Supplemental Digital Content 1 – Table 1. Primers and thermocycling conditions For all samples, the complete pol region was initially amplified in two rounds. Samples successfully amplified were sequenced using two pairs or primers, covering the protease and RT genes. Samples that did not amplify using Algorithm 1 underwent Algorithm 2, whereby the protease and RT genes were amplified separately and sequenced separately with two new pairs of sequencing primers. Nucleic acids were extracted from 200μl of serum using the NucliSens easyMAG (bioMerieux, The Netherlands) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Primerspecific reverse transcription-PCR was performed on 10 μl of extracted RNA (OneStep RT-PCR kit from Qiagen, Qiagen, Mississauga, Canada), followed by a nested PCR reaction (algorithm 1) producing a 1240bp fragment (AmpliTaq Gold, Applied Biosystems, California, USA). If no product was obtained, two overlapping PCR products were produced using algorithm 2. All primer sequences and annealing temperatures are detailed in Table S1. PCR products were sequenced using BigDye Terminator V3 on an ABI 3130xl Genetic Analyzer, using 4 primers generating two overlapping regions; sequencing primers were concordant with the amplified fragment. Algorithm Region amplified Primer RT-PCR GaG1-PR-out.for RT-new-out.rev 1567bp TGA ARG AIT GYA CTG ARA GRC AGG CTA AT CCT CIT TYT TGC ATA YTT YCC TGT T GaGp6-PR-in.for A RT-new-in.rev D 1448bp YTC AGA RCA GRC CRG ARC CAA CAG C GGY TCT TGR TAA ATT TGR TAT GTC CA Nested PCR Algorithm 1 pol Sequencing protease RT-PCR RT Algorithm 2 protease Nested PCR RT protease Sequencing RT Size of product Sequences (5' → 3') Sequencing step GaGp6-PR-in.for PR-new-in.rev RT-new-in.for RT-new-in.rev 53 51.5 YTC AGA RCA GRC CRG ARC CAA CAG C CTG GTG TYT CAT TRT TKR TAC TAG GT TTY TGG GAR GTY CAR YTA GGR ATA CC GGY TCT TGR TAA ATT TGR TAT GTC CA GaGp1-PR-out.for PR-new-out.rev RT-new-out.for RT-new-out.rev 923bp GaGp6-PR-in.for PR-new-in.rev RT-new-in.for RT-new-in.rev 835bp RT-PROT-inner.for RT-PROT-inner.rev RT-inner.for RT-inner.rev Tm (°C) 864bp 776bp TGA ARG AIT GYA CTG ARA GRC AGG CTA AT AYC TIA TYC CTG GTG TYT CAT TRT T TTT YAG RGA RCT YAA TAA RAG AAC TCA CCT CIT TYT TGC ATA YTT YCC TGT T YTC AGA RCA GRC CRG ARC CAA CAG C CTG GTG TYT CAT TRT TKR TAC TAG GT TTY TGG GAR GTY CAR YTA GGR ATA CC GGY TCT TGR TAA ATT TGR TAT GTC CA CTT TAR CTT CCC TCA GAT CAC TCT TCC TGA AGT CTT YAT CTA AGG GAA C AAT CAG TAA CAG TAC TGG ATG TGG GT GGC TCT TGA TAA ATT TGA TAT GTC CAT 53 51.4 53 51.4