An OT Approach to Phonology-Syntax Mappings in Chinese Tone Sandhi Wei-wen Roger Liao USC Linguistics 1. Introduction This paper deals with an old puzzle in a new approach. The formal properties of Tone Sandhi (TS) in Chinese are widely studied in the literature of generative phonology. It has been argued that TS in several dialects of Chinese patterns with syntactic structures, while some also argue that this syntax-phonology mapping is not that transparent (see Chen 2000: Ch.7 and Ch.10 for extensive surveys). In this paper, syntax-phonology mappings of TS in several Chinese dialects are studied in a constraint-based OT approach (Prince and Smolensky 1993). I argue for a direct phonology-syntax mapping relation between dominance of syntactic objects and phonological constraints. Among studies of universal syntax-phonology mappings, a widely received view is that prosodic structures in phonology are shaped by maximal projections in syntax (i.e. XP/Xmax). This is generally referred to as the XP-to-P Mapping Condition (see Selkirk 1986, 1995; Truckenbrodt 1999, and the references listed there). However, I show this XP-to-P Mapping Condition is either too strong or too weak in predicting the TS patterns in Mandarin Chinese. On the other hand, I argue that syntactic dominance relations are the sole factor linking phonology-syntax mappings. Technically, I propose a set of phonology-syntax mapping constraints, which are able to make reference to syntactic dominance, and the dominance relations can be directly translated into the rankings of these mapping constraints. The proposed direct phonology-syntax mapping has the following mechanisms: in the structure [XP ab [YP cd [ZP ef]]] (abcdef are phonological representations), where the string contained by XP is (abcdef), the one by YP is (cdef), and the one by ZP (ef), we predict that the ranking among CON(XP), CON(YP), and CON (ZP) is CON(XP) >> CON(YP) >> CON (ZP) (CON(Σ) for some constraint targeting a syntactic domain Σ). On the other hand, a ranking which does not follow the dominance relation is immediately ruled out in this system (i.e. * CON (ZP) >> CON(XP) >> CON (YP)). Optimality theoretically, the constraint violations caused by the string (abcdef), if any, are considered more unacceptable than those by the string (cdef), which, in turn, are more unacceptable than those by the string (ef). In addition, since dominance relations are accessible to OT constraints, we predict that there are constraints which may refer to the most/least dominant syntactic objects, represented as CON(ΣMAX) or CON(ΣMIN). CON(ΣMAX) targets the strings contained by the most dominant syntactic objects, while CON(ΣMIN) the smallest strings by the least dominant syntactic objects. Applying the formal mechanisms to the analysis of Mandarin TS, I will show that TS in Mandarin can be analyzed as competitions between a set of faithfulness constraints (ANCHORING) which targets right edges of different syntactic domains. A tendency is observed in Mandarin TS: the more dominant a syntactic domain is, the more likely its right edge to remain faithful. With the help of the direct mapping mechanisms, the generalization can now be captured by phonology-syntax mapping constraints, such as in the construction [XP X [YP Y]], ANCHORING (XP, Right) ranks over ANCHORING (YP, Right) (the constraints will be defined later). Hence the shift of tone in the right edge of XP will be considered worse than that in the right edge of YP. Furthermore, from an asymmetry between leftward and rightward compounds, I propose that an anti-faithfulness constraint, GREED(SMIN), is needed, which also relies on syntactic imports. In Mandarin, GREED targets the least dominant strings SMIN and forces the exhaustive TS in those domains. Combining the results, the final ranking in Mandarin will be a set of hierarchically mapping ANCHORING constraints dominating the GREED constraint, and they in turn dominate a faithfulness IDENT constraint. 2 As evidence for the proposed direct mapping condition, I look into two other main dialects of Chinese, Taiwanese (or Xiamen) and Shanghai Chinese, as well as a native American language, Tohono O’odham (or Papago). I will show the same direct phonology-syntax mappings can be used to describe the tonal patterns in these languages. For instance, in Taiwanese, GREED targets the largest string(s), i.e., GREED(SMAX); therefore, TS applies exhaustively within the largest string(s). The same operations on maximal strings can be found in Tohono O’odham. On the other hand, Shanghai Chinese and Mandarin share similar constraint ranking. The structural hierarchy is also mapped to the rankings of ANCHORING constraints. The differences being that in Shanghai Chinese, ANCHORING targets left edges, the mirror image between Shanghai and Mandarin is therefore accounted for. This paper is organized as follows: General tonal patterns and TS rules in Mandarin are discussed in section 2.1, in which three asymmetries of TS are observed across several syntactic domains. After a short review of earlier proposals by Cheng (1987) and by Truckenbrodt (1999) in section 2.2, I analyze TS in Mandarin in a constraint-based theory in section 3. The proposed ranking in section 3, however, finds exceptions in cases involving subjects and higher adverbs. In section 4, I show that the same problems from subject and higher adverbs can also be found in Taiwanese TS, and these problems in Mandarin and in Taiwanese TS turn out to provide evidence for the claim that major prosodic boundaries are regulated by multiple spell-outs (Kratzer & Selkirk 2007; Simpson & Wu 2002). Once multiple spell-outs are introduced in the system, subject and higher adverbs no longer pose threats to the current analysis. In section 5, I examine tone spreading in Shanghai Chinese and tone grouping in Tohono O’odham. I show that the same direct phonology-syntax mapping mechanisms can deal with various tonal patterns in these languages. 3 2. Tone Sandhi in Mandarin 2.1 Three Asymmetries from Syntax Mapping In Mandarin, TS applies when two (underlying) Low tones occur adjacent to each other.1 An underlying Low-Low (LL) sequence becomes Rising-Low (RL) on the surface representation. As observed in many studies, TS is sensitive to certain syntactic domains (Chen 2000; Cheng 1987; Shih 1986, among others). The following examples illustrate the syntactic effects in word levels and sentence levels: (1) Word-internal (= for compound boundaries; - for morpheme boundaries; # for TS boundaries) a. zong-tong ‘president’ L L UT (underlying tone) R L ST (surface tone) b. zong-tong=fu L L L R R L * L# R L ‘the president’s house’ (rightward compounds; 2+1) UT ST c. lao=zong-tong L L L L# R L * R R L ‘the senior president’ UT ST (leftward compounds; 1+2) (1a) shows a basic TS pattern, where two adjacent Low tones (LL) become Rising-Low (RL). Note that the right edge (L) in every example is well-preserved. (1b) is an instance of rightward compounds (the disyllabic zong-tong and the monosyllabic fu). The priority to preserve the right edge arguably drives TS of the middle word tong. However, the leftmost low tone still undergoes TS although the undesired LL sequence would not be created if TS did not apply (i.e. LRL). This 1 The low tone is often transcribed in textbooks as a low-falling-rising tone in standard Mandarin. However, in daily speech, we can transcribe it as low. This point, however, does not affect the validity of the proposed analysis in any way. 4 over-application of TS indicates that TS is somehow obligatory to the first two low tones. On the other hand, in the leftward compounds (a monosyllabic word and a disyllabic word), as in (1c), there seems to be a TS boundary which blocks the over-application of TS to the first two syllables. Obviously, there is an asymmetry between leftward and rightward compounds. I will refer to this as a ‘directional asymmetry in compounds’. One way of looking at the directional asymmetry is to claim that (word-internal) syntax is involved in TS applications. Suppose compounds in (1b) and (1c) have corresponding syntactic structures in the following: (2) a.