Service Centre - Wellington City Libraries

Wellington City Council
Libraries and Service Centres
October 2005
Role Title:
Customer Service
Business Unit:
Libraries and Service Centres
Wellington City Council
The Wellington City Council’s strategic direction is to build
and enhance the foundations of the city, and foster its
points of difference to shape an internationally competitive
We are absolutely clear about where we are going, and
proud of how positively we work towards the Councillors’
vision for Wellington.
Role of Business Unit
Wellington City Council provides a comprehensive library
service through a network of libraries consisting of a
Central Library and eleven branch libraries.
Wellington City Libraries and Service Centres currently
issues 3 million items per annum to 108,000 active
registered customers.
The provision of library services is a core Council service.
Wellington City Libraries and Service Centres and Service
Centres is a business unit reporting to the Director of
Community Services. It contributes to the vision and
outcomes for Wellington as set out in the Council’s
Strategic Plan, particularly in the areas of education,
information and recreation services.
The focus of library service has changed from being
collection based to being customer focused. The Libraries
will continue to develop value-added services, new
information sources and enhanced technology to achieve
better service. The libraries are also focusing on stretch
goals, new business opportunities, partnerships and
The vision of the Wellington City Libraries and Service
Centres is : To be the first choice for Wellingtonians
seeking to enjoy and benefit from fact and fiction.
Customer Service - October 2005
Purpose of Role:
The Team Member, Customer Service although based at
one site, is required to have a Libraries-wide focus and
may be required to work across the total library network in
a number of positions over time. All roles within Wellington
City Libraries and Service Centres are competency based.
The Team Member, Customer Service will be allocated
responsibilities to meet the required competencies. These
responsibilities will be allocated on a cyclical basis and will
contribute to achieving tactical objective outcomes.
The Team Member, Customer Service is accountable to a
Team Leader for the provision of efficient and effective
customer service and service delivery that supports the
achievement of Council's strategic outcomes, business
goals and objectives. Specifically the Team Member,
Customer Service is responsible for
- contributing to the outcomes of the library and service
centre processes
- providing quality library and service centre services on
a day to day basis e.g. issuing, shelving, answering
queries, cashiering and banking
- identifying and reporting on opportunities for improving
customer service
- contributing to ensuring there is sufficient staffing to
meet peaks in customer demands
- informing the public on issues relating to the provision
of library and Wellington City Council services
- contributing to the seven day a week operation of the
Libraries and Service Centres Business Unit
- promoting a customer service ethos
- contributing customer service knowledge and
expertise to inter and intra-group activities and projects
Reports to:
Team Leader
Direct Reports:
Interpersonal Contacts:
 Libraries and Service Centre Leadership Team
 Coaches
 Business Development Customer Specialists,
 Customer Specialists
 Selectors
 Team Members, Customer Service
 Other WCC Staff,
 Library and Service Centre Customers
 Members of the public and other stakeholder groups
 Professional contacts and networks
Customer Service - October 2005
Libraries and Customer Service
 Deliver efficient and effective library services
 Provide information, support and assistance to library customers of all ages and diverse
 Maintain the library collection in accordance with the Collection Management policies,
standards, procedures and guidelines
 Participate in the collection and analysis of data on library customer needs, expectations
and perceptions
 Identify and report on key issues relating to customer satisfaction and service
 Identify and respond to opportunities for improving and enhancing library services
 Continue to develop knowledge and understanding of the Libraries' collection, systems
and means by which customers can maximise their involvement with Wellington City
Libraries and Service Centres
 Provide direct customer services
 Contribute to maintenance and preparation of the library collection for use by customers
 Contribute to promoting the Libraries’ collection, services and policies to Libraries’
customers, and members of the public
Service Centres and Customer Service
 Deliver efficient and effective customer cashiering and enquiry services
 Provide information, support and assistance to customers from a diverse range of
 Handle enquiries and complaints from the public by accurately recording details, and
passing to relevant Council Business Unit. Recording all service requests on WCC
 Receive inward payments and carry out receipting action in accordance with required
procedures and practices.
 Undertake daily balancing and reconciliation of received payments. Follow approved
banking procedures. Undertake daily balancing of general float and petty cash vouchers.
 Assist with stocktake of items in accordance with required procedures and practices.
 Assess incoming and outgoing information for accuracy, clarity, completeness and
actionable requirements.
 Ensure that internal controls are maintained and that cash is properly accounted for.
 Play an active role in the team to maximise its effectiveness.
