A CATHEDRAL DIRECTORY The Dean: The Very Revd. Christopher Armstrong Residentiary Canons: The Revd. Canon Andrew Hindley (Canon Sacrist) The Revd. Canon Dr. Ian Stockton (Canon Chancellor) The Revd. Canon Dr. Susan Penfold (Diocesan Director of Ministry) The Revd. Canon Dr Shannon Ledbetter (Community Canon) Honorary Assistant Priests: The Revd. Canon Michael Wedgeworth The Revd. Steven Harvey Dean’s Secretary: Mrs. Pauline Rowe Cathedral Secretary: Mrs. Lynne Trudgill Bursar: Mrs. Janine Brown Finance Officer: Mrs. Alison Feeney Administrator: Mr. Maurice Maguire Events Assistant: Mr. Philip Hunwick exChange Dialogue Development Officer: Ms. Anjum Anwar MBE Education Officer: Mrs. Joanna Booth Cathedral Under 18’s Co-ordinator: Mrs. Denise Sanderson Communication’s Officer Mr. Alec Stuttard Catering Manager: Mr. Paul Flowers Cathedral Gift Shop Manager: Mrs. Julie Grimshaw Dean’s Virger: Canons’ Virger: Assistant Virger: Hon. Assistant Virger: Housekeeper: Cathedral Churchwardens: Mr. Mark Pickering Mr. Jeffrey Robinson Mr. Alex Barnes Mr. Brian Newton Mrs. Ann Frankland Mr. Stuart Rothwell, Mr. Philip Carr Mr. Michael Emery and Mrs Kath Atkinson Mrs. Rowena Hargreaves Deputy Churchwarden: Stewardship: Director of Music: Assistant Director of Music: Music Administrator: Organ Scholar: Mr. Michael Emery (Chairman) Mr. Roger Brickell (Recorder) Mr. Samuel Hudson Mr. Shaun Turnbull Mrs. Linda Bruce Mr. James Kealey Appeal Director: Appeal Fundraiser: Mrs. Louise Hicks Ms. Julie Claux Head Server: Ringing Master: Vacant Mr. Ray Hutchings Cathedral Chapter: Membership includes: Mr. Stuart Rothwell Mrs. Jean Duerden and the Residentiary Canons Cathedral Council: Membership includes: Mr. Brian Whittle & Mrs. Parnal Rothwell Mr. Jim Holden, Mr. Ray Duckworth, Mr. Philip Milloy-Robinson and Mr. Gary Wignall Judge Jeremy Duerden (Chairman) Ms. Kate Thompson (Chairman) Deanery Synod: Friends of Blackburn Cathedral: Friends of Blackburn Cathedral Music: ALL THE ABOVE OFFICERS MAY BE CONTACTED VIA THE CATHEDRAL OFFICES (01254) 503090 BLACKBURN CATHEDRAL NOVEMBER 2012 CATHEDRAL DIARY The Dean’s Post Script 1. My thanks go to Canon Stockton for again designing an interesting autumn study course on which our Sunday Sermons will be based. We have extended the Kingdom and Advent Season – partly because of its Sunday interruptions – so that it begins on the first Sunday in November with a sermon from Michael Sadgrove, The Dean of Durham. Michael is a theologian and pastor of considerable skill, honing his gifts in Cathedrals at Coventry, Sheffield and now in Durham. 2. Pam Rhodes will be the guest speaker at The Friends of Blackburn Cathedral Annual Dinner on Saturday 17th November. Pam is a very accomplished broadcaster and delightful company. She has fronted ‘Songs of Praise’ expertly and will be a very entertaining after dinner speaker. Tickets are now on sale from Karen Brooke on 07742 065335, e-mail: fobc@btinternet.com or from the clergy or any member of the Friends’ Council. Tickets cost £25 for members; £30 for guests. 3. Off Loom Bead Weaving will be on display in the Cathedral Crypt on Friday 9th November. Marlene Birtwell will be present to give a demonstration of Beading and we are all invited to have a go too! Why not have lunch on that day in the Crypt and see what this is all about? 4. ‘Spiritual Capital’ – a report commissioned by The Association of English Cathedrals and The Foundation for Christian Leadership – was conducted by The Grubb Institute and Theos. It reported last month at a Reception held at Lambeth Palace and hosted by The Archbishop. The purpose of the report was to help us understand better the place which cathedrals fulfil today in our society. Six cathedrals were chosen – Canterbury, Durham, Wells, Manchester, Leicester and Litchfield – with 2000 people taking part in local surveys. Some results were not surprising: 11 million adults of the resident population of England visited a cathedral at least once in the last year. They come from across the demographic and social spectrum; 53% agreed that cathedrals welcomed people of every faith and no faith. 