=(1b) N N b.=(1c) N N A zong-tong fu lao LL ( RL) ( RR (L) L L) L L (L N zong-tong LL (RL) RL) UT ST Shih (1986) and Cheng (1987) claim that the ordering of applying TS rules (LL RL) is subject to cyclic groupings in syntax, illustrated in (2). We will come back to Cheng’s proposal in 2.2. Nevertheless, this example illustrates that the applications of TS are very likely to be shaped by corresponding syntactic structures. A descriptive generalization drawn from this example is a tendency that TS applies more exhaustively to the lower strings, while the higher right edges are more likely to be preserved: 5 (3) A Tendency in the Syntax-Phonology Mappings of Mandarin TS The higher a syntactic domain is, the more likely the underlying tone in its right edge is preserved; the lower a syntactic domain is, the more likely the low-tone strings (in that domain) undergo exhaustive TS. The same tendency is observed when TS applies in sentences, such as in the following examples. In (4a) TS applies exhaustively to one of the least dominant domains [wu-bai] ‘five-hundred’, while the highest and rightmost edge, which is occupied by li ‘kilometer’ remains its underlying low tone: (4) a. [Lao-ma [pao [[wu-bai] li]]] name. run five-hundred kilometer L L L L L L R R L R R L R L# L R R L * R R L # L R L ‘Laoma runs for five-hundred kilometers.’ b. [Xiao-hu [da [lao-shu]]] name hit mouse L L L L L R R L R L R L# L R L ?R L R R L ‘Xiaohu hit the mouse.’ UT ST1 (unmarked) ST2 (unmarked) ST3 (unacceptable) UT ST1 (unmarked) ST2 (unmarked) ST3 (marked) In addition to the same tendency, another asymmetry can be observed. In both (4a) and (4b), a TS boundary can be optionally inserted between the subject and the main verb. Therefore, ST1 and ST2 in both examples are equally unmarked to most native speakers although there is an undesirable LL sequence created by the subject and the verb (a subject does not need to be pronounced with an emphatic stress, and ST1 is preferred in fast speech). On the other hand, no such boundaries can ever appear between a verb and its object, as shown in ST3 in (4b). I will 6 call this second asymmetry as a ‘subject/object asymmetry.’ A third asymmetry in the phonology-syntax mappings of Mandarin TS involves adverbs of different heights: (5) a. b. Lao-ma [hao-hao jiang] name. well speak L L L L L R L R R L * R L R L# L ‘Laoma speaks in a good manner.’ [lower adverb] UT ST (unmarked) ST (marginal) Lao-ma zheng-zheng [pao [wu bai li]] [higher adverb] name. completely run five hundred kilometer L L L L L L L L UT R L R L # L R R L ST1 (unmarked) R L R R L R R L ST2 (unmarked) R R R R L R R L ST3 (less unmarked) ‘Laoma ran five hundred kilometers completely.’ Similar to the subject/object asymmetry, an LL sequence is well tolerated between a higher adverb and a verb, which indicates that there is a TS boundary in between, as shown in (5b). On the contrary, a TS boundary cannot appear in between a lower adverb and a verb, as shown in (5a). The asymmetric tonal patterns can be attributed to different syntactic positions of the adverbs. Let us adopt the idea that lower adverbs are VP-based and higher adverbs are IP/CP-based (Jackendoff 1972; Cinque 1999); therefore, lower adverbs, being closer to the verb, are always grouped with the verb when TS occurs. On the other hand, higher adverbs (behaving more like subjects), can escape from a TS group more easily. This asymmetry will be referred to as the ‘higher/lower adverb asymmetry.’ 7 In summary, TS in Mandarin is sensitive to syntax. In terms of syntactic hierarchy, there is a tendency that right edges of the more dominant strings resist changes, while the least dominant strings will undergo exhaustive TS. In addition, we see three asymmetries in Mandarin TS, which are also related to syntactic terms: (i) the directional asymmetry in compounds, (ii) the subject/object asymmetry, and (iii) the higher/lower adverb asymmetry. A well-rounded analysis of Mandarin TS, then, should not only be able to capture the phonology-syntax mappings, but to account for all of these asymmetries. 2.2 Previous Analyses 2.2.1 The Prosody Hierarchy: Cheng (1987) Following Hayes (1984/1989), Cheng (1987) proposes that TS is subject to a prosodic hierarchy. Cheng distinguishes three levels of prosodic hierarchies in Mandarin TS, word-level, Phonological-Phrasing (PhP), and Intonational-Phrasing (InP). The system is rule-based, and the TS rule states that each of the non-final low tones becomes a rising tone when a series of low tones occur in the same phrasing. An example can be drawn in (6): (6) ‘Xiaomei invited Xiaohu to hit the mouse.’ Xiao-mei Name L L ( R L) ( R L) (( R R R R zhao ask L L (L L L xiao-hu Name L L ( R L) R L) R R) R R da hit L L (L L L lao-shu mouse L L ( R L) R L) R L) R L 8 UT word-level phrasing PhP InP ST Some of the generalizations are indeed well captured in Cheng’s model. First, TS boundaries are generally mapped from syntax. Therefore, the low tones in the dominant right edges are more likely to be preserved. However, the approach is not without problems. First, Cheng’s analysis cannot account for the optional tone preservations in the right edges of subjects and higher adverbs. As discussed earlier in the subject/object asymmetry and the higher/lower adverb asymmetry, a TS boundary may appear in these positions (after subjects and higher adverbs) optionally. Cheng’s model is considered to be too strong on this ground because her model will predict that a subject or a higher adverb will not introduce a TS boundary (ultimately, the subject/higher adverb and VP will be grouped in the same intonational phrasing). Second, Cheng’s system uses an indirect mapping between syntax and phonology (only phonological-phrasing is mapped from syntactic XPs). It is not clear whether syntax also plays a role in word-levels and intonation-levels. This model thus leads to a conceptual disadvantage. Namely, too many levels of computations are involved across different domains and different linguistic modules. The question we can ask is whether there is a way to deal with TS in a conceptually simpler once-and-for-all fashion, as generally assumed in optimality theory. Following this line, if syntax really influences TS in an apparent way, we should also expect, in a conceptually superior system, a uniform source of phonology-syntax mappings, which I will argue, is the dominance relations in syntax. 