 Contribute to the development and implementation of systems, processes and
procedures which support and enhance processes, both for internal and external
 Identify and report on key issues relating to customer satisfactions and service
 Identify and respond to opportunities for improving and enhancing customer services
Business improvements
 Support and participate in change initiatives within the Wellington City Libraries and
Service Centres
 Identify and respond to opportunities for enhancing the business and improving revenue
Statutory and WCC requirements
 Work to ensure a safe physical and psychological environment in accordance with
individual responsibilities under the Health and Safety in Employment Acts
 Fulfil obligations under Council policies relating to EEO and ACC
 Demonstrate appropriate behaviours in accordance with the Council Ethos booklet and
Code of Conduct
 Support bi-cultural development
Customer Service - October 2005
Team Development and Relationship Building
 Contribute to the development of a strong team morale within the home team
 Contribute to overall team by practising individual responsibility and ownership of issues
 Encourage and facilitate the sharing of knowledge and information within the Wellington
City Libraries and Service Centres
 Encourage awareness that the home site or team contributes to and is part of the whole
libraries network and Council
 Undertake additional tasks which are not formally part of the role
 Accept responsibility for own development, including seeking feedback from others on
own performance
 Demonstrate high standards of ethics, reliability and integrity
 Share responsibility with the Customer Service team for the achievement of tactical
Project management
 Participate in projects in a manner that maximises the effectiveness of personal
 Comply with Council's project management standards and project terms of engagement
Delegated Authorities
 Contribute to the income of WCC and in particular Wellington City Libraries and Service
 Delegated authority to spend to the budget level agreed in the tactical objectives.
Relationship Management
Contributes towards a supportive and encouraging team environment by providing
support and back up to team members
Works together as a team to achieve desired outcomes
Works towards consensus and compromise by listening, contributing and sharing
knowledge and ideas with other team members.
Seeks feedback from other team members and uses it to produce the best possible
results for the team.
Completes agreed objectives or renegotiates workload with team
Customer service
Proactively identifies and responds to customers needs
Aims to be consistent in the delivery of excellent customer service.
Follows up on customer enquiries and requests
Identifies and responds to opportunities for improving and enhancing customer service.
Able to provide user education on both a 1-1 basis. e.g. Internet usage from basic to
advanced searching levels and to a small group.
Recommends appropriate additional products or services to customers
Communicates perceptively with a range of customers both orally and in writing
Communicates information clearly tailoring style to the intended audience
Demonstrates basic interpersonal and conversational skills.
Interacts positively with customers from a wide range of backgrounds
Demonstrates conflict resolution and negotiating skills
Building relationships
Builds and works to maintain effective relationships with key contacts.
Understands the potential benefit effective relationships have.
Actively interacts and builds relationships with internal customers
Customer Service - October 2005
Performance Requirements
Work Management / organising ability
Clearly understands role and responsibilities, is not easily distracted from the task at
Works well under pressure, handles stress by using strategies to minimise its effect.
Uses tools to prioritise effectively according to need and urgency.
Perseveres to deliver quality, even when the issues are difficult to deal with.
Maintains agreed performance level and is enthusiastic about their role.
Achieves targets / standards or escalates issues in appropriate and timely manner
Recognises and seizes opportunities to improve their own and WCL’s performance
Matches initiatives with business need, consulting where appropriate.
Business focus
Ensures emphasis is placed on meeting business need
Identifies and responds to opportunities for enhancing the business and improving
Marketing focus
Identifies opportunities and ensures emphasis is placed on promoting WCL
Demonstrates understanding of basic marketing concepts.
Self Development
Accepts responsibility and seeks opportunities for personal and professional
Actively participates in development opportunities and learning new skills.
Uses past experience to influence and guide actions.
Identifies when to ask for help and actively seek guidance from others.
Seeks feedback from other team members and key contacts on own performance.
Personal values and Ethics
Takes ownership for their actions.
Delivers on commitments,
Demonstrates confidence in own ability and projects this, to create a favourable
Understands and reflects in their actions the public accountability inherent in working for
Wellington City Council.
Change Management
Adapts to changing environments and situations.
Supports and participates in change initiatives within WCL
Is open to the possibilities of change, its advantages and benefits.
Achieving results
Demonstrates a bias for action to ensure deadlines are met in a timely manner.
Sets and meets challenging goals
Achieves all targets and meets required standards.
Organisational Requirements / Awareness
Treaty Partnerships
Appreciates, understands and applies a bi-cultural perspective in internal and external
Demonstrates an appreciation of the key concepts embodied within the Treaty.
Understands and promotes WCC’s Treaty partnerships
Seeks and implements workplace strategies which contribute towards enhancing the
Treaty partnerships.
Customer Service - October 2005
Responsiveness to Maori
Uses basic knowledge of tikanga and Kaupapa Maori (culture and issues) to interact
appropriately with and be responsive to Maori.
Demonstrates basic Te Reo Maori pronunciation.
Evaluates the effectiveness of service delivery in meeting the needs of Maori.
Organisational understanding
Has an appreciation of the environment and culture within which the Council operates.
Demonstrates good knowledge of WCL/Service Centre systems and services.
Understands how role fits into the bigger picture and contributes to the goals of WCC.
Organisational commitment
Shows commitment to the goals of the organisation.
Demonstrates pride in the organisation and the role they play in the organisation.
Demonstrates appropriate behaviours in accordance with WCC values, Code of Conduct
and EEO Policies
Demonstrates a positive and constructive approach to the organisation and its customers
Political neutrality
Provides information in a politically neutral manner.
i.e. Information given is not influenced by personal views.
Demonstrates a politically neutral stand on issues through actions as well as words.
Health & safety
Works to ensure a safe physical and psychological environment in accordance with
individual responsibilities under the Health and Safety in Employment Act.
