtraction to Addition and Division to Multiplication Addition and Subtraction 9 boys and 12 girls, how many children in the class? 21 children, 9 are boys, how many girls are in the class? o Both problems describe the same situation o Different problems can be made from this information o Different problems require different methods for solving Addition Subtraction Missing addend o Demonstrate the relation between addition and subtraction o Addition or subtraction can be thought of as positive numbers where a whole is composed of two parts for the set of whole numbers This is commonly thought of as the missing addend model for subtraction Addend + addend = sum for addition of whole numbers Addend + missing addend = sum for subtraction of whole numbers (Sum – addend = missing addend) The Relation between Addition and Subtraction If a – b = c, then a = c + b If d + e = f, then d = f – e and e = f – d Might use this relation in several commonly encountered contexts o Number facts Fact families Can make learning facts easier and more robust o Solving word problems Open number sentences Provides for alternative solutions to problems Provides context for discussing the relation between addition and subtraction ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Teacher Commentary 9.1 3rd grade students Some subtracted to find answer, but realized addition could also be used Wrote a conjecture to see if subtraction would always work for this type of problem Students encouraged to find big ideas in their conjectures Teacher provided necessary mathematical language to help students focus thinking Students came up with generalized statement for this conjecture using symbols If + = , then - = Multiplication and Division Related in essentially as addition and subtraction Commonly referred to in division as the missing factor model Factor x factor = product for multiplication of whole numbers Factor x missing factor = product for division of whole numbers (Product factor = missing factor) The Relation between Multiplication and Division If a b = c, then a = c x b If d x e = f, then d = f e for e 0, and e = f d for d 0 Critical for learning division number facts Operating on Both Sides of the Equal Sign 3rd grade students using relational thinking 345 + 576 = 342 + 574 + d Operating on Both Sides of the Equal Sign If a = b, then a + c = b + c If a = b, then a x c = b x c If a = b, then a - c = b - c If a = b, then a c = b c, c 0 Play a central role in solving algebraic equations See 9.1 p. 127 Proving Conjectures about Subtraction and Division Prove by relating to corresponding conjectures for addition and multiplication Prove d – d = 0 for all numbers Prove p 1 = p for all numbers Show why we cannot divide by zero: If r 0 = , then r = x 0. Thus r could only be zero, not any number Show why we cannot divide zero by zero: If 0 0 = , then 0 = x 0. Thus any number could replace , which contradicts the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic which says the prime factorization of a number is unique Can also consider fractions or the set of rational numbers for each of these ideas Inverses 1 1 For every number r except zero, there is a unique number such that r 1 r r Multiplicative inverse of r or the reciprocal of r Any division problem can be recast as a multiplication problem by multiplying by the inverse 1 p q p q Any subtraction problem can be recast as an addition problem by adding the opposite p q p q Important for students to distinguish vocabulary between inverse and opposite Addition and multiplication have simpler rules than subtraction and division Does not mean we do away with subtraction and division, just want to understand the relation between them The Basic Properties Revisited Some properties more critical than others Some properties derived from others See table 9.1 p. 130 Properties of subtraction and division are missing – WHY? Zero property of multiplication not included – WHY?