David B. Collum Associate Editor The Journal of Organic Chemistry Phone: 607- 255-5023 eFax: 202-513-8662 Email: joch2@cornell.edu September 6, 2010 Dear Prof. Collum, I am hereby submitting the revised version of the manuscript jo-2010-01409p for your consideration. Yours and referees’ suggestions have been taken into account to make the article corresponding to the requirements as detailed below. Sincerely yours, Professor Ivo Leito University of Tartu Institute of Chemistry Ravila 14a, 50411 Tartu ESTONIA phone: +372-5-184-176 fax: +372-7-375-264 e-mail: ivo.leito@ut.ee 1 RE: The Journal of Organic Chemistry Manuscript ID: jo-2010-01409p Title: "Equilibrium Acidities of Superacids" Author(s): Kütt, Agnes; Rodima, Toomas; Saame, Jaan; Raamat, Elin; Mäemets, Vahur; Kaljurand, Ivari; Koppel, Ilmar; Garlyauskayte, Romute; Yagupolskii, Yurii; Yagupolskii, Lev; Bernhardt, Eduard; Willner, Helge; Leito, Ivo Thank you for submitting your manuscript for publication in The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC). Your manuscript has been examined with the assistance of expert reviewers who have evaluated its scientific merit and potential for interest to the readership of the JOC. I have also reviewed your manuscript in my office in light of their comments which are attached. On balance this assessment is positive although some revisions are recommended. I am pleased to invite you to submit a revised manuscript that addresses the concerns raised by the reviewers. To submit your revised manuscript, log into ACS Paragon Plus at http://paragonplus.acs.org/login and select "My Authoring Activity". There you will find your manuscript title listed under "Revisions Requested by Editorial Office." All of your original files (except your original manuscript) are available to you when you upload your revision. If you are replacing files, please remove the old version of the file before uploading the new file. When submitting your revised manuscript through ACS Paragon Plus, you must respond to the comments made by the reviewer(s). Please use the text box provided in the "Response to Decision Letter" section of the revision submission Web form to indicate your detailed responses to all of the points raised by the reviewers. You also have the option of providing an attached file with the detailed responses. Per our Guidelines for Authors, "if the revised manuscript is not returned to the Editor within 45 days after the revision is requested, and the author has not made alternative arrangements with the Editor for completion of the manuscript, the manuscript will be deactivated". We hope to see your revised manuscript before October 5. Prior to submitting the manuscript, please ensure that the manuscript satisfies the following requirements: Round off 13 C NMR. Answer: 13C NMR shifts in spectra have been round off. Number SI pages sequentially. Answer: all SI pages have been now numbered. Thank you for considering The Journal of Organic Chemistry as a forum for the publication of your work. With sincere regards, David B. Collum Associate Editor The Journal of Organic Chemistry Phone: 607- 255-5023 2 eFax: 202-513-8662 Email: joch2@cornell.edu -----------------------------------Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author: Reviewer: 1 Recommendation: Publish in The Journal of Organic Chemistry after minor revisions. Comments: A comprehensive study of 62 acids and superacids in DCE is presented employing 176 interlinked relative acidity measurements, thus providing the largest and most accurate superacidity scale to date. I concur with assessment that DCE is the most convenient solvent for acids. My only objection is that in discussing delocalisation in cyanoacid anions some papers of Vianello et al. were not mentioned. These computational studies have convincingly shown that the excess negative charge was very efficiently dispersed over conjugate bases making them weakly coordinating negative ions. Answer: The referee 1 is correct. Vianello et al. have published several computational papers concerning cyanocarbon acids and one of them has now been included to the list of references as ref. 29. I strongly recommend publication of this valuable paper. Additional Questions: Significance: Top 10% Interest to The Journal of Organic Chemistry readership: Top 10% Scholarly analysis/presentation: Above Average Are the conclusions adequately supported by the data?: Yes Are the literature references appropriate and correct?: No Are the compounds reported adequately characterized with regard to identity and purity?: Yes Reviewer: 2 Recommendation: The manuscript may be publishable, but it should be reviewed after major revisions. Comments: This paper reports a valuable and potentially useful compilation of relative acidity data. It represents a lot of painstaking work. The choice of 1,2dicholorethane as solvent is a good one and the relatively broad array of investigated acids (with the notable absence of alkoxyaluminate, pentacyanocyclo-pentadienyl and carborane acids) makes the work relevant to practicing chemists. However, the presentation is flawed. 