Press Law Certification Test study guide

Press Law Certification Test Study Guide
What to Know
The First Amendment & High School journalism
Historic Court Cases
o Tinker v Des Moines
o Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier
o Bethel v Fraser
Reporters Privilege & Freedom of
Information Laws
Online Publishing & Internet Law
Open Forum (also known as Public forum)
Copyright & Fair Use
Prior Review & Prior Restraint
Colorado Student Free Expression Law
Developing Editorial Policies (What
should be in an ed. policy?)
Ethical Decision Making
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
NSPA Model Code of Ethics
Libel (PIHFF Checklist)
Invasion of Privacy
Responding to complaints and
censorship / prior review: Action
Obituary policies
Mission & roles of the publication
Requirements for certification
1) Write or revise and upload your student publications editorial policies to the site.
2) Design your Press Law & Ethics Unit [an outline of the syllabus is okay] and upload it to the site. Email when you do and I will take a look and give
you feedback.
3) Fully develop 2 specific lessons from the unit and write them up (in a way that works for your
class, school, and district
4) Teach the lessons (and the unit)
5) Write a one-page reflection of how the 2 lessons went and send them to me at