Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens Word Page Phonetic Spelling Part Of Speech afraid 22 /əˈ freɪ d/ adjective beggar 6 /ˈ begə/ noun [count] /bel/ noun [count] 2 bell 13 Med Star Rating 3 bills 4 /bɪ lz/ noun [count] 3 care 6 /keə/ verb 3 carol 11 /ˈ kærəl/ noun [count] carriage 23 /ˈ kærɪ ʤ/ noun [count] Definition Sample Sentence frightened The children were all afraid of him. someone who lives by asking people for money for food a piece of equipment that makes a ringing sound a written statement that shows how much money you owe to be interested in someone or something and think that they are important a traditional song that people sing at Christmas a vehicle pulled by horses, used in the past for carrying passengers She gave some money to a beggar. Translation When the shop door opens, a bell rings. Families are worried that they won’t be able to pay the bills. I get the feeling she doesn’t really care. The choir sang a Christmas carol. A carriage waited outside the door of the house. Macmillan Readers This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanenglish.com. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 Exercises 1–5) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. afraid / beggar / bell / bills / care 1) The ____________ sat with a bowl of coins in front of him. 2) I ____________ very much about the children. 3) They were all a little ____________ of him. 4) On the desk was a pile of unpaid ____________ . 5) I thought I heard the sound of a ____________ . 6–10) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. carol / carriage / chains / cheerful / churchyard Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises chains 13 /ʧeɪ nz/ noun [count] cheerful 7 /ˈ ʧɪ əf(ə)l/ adjective churchyard 52 /ˈ ʧɜː ʧˌ jɑː d/ clanking to clank 13 cloth 2 a series of metal rings that are connected to each other behaving in a happy, friendly way The prisoner was tied up in chains. noun [count] the area of land around a church where dead people are buried She felt frightened, walking through the empty churchyard. /ˈ klæŋkɪ ŋ/ verb The water pipes in the hotel made a clanking noise. 46 /klɒθ/ noun [uncount] 3 coal 7 /kəʊl/ noun [uncount] 1 comfort 16 /ˈ kʌmfət/ noun [uncount] 1 if a heavy metal object clanks, it makes a short, loud sound material used for making things such as clothes a hard black substance that is burned as fuel a feeling of being less sad or worried criminals 5 /ˈ krɪ mɪ n(ə)lz/ noun [count] 2 someone who has committed a crime Criminals should be punished more severely. cruel 16 /kruː əl/ adjective 2 What a cruel thing to say! crutch 36 /krʌʧ/ noun [count] a cruel action makes someone unhappy or upset a stick that fits under your arm and helps She has a lovely, cheerful face. 1) You’re looking very ____________ ! 2) The ____________ travelled slowly through the streets. 3) At night, the ____________ appears dark and silent. 4) Do you have a favourite ____________ ? 5) Her feet were tied by ____________ . 11–15) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. The suit is made of best quality cloth. clanking / cloth / coal / comfort / criminals Put some more coal on the fire! 1) This is thick ____________ , suitable for a winter coat. 2) Listening to relaxing music gives me ____________ . 3) The house is heated by ____________ . 4) We heard a metal gate ____________ shut. 5) She’s considered one of the country’s most dangerous ____________ . 16–20) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. cruel / crutch / engaged / enjoyed / factory Friends bring you comfort. She stood in the doorway leaning on a crutch. Macmillan Readers This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanenglish.com. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises you to walk when your leg is injured 1) I can only walk using a ____________ at the moment. 2) The ____________ employs 150 workers. 3) She can be very ____________ at times. 4) They ____________ the holiday very much. 5) Tom and Maria are now ____________ . if two people get engaged, they agree formally to marry to get pleasure from something We’re going to get engaged next year. 3 a building with machines where large quantities of goods are produced She works in a toy factory. adjective 2 Who’s your favourite singer? 21–25) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. /fɪ ə/ verb 2 your favourite person or thing is the one that you like the best to be afraid of something Some children fear their teachers. favourite / fear / funeral / ghost / goose 46 /ˈ fjuː nrəl/ noun [count] 1 Over 200 people attended the funeral. ghost 13 /gəʊst/ noun [count] goose 11 /guː s/ noun [count] a ceremony that takes place after someone dies the spirit of a dead person that someone believes they can see a large white or grey bird that can be eaten grave 52 /greɪ v/ noun [count] the place where a dead body is buried in the ground The family stood around the grave, crying. engaged get engaged 28 /get ɪ nˈ geɪ ʤd/ phrase 1 enjoyed to enjoy 58 /ɪ nˈ ʤɔɪ d/ verb 3 factory A Note About the Author p4 38 /ˈ fæktri/ noun [count] /ˈ feɪ v(ə)rət/ fear 11 funeral favourite 1 I really enjoyed the movie. People say that the house is haunted by a ghost. Have you ever tried roasting a goose? Macmillan Readers This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanenglish.com. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 1) Will you be going to the ____________? 2) Do you have a ____________ or a turkey at Christmas? 3) People say that the house is haunted by a ____________. 4) A Christmas Carol is one of my ____________ books. 