3 Answer: Some of the seemingly flawed points Referee 2 brings up could be explained and corrected as follows. (a). The title, abstract, table headings etc. imply that relative pKa values are being measured when, in fact, it is the relative equilibrium tendencies of acids to form a protonated phosphazene ion pair, presumably one that is H-bonded to its anionic conjugate base. Answer: This is a very important question. There is very strong evidence against hydrogen-bonding between acid anion and protonated phosphazene base. For the sake of completeness we present it here and also in the SI of the paper so that it will be available for the readers. (1) Low hydrogen bond donicity of the protonated phosphazenes was among the goals for which phosphazene bases were initially developed by the Schwesinger group (Liebigs Ann. 1996, 1055-1081). The proton in the protonated forms of the bulky phosphazene bases is buried between substituents. This is especially true if the substituent on the imino nitrogen is bulky (t-Bu in our case) and if the substituents on the phosphorus are large, such as pyrrolidinyl (our case), tmg, etc. The hindrance of the proton in protonated phosphazenes has been demonstrated by X-ray diffractograms (Liebigs Ann. 1996, 1055-1081; JACS 2005, 127, 17656-17666). A particularly noteworthy feature of phosphazenium cations in the context of this paper is their ready applicability in preparation of the socalled "naked fluorides" (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1991, 30, 1372-1375). Cations behaving as inert towards the highly HB-acceptory fluoride anion can be safely considered the same with respect to all anions of this study. (2) The absence of hydrogen bond between the protonated phosphazene base and acid anions is also seen from the UV-Vis spectra that are recorded during the measurement. When phosphazene base t-BuP1(pyrr) is used as titrant no distortion of the spectra of acid-anion mixtures are observed. At the same time, titration of some of the acids (1, 13, 17, 21, 24, 28, 29) with triethylamine (or being originally triethylammonium or pyridinium salts) caused distortion of the spectral plot (a hypsochromic shift of the maximum of spectrum) and strongly non-consistent results. This is a clear indication of formation of a hydrogenbonded complex. The same effect was never experienced with t-BuP1(pyrr). For double-checking some of the compounds were also titrated with an even bulkier base t-BuP4(dma) and the spectra matched with the spectra obtained from the titration with base t-BuP1(pyrr). The t-BuP1(pyrr) base was preferred because it is commercially available with reasonable purity and price. Thus, we might have relatively loosely bound ion pairs between sterically hindered huge cation (with diameter over 9Å) and different anions of (mostly) CH acids with well delocalized negative charge (which is also said in the text), but not hydrogen-bonded complexes. The latter point carries a particular irony. The authors correctly critique the so-called NH acidity scale as an indirect method that characterizes the hydrogen-bond acceptor strength of anions rather than the Brønsted acidity of their parent acids. Answer: Because trioctylammonium salt form hydrogen-bonded complexes to the acid anion, then NH scale does not characterize the acidity of free acid but the ability of acid anion to form hydrogen-bonded complexes with protonated 4 trioctylamine (which of course is also very useful). Therefore, in a general case, it does not show Brønsted acidity, which assumes complete transfer of the proton to the anion. But they fail to see in their own work that their relative ion-pairing equilibria are also dependent on the relative hydrogen-bond acceptor strength of their anions. Answer: As explained above (vide supra), there is very strong evidence against this. Indeed, it would be an interesting study to see IR nuNH data on the ion paired phophazenium salts to see how (or if) their NH IR frequencies correlate (or not correlate) with the relative ion pairing equilibria data. Answer: As we do not have hydrogen-bonded complexes between acid anion and protonated phosphazene base (as explained above) then NH IR frequencies should depend only on the nature of the base and probably on the properties of ion pair, not on the nature of acid anion. An obstacle for such IR study is the very