EFFECT OF A CAR WASH ON OUR ENVIRONMENT WHAT YOU CAN DO TO PREVENT NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION WHAT IS NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION? Pollution runoff includes many things that get into our water supply. Often referred to as “people pollution”, nonpoint source pollution results from everyday activities such as fertilizing lawns, walking pets, changing motor oil, and littering. With each rainfall, pollutants generated by these activities are washed from streets and lawns into storm water drains that flow into our waterways and the ocean. HOW DOES NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION GET INTO OUR WATER SUPPLY? Rain, groundwater, and runoff are the primary routes through which nonpoint source pollution enters our drinking water. However, by far THE GREATEST SOURCE ON NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION entering surface waters is RUNOFF! Water becomes polluted as it picks up silt from eroding soils, oils, litter, toxic metals, salts, and other wastes on roads from vehicles, and animal wastes and chemicals. In urban areas, runoff from paved streets and parking lots carries grime, litter and toxic metals that have accumulated on road surfaces into local waters via street gutters and storm drains. Storm drains typically flow directly into streams. MOST PEOPLE CONTRIBUTE TO NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION UNKNOWLINGLY! For example, when a homeowner turns a sprinkler on a newly fertilized lawn, harmful chemicals can be washed directly into waterways. WHEN WE WASH OUR CARS, high pH detergents run out the driveway, into the street, and down the storm drain. And, too often, harmful wastes are intentionally dumped into gutters and storm drains HOW TO PREVENT NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION – WHAT EACH OF US CAN DO! 1. Homeowner lawn and garden care without harmful chemicals 2. Picking Up After Pets: Animal Waste 3. Septic System and Household Wastewater: Care and Management Without Nonpoint Source Pollution 4. CAR CARE WITHOUT NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION! WASH YOUR CAR ONLY WHEN NECESSARY AND USE A LOW pH DETERGENT!