2.2.2 WRAP-XP VS. ALIGN-XP: Truckenbrodt (1999) Although Truckenbrodt (1999) does not discuss TS in Mandarin, he tries to deal with the general syntax-phonology mappings (in other tonal languages) in an OT approach. Specifically, he proposes a WRAP-XP constraint and an ALIGN-XP constraint to capture the XP-to-P mapping condition, proposed in Selkirk (1986): 9 (7) XP-to-P Mapping Condition (from Truckenbrodt 1999: 221) Mapping constraints relate XPs to phonological phrases, but do not relate XPs to other prosodic entities. The constraint WRAP-XP requires that XPs are contained in a single p-phrasing (hence extending p-phrasing if an XP dominates another XP), while the Align-XP requires that every XP is aligned with a p-phrasing. By definition the two constraints have a competitive nature. The interactions between WRAP-XP and ALIGN-XP can be shown in the following illustrations: (8) The competitions between WRAP-XP and ALIGN (XP, RIGHT) (# for p-boundary) a. WRAP-XP >> ALIGN (XP, RT): (i) [AP A [BP B]] (ii) [AP [ZP Z ] [AP A [BP B]]] (AB)# (ZAB)# b. ALIGN (XP, RT) >> WRAP-XP: (i) [AP A [BP B]] (ii) [AP [ZP Z] [AP A [BP B]]] (A(B))# (Z)#(A(B))# (AP and BP are contained in a P) (AP, BP, and ZP are contained in a P) (AP and BP are each aligned with a P) (AP, BP, and ZP are each aligned with a P) Since Mandarin is generally head-initial, the rankings in (8a) and (8b) should predict the same TS patterns when there are no adjuncts. When there is an adjunct (ZP), the ranking in (8a) predicts that everything is phrased together in one p-phrasing, while the ranking in (8b) predicts that the adjunct itself will introduces a p-boundary.2 Let us apply this analysis to TS in Mandarin. First, in head-complement structures, we correctly predict that a head and its complement do not have a TS boundary in between no matter which ranking obtains. However, this is probably the only case where this theory makes correct predictions. Suppose A=T/I (so AP licenses the subject), we incorrectly predict that the subject and VP would always have no TS boundary since a subject is not an adjunct. Suppose ZP is a higher adverb, the theory fails to predict the optional TS boundary, either (no matter which ranking is adopted). Truckenbrodt (1999) circumvents 2 Truckenbrodt (1999) assumes that in adjunction structures, the higher segment is not an XP itself. 10 these potential problems by postulating a Lexical Category Condition (see Truckenbrodt 1999: 226), in which the constraints apply to lexical categories only. Therefore, since higher adverbs and subjects are licensed by functional categories, he may argue that they are immune to WRAP-XP and ALIGN-XP. But even so, a more precise explanation is called for why functional categories (and their branches) can easily escape the XP-to-P condition, and it is not very clear whether Truckenbrodt has offered a complete analysis to these functional categories.3 A more serious problem for Truckenbrodt’s analysis comes from the directional asymmetry of compounds in Mandarin TS. In compounds, arguably there are no XPs involved. Therefore, we should expect that in compounds, a TS boundary will never be introduced. The theory thus predicts that in word levels, directions in compounds do not make any different predictions on tonal patterns, contrary to the facts observed in Mandarin TS. 3. An OT Analysis: Direct Phonology-Syntax Mapping In this section, first I define the primitives and constraints in the proposed system. In 3.2, various patterns in Mandarin TS are discussed in details, along with applications of the direct syntax-phonology mappings. 3.1 Basic Architecture As a general condition, for a syntactic object Σ = XP or X, where XP is a maximal projection of its head X, Σ contains a phonological string S. For convenience, I adopt the following notations: […] for an XP domain, and <…> for an X domain. The structure in (9) illustrates a simple case, where a monosyllabic verb takes a disyllabic object NP:4 3 In Truckenbrodt’s analysis of Tohono O’odham, sometimes IP introduces a p-boundary (his (18)), and sometimes IP does not (his (19) and (20)). It does not seem to be the case that the p-boundary is optional here, and Truckenbrodt does make a clear explanation on this point. 4 The monosyllabic verb itself takes a string consisting of one syllable, but this monosyllabic string is not visible to tone sandhi since it is not a minimal rhythmic unit (Chen 2000), which requires a string to include at least two syllables (a syllable is always a tone bearing unit in Mandarin). Therefore, in (9), the monosyllabic string is ignored in the discussion. 11 (9) a. VP: [qing [<zong-tong>1]2]3 ‘ask the president’ b. VP, S3 V Σ1 = N = S1 = <LL> Σ2 = NP = S2 = [LL] Σ3 = VP = S3 = [LLL] NP, S2 N, S1 qing [L zong-tong [<L L>]] When two phonological strings are put together at syntax, they automatically create a larger unit in which both strings are contained. This larger unit either immediately dominates the two strings, or in the case of adjunctions, the two strings will be equally dominant. The structural dominance is defined as follows (adapted from Chomsky 1986): (10) X dominates Y iff (a) X and Y are categories and X is a higher node than Y, or (b) X is a segment and every segment of X is a higher node than Y. By definition, dominance is an asymmetric, partial, and transitive relation (McCawley 1968). This means when two phonological strings, each held by a syntactic object, are combined at syntax, they will also inherit the properties of being asymmetric, partial, and transitive. Take (9) as an example, the dominance relations between the phonological strings mapped from syntax are in (11): (11) Dominance relations (>) between syntactic objects and phonological strings VP > NP > N ↔ Σ3 > Σ2 > Σ1 ↔ S3 > S2 > S1 This translation between phonological strings and syntactic objects will be the single source of phonology-syntax mapping in the proposed system, the applications of which will soon be 12 discussed. Proceed to the constraints. First, we observe that the LL sequence is generally banned in Mandarin, which can be viewed as an OCP effect that banned the consecutive low tones in Mandarin. The markedness constraint is defined as follows: (C1) OCP(L) A series of two consecutive low tones is prohibited (i.e. *LL). Recall the tendency from section 2. The first part is that right edges in more dominant domains are more likely to be preserved. The second part is that lowest domains undergo exhaustive TS. For the earlier, we may formulate a faithfulness constraint which requires preservations of the right edges in certain syntactic domains: (C2) ANCHORING -IO(Si, RIGHT) The right edge of Si (mapped from Σi) in an output corresponds to the right edge of Si in the input. The dominance relations between different syntactic domains are directly translated into the dominance of the anchoring constraints targeting syntactic domains. This direct mapping between phonology and syntax is formulated as follows: (12) The Direct Phonology-Syntax Hypothesis The ranking between CON(Σi) and CON (Σj) is mapped from the syntactic dominance between Σi and Σj. As for the latter part of the tendency (lowest strings undergo exhaustive TS), it can be formulated by an anti-faithfulness constraint (Alderete 2001), which maximizes TS in a certain 13 syntactic domain. By nature of this constraint, I will call this constraint GREED. In Mandarin TS, GREED focuses on the low tones and targets the least dominant syntactic domains. The general form of this constraint is formulated in (C3): (C3) GREED (T, ΣMIN/MAX) = ~IDENT-IO (T, ΣMIN/MAX) Maximize the differences between the input and output strings with respect to the specified tone(s) inside the least/most dominant syntactic domains (T for specified tone(s)). (e.g. in Mandarin: GREED (L, ΣMIN)) To prevent over-applications of TS outside the minimal domains, we need another faithfulness constraint, which does not restrict its focus on the right edge, but on