5) He’s a powerful man, and people ____________ him. 26–30) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. Elementary Level gravestone Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises 52 /ˈ greɪ vˌ stəʊn/ noun [count] 3 a stone next to a grave that shows the name of the person who is buried there to dislike someone or something very much a tree with dark green leaves and bright red berries the part of a coat or jacket that covers your head All the gravestones in the churchyard were visible. A unicorn is a mythical animal with one horn. I hate doing my homework! hate 11 /heɪ t/ verb holly 20 /ˈ hɒli/ noun [uncount] hood 44 /hʊd/ noun [count] horn 32 /hɔː n/ noun [count] horror 48 /ˈ hɒrə/ noun [uncount] one of the two hard pointed parts that grow on the head of some animals a strong feeling of shock or fear humbug 7 /ˈ hʌmbʌg/ noun [uncount] behaviour or talk that is not sincere I’ve no time for all this humbug! knocker 12 /ˈ nɒkə/ noun [count] a piece of metal on a door that you use for knocking The knocker was in the shape of a lion’s head. lighthouse 40 /ˈ laɪ tˌ haʊs/ noun [count] a tower next to the sea with a light that flashes to warn ships of danger The lighthouse was no longer visible in the fog. midnight 17 /ˈ mɪ dˌ naɪ t/ noun [uncount] 12 o’clock at night We should go home – it’s midnight. 1 People decorate their homes with holly at Christmas. It’s raining. Put your hood up. She screamed with horror. Macmillan Readers This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanenglish.com. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 grave / gravestones / hate / holly / hood 1) Her ____________ was marked with a simple wooden cross. 2) The ____________ of her cloak is lined with fur. 3) Dogs frighten me – I ____________ them! 4) The ____________ and the Ivy is a famous Christmas carol. 5) The ____________ was old and hidden by grass. 31–35) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. horn / horror / humbug / knocker / lighthouse 1) There was a brass ____________ on the front door. 2) A light went on and off at the top of the ____________. 3) We felt ____________ when we saw all the damage. 4) A rhinoceros has a big ____________ on its nose. 5) Don’t listen to him – he’s full of ____________ ! 36–40) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises miners 40 /ˈ maɪ nəz/ noun [count] miserable 41 /ˈ mɪ z(ə)rəb(ə)l/ adjective moneyboxes 13 /ˈ mʌniˌ bɒksəz/ noun [count] nonsense 22 /ˈ nɒns(ə)ns/ noun [uncount] 1 ideas, behaviour or statements that are not true or sensible official 5 /əˈ fɪ ʃ (ə)l/ noun [count] 2 oven 34 /ˈ ʌv(ə)nz/ noun [count] 1 someone with an important position in an organization a large piece of equipment in a kitchen that you cook food in one of two or more people who own a company and share its profits and losses happening or existing at an earlier time existing or happening now partner 15 /ˈ pɑː tnə/ noun [count] 3 past 20 /pɑː st/ adjective 3 present 31 /ˈ prez(ə)nt/ adjective 3 someone whose job is to dig coal from a mine extremely unhappy After three months, they managed to rescue the miners. Don’t be so miserable! a box used for keeping money in The teacher was helping the children make moneyboxes. Some people think ghosts are nonsense. The official decided to ban the player for three matches. A huge oven is used for baking the bread. This is Cheryl Williams, my business partner. What have you done in the past few weeks? We’re not very busy at the present time. Macmillan Readers This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanenglish.com. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 the sentences below. midnight / miners / miserable / money-boxes / nonsense 1) The ____________’ faces were covered in coal. 2) Put the coins in your ____________ . 3) I’m tired of listening to this ____________ ! 4) Time had gone by quickly, and it was nearly ____________ . 5) You look ____________ . What’s happened? 41–45) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. official / oven / partner / past / present 1) Contact my ____________ for further information. 2) A statement was issued by a government ____________ yesterday. 3) I’ve not felt well for the ____________ couple of days. 4) She’s unavailable at the ____________ moment. 5) They’re buying a new Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises ____________ for the restaurant kitchen. prison 4 /ˈ prɪ z(ə)n/ noun [count] 3 published to publish 4 /ˈ pʌblɪ ʃ t/ verb 3 relative 8 /ˈ relətɪ v/ noun [count] 1 robe 20 /rəʊb/ noun [count] servant 13 /ˈ sɜː v(ə)nt/ noun [count] stole to steal 5 /stəʊl/ verb torch 32 /tɔː ʧ/ noun [count] turkey 11 /ˈ tɜː ki/ noun [count] 2 a place where people are kept as a punishment for a crime to produce copies of a book, magazine or newspaper a member of your family, especially one who does not live with you a long, loose piece of clothing She’s just spent six months in prison. 46–50) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. When was the book first published? prison / published / relative / robe / servants I have a relative who lives in Manchester. someone whose job is to cook, clean, etc. in someone else’s home We have a large house and employ one servant. to take something that belongs to someone else without permission Who stole the painting? 1) I’d hate to go to ____________ . 2) This is the ____________’s bedroom. 3) She is a ____________ of the Queen. 4) What a beautiful green ____________ ! 5) The paper was originally ____________ in Manchester. 51–55) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below. a piece of wood with a flame at one end that is used as a light a large bird that is eaten at Thanksgiving in the US and Christmas in the UK The judge wore a bright red robe. He walked into the room, carrying a torch. We’re going to roast a turkey for Christmas. Macmillan Readers This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanenglish.com. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 stole / torch / turkey / wages / weak 1) She gives half her ____________ to her parents. 2) Do you have a goose or a ____________ at Christmas? 3) He ____________ some money from my purse. 4) Her recent illness had Elementary Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises wages 56 /ˈ weɪ ʤɪ z/ noun [count] 3 weak 38 /wiː k/ adjective 2 a regular amount of money that you earn for working not physically strong She often spends a whole week’s wages on Friday night! He looked tired, weak and thin. Wordlist definitions adapted from the Macmillan Essential Dictionary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003 www.macmillandictionaries.com Macmillan Readers This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanenglish.com. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 made her feel ____________. 5) A single ____________ lit the dark room.