Foreign Languages Policy - Mountfields Lodge School

Mountfields Lodge
Primary School
Foreign Languages Policy
Aim High, Reach for the Sky
Mountfields Lodge Primary School
Modern Foreign Languages Policy
Learning a foreign language raises awareness of the multi-lingual and multi-cultural world
in which children are raised and gives an international dimension to pupils’ learning. By
studying a new language and comparing this with their own language(s) children can gain
valuable insight into their own language system(s) and acquire literacy skills that will lay
the foundations for future language learning.
Aims and Objectives
 to foster an interest in learning other languages and learning how different
languages work, thereby laying the foundations for future study
 to develop children’s listening and speaking skills
 to reinforce other subject areas including aspects of Literacy (knowledge and
understanding of grammatical structures and sentence construction), Numeracy
(counting, money, the date, time), ICT (IWB activities, e-mail with schools abroad,
materials from the Internet) KUW (materials linked to particular units of study e.g.
The Water Cycle and Britain since WWII)
 to help children develop their awareness of the similarities and differences between
different cultures
Entitlement and Organisation
At Mountfields Lodge Primary School we teach French throughout KS2. These lessons are
taught by a Specialist Language Teacher. Children may also be introduced to other
languages, perhaps through short cross-curricular units - e.g. learning some Modern Greek
whilst the children in Yrs3 and 4 study The Ancient Greeks.
We look for opportunities to allow children in KS2 to broaden these language experiences
through visits to or from our Feeder High Schools or through visits by schools from other
countries; through taking part in language workshops during special focus days and by
other language-based experiences e.g. visiting theatre companies. During the course of a
school year class teachers will also try to incorporate small amounts of language into daily
routines to help pupils to begin to see their language learning embedded in the wider
school curriculum.
Planning and Assessment
The Specialist Language Teacher will plan the curriculum. French/ Modern Foreign
Languages are included in the school’s Long Term Planning. Medium Term plans are written
termly by the Language Teacher. Copies are kept by the Headteacher. Planning is
referenced to The KS2 Framework for Languages.
Assessment will include pupil self assessment and teacher assessment linked to the
Languages Ladder.
SEND and Equal Opportunities
We use a variety of techniques to encourage and enable children to engage with the
lessons and build children’s confidence through constant praise for any contribution they
make in the language. Effort and achievement are celebrated through House Points or
special stickers.
Many pupils have particular needs which are identified on the school’s SEND register. The
Specialist Languages Teacher will use this document, along with discussions with individual
Class Teachers, to identify possible issues and therefore plan for inclusion. Occasionally,
as with other subjects, it may be necessary to withdraw a child from a Modern Foreign
Languages lesson in order for them to work in a targeted group on a particular aspect of
their IEP. On other occasions it may be considered more appropriate to support children
within the class language lesson. These arrangements are made by the Class teacher and
the SEND Coordinator and are communicated to the Specialist Language Teacher.
Where English is not the child’s first language, language lessons will often provide a real
context for discussing the features of a child’s mother tongue. The Specialist Language
Teacher has a list of these children and will use opportunities to encourage EAL pupils to
share language expertise with their peers. The aims of such activity would be to promote
self-esteem and increase linguistic/ cultural awareness within the class.
The Specialist Language Teacher will be responsible for communicating areas of progress
or concerns to the child’s class teacher. The Specialist Language Teacher will also be
available to meet, at mutually agreed times, with parents on Parents’ evenings. The
Specialist Language Teacher will provide the child’s class teacher with a comment on
progress and attitude for inclusion in the child’s Annual Report to Parents.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The teaching of French and other Modern Languages at Mountfields Lodge Primary will be
monitored and evaluated in accordance with the school’s Development Plan, by the
Headteacher, Governors and Staff.