the whole phonological string. With this faithfulness constraint, we wish to avoid any over-applications except those driven by GREED: (C4) IDENT-IO Maximize the correspondences between the input and output strings. Prima facie, it seems that OCP(L) and GREED (L, ΣMIN) apply redundantly. However, closer examinations indicate that the two constraints are independently motivated, and they apply to different modules of grammar (although they may overlap in some cases).5 First of all, OCP(L) punishes two adjacent low tones in a string. It is motivated by a language-specific markedness pattern (*LL in Mandarin). On the other hand, GREED (L, ΣMIN) is not motivated by any markedness patterns; it simply requires low tones to undergo TS when it occurs inside certain syntactic domains. Obviously, this requirement in shifting the tonal patterns is not solely phonologically driven.6 Given syntactic information, the two constraints may actually prefer 5 The overlapping in the domains of application, however, does not pose a problem for OT. It remains unknown what drives TS, if not for phonological reasons. However, as we will see later in Taiwanese TS, markedness tonal patterns are not enough to drive TS (since in this languages, TS occurs exhaustively to every 6 14 different surface tonal patterns, as seen in the following charts: (13) The Division of Labor between the Antifaithfulness GREED and the Markedness OCP GREED(ΣMIN) OCP a. Input: <LL> RR RL, LR, RR b. Input: <LLL> RRR RLR, LRL, RRR, RRL, LRR c. Input: <<LL>L> RRL RLR, LRL, RRR, RRL, LRR d. Input: <L<LL>> LRR RLR, LRL, RRR. RRL, LRR e. Input: <L<L<LL>>> LLRR LRLR, LRRL, LRRR, RRRL, RRRR, RRLR, RLRR, RLRL From (13), we see OCP itself does not force the exhaustive TS, but this is the job of GREED, as in (13a) and (13b). Also, only GREED is concerned with syntactic information, being a phonology-syntax mapping constraint. On the contrary, being a pure phonological constraint, syntactic information is totally invisible by OCP. (13e) shows a case where LL is tolerated by GREED, but not by OCP. So far, we have introduced four constraints in this analysis. Given the tendency in (3), the following ranking should be expected. The language specific OCP constraint, given Panini’s theorem, occupies a dominating position. The second most dominating constraint is a set of ANCHORING constraints, which has a sub-ranking per se mapped from syntax. This constraint punishes tonal shifts in right edges. Since the sub-ranking is directly mapped from syntax, the tendency (the higher, the more faithful) is thus captured. The constraint in turn dominates GREED because even in word domains, right edges are still preserved. The least dominant constraint is the faithfulness IDENT-IO, which punishes any over-applications of TS. IDENT-IO being tone). This indicates that the pressure to undergo TS must be from other sources. I leave this point open. 15 dominated by GREED, the only tolerated over-applications of TS are therefore the ones applied in the minimal domains. Given a simple LL input, the rankings among the four constraints are characterized as follows: (14) The interaction of the constraints in Mandarin7 a. OCP(L) >> IDENT-IO: RL, LR, RR LL b. OCP(L)>> ANCHORING-IO (Si, Rt): RL, RR LL c. ANCHORING-IO (Si, Rt) >> GREED(L, ΣMIN ): <RL> <RR>, <LR> d. ANCHORING-IO (Si, Rt) >> IDENT-IO: RL LL e. GREED(L, ΣMIN )>> IDENT-IO: <RR> <LR>, <RL> <LL> (15) OCP(L) ANCHORING-IO (Si, RT) mapped from syntax GREED(L, Σ MIN ) IDENT-IO The Hasse diagram in (15) shows how this system works. In the next section, I apply the current ranking in the analysis of Mandarin TS. 3.2 TS in Mandarin 3.2.1 The Directional Asymmetry in Compounds As a first example, a simple LL sequence is put to test. The proposed ranking correctly predicts that we have a RL sequence as the optimal candidate: 7 One question here is what ensures that the Low tones always change to the Rising tone. I do not explore the issue in this paper, but only assume that there is a dominating constraint which avoids the Low tone to become other tones than the Rising tone. The same assumption will also be made regarding TS in Taiwanese. However, this is an interesting issue and I will leave it for future research. 16 (16) <LL>1 a. N: zong-tong ‘president’ b. V: guan-li ‘to manage’ L L UT R L ST c. Visible String by TS: S1 = <LL>1 <LL>1 a. LR b. → RL c. RR d. LL OCP(L) ANCHOR-IO (Si,RT) S1 *! GREED(ΣMIN) S1 * * *! *! IDENT-IO * * ** ** Since we have only one phonological string, S1, the ANCHORING constraint evaluates the right edge of this string. Being a least dominant string itself, S1 is also evaluated by GREED(ΣMIN). The result, as in (16), is that RL is the optimal output. With respect to the directional asymmetry in compounds, the current analysis immediately provides an explanation. The asymmetry between left and right compounds comes from the competitions among the ANCHORING-RIGHT constraints (targeting different syntactic objects), which compete with each other to preserve its right edges, and also from GREED(ΣMIN), which drives exhaustive TS inside the minimal domains unless punished by the ANCHORING-RIGHT. Examples (17)/(18) and (19)/(20) illustrate this asymmetry: (17) <<LL>1L>2 a. N: Zong-tong=fu ‘presidential office’ b. Visible Stings (minimal rhythmic unit: two tone bearing units (TBU)) S1 = <LL>1 zong-tong S2 = <LLL>2 zong-tong=fu c. Phonology-Syntax Mapping: S2 > S1 17 (18) <<LL>1L>2 OCP(L) ANCHOR-IO(Si ,RT ) S2 S1 a. → RRL (19) b. LLL c. LRL d. RLL e. RRR f. LLR g. RLR h. LRR GREED(ΣMIN) IDENT-IO S1 * *!* * *! *! *! * *! *! ** ** *! * * * ** * * * * *** * ** ** <L<LL>1>2 a. N: lao=zong-tong ‘the senior president’ b. Visible strings by TS S1 = <LL>1 zong-tong S2 = <LLL>2 lao=zong-tong c. Mapping: S2 > S1 (20) <L<LL>1>2 OCP(L) ANCHOR-IO(Si ,RT ) S2 a. RRL b. LLL S1 RLL e. RRR f. LLR *!* g. RLR h. LRR *! *! S1 * ** * ** c. → LRL d. GREED(ΣMIN) IDENT-IO *! * *! *! * * * * * * **! * * *** * ** ** We have a rightward compound in (17)/(18) and a leftward compound in (19)/(20). The minimal rhythmic unit effect on TS (Chen 2000) filters out the possibility that a single L will hold a phonological string visible to the ANCHORING and GREED constraints (since TS is triggered by at least two TBUs; the minimal rhythmic unit effect bears similarities to the minimal word effect in stress-prominent languages; see Hayes 1995). In both cases the least dominant string is S1. 18 GREED targets S1, and in (17), the exhaustive TS in S1 does not result in any change of the right edge of the higher domain (S2). At the same time, it avoids the OCP violations. Therefore, the greedier candidate (a) in (18) wins over the modest candidate (18c). This is not the case in (19)/(20), where we have a leftward compound. The exhaustive TS driven by GREED in S1 implies changing the right edge of the higher S2 (since S1 and S2 overlap in the right edge). Therefore, candidate (e) and (g) will be filtered out. This time, the optimal candidate (20c) wins over candidate (20a) since the latter involves over-application of TS outside the minimal domains (and therefore is ruled out by IDENT-IO). 