Cartons Recycling

Residential Recycling Toolkit
Topic: Cartons Recycling
Cartons Are In
Cartons—milk cartons, juice boxes, and soup cartons—are now recyclable in the
Twin Cities metro area! Cartons are made mostly from paper, with a thin layer of
plastic or aluminum. Recyclers are able to separate the plastic and aluminum from
the paper to recycle them.
To recycle your cartons, simply rinse them to ensure they're empty, which also will
alleviate any potential odor problems. Then place the cartons in your recycle bin.
The carton's paper fibers are a valuable resource for making new items such as
paper products and even building materials. By recycling, your cartons are put back
in business as the items you use every day!
To learn more about carton recycling and other new materials that may be accepted
in your area, contact your city recycling coordinator, your recycling service
provider, or
May 2013 - These materials were provided by the Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board (SWMCB) as a part of its
Rethink Recycling outreach efforts. Please help us track the use of Rethink Recycling materials by sending an e-mail to with a description of how the materials were used, the date(s) published, and the estimated