Understands and follows ‘Steps to Safety’ by:
- understanding and following emergency procedures
- identifying and reporting hazards.
- using correct lifting and stock handling procedures.
- utilising micro pauses and correct posture when using PCs.
- adjusting workstations to meet personal requirements.
- recording all accidents and twinges using approved procedures.
Innovation and Problem Solving
Identifying and addressing problems
Takes ownership of problems and responsibility for their resolution.
Identifies and effectively manages risks to minimise their impact.
Assesses weakness in current situations and develops solutions
Gathering information
Uses a range of information gathering techniques to identify all relevant information.
Researches an issue to ensure the best solutions are developed.
Gathers sufficient information to ensure the decision is well founded.
Developing ideas and solutions
Applies judgement when committing to an action by considering all implications [Uses
‘Ideas Development Process’ to implement new projects/processes.]
Proactively identifies new and better ways of doing things.
Seeks the input of others to develop solutions.
Develops win-win solutions to problems where possible.
Evaluating solutions and making decisions
Evaluates decisions/solutions to determine their effectiveness in solving the problem.
Considers the potential and actual implications of solutions/decisions.
Where appropriate, escalates decisions to higher levels
Library / Service Centre / Administration knowledge and skills
Team Member Customer Service will be required to demonstrate part or all of these
competencies. This will be determined by the allocation of tactical objectives.
Customer Service - October 2005
Delivering children and youth services in accordance with WCL CYS standards:
- Demonstrates skills required for reading to children
- Able to plan and prepare class visit programmes
- Able to present pre-prepared, approved programmes to children
- Able to facilitate after school homework centres
- Demonstrates knowledge of children’s and teens developmental stages
- Able to choose material at appropriate age level for children
- Provides outreach programmes to pre-school groups and schools
- Able to plan and present school holiday programmes
- Contributes to school holiday programmes
Collection Management
- Understands and applies circulation policies and guidelines.
- Demonstrates circulation procedures for issues, returns, membership and
- Follows established guidelines to complete stock rotation procedures
- Able to weed collection according to WCL weeding guidelines
- Demonstrates accurate shelving of library materials while following safe work
- Demonstrates knowledge of Inter Library loan supply service with other NZ
- Follows established standards for processing and mending collection items
- Demonstrates knowledge of LMS procedures, including system commands
- Corrects minor faults with LMS. E.g. reboots system when required
Reference / Search skills
- Demonstrates ability to conduct customer reference interview according to
prescribed procedures
- Demonstrates ability to search a wide variety of core databases,
- Able to assist with preparation of booklists, recent picks, web pages pathfinders
and indices, presenting content helpfully to customers
- Demonstrates basic ability to translate customer query into a search process
- Demonstrates knowledge of ProSearch procedures
- Able to provide user education on both a 1-1 basis. e.g. Internet usage from basic
to advanced searching levels and to a small group on core WCL sources.
Information sources
- Able to conduct basic Internet navigation. e.g. URLs or common search engines.
- Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of information sources and their
uses. e.g. directories and dictionaries.
- Demonstrates good understanding of library collection and classification systems.
- Demonstrates ability to exploit WCL subscription/website links and resources
- Able to evaluate website resources according to established criteria to meet
customer enquiry
- Demonstrates current knowledge of WCL resources e.g. catalogue and website
Service Centre
Service Centre Operations
- Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of other WCC Business Units
requirements in relation to Service Centre operations.
- Demonstrates knowledge of the process for logging maintenance and service
requests for customers
- Able to process customer applications for WCC Licences and services.
- Able to complete monthly stock take for ‘stock on hand’ to meet end of month
reporting requirements.
Customer Service - October 2005
Demonstrates knowledge of WCC standard for ‘Cash Handling’
Able to research and provide online access to WCC housing and drainage plans
Able to record business transactions on a daily basis to meet reporting
- Demonstrates in depth knowledge of WCC cashiering, financial, rates and water
billing database applications
- Able to follow approved cashiering and audit procedures for:
- receiving and receipting all inward payments from internal and external
- processing payments received
- balancing and reconciliation of payments received
- recording and reporting reconciliation variances.
- utilizing established ‘numlock’ system to simplify payments process in
accordance with WCC financial requirements.
Able to record and collate statistics from Whekenui, website, reference enquiries,
visitors and attendees at events and class visits
Financial procedures
- Demonstrates knowledge of all fees and charges
- Demonstrates knowledge of WCL’s ‘Debt & Item Recovery’ standard
- Demonstrates knowledge of WCC standard for ‘Cash Handling’
- Able to follow WCC process for banking and till reconciliation
Office Computer
- Demonstrates the use of:
- MS Office – basic word and excel to a speed of 20 words per minute
- MS Outlook – checks and responds to emails daily, maintains outlook files.
- Demonstrates basic electronic file management, organising folders.
- Demonstrates knowledge of the WCC Information Standard.
Equipment maintenance
- Corrects minor faults with photocopiers, slip printers and other equipment.
- Follows correct reporting procedures for equipment repairs, and building
- Follows Knowledge Solutions Helpdesk procedures when reporting system faults
Customer Service - October 2005