Basic Math Vocabulary AddendThe numbers that you add together. Ex. 2+3=5, both the number 2 and the number 3 are addends. SumThe answer to an addition problem. Ex. 2+3=5, the number 5 is the sum. MinuendThe first term in a subtraction problem. Ex. 5-3=2, the number 5 is the minuend. SubtrahendThe second term in a subtraction problem. Ex. 5-3=2, the number 3 is the subtrahend. DifferenceThe answer to a subtraction problem. Ex. 5-3=2, the number 2 is the difference. FactorThe numbers that you multiply together. Ex. 5x3=15, both the number 5 and the number 3 are factors. ProductThe answer to a multiplication problem. Ex. 5x3=15, the number 15 is the product. DividendThe number that is divided. Ex. 15÷3=5, the number 15 is the dividend. DivisorThe number that is divided into another number. Ex. 20÷4=5, the number 4 is the divisor. QuotientThe answer to a division problem. Counting/Natural NumbersThe numbers you say when you are counting, from one to infinity. Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ….. Whole NumbersIncluding zero with the set of counting/natural numbers, from zero to infinity. Ex. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ….. Even NumbersNumbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 {positive or negative} Odd NumbersNumbers ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 {positive or negative} Positive NumbersNumbers greater than zero. Negative NumbersNumbers less than zero. IntegersAll positive whole numbers and their opposites (negative values), including zero. Ex. …… -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…… Rational NumbersAny number that can be written as a fraction, or that is a terminating decimal, or repeating decimal. 2 1 1 Ex. 2= 1, 3, - 8, -3= −3 1 Irrational NumbersAny number that cannot be written as a fraction, or that is not a terminating or repeating decimal. Ex. pi = π = 3.141517……, or √2 VariablesLetters used to represent numbers. Ex. a+b a+3=8 Operations of Arithmetic Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Fact FamilyA group of three (3) numbers related by addition and subtraction, Ex. 2+3=5 5-3=2 3+2=5 5-2=3 or by multiplication and division. Ex. 5x3=15 15÷3=5 3x5=15 15÷5=3 Inverse operationsReverse or opposite operations that undo each other or cancels each other out. Ex. addition and subtraction are inverse operations multiplication and division are inverse operations