low concentration of the acids in our experiments and the low transparency of 1,2DCE in the mid-IR region. Table 1 should also asterisk the value of picric acid as arbitrarily set to 0. Answer: pKa value of picric acid has now been marked as arbitrarily chosen anchor point 0 in the footnote of Table 1. (b) The experimental section does not detail the method or the nature of some of the acids. The reader is referred to earlier papers. Ref. 24 states that a typical acid concentration was 5 x 10(-5)M. If this is the case in the present work, then many of the data may be highly suspect. It is experimentally very difficult to keep the concentration of water in any solvent below 10(-4)M. Thus, some of the acids will be H30+ or more highly hydrated salts. Answer: The "backbone" of the scale was built with CH acids, which are not influenced by water to a large extent (see ref 22 of the main text for details). This is because their anions have highly delocalized charge. A detailed study on influence of traces of water in acetonitrile has been carried out in our group and is in the process of publication (JPCA, MS No jp-2010-05670t). The results show that even the relative acidities of acids having delocalized charges in their anions are not much influenced up to ca 10000 ppm. Certainly the situation in 1,2-DCE is less favorable. However, the water content was also more than three orders of magnitude lower. A particular concern is so-called HBF4. It does not exist. Out of a bottle it is either solvated by HF, i.e. H(HF)n+ BF4- (if it is truly anhydrous) or H3O+ BF4-, H5O2+ BF4-, etc depending on the amount of water present. Answer: Indeed, this is a tricky acid, not supposed to exist as such. Nevertheless titration of Bu4N+ BF4– with acid 64 and afterwards with base tBuP1(pyrr) demonstrated the reversibility of the protonation-deprotonation process. The formed complex HF∙∙∙BF3 seems to be stable in solution because of 5 its very low concentration and the extremely low Lewis basicity of DCE. The acid also behaves very consistently: three measurements were carried out with it (see Table 1) and their results are consistent with the measurements not involving HBF4. During this experiment, it is impossible, that the acidity of pure HF was measured by mistake (based on the moles of titrants consumed). HF is also such a weak acid (considerably weaker than HCl) that it could not be included into the present scale. We cannot, however rule out that the acidic species involved was actually a hydrate, such as H2O•HBF4. This explanation along with a word of caution has been added to the text. The skeptical reader will wonder about the role of water in this work which does not seem to have been explored systematically. Reproducibility of data does not mean they are correct. It may simply mean that the water content is reproducible. Some data may refer to ion pairs; other may refer to water-bridged ion pairs. Answer: See above the comments on the influence of water. Table 1 includes 62 acids of different chemical nature (CH, NH, OH, etc.) which are interconnected by 176 separate measurements of the direct acidity differences (pKa values) between these acids. The overall acidity (i.e. free energy) change between acids #1 and #62 is 15.3 pKa units and according to the fundamentals of the thermodynamics (Hess Law) this overall acidity change results when separate pKa values between arbitrarily chosen collection of acids are summed up. Indeed, one can see that the additive stair-stepping overlapping (Table 1) really holds and it is not dependent on the selection of the acids involved. Since the water content during measurements was not very reproducible – varying by a factor of 5, this consistency would not have been achieved if water would be directly involved in the process. There is no spectroscopic data presented to inform on this. It is possible that the data on large organic acids are not very susceptible to traces of water but the data on smaller, inorganic acids are much more likely to be so. Without systematic studies on measured water concentrations all the data must be taken ?con granulo salis?. Answer: Please see the answers above. In summary, the authors are to be commended for taking on a very difficult task. The paper could be a very important contribution but it overreaches (a) and is potentially seriously flawed (b). Additional Questions: Significance: Above Average Interest to The Journal of Organic Chemistry readership: Above Average Scholarly analysis/presentation: Above Average Are the conclusions adequately supported by the data?: No Are the literature references appropriate and correct?: Yes Are the compounds reported adequately characterized with regard to identity and purity?: No 6