Dancing together and separate again: gymnosperms

Supplementary Material
Figure S1 Different phylogenetic hypotheses on gymnosperm evolution. From left to right and from
top to bottom: anthophyte hypothesis, one of those receiving less support, in which gnetophytes are
sister to angiosperms (Doyle and Donoghue, 1986; Rydin et al, 2002). Gnetophyte-sister in which
gnetophytes are either sister to all seed plants (A, supported by Rai et al, 2003, 2008) or to all the
other gymnosperms (B, Matthews and Donoghue, 2000). Gnetifer hypothesis in which gnetophytes
are sister to conifers; these options have rarely been inferred (Chaw et al, 1997, Ran et al, 2010).
Intermediate hypothesis between gnepine and gnetifer (Wu et al, 2007). The following gnepine
hypotheses are the most currently accepted nowadays (particularly A), although at first it was
regarded as a surprising result that gnetophytes were placed within conifers (Bowe et al, 2000; Chaw
et al, 2000; Qiu et al, 2007; Mathews, 2009). The gnecup hypothesis is a variation from the last one in
which gnetophytes are also placed within conifers but sister to cupressophytes instead of Pinaceae
(Nickrent et al, 2000; Doyle et al, 2006; Chumley et al, 2006).
Reference list for Figure S1:
Bowe LM, Coat G, de Pamphilis CW (2000). Phylogeny of seed plants based on all three genomic
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Chaw S-M, Aharkikh A, Sung H-M, Lau T-C, Li W-H (1997). Molecular phylogeny of extant gymnosperms and
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Chaw S-M, Parkinson CL, Cheng Y, Vincent TM, Palmer JD (2000). Seed plant phylogeny inferred from all three
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USA 97: 4086–4091.
Chumley TW, McCoy SKR, Raubeson LA (2008). Gne-deep: exploring Gnetalean affinities in seed plant
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American Fern Society, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and the Botanical Society of America,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Doyle JA (2006) Seed ferns and the origin of angiosperms. J Torrey Bot Soc 133: 169–209.
Doyle JA, Donoghue MJ (1986). Seed plant phylogeny and the origin of angiosperms: an experimental cladistic
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to bryophytes and the earliest land plants. Mol Biol Evol 17: 1885–1895.
Qiu Y-L, Li L, Wang B, Chen Z, Dombrovska O, Lee J, Kent L, Li R, Jobson RW, Hendry TA, Taylor DW, Testa CM,
Ambros M (2007). A nonflowering land plant phylogeny inferred from nucleotide sequences of seven
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Rai HS, O‘Brien HE, Reeves PA, Olmstead RG, Graham SW (2003). Inference of higher-order relationships in the
cycads from a large chloroplast data set. Mol Phylogen Evol 29: 350–359.
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on nuclear and chloroplast DNA: Conflicting data, rooting problems, and the monophyly of conifers. Int J Plant
Sci 163(2): 197-214.
Figure S2 Positions of primers used in this study (a). Examples of PCR gels obtained from
amplification of 35S-5S sequences from Ginkgo biloba (b) and Podocarpus elongatus (c), respectively.
Bands indicated by asterisks were used to generate pGIN2 and p3g constructs. The 26SF/5SgR
product from Podocarpus elongatus was cloned but appeared to contain no 5S sequences, and thus
considered as non-specific.
Figure S3 Size and homogeneity of 35S-5S arrays. Restriction map showing conserved BglII and EcoRI
sites and regions of probe hybridisation (thin lines above boxes) are schematically drawn in (a).
Genomic DNAs were digested with BglII (b) and EcoRI (c) enzymes and hybridised with 5S, 18S and
26S probes. EcoRI - EI.
Figure S4 Size and structure of 35S-5S units in Ginkgo biloba and Ephedra nebrodensis. (a) – schemes
of units. (b) The size of the Ginkgo biloba unit determined by restriction mapping and Southern blot
hybridisation. The EcoRV digests cover nearly the whole rDNA unit. The sum of hybridising fragment
lengths is: 12 + 6 +3 = 21 kb. It follows that the size of basic unit in Ginkgo is at least 21 kb. EcoRV –
EV. (c) The 35S-5S-5S-5S tandems are homogenised in the E. nebrodensis. The genomic DNAs
were digested with MboI that has a conserved recognition in 5S coding sequence and hybridised with
the 5S probe. Note, the different hybridisation profiles in Ginkgo and Ephedra.
Figure S5 Self to self dot plot alignments of rDNA clones from Ginkgo biloba (a), Podocarpus
elongatus (b) and Ephedra nebrodensis (c). Regions of homology came up with dot/line signals. Note
highly complex structure of 5S-18S and 26S-5S intergenic spacers, each containing at least two
subrepeat families.
Figure S6 Dot plot comparisons of different rDNA clones from Ginkgo biloba. (a) two 5S-bearing
clones, (b-c) clones with and without 5S insertions. Green circle indicates 5S genes intercept.
Figure S7 Distance matrix (DNADIST algorithm, Felsenstein, 1989) showing sequence divergences
between 5S genes of Ephedra. The 5S1, 5S2 and 5S3 were tandem repeats from E. nebrodensis
(clone EPHN4, Figure 4c); 5S rRNA_E. kokanica comes from RNA sequencing.
Figure S8 Phylogenetic relationships between the 5S genes. The NJ tree was constructed from
aligned coding sequences. The sequence from Funaria hygrometrica was used as outgroup. The
bootstrap support values are from 500 replicates. Information on the arrangement of units in the
genome is provided on the right margin. GenBank accession numbers follow species names.