87% saw cathedrals as a symbol of local identity. Other results were surprising however: 1.5 to 3 million people whom we might call ‘spiritually unreceptive’ visit cathedrals each year; 59% of visitors who don’t go to church agreed that cathedrals give a greater sense of the sacred than elsewhere; 36% of non-believers felt that cathedrals could offer an experience of God From this survey we can see that cathedrals carry huge influence in their localities as well as regionally and nationally. They have the ability to add spiritual capital to their town or city. Critical in all of this is the working dynamic of the cathedral. They are not museums or historic ruins. Their purpose is obvious. Our purpose at Blackburn Cathedral is obvious: “Good News for Lancashire.” The Archbishop in his remarks at the launch of this report said, “Why gather round the hearth if the fire has gone out?” The maintenance of prayer and worship is central to the ongoing values of our Cathedral. We all have a responsibility for that! 5. Stewardship Giving for September 2012: Monthly Giving for September 2012 Target for September £8000.00 Total Received. £7,059.00 September Below Target £941.00 Canon Ian Stockton, Canon Chancellor writes: An old man once said to me, “It’s hope that keeps me going.” Since he was a lifelong Port Vale supporter we can understand how he felt at times. He was also a man of faith and Christian love, who spent his life as a collier. He had seen hard times through two world wars and the Depression. Faith for him was born of joy and sorrow, and his hope was no facile optimism. It was a hope that came from God, from beyond himself and his circumstances. He had learned to trust God and believed that finally God’s purposes would be achieved in justice, peace and well-being. Wilf had a true sense of Advent of hope. He believed in God’s coming kingdom, in spite of what he had seen below and above ground. Yet for all his radiant joy in God, he didn’t sit around and wait for God’s kingdom to be completed. Rather it was God’s hope that motivated his actions and kept him going. He understood that the resurrection hope of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 concludes with the words, “Therefore, be steadfast, immovable, always abiding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.” Maybe those words of hope should sound in our ears like a manager’s half-time pep talk. We hear much about faith and love, but less of that third member of the triad – hope. It is one of Scripture’s great themes and is a hope that endures and transcends exodus, exile and crucifixion. For some people today hope is in short supply, not least for those young people regionally, and across much of Western Europe, who face long-term unemployment, and others for whom the global economic exchanges have brought severe changes in financial circumstances and personal well-being. We can offer no easy hope for others, but we are called to pray and work for God’s kingdom to come on earth, and for this to be glimpsed in life together now. The Season of Advent and the Kingdom period that precedes it give us opportunity to dwell upon hope, spiritually and practically. A range of preachers at all of our main Sunday services will be tackling different aspects of hope. These sermons include “The Death of Death and Christian Hope,” “Finding Hope in Despair; Christ the King,” and Hope in Later Life.” This is in addition to “Hope for Justice”, “Hope for the Desperate” and “Hope from the Margins.” Hopefully all of this will inform our praying, stimulate our thinking, enliven our conversations and inspire our actions. Further details can be found on our posters and leaflets. You may have noticed that churches and other agencies in Blackburn have been setting up recently a Foodbank in Blackburn to help people in time of temporary crisis. This provision is not geared towards people who are “street homeless,” and it therefore, complements the Cathedral’s dry foods aid. The Foodbank receives food from schools, churches, businesses and members of the public, and food is distributed through a voucher system. The Cathedral will be part of this initiative, and if you wish to know more, speak to me or to one of the virgers. We may say that there should be no need for Foodbanks, yet in the UK four new centres open each week. All of us can suddenly find ourselves in situations that seem hopeless, and then we may find hope coming from God, from a neighbour or from changes in how we order our common life to reflect better God’s coming kingdom. All good wishes Canon Ian Stockton Cathedral Sunday School: (for age 4 – 11years) - During the Cathedral Eucharist – Co-ordinators: Canon Michael and Mrs Pat Wedgeworth Mothers’ Union: Monthly Thursday afternoons Enrolling Member: Mrs. Parnal Rothwell Cathedral Ringers: Thursday from 8.00pm Ringing Master: Mr. Ray Hutchings Cathedral Choir: Friday evenings & Sundays (Men) Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays (Boys) Director of Music: Mr. Samuel Hudson Cathedral Handbell Choir: Tuesday mornings, 9.45am – 10.30am Chesters Room Leader: Mrs Ruth Watton Cathedral Girls’ Choir: Tuesday and Thursday evenings Director of Music: Mr. Samuel Hudson Young People’s Choir: Thursday evenings & Sundays Assistant Director of Music: Mr. Shaun Turnbull The Renaissance Singers: Thursday evenings Director of Music: Mr. Samuel Hudson Children’s’ Choir: NB. ‘Lantern Voices’: Thursday afternoons: Helen Burton and Jeff Borradaile November Sunday 11th Sunday Services 8.00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 9.00am Parish Communion (Young People’s Choir) 10.30am THE CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST 4.00pm Choral Evensong Weekday Services Daily Morning Prayer 8.40am (Saturdays 9am) Holy Communion is celebrated at the following times: Mon: 12.30pm; Tues: 7.30am; Wed: 11.00am; Thu: 8.10am Fri: 12.30pm; Sat: 9.30am Daily Evensong 5.15pm (3.30pm Saturday) (Sung on Tuesdays to Fridays in Term Time and occasionally on Saturdays) * The Café in the Crypt is open Tuesday to Friday as follows: 9.00am – 11.00am Breakfast, Drinks & Light Bites 11.30am – 2.00pm Full Lunch Menu 2.00pm - 2.30pm Drinks and Cakes * The Cathedral Shop is open Tuesday to Saturday 10.30am to 3.00pm 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP): Canon Ian Stockton (Please note there is no 9.00am Parish Communion today) 9.30am Civic Service of Remembrance 10.40am Celebrant: Canon Andrew Hindley 4.00pm Preacher (Ramsay Sermon): Canon Andrew Raynes Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th Sunday 18th Tuesday 20th 1st 12.00pm 7.30pm Saturday 3rd 10.00am Thursday 3.30pm Sunday 4th Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th 9.45am 1.00pm 5.15pm 9.00am 1.00pm 5.15pm 7.30pm 9.00am 5.15pm Friday 9th Saturday 10th Dean’s Poetry Marathon (until 12.00pm on the Lancashire Police & Crime Commissioner Election Hustings in the South Transept Cathedral Walking Group: Downham Circular – Leader: Russell Dyson Blackburn Bellringers’ Branch Ringing Meeting ALL SAINTS SUNDAY 8.00am 9.00am 10.30am 4.00pm Tuesday 6th 2nd) 5.15pm 9.30am 7.30pm Holy Communion (BCP): Canon Sue Penfold Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Shannon Ledbetter Celebrant: The Dean Preacher: Rev’d Steven Harvey Handbell Choir Rehearsal – Chesters Room Dialogue: A Day in the Life of Helen Leigh – N. Transept Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Girls’ Choir Music Outreach Project Teacher Training – Song School Lunchtime Organ Recital by Ben Chewter (Chester Cathedral) Choral Evensong sung by the Boys of the Cathedral Choir Renaissance Singers’ Committee Meeting – Chesters Rm. Music Outreach Project Teacher Training Choral Evensong sung by Schola Cantorum Beading Demonstration in the Crypt Choral Evensong sung by The Cathedral Consort RSCM Examinations – YPC Room, Sacristy & Song School Renaissance Singers Concert – They Shall Grow Not Old REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Wednesday 21st 9.45am 10.30am 5.15pm 1.00pm 5.15pm 5.15pm 5.15pm 7.30pm THE SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 8.00am 9.00am 10.30am 4.00pm Holy Communion (BCP): Rev’d Steven Harvey Celebrant & Preacher: The Dean Celebrant: Canon Ian Stockton Choral Evensong with Chorister Awards Preacher: Canon Andrew Sage 9.30am 5.15pm 11.00am 1.00pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal – Chesters Room Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Girls’ Choir Fabric Advisory Committee Meeting – Chesters Room Lunchtime Organ Recital by Nick Sutton (Doncaster Minster) Diocesan Needleworkers’ Meeting – Chesters Room Choral Evensong sung by the Boys of the Cathedral Choir Cathedral Council Meeting – Chesters Room Choral Evensong sung by Schola Cantorum Walton-le-Dale High School Visit Choral Evensong sung by The Cathedral Consort Cathedral Walking Group – Arnside & Beetham: Leader – Charles Leeming Saturday 24th 1.30pm 5.15pm 2.00pm 5.15pm 9.45am 5.15pm 10.00am Sunday 25th CHRIST THE KING Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd 8.00am 9.00am 10.30am 12.00pm 4.00pm Tuesday 27th Handbell Choir Rehearsal – Chesters Room Wheatley Lane Methodist School Year 2 Pupils Visit Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Girls’ Choir Lunchtime Recital by Laurenne Chapman (Soprano) and Tim Kennedy (Piano) Choral Evensong sung by the Boys of the Cathedral Choir Choral Evensong sung by Schola Cantorum Choral Evensong sung by The Cathedral Consort FoBC Dinner in the Crypt Wednesday 28th 9.45am 2.00pm 5.15pm 1.00pm Thursday 29th Friday 30th 5.15pm 5.15pm 5.15pm Holy Communion (BCP): The Dean. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Sue Penfold. Celebrant: Canon Shannon Ledbetter Interment of the Ashes of Joe Prest - Columbarium Preacher: Canon Andrea Titterington Handbell Choir Rehearsal – Chesters Room Open Guided Tour with George Kirby Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Girls’ Choir Lunchtime Organ Recital by David Davies (Exeter Cathedral) Choral Evensong sung by the Boys of the Cathedral Choir Choral Evensong sung by Schola Cantorum Choral Evensong sung by The Cathedral Consort