3.2.2 TS in Head-Complement Constructions In the sentence levels, let us first examine head-complement constructions across different syntactic categories. With respect to the verbal domain, (21a) and (23a) both involve a verb and its NP complement; as for the nominal domain, (21b) and (23b) demonstrate cases with a determiner or a classifier and its NP complement. As for PPs, (23c) involves a preposition and its NP complement. Since the same dominance relations are shared across word and sentence levels, our formulations of phonology-syntax mappings predict that the same directional asymmetry will be displayed in sentence levels. The contrast between (21)/(22) and (23)/(24) confirm the prediction. In addition, the case in (25) shows when GREED targets two equally least dominant domains, the TS patterns in the two domains will come out the same, as desired:8 The same pattern is seen in the 2+2 compound, such as lao-hu=qiu-zhang ‘tiger chief’, which has the underlying tones <<LL><LL>> and the surface tones <<RL><RL>>. 8 19 (21) [L[<LL>1]2]3 a. VP: qing Lao-li b. DP: you wu-shou c. Visible Strings by TS S1=<LL> S2= [LL] S3= [LLL] d. Mapping: S3 > S2 > S1 ‘ask Laoli ‘there are five CL.’ (22) [L[<LL>1]2]3 OCP(L) ANCHOR-IO (Si,RT) GREED (ΣMIN) S3 S2 S1 S1 a. → LRL b. RRL c. RLL d. LRR e. LLR f. RLR * * ** *! *! * *! *! * * * IDENT-IO * * * * * * **! * ** * ** (23) [[<LL>1]2L]3 a. VP: gan-zou ma ‘expel the horse’ b. CLP: wu-liang jiu ‘five CL. wine’ c. PP+AP: bi-ma lao ‘older than the horse’ d. Visible Strings S1 = <LL> S2 = [LL] S3 = [LLL] e. Mapping: S3 > S2 > S1 (24) [[<LL>1]2L]3 OCP(L) ANCHOR-IO (Si ,RT) S3 a. LRL b. → RRL c. RLL d. LRR e. LLR f. RLR S2 S1 S1 * * * * *! *! *! GREED (ΣMIN) * * *! *! 20 * * ** * IDENT-IO * ** * ** * ** (25) [[<LL>1]3[<LL>2]4]5 a. CLP: wu-shou hao-qu ‘five CL. good songs’ b. VP: guan-li zhi-chang ‘manage the paper factory’ c. Visible Strings S1 = <LL> ‘guan-li’ S2 = <LL> ‘zhi-chang’ S3 = [LL] ‘guan-li’ S4 = [LL] ‘zhi-chang’ S5 = [LLLL] ‘guan-li zhi-chang’ d. Mapping: S5 > S4,S3 > S2,S1 [[<LL>1]3[<LL>2]4]5 OCP(L) GREED (ΣMIN) ANCHOR-IO (Si ,RT) S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S1,S2 *,* *,* **,** a. → RLRL b. LRLR c. LLLL d. RRRR e. RLLL f. RRRL g. RRLL h. RLLR i. LRRL j. LRRR k. LLRR *! * * * * *! * * * * *!* *!* *! *! *! *! * * *! * * * * * *! * * * * * * * *,** * ** *,* *,* * ** IDENT-IO ** ** **** * *** ** ** ** *** ** The optimal candidate (a) is the most balanced output between the pressure of preserving the edges and applying exhaustive TS in the minimal domains. 3.2.3 Manner Adverbs It is observed that lower (manner) adverbs universally have a close relationship to the verb (see Costa 2004; Jackendoff 1972; Rivero 1992). In Mandarin, I assume that a manner adverb syntactically forms a constituent with a verb (by syntactic incorporations or morphological 21 mergers).9 A simple coordination test gives evidence to the structure. A verb can form a constituent with a manner adverb, as in (26a) and (26b), but not with a higher adverb, as in (26c) and (26d), where we have a temporal adverb and a modal adverb, respectively: (26) a. Zhangsan [[luan nian] you [luan hua] na ben shu]. Zhangsan casually read and casually scribble that CL book ‘Zhangsan read and scribbled on that book in a casual manner.’ b. Zhangsan [[suibian zhengli] you [ suibian mai] tade dongxi]. Zhangsan sloppily arrange and sloppily sell his stuff ‘Zhangsan arranged and sold his stuffs in a sloppy manner.’ c. *Zhangsan zuotian nian-le you zuotian hua-le na ben shu Zhangsan yesterday read and yesterday scribbled that CL book ‘intended: Zhangsan read and scribble on that book yesterday.’ d. *Zhangsan dagai mai-le you dagai mai-le tade dongxi. Zhangsan probably bought and probably sold his stuff ‘intended: Zhangsan probably bought and sold his stuffs.’ Given the attested structure of a manner adverb, the proposed ranking successfully selects correct output tonal pattern. See (27)/(28): 9 Alternatively, Hagit Borer (pc) points out that the structure may as well be a result from VP raising. If we assume that object is licensed outside the VP (Huang 1997; Lin 2001; Borer 2002), and the manner adverb is licensed in SpecVP, then a Kayne-style VP movement results in the observed structure. Whatever the syntactic analysis might be, the structure will be the same as in (27). 22 (27) [[[<LL>1]2L]3[<LL>4]5]6 a. VP: hao-hao qing zong-tong well ask president ‘ask the president in a good manner’ b. Visible Strings: S1 = <LL> ‘hao-hao’ S2 = [LL] ‘hao-hao’ S3 = [LLL] ‘hao-hao qing’ S4 = <LL> ‘zong-tong’ S5 = [LL] ‘zong-tong’ S6 = [LLLLL] ‘hao-hao qing zong-tong’ c. Mapping: S6 > S3, S5 > S2, S4 > S1 (28) [[[<LL>1]2L]3[<LL>4]5]6 OCP(L) S6 a. RLRLL b. RRLLL *! *!,* S3 S5 RLLRL e. RLRLL f. RLRRL g. RRRRL h. LRLRL i. LRRRL j. RRRRR S2 S4 S1 * c. → RRLRL d. Greed(ΣMIN) Anchor-IO (Si, Rt) *! *! * *! *! *! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IDENT-IO S1,S4 *,** ** * *,* * *,* * *,*! *,*! ** ** *** ** ** *** **** ** *** ***** 3.3 The Residual Problems: Subjects and Higher Adverbs The directional asymmetries in compounds and head-complement structures in Mandarin TS are explained by the proposed ranking. The proposed ranking, however, runs into problems as soon as subjects and higher adverbs are brought into attentions. Take the following sentence for example, where a subject is present: 23 (29) zong-tong president L L R R/L ?R L qing invite L L R Lao-li Laoli L L R L R L UT ST1/2 ST3 (marked) TP, Σ1 NPi, Σ4 T’ VP, Σ2 T N, Σ5 ti V’ NP, Σ3 V N, Σ6 zong-tong [[<LL>5]4[L[<LL>6]3]2]1 qing Lao-li OCP(L) S1 a. RLRLL *! b. RRLLL *!,* Greed(ΣMIN) IDENT-IO Anchor-IO (Si, Rt) c. RRLRL S4 S2 S3 S5 S6 S5,S6 *,** ** * * ** ** *! * * *** d. RLLRL *! *,* ** e. RLRLL *! *,** ** *,* *** * **** f. → RLRRL g. RRRRL h. RRRRR i. LRRRL *! *! * * * *! * * * * ***** *,* *** The proposed ranking incorrectly selects the marked candidate (f) as the optimal output, but the desired output is actually either (c) or (d). The same problem occurs when we deal with TS of higher adverbs. For convenience, I ignore the tableaux here. As mentioned before, the problem is that we have an optional TS boundary between subject and VP, and between a higher adverb and 24 VP (if we have a covert subject). The question is how these optional TS boundaries are derived, and why they can only occur in such positions. The solution to this problem, I suggest, actually lie in a broader linguistic context. In the next section, I show that TS in Taiwanese may provide a clue to this problem. 4. TS in Taiwanese: Prosodic Phrase by Multiple Spell-Out 4.1 Basic TS patterns Taiwanese has five tones in total, and each tone undergoes TS in the combinations with any tone (including itself). The tones in Taiwanese shift in a cyclic manner (generally referred to as the tone cycle), illustrated in the following diagram (modified from Chen 2000: 432): (30) Taiwanese tone cycle a. in open syllables: 24(Rising) 22(Low) 44(High) 21(Low-falling; Lf) 53(High-falling; Hf) b. in closed syllables: 44(H) 22(L) Like in Mandarin, Taiwanese also preserves the underlying tones in the right edges. However, TS in Taiwanese applies iterative all the way to the leftmost edge unless a TS boundary is met: 25 (31) word-level a. ten electricity H L sii view H H b. tsui ten water electricity Hf H H H (32) ‘television’ UT ST ‘utilities’ UT ST sentence-level a. tsong-thong koŋ president speak Hf Hf Hf ( H Hf ) # ( H ‘The president told a lie.’ pee-tshat white-thief H L L L) UT ST b. tsong-thong ban-ban gong president slowly speak Hf Hf H H Hf (H Hf) # ( L L Hf ) ‘The president spoke slowly.’ [lower adverb] c. mi-a-tsai kih tai-pak tomorrow go taipei R Hf Lf L R H ( L H Lf ) # ( H L H) ‘Go to Taipei tomorrow’ [higher adverb] UT ST UT ST d. Tao-dua tsong-thong boh lai just president not come H Hf Hf Hf R Hf UT ( L H H Hf )# ( L Hf ) ST ‘The president did not come not very long ago.’ 26 A descriptive generalization concerning Taiwanese TS boundaries is made by Chen (2000): (33) P-phrasing in Xiamen {Right, Xmax}, where Xmax is not an adjunct The generalization makes correct predictions with respect to the subject-verb and verb-object cases (since a subject DP is an Xmax, but an object DP is embedded in VP, no Xmax is found between V and object), but the asymmetry of adverbs is not accounted for. For example, although the generalization correctly predicts that in (32b) a TS boundary does not occur in between the manner adverb and verb, however, the temporal adjunct unexpectedly introduces a TS boundary in (32c). Upon close scrutiny, the data from Taiwanese TS are reminiscent of the problematic asymmetries in Mandarin TS regarding subjects and higher adverbs. The data in (32) further suggest that a sentence seems to be split into several major groups, in which TS applies independently (insensitive to elements in other major groups). Abstracting the structures, we find that the obligatory TS boundaries in Taiwanese coincide exactly with the optional TS boundaries in Mandarin: (34) The Major Grouping Effect Temproal Adv. a. Taiwaense: b. Mandarin: Subject *# *# Major grouping:( [VP M.Adv. Verb Object] # *# *# (#) *# *# )( ) In general, there appears to be a forced boundary immediately before the main VP (as we take manner adverbs a part of VP). In the following, I argue that this boundary is introduced by multiple spell-outs. 27 4.2 Multiple Spell-outs and Taiwanese TS One possible account for the ‘major grouping effect’ is to say that these major groups come from multiple spell-outs. Since Chomsky (1995), the concept of spell-out is introduced to syntactic theory. The idea of spell-out is that during a syntactic derivation, the phonological parts of the structure are taken to PF at a certain point, called spell-out. Along the same line, Chomsky (2000, 2001) further develops a radical version of the idea in the Strong Minimalist Thesis, which incorporates multiple spell-outs to account for cyclicity, a core property of syntax. The rationale behind multiple spell-outs is that when a syntactic derivation reaches a certain point, it is casted to PF. Therefore, the later syntactic operations can no longer retrieve information from spelt-out domains. On the one hand, multiple spell-outs explain why syntax resists any countercyclic operations; on the other, multiple spell-outs also provide a blue print for the syntax-phonology interface, since each spell-out ships some information to phonological operations. The proposal of multiple spell-outs has been used to analyze several phonology-syntax mapping asymmetries; especially issues concerning syntactic domains for phonological operations (see Simpson & Wu 2002 for Taiwanese IP-raising and TS of the verbal complementizer gong; Ishihara 2004, 2007 for intonation patterns in Japanese; Kratzer & Selkirk 2007 for prosodic stress patterns in German). Following Chomsky (2000, 2001), I assume multiple spell-outs work in the following way. When a derivation builds a phase, the phase spell-outs to PF except its edges (head and Spec), which are accessible to the later derivations. (35) gives us an idea of how multiple spell-outs restrict syntactic shipments to PF. Each spell-out automatically generates the so-called ‘major phrases’ (Kratzer & Selkirk 2007) for phonological operations. Not surprisingly, the major phrases coincide with the TS boundaries in Taiwanese:10 10 Given the fact that agent-oriented adverbs are also phrased together with the main VP, I assume that the spell-out 28 (35) Phases and Spell-outs CP/FocusP spell-out of CP phrase SpecCP C TP AdvP TP DP T vP spell-out of vP phrase Subject SpecvP v VP AdvP V DP Object ( )#( )#( ) # : major phrases If TS domains are ultimately restricted by cyclic spell-outs, the puzzling asymmetries in Mandarin and Taiwanese TS can be straightforwardly accounted for. We can independently assume that a major phrase always introduces an obligatory TS boundary in Taiwanese, but TS is optional between the major phrases in Mandarin; therefore, an LL sequence is only tolerated between the edges of major phrases.11 domain in Taiwanese might be vP, instead of VP (if such adverbs are adjoined to vP). The same proposal has been claimed in Korean by Ko (2007) and in Japanese by Takita (2007). Another possibility is that agent-oriented adverb is adjoined to the main VP. 11 It seems that the major TS boundaries can be ignored only in fast speech. If the observation is right, then these major phase boundaries are also obligatory in Mandarin, but can be cancelled by other prosodic factors. I leave this point pending. 29 With the help of the cyclic spell-outs, we can also extend our analysis to cover Taiwanese TS with the same set of phonology-syntax mapping constraints. All we need is to change the parameters in the mapping constraints. First, in contrast to that in Mandarin, GREED in Taiwanese TS targets the maximal strings (given by a major phrases). Second, the ANCHORING constraint also targets on the maximal syntactic domains. The proposed ranking in Taiwanese is as follows: (36) Ranking for Taiwanese TS Anchoring (ΣMAX, R) >> Green (ΣMAX) >> IDENT-IO The ranking in (36) correctly predicts exhaustive TS in a major phrase given by a spell-out. Take the following structure in (37) for example. For convenience, I use X to represent the underlying tones and Y the shifted tones (X and Y are tonal variables). Since the most dominant string is S1, the greediest candidate that preserves the right edge in S1 is selected, which is candidate (g): (37) [[<XX>4X]3[<XX>5]2]1 Anchor-IO(SMAX,R ) Greed (ΣMAX) S1 a. YXYXX b. YYXXX c. YYXYX d. YXXXX e. YXYXX f. YXYYX S1 **!* **!* **! **!** **!* **! * **!* g. → YYYYX h. XYXYX i. YYYYY IDENT-IO-T *! ** ** *** * ** *** **** ** ***** Actually, the complexity of the syntactic structure in (37) does not weigh influence on the surface tonal pattern. The constraints only scan the maximal string(s) held by the most dominant syntactic category. We will see the same point when tone grouping in Tohono O’odham is 30 analyzed in 5.2. 5. Tone Sandhi in Other Languages In this section, I examine the universal aspect of the proposed direct phonology-syntax mapping hypothesis. First, I extend my analysis to cover Shanghai Chinese tone spreading. Although the surface tonal patterns look drastically different from those in Taiwanese and Mandarin, I show that the same set of phonology-syntax mapping constraints allow us to capture tone spreading in Shanghai Chinese, which is only minimally different from Mandarin TS by language specific constraints. Then I try to give a reanalysis on tone grouping in Tohono O’odham, which, I argue, functions like Taiwanese TS in targeting the maximal domains. 5.1 Tone Spreading in Shanghai Chinese In Shanghai Chinese, TS works quite differently from Taiwanese and Mandarin. Instead of shifting the underlying tones in a fixed manner, Shanghai Chinese involves tonal spreading of contour tones within certain domains. Usually, tone spreading applies obligatorily inside word domains. The leftmost contour tones (such as XY) are spread across a word domain: an adjacent word will receive the right part of the contour tone (i.e. Y), and a nonadjacent word will be assigned a default low tone (Ldef). Examples of tone spreading can be found in (38) (from Selkirk & Shen 1990: 314): (38) a. thi - tshi H1L2 MH (H1 L2 ) ‘weather’ UT ST b. hu M1H2 (M1 ‘anger’ UT ST tshi MH H2) 31 c. wã - tso. zo L1H2 MH LH (L1 H2 Ldef) ‘professor Wang’ UT ST d. baq.