Questions for [name owner] with regard to [name journal] So that we can be sure that our publishing proposal addresses all of [name owner] issues and concerns, we would be grateful for your time and assistance in answering the following questions. Please be assured that all information you provide will be treated as confidential. Journal Name ISSN Journal Website (URL) www. Your Name Position Organisation Date (1) Ownership/Legal a. Who owns the Journal? b. Who owns the Journal copyright? c. How long has the Journal been published for (what was the launch year)? d. Are you currently publishing the journal yourself? If not, who is the publisher? e. Do you receive external funding for the journal, if so, by whom? funding-body/government we are financing it ourselves subscriptions/author pays/advertisements Please specify (2) Content no a. What types of content do you publish in the Journal (e.g. original research articles, conference abstracts, commissioned reviews, case reports, book reviews, editorials, society news)? b. What are the Aims & Scope of the Journal? (please specify or submit link to website) c. What are typical Keywords of the Journal? (please specify or submit ling to website) d. What is the geographical breakdown of article authors (or an indication of main source e.g. US)? Please provide a percentage breakdown per country/region. e. Which other journals do you see as competitors to your Journal? f. What makes your Journal differ from competing journals? (3) Online Journal a. Is the Journal content available online? If so, what system is used? b. If available online, please provide link to the content and long-in information if necessary www. Login information: If the journal is not available online, please provide us with the content of the current issue c. How many full-text downloads does the Journal receive? Year Number of downloads 2 Geographical breakdown Confidential (4) Open Access a. Is your journal currently freely available online? yes no b. Who owns the copyright in the Open Access articles? What license model do you use? Please state the CC license if applicable. c. How much do you charge authors for publishing Open Access (Article Processing Charges)? In which cases to you waive this charge? (5) Production a. Breakdown per year (please indicate if the number of pages published online is different to that published in print) Year Number of issues Page extent Page extent (editorial content only) (all pages) b. How is the print version of the journal being distributed? c. What type and level of copyediting (if any) does the Journal have? d. What is the Journal’s print run (per issue)? Year Print-run per issue Downloads per year e. How much are the subscription costs of the journal? To whom do you distribute the journal for free? f. In which languages do you accept articles? g. h. Do you charge authors any costs like colour charges/pages charges? If so how much? (6) Editorial office a. Do you currently have an editorial office (where papers are submitted to)? yes no 3 Confidential b. Do you have an online submission system? If so, what system do you use and what do you use it for? c. Please describe how you perform the peer review. Main editors reviews open peer review (identity of author and reviewer are clear) single blind double blind d. How do you find reviewers for the journal? e. Do you currently check articles for plagiarism and how do you do this? f. Do you have dedicated support staff? Please describe. (7) Editorial team a. What is the editorial board structure (e.g. Editor in Chief, Associate Editors, Editorial Board members, Section Editors)? b. Who is the Editor-in-Chief? (please attach list of publications in Annex 1 or provide link) Name Affiliation (Name University / Country) h-index c. Who are the Associate Editors? (please attach list of publications in Annex 2 or provide link) Name Affiliation (Name University / Country) h-index d. Who is on the Editorial Board? Name h-index Affiliation (Name University / Country) 4 Confidential e. Who is on the Advisory Board? Name Affiliation (Name University / Country) h-index f. Does the Editor / editorial team receive a honorarium? How much is this and who pays for it? g. Do you pay authors for publishing their articles? If so, how much do you pay per article? h. Do reviewers get any form of payment? If so, what? i. Are there any additional editorial payments - on top of the above (e.g. travel)? j. Please list any actual or potential conflicts of interest (both financial and non-financial) of the Editor and the editorial board members in relation to the activities performed for the journal. 5 Confidential 6 Confidential (8) Journal Performance a. How many submissions have you received in recent years? Year Nr. of submissions Nr. of accepted articles b. Please fill in the editorial times (in weeks) Year Time to first decision Time to acceptance (9) Indexing a. Is your Journal indexed in Scopus? yes no, never applied no, rejected in _____ under evaluation since ____ b. Is your Journal indexed in Thomson Reuters – ISI? yes no, never applied no, rejected in _____ under evaluation since ____ c. Is your Journal indexed in yes Medline no, never applied Pub Med Central? no, rejected in _____ under evaluation since ____ d. Is your Journal indexed other databases? In which? (10) Strategic Objectives for the Journal a. What are your key short, medium and long term objectives for the Journal? b. What benefits do you want to achieve though collaborating with Elsevier? 7 Confidential (11) Desired Service Level a. Do you also want to host already published articles on ScienceDirect (back files) at an additional cost of USD 5 per page, if so, of how many years? b. Do you want to make use of Language Editing Services at up to 25% discount of the Elsevier Webshop charges (currently USD 214 per regular article)? yes no c. Do you want to make use of Translation Services at up to 10% discount of the Elsevier Webshop charges? yes no d. Do you want Elsevier to collect Article Processing Charges (Author fees) on your behalf? yes no e. Do you want Elsevier to produce print copies for the journal and deliver them in bulk? If so please let us know how many copies you need and where they should be shipped to. (12) Any other information a. Is there anything else you would like to tell us which will help us to provide you with the best possible proposal? Annex 1: Publication list of Editor-in-Chief or URL Annex 2: Publication list of Associate Editors or URL 8 Confidential