Common Core State Standards and North Carolina Essential Standards Professional Development
Sample Agenda (Facilitator’s Edition)
This sample agenda provides guidance for an approximately six-hour face-to-face training to be used with the PowerPoint presentations and accompanying notes/ resources from the NCDPI Common Core State Standards and North Carolina Essential Standards Summer Institutes 2011. Teams are encouraged to use and adapt these materials as needed to meet local professional development needs.
Date(s) of Training:
Session Title: Introduction to the North Carolina World Language Essential Standards
Purpose: To build a deeper, common understanding of the North Carolina Essential Standards for World Languages
Expectations: At the end of this session, participants will:
Be able to describe the philosophy, structure and proficiency-based organization of the North Carolina World Language Essential Standards.
Be able to use the World Language Essential Standards Crosswalk to see how the World Language Essential Standards are new, better, and different.
Be able to plan local professional development sessions, using Instructional Toolkit documents and other professional development resources, for the district, school, or department level(s) to support classroom implementation of the World Language Essential Standards in specific programs.
30 minutes
Welcome and have all presenters and participants introduce themselves
Review Agenda for Session
Discuss expectations, online resources and
Parking Lot
Perception Gauge: What are the three words that you think of when you think about the World Language
Essential Standards?
Icebreaker activity: True Colors
Share dominant characteristics and then group based on that
Complete True Colors Word Sort
Discuss and label name tents with primary and secondary colors
Share Latin example of differentiating with True Colors, along with team formation that includes all colors
Handout: The True Colors in Teaching
Equipment Needed
Laptop and projector
Name tents
Chart paper
Post-it notes for Perception Gauge
Internet access to Tagxedo and other online resources used during presentation
All handouts are available on the Content
Session page of the NC World Language
Essential Standards wiki
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True Colors Word Sort
The True Colors in Teaching
120 minutes
45 minutes
1. Describe the philosophy, structure and proficiency-based organization of the North
Carolina World Language Essential
2. Analyze the changes from the 2004 SCS and use the World Language Crosswalk to see how the World Language Essential
Standards are new, better, and different.
Highlight Activity: Future-Ready Skills in World Languages
4 Corners Activity: Elevator speech on structure of the new North Carolina
World Language Essential Standards
Option: Show 1-3 elevator speeches already posted on the wiki
Cell Phone Math: Accumulated
Instructional Time
Proficiency Grid Analysis Activity:
Large group and then table group analysis of course/program proficiency outcomes using LinguaFolio grid by mode in each group
2 Flipcams to record elevator speeches and post on wiki
North Carolina World Language Essential
North Carolina World Language Essential
Standards Crosswalk
Cell Phone Math handout
Future-Ready Skills Nicky (HS grad and elementary student)
(can be incorporated into 4 Corners Activity to help balance time needed by different groups for recording elevator speeches)
3. Focus on proficiency levels and proficiencybased instruction using LinguaFolio, a proficiency-based formative assessment tool for language learning.
4. Discuss best practices of formative assessment in World Language classrooms, and the potential of LinguaFolio as a formative assessment tool to measure proficiency gains.
Individual LinguaFolio grid analysis expanded into self-assessment checklists for a 2 nd or 3 rd language
Overview of LinguaFolio resources available and accompanying online training modules (which are the first content-specific modules in NC
LinguaFolio training modules and
LinguaFolio resources
90 minutes
Break as needed between activities or incorporate break time into activity time to accommodate individual and group needs, as well as PD site schedule for all groups
60 minutes
15 minutes
Continuations of 2. Analyze the changes from the 2004 SCS and use the World Language
Crosswalk to see how the World Language
Essential Standards are new, better, and different.
5. Summarize how the proficiency-based organization of the North Carolina World
Language Essential Standards makes student outcomes for program area(s) clear so that students, parents, administrators, and other stakeholders understand how language proficiency grows.
6. Plan how to present/share information about the World Language Essential
Standards locally for PD presentation, classroom curriculum mapping, etc.
Wrap-up, address Parking Lot questions, and discuss next steps
Overview of the World Language
Essential Standards Crosswalk document as a review
Jigsaw Activity examining the 3 different world language programs
(can be adapted to focus on just one or specific levels or gradespans within a program, depending on audience)
Scavenger Hunt using Unpacking the
Standards documents with a focus on how proficiency expectations are arranged
PD Planning Activity with Table Talk sessions to brainstorm ways to introduce proficiency levels and proficiency-based instruction to classroom teachers
North Carolina World Language Essential
Standards Crosswalk
Copies of the five different World Language
Unpacking the Standards documents (color coded by section)
Scavenger Hunt as hard copy and linked as
Google doc
Post results on the PD Planning Activity page of the NC World Language Essential
Standards wiki
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