çoq-kõ. tsï LH.MH HL.MH (L H) (H L) ‘white snow princess (Snow White)’ (Chen 2000: 311) UT ST (from Duanmu 1993:21) Another type of tone spreading applies across separate word domains. The spreading specifically targets on function items. I call this type of spreading ‘function word spreading.’ A minimal contrastive pair is shown in the following. The feature [+F] indicates that an element is a function item (also from Selkirk & Shen 1990: 317): (39) a. (V tã M1 H 2 ( M1 pron. ‘nõ[+F] LH H2 Asp.) leq[+F] LH L(def) ) ‘has hit you.’ UT ST b. (V tã M1 H 2 M1H2 N ‘mo L3H4 (L3 Asp.) leq[+F] LH H4 ) ‘has hit the horse’ UT ST In (39a), the verb is followed by two function words, each of which triggers tone spreading from the nearest lexical item to its left. Applying the tone spreading allows the adjacent pronoun nõ ‘you’ to acquire the high tone (H2) from the verb tã ‘hit’, while the aspectual marker, which is not adjacent to the verb, is specified with a default low tone. On the other hand, the only function 32 word in (b) is the Perfect aspectual marker leq, and therefore, tone spreading forces the spreading of the high tone (H4) from the adjacent ‘mo ‘horse’ to the aspectual marker. Let us see how we can capture tone spreading in Shanghai Chinese within the proposed phonology-syntax mapping condition. First, we need to formulate a set of language specific constraints for Shanghai Chinese to deal with the function word spreading. The constraint F-SPREAD will be used: (40) F-SPREAD A function word will either (i) take a tone from the nearest lexical item, or (ii) be specified with a default low tone if not adjacent to a lexical item. (when (i) or (ii) is not met, assign a * violation) The word-internal spreading, as in Mandarin, is dealt with by GREED (ΣMIN), which targets the least dominant domain (presumably the X0-level). When a domain contains more than one TBU (i.e. a syllable/prosodic word, which always bears at least one and at most two tones in Shanghai Chinese; I assume the minimal rhythmic unit effect requires tone spreading applies to at least two TBUs), GREED punishes any faithful non-spreading strings. But if the least dominant domain contains only one TBU (usually bearing two tones), then it is immune to GREED (since spreading will be inapplicable), due to the minimal rhythmic unit effect. As for the ANCHORING constraint, unlike in Mandarin, the ANCHOR-IO(Si, LEFT ) constraint in Shanghai Chinese targets left edges, but like the tendency in Mandarin, the higher a domain is, the more likely it preserves its left edge; therefore, the ranking of the split ANCHORING constraints is also directly mapped from syntax. The hierarchical mapping also avoids reversed tone spreading. As for the final ranking in Shanghai, it is still similar to the ranking in Mandarin: the language specific F-SPREAD dominates the ANCHORING-LEFT 33 constraints, which in turn dominates GREED (ΣMIN), and then IDENT-IO: (41) Ranking in Shanghai Chinese F-SPREAD >> ANCHORING (S, LEFT) >> GREED (ΣMIN) >> IDENT-IO Applying the ranking to examples in Shanghai, first, the contrast between (39a) and (39b) is now captured by the high priority of the function word spreading: (42) a. (V taN MaHb Ma pron. ‘noN[+F] LH Hb b. AspP, S5 Asp.) leq[+F] LH L(def) ‘has hit you.’ UT ST S4 V,S1 pron,S2 σ X σ Y .X Asp,S3 σ Y X Y (again, X and Y represent tone variables) (43) [[<XaYb>1. <Xc Yd>2]4. <XY>3]5 F-SPR ANCHORING (S, LEFT) S5 a. → (Xa. Yb. L) b. (Xa. Yb). XY c. XY. XY. XY d. XaYb. (Xc. Yd) e. L. L. L f. XaYb. L. L g. Yb. Xa. L S4 *! *!* *! *! * *! * *! 34 S1,S2,S3 GREED (ΣMIN) IDENT-IO S1,S2,S3 *,* * **** ** *,* *,*,* *,* *,*,* ** ****** **** **** Candidates (b), (c), (f) respectively represent cases where functional spreading does not apply to the aspectual marker, does not apply at all, or is replaced by default tone insertion. These candidates are ruled out by the high-ranked F-SPREAD. Candidate (d) is when functional spreading applies from a function item to another function item. Again, F-SPREAD rules it out since the spreading does not apply to first function item. Candidate (e) is when every tone is deleted and replaced by a default low tone. In such a case, no violations are assigned to F-SPREAD because no tone can feed spreading. But this case will cause violations of the Anchoring constraints.12 Candidate (g) shows reversed tone spreading is disfavored against the ANCHORING-LEFT constraints. Note that GREED is not violated by either of the cases since each of the minimal string contains only one TBU (hence immune to GREED). The opposite case is shown in the following: (44) a. (V tã MaHb MaHb b. N ‘mo LcHd Lc Asp.) leq[+F] LH Hd ‘has hit the horse’ UT ST AspP, S5 S4 X V,S1 N,S2 Asp,S3 σ σ σ Y .X YX Y 12 I assume that F-SPREAD can also rule out a candidate like [Xa. Xc. X], in which every left edge is preserved without any applications of functional word spreading. 35 (45) [[<XaYb>1. <Xc Yd>2]4. <XY>3]5 F-SPR ANCHORING (S, LEFT) S5 a. (Xa. Yb. L) b. (Xa. Yb). XY c. XaYb. XcYd. XY S4 e. L. L. L f. XaYb. L. L S1,S2,S3 *! * *! IDENT-IO S1,S2,S3 *,*! * **** ** * *,*,* *,* ** ****** **** *! *! d. → XaYb. (Xc. Yd) GREED (ΣMIN) In this case, candidate (d) is selected as the optimal output. The over-application of functional spreading in candidate (a) is ruled out by ANCHORING constraints, as desired. So far, GREED(ΣMIN) has little to do with the filtering process. This is because both examples involve monosyllabic words. In the cases where we have disyllabic (or more) words, GREED(ΣMIN) will be involved. The following example is a case where we need both F-SPREAD and GREED since we have both a function item and a disyllabic word: (46) a. (V Prep tsou taw[+F] MaHb MH Ma Hb NP) noe-tsĩ LcHd HL Lc Hd ‘walk to Nanjing’ UT ST b. [VP <tsou>3 [PP<taw>4 [NP<noe-tsĩ>6]5]2]1 c. Mapping: S1 > S2, S3 > S4, S5 > S6 d. ΣMIN : S3, S4, S6 36 [ <AaBb>3 [<AcBd>4 [<AeBf. AB>6]5]2]1 F-SPR ANCHORING (S, LEFT) S1 a. → (Aa.Bb).(Ae.Bf) b. AB. AB. AB. AB c. (Aa. Bb). AeBf. AB d. AaBb. AcBd.( Ae.Bf) S2, S3 S4,S5 * * S6 *! GREED (ΣMIN) IDENT-IO S3, S4, S6 **** * * * *! *! ** ** In the above tableaux, the optimal candidate (a) applies both types of tone spreading rules, function word spreading and word-internal spreading. Candidate (b) is a case where no spreading has taken place, therefore ruled out by F-SPREAD. Candidate (c) only applies function word spreading, but not word-internal one, and candidate (d) the opposite. In both (b) and (c), GREED(ΣMIN) kicks in since the minimal domain (S6) satisfies the minimal rhythmic unit requirement. 5.2 Tone Grouping in Tohono O’odham On surface, tone grouping in Tohono O’odham (TO) displays quite different properties from Mandarin/Taiwanese TS or Shanghai tone spreading. However, in the following I argue that, except for language-specific constraints, the phonology-syntax mapping part in TO is on the same par as that in other tonal languages (all of the following examples in TO are drawn from Hale & Selkirk (1987) and Truckenbrodt (1999)). Tone grouping in TO can be simply characterized as follows: (i) each tone group is n n n evenly distributed with a skeletal tonal pattern [L 0 H 1 L 1] (i.e. a series of high tones can be preceded by zero or more low tones, and followed by at least one low tones), and (ii) the series of high tones begins with the first stressed vowel and ends in the final stressed vowel within a tone group. For example, consider the following hypothetical sequence: 37 (47) a. bá.ba.bá.bá ( H. H. H. H. L. L ) # b. ba.bá.ba.bá.ba. bá ( L. H. H. H. L ) # .(H. L. L ) (47a) shows that in a single tone group, the consecutive high tones extend from the leftmost stressed vowel to the rightmost one. The rest unstressed syllables are inserted with a default low tone. In (47b) there are two tone groups. In the second group, there is only one stressed vowel (it is the rightmost as well as the leftmost stressed vowel per se). Therefore, only one high tone is found in this tone group. Since the tonal skeleton is rather fixed, the problem in TO tone grouping lies on how to find out the correct tone group boundaries. Here I review three examples from Truckenbrodt (1999): (48) a. IP DPi I’ I VP ti V’ DP wákial ’at g wísilo cowboy Aux the calf ( H L L) #(L HHH or ( H L L L ) # ( HHH V cépos branded ‘The cowboy branded the calf.’ HL ) # HL ) #13 13 Truckenbrodt does not give the latter phrasing possibilities, which does not seem to violate any skeletal requirements. In fact, given multiple spell-outs, I argue this is the correct phrasing. 38 b. IP I VP DP V’ DP na-t (L g wákial HHH c. V g wísilo HHH cépos ‘Did the cowboy brand the calf?’ HL)# IP I VP VP DP V’ ti na-t g wákial (L HHH DPi V cépos g wísilo H L ) # (H L L) # ’Did the cowboy brand the calf?’ These examples immediately remind us of the subject/object asymmetry in Taiwanese. That is, in (48a), a tone boundary is introduced in between subject and VP (when subject raises to SpecIP). On the other hand, in example (48b), where subject remains in VP, the whole sentence is inside a single tone group. Similar to Taiwanese, in (48c) object shift (right adjunction to VP) also introduces an independent tone group. These examples reveal that tone grouping targets the most dominant strings as TS in Taiwanese. Similarly, due to multiple spell-outs, a major phrasing is forced in between subject and VP. On the other hand, in the object right-dislocation structure, by definition of dominance (i.e. X dominates Y only if all segments of X dominate Y), the higher VP segment does not dominate the right-dislocated object DP in (48c). Therefore, object DP and 39 VP do not dominate each other -- they are equally dominant when VP is spelt-out to PF. Therefore, each DP and VP holds a maximal string. Since tone grouping targets only the maximal strings, the proposed theory successfully predicts that two independent tone groups will be created through VP-adjunction. Without exercising the tonal skeleton, we can actually reanalyze the tone grouping in TO by restricting distributions of the high tones, and like Shanghai Chinese, surface low tones are inserted by default. Therefore, the constraints needed to capture the tone grouping in TO are formulated as follows: (49) WRAP-ΣMAX A most dominant string is contained in a single tone group. (50) *(HLH)# A low tone cannot appear in between two high tones within a tone group. (51) ALIGN (H, Left/Right, V[+stress] in ΣMAX) A high tone coincides with the leftmost stressed vowel and with the rightmost stressed vowel within a maximal string. (52) *H High tones are marked.14 (49), (50), and (51) together shape the tonal skeleton in TO. (49) is inspired by Truckenbrodt’s (!999) analysis, but instead of having WRAP targeting XP, I assume that WRAP is another phonology-syntax mapping constraint, and therefore, it is able to target ΣMAX. (50) and (51) account for the fact that a series of high tones will be aligned with the stressed vowels, and (50) creates the pressure against a low tone from intervening. The markedness constraint *H, on the other hand, prevents this language uses too many high tones (unless they are forced by the 14 Another way of formulating this constraint is that we assume that all syllable bear low tones in the input, and IDENT-IO (L) will have same effect. *H is adopted here just for simplicity. 40 ALIGNMENT and other higher-ranked constraints). The following minimal pair illustrates how these constraints work. Note that in (48b’) (cf. (48b)), the Auxiliary head itself is grouped in a tone group due to multiple spell-outs, and it is inserted with a default low tone (because it bears no stress).15 (48) b’. na-t g-wákial g-wísilo cépos Aux. the.cowboy the.calk branded ( L )# (H H H HHH HL)# ‘Did the cowboy brand the calf?’ (53) [<g-wákial> [<g-wísilo> <cépos>]2]1 *(HLH)# WRAP-ΣMAX ALIGN (H, L/R, V[+stress] in Σ MAX S1 HHH HHH ******* HL )# b. [<g-wákial> [<g-wísilo> <cépos>]2]1 ( HHH HHL LL *! HLL )# HHH *! *! ****** HL )# e. [<g-wákial> [<g-wísilo> <cépos>]2]1 ( HHH HHH ***** (HL )# d. [<g-wákial> [<g-wísilo> <cépos>]2]1 ( HHL ***** )# c. [<g-wákial> [<g-wísilo> <cépos>]2]1 ( HHH ) S1 a. → [<g-wákial> [<g-wísilo> <cépos>]2]1 ( *H ******* HH )# *! Candidate (a) is the optimal output although it incurs many violations on *H, which are driven by the higher ranked alignment constraint and the *HLH constraint. Candidate (b) shows a situation when high tones are not placed in the correct positions (the rightmost stressed vowel is not aligned with a high tone). If we try to save candidate (b) by reassign the tone group, as in candidate (c), it will still be ruled out because the grouping will necessarily incur violations of WRAP-ΣMAX. Candidate (e) shows a case of overapplying the high tone assignment. As expected, 15 Through multiple spell-outs, we also derive the lexical category condition. The asymmetry between lexical and functional categories results from the independent spell-out of lexical and functional phases. 41 the *H constraint rules it out. (48) c’. na-t g-wákial ( L )# ( H H H cépos g-wísilo H L ) # (H L L) # ‘Did the cowboy brand the calf?’ (54) [<g-wákial>4 [<cépos>]3]2 [<g-wísilo>]1 *(HLH)# WRAP-ΣMAX ALIGN (H, L/R, V[+stress] in Σ MAX S1, S2 *H ) S1, S2 a. → [[<g-wákial>4 [<cépos>]3]2 [<g-wísilo>]1 ( HHH H L )# ( H L L )# b. [<g-wákial>4 [<cépos>]3]2 [<g-wísilo>]1 ( HHL HL )# ***** *! **** (H L L )# c. [<g-wákial>4 [<cépos>]3]2 [<g-wísilo>]1 ( LHH HH LHH HH ***** *! ***** H L L )# d. [<g-wákial>4 [<cépos>]3]2 [<g-wísilo>]1 ( *! )# ( HLL )# e. [<g-wákial>4 [<cépos>]3]2 [<g-wísilo>]1 ( HHH H H )# ******! (H L L )# f. [<g-wákial>4 [<cépos>]3]2 [<g-wísilo>]1 ( H HH HH ******! H L L )# g. [<g-wákial>4 [<cépos>]3]2 [<g-wísilo>]1 ( HLL )# (H L) # *! (S2) *** (H L L)# The object right-dislocation creates two maximal strings (S1 and S2) at the point of the lower phase spell-out. By definition, the two strings are equally dominant. Therefore, Wrap-Σmax predicts that either (i) both S1 and S2 are contained in the same tone group, or (ii) each S1 and S2 is wrapped in the same tone group. As a result, (g) is ruled out: S2 is not contained in a single tone group, but two. Given the two possible ways of grouping, candidates (c) and (d) both fail to satisfy the alignment constraint since the stressed vowel in the right edge is not aligned with a high tone. Moreover, even if the alignment is satisfied, as in candidates (e) and (f), the markedness *H will rule them out. Eventually, the grouping (ii) is preferred, as in candidate (a) 42 since less high tones will be forced by the structure. 6. Conclusion I propose that structural dominance is the single source for phonology-syntax mappings. Rankings of the mapping constraints in phonology directly reflect the hierarchy in syntax. On the other, a mapping constraint can also target either the most or the least dominant domains in syntax. The two types of mapping relations are seen in TS in Mandarin and Taiwanese. 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